Chapter 5-

As soon as Tamaki's body had hit the water, he jumped up from his sleeping position and looked around his silent room. It was eerily quiet and depressing.

He wiped the sweat and tears from his face and stood up, waiting to see if a ghost was going to pop up and yell at him for jumping off that cliff, but when no one came, he suddenly smiled and looked over at the clock.

Four O'clock in the morning Hmm, He was sure Haruhi was asleep, but that didn't mean he couldn't try to go and see her!

He quickly threw on some clothes and dashed off for her apartment building, not taking a limo or any type of car. He didn't want to wake his cranky old maid.

Upon arriving at Haruhi's apartment twenty minutes later, he tried the door, which was surprisingly open. As quietly as he could, he snuck inside and slipped off his shoes, then scurried to Haruhi's room to find her asleep in her bed.

She didn't make a sound as the blonde drew closer. The only thing you could hear was the hum of the air vents blowing cold wind onto the sleeping girl.

"Haruhi," Tamaki said quietly, not trying to give her a heart attack, but wanting to say it loud enough that she woke up.

"Haruhi," He tried again, this time shaking her shoulder for more effect.

Haruhi jumped up and slapped him across the face, sending him sprawling on the ground. When she saw who it was, she leapt out of bed and got down next to him, a little angry, but a little sympathetic at the same time.

"What are you doing here? It's early in the morning!" She yelled as quietly as she could, knowing her dad was sleeping.

"Haruhi, I'm so sorry! You can have your job back! Just please don't go, and please don't get with Kyouya!" He whined; his voice pleading and sad.

"I wasn't planning on it Tamaki Senpai " She said softly, helping him to his feet.

Across his cheek there was a red handprint but it was all worth it; he thought. As long as Haruhi didn't leave them then he would be the happiest man in the world. Just to see her face walk into the room everyday.

"Oh Haruhi Thank you!" Tamaki stepped forward to hug her, only he tripped and fell into her, his lips crushing themselves against hers.

She didn't move and her eyes grew wide, and when Tamaki pulled back, she didn't slap him like he thought she would. Instead she smiled.

But this...was a whole other story.