Disclaimer: I don't own HOTD it is the rightful property of Shoji Sato that is all.

Italics are thoughts

Bold and Italics are flashbacks

**Communications through phones and radio.

Act 1 DEAD Dog eats DEAD dog

(Location: Warehouse district Tokonosu city Japan)

A boat has silently arrived on the shores of the silent city. It has taken them almost an entire day to reach the shore once more. Everyone aboard has left taking a long look at their surroundings, the area was pretty much deserted. It wasn't the only city they have seen in such conditions maybe the entire country was just like it, or probably worse. It was just another day to survive in the hellish horror created by the outbreak from a few weeks ago. And those that managed to live through it we're still running and searching for way to survive this nightmare and staying strong not to lose their sanity in the process. That was exactly what was going on to the survivors of Fujimi high school probably consider the luckiest group of people to have been able to survive this long through the outbreak also knows as Z day. The day where Japan was turned into an apocalyptic nightmare filled with zombie hordes that we're once human.

They knew the rules of the game well fight, run and survive. Getting bitten by "them" means they will become them and the only way to save them was to end their existence, by killing them. It wasn't easy to take their lives but this experience has taught them to stay strong and fight on. The fact that they used to be human has hit their conscious but either they go or they go, it was kill or be killed. Showing how much they appreciate their lives they have chosen to fight the outbreak and killed as many as they could. They have already lost so many important people they weren't planning to lose another that's why they have learned to stick together as a team. To cherish what they have right now and strengthen their friendship through good times and bad. Through thick and thin for better or worse they will stay together and fight as they continued to move on. What was their destination? That was still not clear because none of them knew the answer.

Takashi Komuro was the one who tied the boat they arrived on to a nearby iron pipe. Obviously the teen made sure the pipe was glued well to the ground so it was able to hold the boat while they were back on shore. Just in case they have no choice but to return to the sea. With everything that has happened he wouldn't be surprise if they have to roam away from this city for all any of them, this city must be infected by "them" too. If it came to that he will be ready like the rest of the group of students. He gave a soft sigh checking on his Beneli M4 Super 90 shotgun, and sadly it was almost out of ammo. He probably had enough rounds to last him one more fight against "them". It wasn't a good sign if he runs out of ammo he will have to rely on physical combat that was the last option. He wasn't a master martial artists just a brawler not enough to fend off against a whole group of the undead. Once he strapped his shot gun to his waist he joined the others, they were still looking around the area.

Rei Miyamoto was keeping a look out like a guard dog watching his territory. She tightly hold her weapon, the Springfield M1A1 Super match rifle attached with a bayonet. The seventeen year old teen has experienced enough like everyone else and ever since the outbreak started she hasn't hesitated. Even after losing her boyfriend Hisashi at the hands of her ex-boyfriend Takashi she still chose to fight and survive this nightmare. Her anger towards the teen was gone she knew he didn't had a choice but to kill Hisashi. Once one becomes part of" them" the only choice left is to shoot them without holding back. The teen did learn something from all of this horror she still held feelings for her ex. She still likes Takashi she dumped him because of his indecisiveness. He never made up his mind to take their relationship further like there was something holding him back. She wanted him to fulfill their promise of getting married in the future, she erased the pleasant thoughts.

"Enough of that, I'm almost out of ammo. Not good" she gazed over at her weapon.

Saeko was next to Rei, just like the teen she looked like a hawk watching over her prey holding her sheathed sword. The president of the kendo club was keeping a look out for any surprises from" them". There were no signs of exhaustion in her blue eyes but without admitting to any members of the group, she has taken quite the joy ride in this struggle for survival. Takashi was the only person she has confessed to have taken a liking in the killing especially when it was about the zombies. So what? They were already dead and have gotten rid of any trace of humanity in them. So it was all right to enjoy killing them even if she had the reason to fight for survive. Killing the undead didn't make her a psychopath killer didn't it? The eighteen year old shook those thoughts aside the only thing that was keeping her going is staying alive and help her friends. Also, she stood in deep thought giving a quick glance at Takashi. Her feelings for the teen were so strong ever since they shared that quick kiss at the shrine and when he groped her breast.

"That was nice…." she chose to keep it to herself that she enjoyed when he grabbed her breast tightly.

Saya Takagi and Kohta Hirano were probably the only ones who looked to be relief. Noticing that they weren't any of the infected in this are for now at least, it was still too soon to say. Both teens were holding their weapons. The pink haired teen with her Suppressed MP5 SFK weapon, given by the teen with glasses next to her and Kohta with his AR10, in which he illegally modified them to resemble an SR25, it was his favorite weapon. Both were unaware that they were standing side by side. Saya wasn't happy remembering that their supposed "r and r day" turned out to be a nightmare with what happened at the isolated island remembering the embarrassed and awkward moment. She will feel better to put the blame on someone and she would prefer to put it on Kohta he was the only one she thought off. Both we're in the same boat as Takashi and Rei when it comes to shortage of ammunition.

Shizuka Marikawa was the last person to left the boat with Alice Marisato and the small dog Zeke. The bubbly nurse was so glad to be back in land she was starting to get a little sea sick since they left the island. She was keeping a look out on the little girl while the others will focus on the fighting. The twenty six year old blond wasn't a fighter after all she was a nurse, a school nurse to be precise. But she wasn't that much of an air head aware that the only way to stay alive is to stay with the group of students and pray for a miracle. She also believed that the number of survivors has decreased dramatically and maybe they were the only ones left. The busty nurse helped Arisu left the boat joining the others honestly she didn't wanted another person to get killed or bitten by" them" becoming another one of the undead.

"Everything good so far" said Takashi.

"Yeah, so far…." Rei has had a bad feeling since arriving.

"No sign of "them"" said Saeko.

"Good let's hope it stays that way" said the male teen.

"Are we going there?" Saya pointed to the ware house which it was the closest building to their location.

"Yeah, let's have a closer look."

"Wouldn't it be awesome if that warehouse was full of weapons and ammunition?" Kohta cheered his eyes sparkling.

"You never know. We might hit the jackpot if it turns out to be true" Takashi grinned.

"Or maybe it's filled with useless boxes, or maybe it's a warehouse filled with" them". But like you said Takashi you never know" the pink haired girl with glasses shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm trying to be positive here!" snapped the teen with a vein popping on his head.

"And I'm trying to be reasonable. Seriously who will be crazy enough to leave a warehouse filled with weapons?" his childhood friend argued back.

"Come on Takagi-san thinking positive always help. We are running low on ammunition."

"Just shut up you fat ass!"

"The warehouse seems to be quiet. It looks like it has signs that it's been abandoned for a long time" replied the purple haired sword master.

"Maybe it was abandoned before all of this crap happened" said Takashi.

"Staying here isn't going to help. We should check it out" replied Rei.

"Everyone" the group turned to Shizuka.

"I'm really hungry we haven't eaten anything since we left the island."

"Right the food we ate there wasn't that much edible" said Takashi.

"Not to mention…." Saya tried to erase the horrible thoughts of Saeko and Rei kissing and Takashi being smothered by a couple of female zombies in his sleep.

"Whatever is your thinking then don't bother saying it" the Miyamoto looked annoyed of course she did remember the embarrassing moment of kissing the president of the kendo club.

"Oh I know what you're thinking Takagi-san, you want me to give you a kiss" Kohta got closer to her perking his lips.


The pink haired girl has pounded the chubby teen making him see stars.

"You're so cool Takagi-san" he was dizzy giving a comical expression.

"Don't try to scare me!" she gave an equal comical expression.

"Oh Shizukane-chan is really hungry, I just heard her tummy roar" said Alice checking on the busty blond.

"Let's get going" said Saeko.

"Yeah let's head to the warehouse. I, Rei and Saeko-san will watch the front. Kohta, Saya watch the rear" said Takashi.

The group left walking to the warehouse building. They moved looking at all directions most likely this part of the city was filled with infected. If the outbreak reached the entire country then they will be fighting for a long time, maybe for the rest of their lives. It was darker than usual because there wasn't much electricity, the street lights and other things like sings were out. With what they've been through already a little darkness isn't going to scare them. Rather the thought of losing ammo while encountering more of" them" no ammo means fending off with what they can do. They would lose an advantage without their fire arms if it comes down to lose their ammunition. Takashi reached for a door on the front to his surprise it was open. This has brought many questions to the teens and the chances we're high that someone could be here. An abandoned warehouse will most likely be closed if they were lucky, they might find more survivors.

One by one they entered inside no surprised that the area before them had many places filled with rust. The warehouse seems to have been abandoned for years, probably all of the machines we're busted. They took a turn on the right side that lead a long corridor they could hear the echoes of their footstep whenever they touched the iron floor. By now some members like Takashi, Rei and Saeko thought that this place was empty and it didn't inhabit any of" them". However it will make a good spot to use for a safe house and to spend the night, they just needed to get the essential which it was the food and the water first before anything else. It seemed like hours that they walked through the corridor not before reaching a couple of doors. They checked the rooms there was nothing special in them, most we're empty with anything less than a couple of rusty steel furniture or empty boxes.

An hour later they have searched the available rooms resuming their through the corridor. They arrived at a chamber that had a stair case leading to the second floor, there was a door leading to another part of the warehouse. They stopped walking feeling like taking a break, the search seems to be leading that it was truly deserted. No survivors we're here which means that there wasn't any food or water, much less weapons or ammunition. The warehouse will only serve the purpose to use as a safe house to spend the night, but they couldn't waste time. Shizuka was starving and it won't be long before the others will get hungry too. Above all else they had a little girl in the group and she was the first to feed due to her age no one hasn't forgotten about Alice. They settled down putting down their weapons, enjoying the small break before resuming their search.

"This place is really empty" said Rei.

"So much for finding weapons and ammunition" Saya gave Kohta an annoyed expression.

"It wasn't for nothing. At least we won't have to worry about sleeping in the open" replied Takashi.

"No survivors either. It doesn't seem like this ware house has been put to use" said Saeko.

"Though I don't highly believe it's abandoned."

"So hungry…." Shizuka gave a moan holding her stomach.

"It's all right Shizukane-chan" said Alice.

"Try to hold on a little longer Shizuka-sempai" said Rei.

"I think we should split up. One team should look for food and the other to resume searching the warehouse" said Saya.

"Right, Saya and Saeko-san go with Shizuka and Arisu. I, Rei and Kohta will resume the search."

"Wait!" the sword mistress reacted holding the handle of her weapon.

"What's wrong?" asked Takashi.

"Something's not right."

Suddenly Zeke started barking catching the group's attention. Pretty clear that it means nothing good he must have reacted sniffing another's presence in the area.

"What's wrong boy?" Alice was worried at the small dog barking so violently.

"We're not alone" Rei glared holding her weapon.

"Looks like there's somebody here after all" said Takashi.

"Yes, this warehouse isn't abandoned" said the purple haired teen her suspicions we're true.

"All right show yourself you infected freak!" Kohta took his weapon leaving the group.

"Kohta stop! Don't be reckless!" warned Komuro.

"You stupid fat ass you're gonna get us caught!" shouted Saya.

"Like they could stand a chance against us, maybe it's only one. Where is it? Here…." The chubby teen pointed to the closed door nearby.

"Zeke is barking in that direction" Rei noticed the dog's violent behavior.

"Behind the door" replied Saeko.

"That thing's going down!" he pointed his AR-10 at the door.


He opened the door but he never had the chance to even see if it was an infected. Everyone was shocked it happened in a blink of an eye. The overweight teen with glasses has been caught in headlock by a mysterious stranger and the next thing he saw what it looked like a 9mm handgun been pointed to his left cheek. The group was in awe at his speed he was quite fast as they were able to take a long glance at him. The stranger was wearing a long bkack cloak with a hood and a gas mask covering his face, he pressed the handgun to Kohta's cheek giving the warning to the teens. He was so scared to think he has been caught in a hostage situation, now his life rested on the hands of his friends. Or maybe this was nothing but a mistake if he was human there was no need to kill him, the real enemy was the undead not the survivors. The high school students pointed their weapons but they thoughts twice.

"Nobody move" the masked stranger's voice sounded serious.

"Let me go!" shouted the freaked out Kohta.

"Depends if you're friends cooperate."

"Guys help me!"

"What do you want?" said Takashi with a glare.

"I'll ask the questions here."

"Who are you?" followed Rei.

"Didn't you just hear me? I'll ask the questions, one more question from you and your fatty friend here will have a hole in his head" he cocked the 9mm.

"Guys I don't want to die!"

"You heard him, the choice is yours."

The group looked at each other they knew they didn't had a choice, nobody wanted Kohta dead not even Saya. Eventually they give in as they have lowered their weapons and Saeko let go of the handle of her sword. They were all human and the obvious will be to see their friend unharmed, although Saya was angry with Kohat for being so reckless. If it wasn't for that they would have been able to take care of the masked stranger. `Takashi was the last one to lower his weapon, the Beneli shot gun no longer pointing at the stranger's head. He took a glance at Alice who was in tears he couldn't blame her; the little girl has been very courageous dealing with her parents death because of" them". She didn't want to see another person to die especially if it was someone she has come to see as a friend.

"Fine, what do you want to know?"

"First things first, throw your entire weapons in front of me. And don't try anything funny or he will get it."

"Guys I'm sorry" Kohta was trying hard not to cry he understood it was his fault they were all in this situation.

The teens stood in thought whether to fulfill the masked man's request or not. But a quick clicked on his handgun was enough to bring them back to reality. Takeshi was the first to throw his Beneli shot gun it was his only weapon although he wished he still had the Ithaca or the Smith and Wesson model 37 gun he thought he should have a secondary weapon. Rei followed throwing her Springfield M1A1 rifle next to Takeshi's weapon right in front of the masked stranger. Saya was next throwing her SuppressedMP5 rifle, followed with throwing her LugerP08 pistol which it was given to her by her mother. The masked man nodded his gaze turned to Shizuka and Arisu.

"You two….?"

"I don't have a weapon, I'm just a nurse. But I'm really hungry" moaned the busty blond.

"You then….?" He pointed to Alice.

"She's only seven you think she will be armed?" Takashi sweat dropped at his idiocy.

"Heh right, sorry my bad. All right you're next the sword."

Saeko stood in silence as she removed her sheathed katana from her waist and threw it next to the collection of firearms.

"Don't forget the gun in your leg."

The purple haired sword master gave a small grin that he was able to notice. She reached for her weapon strapped on her thigh she threw the M92 Vertec handgun. The last weapon hit the ground with the others, finally the group was unarmed. The only member left with a weapon was Kohta but right now the chubby teen was in tears praying that he lets him go, clearly in his face he didn't wanted to die.

"Good, by the way nice stockings" he chuckled taking a long look at Saeko's stockings he admitted they made her looked very sexy.

"We throw our weapons, what now?" asked Takashi frowning not liking his last comment about the stockings thinking that he took a peek at the purple haired teen.

"Which high school are you from?"

"Huh….?" None of them expected he will ask such question.


"We're all from Fujimi High School."

"Fujimi…that's a little far from here, you guys have done some traveling. Are there anymore survivors from Fujimi?"

"No. We don't think so" Takashi remembered what became of their school.

"What about her? She looks a little older to be a student" he pointed to Shizuka.

"I'm the nurse from the school" replied the starved blond.

"I see, you're all from Fujimi high school…."


"Well are those all the questions?" asked the male teen.


"Hey, are you listening?" asked Rei she was getting annoyed at his attitude.

"One more question. Do any of you know what happened to this city?"


"Are you referring to the outbreak?" said Saeko she saw it strange that he was asking about the apocalyptic nightmare that destroyed their country.

"We don't have a clue what happened. All of the sudden everyone turned into those undead things, if you get bitten-"

"Yeah I know already" the masked man interrupted Takashi.

"Please man I beg of you, let me go" Kohta sobbed.

"We asked your questions so release him now!" said Saya failing miserably to hide her concern for the chubby teen.


"Come on let him go now! Are you a terrorist?"


"Listen, this isn't the time to be pointing weapons at each other. We should be focusing in surviving this hell hole. It doesn't matter anymore if you're criminal or a cop, working together is the only way to get through this. How about if you let him go and we let you join us, help us stop" them"."

"What?" Saya was freaked out at his comment.

"Takashi are you crazy?" followed Rei.

"Komuro-kun we should think this through more carefully" said Saeko.

"You acted this way because we intrude in coming here. You've been using this warehouse as a safe house from" them" right? You obviously saw us as the enemy, but now you know we're not. First let him go, so what do you say?"


"Please Kami-sama don't let him kill me" prayed the freaked out Kohta.


"Well was it going to be?" Takashi eagerly awaited his answer with everyone else.

"You asked too many questions. I warned you what will happen if you ask another one" the masked stranger cocked the handgun again.

"No don't!"

"Please don't kill me!"

"Too late" he pulled the trigger.

"NO KOHTA!" shouted the group in horror.

Time stood still until some sort of liquid hit Kohta's face. The chubby teen was ready to crap his pants before realizing that he was still alive, no bullet has pierced his flesh and skull. Everyone sweat dropped at the sight when they saw that liquid came from the gun of the masked man obviously they got the idea that it wasn't a real fire weapon to begin with. Kohta blinked a few times taking notice that his face was wet and another small splash hit his face. He sweat dropped staring at the masked stranger who was holding him hostage firing the toy gun at him, his face kept on getting wet. By now everyone was glaring daggers because this whole thing was nothing but a prank and however was responsible, is a very immature person. Saya felt relief that Kohta was all right but she was pissed at the masked man, she pointed an accusing finger at him.

"It's a toy! It's nothing but a stupid fucking water gun!" she gave a mean comical expression.

"It's only water..." Kohta frowned.

The masked stranger started laughing hysterically and they obviously didn't saw his "so called" idea a joke funny. Takashi has picked up his weapon and everyone else has joined him, not in the least happy. By now he has let go of Kohta and he followed with pointing his AR-10 and the others followed his lead. He has put them in a bad mood and no chance in hell they were going to swallow this rude prank that almost kills them from the scare. When he calmed down the first thing he saw were a barrage of weapons being pointed at his face, followed with a couple of pissed off probably annoyed teenagers. He backed away halting his laugher aware that he made a big mistake in making his prank. He sweat dropped yep he knew he made a big mistake with messing with them like that. Making them believe he was really going to take the life of the chubby teen if they didn't answer his questions.

"Whoa! Hey calm down!"

"We don't usually kill people, maybe we should make an exception this time" said Rei giving him a glare.

"Yeah I agree! Bastard almost made me pee in my pants!" shouted Kohta.

"Too much information there" sweat dropped Saya.

"Perhaps we can give him some time to give us an explanation" Saeko was pointing her unsheathed sword at him the sharp end of the blade was just a few inches from his face.

"Easy, come on you can put those away now."

"Why should we? You scared the living shit out of us" replied the pink haired teen with glasses.

"Especially me" added the chubby teen.

"Are you really a terrorist?" Takashi couldn't believe that he could be a dangerous criminal.

"I am not a terrorist you can get rid of the thought now. I'm just a survivor like you guys. Maybe if you guys calm down and put away your weapons I can give you a proper explanation."

"Forget it!" snapped Rei.

"Wait!" the male teen stopped his ex-girlfriend.

"Agree with Komuro-kun let's give him a chance to explain himself" said the sword mistress.

"But Takashi-"

"Like I said we're not your enemies, it's those things out there. All right, everyone stand down."

"Damn it" Kohta wasn't happy with his decision he lowered his weapon.

"Fine, but if you try anything I will be the first to shoot you" Saya lowered her rifle.

"Explain your actions" Saeko followed sheathing her katana.

"Thanks. Look I'm sorry for doing that but I couldn't help it. I've been here alone for a while, to finally see other people I got excited, I just needed to do this."

"If it's your idea of a sick joke it isn't!" scolded Rei.

"Sorry I'm really sorry I know it wasn't that healthy of a joke. But you have to admit that it was pretty funny with the look in your faces and-"

He immediately shut up when he saw the glares the group was giving him.

"I mean-I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again. I'm aware it was very inappropriate and rude."

"But it was hilarious."

"That will be enough for a well deserve apology" Saeko gave a smile at his attitude completely different from before.

"I guess we can let it slide, but you better not do it again" said Takashi.

"No I don't want to accept his apology!" Kohta gave a comical expression.

"Really sorry man, you're…Kohta right?"

"It's Kohta Hirano remember it!"

"Right Kohta sorry. What about you guys?"

"Why should we introduce ourselves to you?" Rei didn't trust him.

"Oh yeah sorry about that, maybe I should get rid of this thing."

The stranger has finally removed the gas mask showing his face to the group, they weren't that surprise. It was a young man looking like he was in his early twenties. He had short dark raven hair with blue eyes he followed with removing the cloak showing his clothing. It was a leather open jacket with a red shirt that said "Cruising for Bruising" jeans with black combat boots. On his right wrist he had a silver watch his appearance was quite normal for a man his age, he was a bit tail probably reaching six feet. The group felt relief he didn't looked like he was a crazy terrorist or criminal, most importantly he wasn't one of" them". However Rei was still looking at him with so much distrust after what he did, she wasn't ready to forgive him so easily. There was something about him she didn't like or she really didn't understood what it was.

"Sorry for the scare again, the name is Daisuke Ishiwatari. I was in my second year of college before campus turned into a feeding frenzy for the undead."

"Takashi Komuro second year student at Fujimi high" he smiled shaking his hand realizing he wasn't that bad after.

"Saeko Busujima third year student at Fujima high, pleased to meet you" she nodded with a small smile.

"Busujima…." He stood in thought reacting a little after hearing her last name.

"Is there something wrong?" the purple haired beauty noticed his reaction.

"No, nothing's wrong I was a little out of it. Sorry about that."

"Saeko-san is also the president of the kendo club" added Takashi with a grin.

"Oh that explains the sword. You must be very skilled with it" nodded in approval Daisuke.

"Hell yeah" smirked the teen while Saeko felt embarrassed by his compliment although she was never the kind of person to get flattered or embarrassed by such, it was different with Takashi.

"Saya Takagi second year student at Fujimi high, I hope you have learned your lesson Daisuke."

"Trust me I sure did."

"You already know me Kohta Hirano second year student of Fujimi high I'm also-"

"The biggest gun otaku you will ever meet" Saya gave a frown.

"Gun otaku?" Daisuke raised an eyebrow.

"That's the way Takagi-san says it I'm truly a fanatic for all kinds of firearms. I can't help it I'm addictive to them!"

"You seem to know a lot about guns, or maybe you don't. You couldn't even tell the difference of a real gun and a water gun just now" the college student gave a chuckle.

"He has you there Kohta" Takashi gave a smirk.

"Don't remind me!" the chubby teen with glasses started sulking in a corner.

"Ignore him" said the pink haired teen.

"I'm Shizuka Marikawa Fujimi high school nurse" her stomach has given another roar making the group sweat dropped.

"Better feed that monster Shizuka-san" Daisuke knelt down next to her meeting eye level with the little girl of the group.

"Hey what about you….?"

"I'm Alice Marisato I'm on the second grade from Shintoko elementary."

"Alice, nice name you're a very brave girl to be here."

"Takashi and Kohta saved me from" them", I have everyone to protect me. This is my dog zeke" she introduced the small K9 who barked in return.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding little guy hope we get to get along" he petted him in which the dog didn't mind, he wag his tail already seemed to like him.

"Hpmh" Rei pointed her weapon at him.

"Rei what's with you? We already settled things with Daisuke" Takashi said.

"There is no need for that lowered the gun" added Saeko.

"I have no right to tell you my name" she glared at him.

"Rei stop" warned Komuro.

"Come on, I apologized a dozen of times. What else do you want?"

"I just don't trust you."

"Nobody is saying that you have to trust me. Whether you want to or not, that is completely up to you. But I'm being honest that I mean you no harm and like you guys I want to survive this nightmare."

"That's enough reason for me" said Takashi.

"You're too trusting Takashi" Rei gave a sigh as she lowered her rifle.

"It's Rei Miyamoto second year student at Fujimi high. You better not try anything to stab us in the back or I'll shoot you, I promise."

"You're serious whoa. Hm…."

"What?" she got annoyed at his attitude.

"When you're angry you're quite pretty."

"Huh?" she suddenly blushed in surprise never expecting that kind of comment.

"He's good" Takashi was impressed at his suave move, although he did feel a bit uncomfortable with his flirting with his ex-girlfriend.

"Anyway, I feel like I have to make it up for you guys. It was a funny prank to me but it wasn't funny for any of you. You guys must be hungry I know Shizuka-san is" Daisuke smirked hearing another stomach roar from the busty nurse while Rei was glaring at him for his flirting comment.

"You have food?" Kohta's eyes lit up he was starting to feel hungry too.

"Follow me" Daiuke climbed the staircase.

(Scene change)

The group gasped at the sight before them. Daisuke has leaded them to one of the chambers from the second floor. The room wasn't a big deal it was messy with a small table in the middle and a T.V that has seen better days. But the one thing they wanted was right in front of them, especially Shizuka. The busty blond was the first to charge in face first and dig in at the delicious food in front of them. There were all kinds of dishes from riceballs, dango, tempura, ramen among others plates that will make anyone's mouth water. Kohta shortly followed her but he wasn't eating like his life depended on it the sight of the busty nurse stuffing her face with the food wasn't pleasant. Everyone sweat dropped expecting Kohta the one to be eating like a pig, not the other way around. Daisuke sweat dropped too but he smiled at the group not expecting this will do to apologize for the harsh prank.

"Well, everyone dig in. Eat as much as you like."


They all replied as they got seated grabbing any nearby chopsticks to start their eating. Takashi took a bite from the rice balls and it was the best rice balls he has ever eaten. Kohta ate some dango while Saya was trying to ignore him she thought that watching Shizuka eats like there was no tomorrow was grosser than watching the chubby teen. Saeko has taken a couple of bites and admitted that it was quite good. Alice was the last she enjoyed herself to some of the dishes smiling she offered some to Zeke which the dog ate it in a heartbeat. They all resumed eating as Daisuke smiled happy at the sight, he's been on his own for a while with the thought he was the only one alive. The only person who wasn't eating was Rei who didn't approve of the group eating so suddenly, barely knowing a thing about their new friend. The college student went to her aware that things have gone to a bad start with the second year school teen.

"Aren't you going to join everyone?"

"I'm not hungry" she crossed her arms keeping an eye on him.

"Might as well enjoy this moment and eat. You never know when it will be the next time you will have food in front of you. With how everything has turned out…."

"I noticed. You have so much food if it's only just you and I doubt you were expecting more visitors. Or maybe you were?" she eyed him with another suspicion stare.

"She really doesn't trust me…."

"I needed to salvage enough food and water to last me long enough for days to come. This is all about survival and not getting bitten by" them"."

"So you've been all alone in this warehouse since the outbreak?" now it was her chance to get some answers from him.

"That's right ever since this hell fell on earth. Campus was suddenly caught in this shit there we're so many of those undead things. I fought and ran, isn't that the same thing you guys have done?"

"…" her eyes softened a bit she thought of Hisashi and his tragic death at the hands of her ex-boyfriend.

"If I fall down over there. I'll probably break my head open…."


"I don't want to turn into one of them!"


"No! No!"

"Takashi. I beg you. If I'm going to die…I want to be by myself."

"No Hiashi! You can't die!"

"You okay?" Daisuke stared at her worried breaking the teen from her thoughts.

"Hm…." She woke up from the painful memory.

"Rei…you don't look good."

"I…I'm fine you don't have to worry about me" she gave a small frown not wanting him to get concern for her.

"Sure, whatever you say…."

"Oh Rei you have to taste these dumplings in soy bean sauce!" Takashi was really enjoying himself taking another bite.

"He was always too trusting" she sighed.

"Hope you guys are enjoying yourselves."

"Yes we are!"

"Shizuka-sempai don't talk with your mouth full!" shouted Saya.

"This is delicious!" shouted Kohta with his mouth full.

"Not you too!"

"Yummy!" Alice was at last descent not to talk with her mouth full.

"We really appreciate sharing this meal with us Daisuke-san" said Saeko.

"Glad I was able to help feeding your stomach. You guys have gone through a lot if you traveled all the way from Fujimi high."

"By the way" Takashi took another bite before swallowing.

"We're facing a bit of a small crisis right now, aside from" them". We're running low on ammo and we'd been wondering if you might know a place that can give us ammunition."

"Ammunition…hm…I think I can help you on that. I know a place."

"You do?" he was happy to hear the good news.

"The security area in the warehouse, it's the place where the guards gathered. That's where we'll find the ammo you guys need. We might find the right ones for your weapons."

"Thanks man we really appreciate it."

"What a coincidence he also has ammunition for us" Rei was getting more distrusting towards the college student.

"This is great! We both get food and ammunition too. What was that Takagi-san that we weren't going to find any of that here?" Kohta grinned at her with his mouth full.

"Just shut up and eat! You look gross!"

(Time skip)

After they stuffed their faces and their stomach Daisuke lead them to the security guard's room. He already had the key for the door since he found it when he first arrived to the warehouse. Takashi, Saeko and Rei agreed to accompany him while Kohta and Saya stayed to guard Shizuka and Arisu. The raven haired college student opened the door entering inside to find a room with many monitors, showing different locations of the warehouse. It was the area where the guards stayed to watch over for any intruders. All the surveillance cameras were in good condition and they were displaying the images from the different sections of the facility with no problem. Daisuke walked, opening another door in the back of the room. The trio of students followed him catching a glimpse at the sing of the door that read" armory" obviously the right place for them to find some ammunition.

"This is it" the raven haired adult opened one of the lockers.

"There's ammo in all the lockers?" asked Takashi.

"Yep, guards come here to retrieve any of their weapons or ammunition they will need. This place has been locked down along with the rest of the warehouse when it was abandoned. I opened it when I first arrived, I was lucky to find some weaponry too."

"Lucky you" Rei whispered.

"Did you say something?" Takashi turned to his ex-girlfriend.

"Nope, nothing…."

"….." Saeko took a glance at her she has heard her.

"Let's see if there's any ammo for your weapons. I took a chance to look at the models you guys use. I think I saw shot gun shells around here, not so sure" he opened one of the lockers checking on the small boxes inside.

"I'll help. This place is big and it might take us a while to search all the lockers" said the male teen.

"So do I" replied the purple haired sword master.

"Yeah, me too I'll help" followed Rei.

They opened lockers close to the one Daisuke was searching while Rei kept an eye on him. After seeing this, her distrust towards him has really grown she focused in searching for the ammunition they need. Saeko was keeping an eye on her and it felt like she could read her mind, yet she thought it wasn't her business to meddle in. She wondered if Takashi has noticed about her behavior around the college student, she knew Daisukre was aware of Rei's distrust of him. He was the one who told her that she wasn't obligated to trust him or not he was just like them, a person trying to survive the outbreak. Takashi grinned taking a blue colored box from the locker he's been searching. Daisuke did the same taking a red colored box he opened it, revealing bullets of regular size while the bullets from Takashi's box were thicker.

"Found rifle ammo."

"Found shot gun shells."

"Here Rei, check if these are compatible to your rifle" her ex-boyfriend threw her a couple of bullets.

The brownish haired teen caught the bullets she had her Springfield with her. She loaded them up to her weapon and they fitted well, she only gave a nod of approval to the teen.

"All right if they're compatible with Rei's weapon they might be compatible to Kohta and Saya's rifles too."

"Take as much as you like. It's not like anyone is coming back to get them" said Daisuke.

"We'll take all the ammo that are compatible to our weapons."

"I'll take some machine gun ammo, these will be pretty useful."

"Rei-san…? May I have a word with you?" said Saeko.

"Huh…? Oh sure…."

They two girls left the room going to the room where the surveillance cameras were. Rei didn't know what the kendo master wanted to talk to her about, she was only paying attention in her suspicions about Daisuke. Saeko got next to the monitors while the browning haired teen got behind them, nothing good to see everything looked pretty normal. But once more she got lost in her thoughts and the only thoughts that came to her head we're negative ones. What if Daisuke betrays them and abandons them to die, or what if he was worse than Koichi Shido. She mentally glared remembering the crazy teacher how much she hated him, enough to wish that he has become one of" them". She remembered when he kicked Yamanada off the school bus when they escaped from the infected Fujimi School. The teen was obviously devoured by the undead students. Having someone worse than him will be truly a hell, more hellish than the one they were going right now.

"Rei-san….?" Saeko got worried that she looked like she was out of it.

"Huh-oh what is it?" she broke from her thoughts.

"You don't trust Daisuke-san do you?"

"I don't" she replied without hesitating.

"I believe it's normal to feel that way. But perhaps he deserves the chance to be trusted."

"You saw what he did with Kohta. He was about to kill him."

"Yes, he was going to kill him with water" sweat dropped the purple haired beauty.

"Don't make fun of me. I just don't trust him that's all-I mean he's seems too good to be true."

"Reconsider that it is because of him that we have eaten and that we also have ammunition for the incoming confrontations with" them"."

"I know but I don't trust him and I don't like him either!"

"That sounds like an excuse."

"It's not an excuse!"

"Is it because he flirted with you?" a small grin appeared on her lips.

"Yeah right, like he has a chance. The only one I like is Takashi."

Saeko stood in thought not liking her comment even if it wasn't her business to interfere. She knew that Rei and Takashi used to be together and that she dumped him for Hiashi. After Takashi killed him for becoming one of" them" Rei was so angry at him, eventually they solved their differences. However nothing has happened since, they haven't gotten back together afterwards. Maybe it wasn't the right time they were in the middle in a fight for their survival but still, she wonders if they will get back together. She was aware of her feelings for the teen and after she shared a kiss with him, her feelings have grown. Indeed she was jealous but she believed it was up to Takashi to decide if he wants to go back with Rei or stay single. In the back of her mind she wished he will choose her and gives her a chance, but she wasn't selfish. She was about to say something before she took a glimpse at one of the cameras that got her attention, she was shocked.

"What's wrong?"

"No…." she gazed closer and her fears we're true.

"What is it?" Rei turned to one of the monitors she was looking and gasped.

"They're here" she stared seriously.

"Takashi it's them! They're here!" shouted the brownish haired teen.


Takashi and Daisuke ran to the surveillance room holding a bag of the ammo they have collected. Their eyes we're on the monitors gasping at the sight. There we're hundreds of undead trying to break in into the entrance. Another monitor showed a region on the back of the warehouse hundreds more were trying to enter the steel cargo door, while others were trying to break down the controls of the gate. Another monitor showed outside of the facility there were so many of them probably reaching over a thousand. Takashi was truly shocked of all the times they have fought the undead never he has seen such large numbers of" them". Rei and Saeko we're in the same boat this will probably going to be their toughest fight yet. Although they were slow and not the brightest in terms of intelligence, the numbers were against the teens. Daisuke wasn't happy staring at the monitors he never thought so many of" them" will try to break into the warehouse.

"There's so many of them" said Rei in awe.

"Damn it! Why the hell the alarm didn't go off? They were supposed to be sent to hell as soon as they stepped in."

"We have to act now. We have to go to the others before they get here" said Takashi.

"You guys go. I have to retrieve my equipment, I'll follow you shortly" replied Daisuke.

"All right but you better come back."

"I'm not letting those things bring me down."

"We should get going" said Saeko holding her sheathed katana.

"Right, I'll take the lead!" said Takashi.

As they ran from the surveillance room Takashi's group took the path leading back to their friends. Rei took a quick glance at Daisuke who took the opposite way not knowing where he was going. She still didn't trust him but even she wants him to survive and aid them. The brownish haired teen didn't lost confidence they have faced many of the undead before, not caring that there were more than they could ask for. Takashi has loaded up the new shot gun shells to his weapon and his ex-girlfriend did the same. The trio was hoping to arrive in time to help the others knowing that Saya and Kohta's weapons we're almost out of ammo. They were almost there and they immediately heard rapid fire, obviously the heavy fire from a rifle. Their eyes we're ahead and it wasn't the sight they wanted to see, they were met by a large group of" them". They will have to get pass them to get to the others and they didn't had a problem with that.

Saeko rushed to the group of infected unsheathing her katana in quick draw she took down four in a row cutting them in half. Takashi fired taking two undead with the blast, Rei showed no mercy firing her rifle like crazy killing more than she had in mind. Komuro unleashed his shot gun swinging it so they had the chance to get passed them. A group of zombies have been cut down by Saeko's sword the eighteen year old was already covered in blood. They crossed over the pile of bodies with a pool of blood but there were still far too many for the trio to take down on their own. They ran towards the room where they ate and just when they were reaching the entrance, more of" them" were already present. They saw incoming fire from the room as the undead were falling to the ground getting caught in the heavy fire. The trio attacked the ones trying to enter the room, allowing the other to spot their friends.

"Takashi I'm out!" Kohta found out he was out of ammo.

"Here you two!" he threw two mag to Kohta and Saya.

"Are you two all right?" Saeko gazed over Shizuka and Alice.

"We're fine" replied the busty nurse.

"Takashi be careful" said the seven year old.

"Don't worry we're all leaving this place together."

"Get out of here you freaks!" shouted the chubby teen after he reloaded his AR-10.

"How are things out there?" asked Saya firing her suppressed rifle.

"It's worse. There's too many of" them", they probably have the entire warehouse surrounded by now!" said Rei.

"I knew this was too good to be true, that we haven't encountered any of" them" here" said the gun otaku.

"We have to go now!" shouted Takashi.

They ran never ceasing firing their weapons. Shizuka stood with Arisu shielding her while Saeko and Saya chose to stay behind them protecting them. Takashi, Rei and Kohta were the ones who charged in taking the offensive. They fired their weapons non-stop killing one zombie after the other, all of the teens aware that another group of a hundred were waiting for them ahead. They managed to leave the room as they all run with their lives firing at the undead that has filled the corridor. It has crossed their minds that there was one member missing, their newest friend and ally. Yet they were focusing more in killing army of zombies and getting out alive. Rei kept firing her Springfield M1A1 rifle thinking of Daisuke's whereabouts and maybe she was right in distrusting him, that he was no friend after all. When they reached halfway across the corridor which it was a wide field with many rusted machinery, they were met by twice the number of undead.

"Shit, their numbers have really increased" growled Takashi.

(Music: Another way to die by Disturbed)

Saeko had a field strip slicing and dicing zombies. She cut arms, heads and torsos with her quick movements. The purple haired beauty showed no signs of stopping or that she was tired, she killed endlessly like a rabid dog in a killing spree. Takashi fired continuously rounds teaming up with Rei keeping in mind to protect Alice and Shizuka. But they were already protected with Kohta and Saya covering for the two although they were winning they were in a bit of disadvantage. The more they killed, the more of" them" appeared it was never ending. If they keep up they will eventually ran out of ammo even if Takashi brought enough to last them for a long time. Preserving ammunition was just as important as preserving food and none were in the mood to stay here and wait for more of the undead to come. The only thing to do is to find an opening for the group to escape but right now there was nowhere to go.

"Damn it there are everywhere, we can't escape" thought Komuro.

"There's no end to this!" said Rei.

"There's more of" them" coming from the east!" said Saya she spotted another group of zombie heading their way

"Let them come, I'll send them all to hell!" Kohta was like a happy camper firing away killing more of the undead.

Saeko finished cutting another one in half she then used a backflip to join the group. She landed between Takashi and Rei, her uniform drenched in blood.

"It will be wise if we retreat. This will never end until they have caught us."

"I know but there's just too many of them for us to escape!" replied Takashi.

"Um…where is Daisuke-san anyway?" asked Shizuka finally realizing that he was missing.

Something was thrown from behind the group landing with the large group of undead. It resulted into an explosion taking twenty of" them", obviously it was done by a grenade. Afterwards heavy fire followed killing ten of the zombies. The group of students noticed it wasn't done by any of their weapons but any question they had, was answer when they turned around. They were quite relief seeing Daisuke who was holding an AK-47 with two oversize bags, probably one was holding food while the other ammunition and the grenades. The young college student jumped to the group joining the barrage of heavy fire from their weapons. Rei was frowning at him for arriving a little late but he did made quite a nice entrance. He signaled them that it was their chance to run their only option is to escape the warehouse. They managed to get passed the horde of undead and the incoming group entering the area.

"You really took your time" the Miyamoto kept her eyes on him.

"Sorry about that. But as you can see, I have some things that needed packing."

"Looks like we're going to make it out of here after all" said Takashi.

"We get as far away from here as fast as we can!" said the raven haired college student.

"Oh no Zeke!" shouted Alice worried sick.

The group turned to see the small dog was surrounded by" them". He eventually whimpered knowing he had no place to go. The little girl went after him but she was stopped by Shizuka she was struggling to get free. She didn't want to lose the K9 after all the people that has died, especially her father.

"No Zeke!"

"Alice-san please it's too dangerous."

"Here, hold these for me" Daisuke handed Takashi the two bags.

He charged at the zombies firing his weapon taking them down easily. The college student grabbed Zeke and ran back to the group, they resumed their running. Alice smiled widely happy to see the small dog safe and sound. After seeing Daisuke risking his life to save an anime she felt closer to him, the same way she feels towards Takashi when he saved her. The others we're happy Zeke okay knowing well Alice will be devastated if something happens to the small dog because she has grown fond of him. They finally left the warehouse never looking back they just kept looking ahead without a care in the world. Some of the infected managed to leave while there were many who stayed behind they didn't use any reason so they were basically roaming around the place. They were lucky to leave in a place where there were ten times the zombies they have fought.

The group stopped for a moment, they were far enough from the warehouse. Daisuke stared at the infected area letting them go like that wasn't a wise choice. They will eventually leave and continued roaming until they find more survivors they were a threat to the remaining people living in the city. They were dangerous and they needed to be eliminated for good, the less infected were the better. Even if they used to be human there was nothing they could do but to give them death as a way to set them free from this wretched fate given to them. He stood in thought while the rest of the students were ready to leave heading to another place where they can survive. The raven haired college student took a device from his jacket pocket a long cylinder with a red button on the top. Pressing it is the right thing to do he knew all about this situation, it was all about survival.

"Why'd you stopped?" asked Takashi.


"We should get moving. They might follow us" said Saeko.

"Yeah let's get the hell out of here!" said Kohta.

"Daisuke….?" Rei wondered his silent behavior.

"Right, you must be upset that you have to leave the warehouse. You have been living there since you escaped the university, you got used to it that you thought as you're home" said Takashi.

"Nah it's the other way around. The warehouse was very uncomfortable and it's always cold. It was a real pain trying to sleep there, I just feel sorry I will have to destroy it."

"Destroy….?" blinked the teen.

"What do you mean?" asked the Miyamoto.

The college student only replied pressing the red button.


(Music ends)

The whole group stood in shocked as the warehouse in the far distance has blown up from a large explosion. Judging from the size it looked like it was done by more than one blast charge. Needless to say that any infected that was inside was completely obliterated. After a while from staring at the sight they all turned to Daisuke having the idea that was responsible for destruction of the warehouse. After this Rei's distrust for him has grown even more the fact that he never told them about placing explosives in the warehouse, it would have been anyone's guess if he was planning to blow them all up in the first place. Daisuke just smiled that was one less army of undead they will have to worry about, at least things were going their way. He hasn't regretted turning the warehouse into a giant grenade.

"Holy shit you place dynamite all over the place!" shouted Kohta in awe.

"No dynamite. C4 I placed them in different locations of the warehouse, just in case of emergencies like this."

"…" Everyone stared at him with mixed expressions Takashi smiled at him liking his style and Kohta looked like he has met his icon.

"C4…how the heck did he get his hands on that?" Rei stared at him in thought.

Daisuke turned to them with a smile liking to be part of the group he wasn't alone anymore and that's what matters to him the most.

"So, where to….?"

(Scene change)

(Location: Downtown district Tokonosu city)

In an area filled with abandoned destroyed buildings four choppers flew by. They were colored black as the night. Each had an emblem on the tail area of a golden shield with two rifles crossing it forming an "x" shape. There were initials on top of the shield design that read" S.T.R.B". They flew for a couple of miles until reaching the middle of the city. The doors opened revealing ropes, quickly ascended many soldiers wearing black armor a bulletproof vest with all kinds of grenades and each were very well armed along with a gas mask. They looked like they were all ready to take on an army of terrorist as soon as they were down they moved quickly. Less than five minutes all of the deployed men have descended from the choppers, and shortly the flying vehicles took off fulfilling their mission. They were all being led by one soldier forming a large group infiltrating the deserted streets.

"All right men you know the mission. Neutralize any infected you come in contact, secure any survivors that haven't been bitten by the infected. Escort any safe survivors to a designated shelter and secure any routes outside of the city."


"We'll separate in three teams. Yukishiro you will take a squadron to investigate the east side. I will take another to investigate the west side. Itadaka you will take the last squadron to investigate the south area."


"Captain Akeshi…aren't we late to have been deployed?"

"Itadaka, we're never late as long as we can save one life don't you forget it."

"I apologize sir."

"Apology not needed soldier. All right men we'll rendezvous in this area in approximate 18:00 hours. Now scatter!"


HOTD season 2: Act 1 DEAD dog eats DEAD dog


To be continued

There it is folks my first HOTD just be honest and tell me what you think, but NO flames. I will work on the next chapter and intend to make this story short (probably max chapters 20). I'm also intending to update" Defiers" and Bonds of Graces that is all. Reviews are always welcome as well as marking the story in alerts and favorites list, it will mean a lot to me. As for Daisuke if he ever gets animated his English VA will be Troy Baker he is one of my favorite male voice actors. He has done a lot of voices in video game from Snow (FFXIII), Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia), Two Face (Batman Arkham City), Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden 3) among others. He's also doing Alex Wesker's voice in Resident Evil 6 which its release date has been moved to October 2, I'm so excited! Remember to review and I will see you all next time farewell.

Next time: Act 2 Memento of the DEAD

Character profile (short version)

Name: Daisuke Ishiwatari

Age: 20

Occupation: college student

Likes: N/A

Dislikes: N/A


Primary- AK-47

Secondary- 45 Magnum revolver

Other- frag grenades, C4

Specialty- he's very good in the demolition field, able to make all kinds of bombs and other explosive devices.