Sorry for late update but here the 2nd chap! Its Papa ho ho ho
Disclaimer: KNB is not mine... sadly not!
update: Thx for Midnight Kaito to fix my grammar mistake!
Papa Mbaye Shiki always thought height was everything in basketball, and that's why he was good at it. So when he was summoned for the student exchange program to Japan, which later became known to him as country of dwarfs, he accepted without second thought. Apparently the high school basketball circle of Japan was in a state of panic because a group of basketball player known as Generation of Miracle would be coming to high school this year.
The captain of Shinkyō Academy, Tanimura Yusuke he said he had to be called captain. How troublesome, but when in Rome do as what the Roman said. The coach was scary so it was best to listen to captain.
When he started playing, Papa was severely disappointed. He knew they were much smaller than him, but they didn't have to be this slow and futilely tried to snatch ball from him like a kid jumping for candies that was out of their reach. Was all Japanese player this small and so child like?
His belief was shaken when he encountered one particularly tall for a Japanese player named Kagami Taiga. He was only 190 cm, which was still 10 cm shorter than him, but probably the tallest Japanese player he had ever seen. Captain briefly mentioned about the news that Seirin had defeated one of the famed Generation of Miracles; apparently this Kagami was their new ace.
He kind of looking forward facing them, all the opponents he had faced in practice match were so boring.
Imagine his disappointment when Seirin put a kid as one of their starter, the boy was around one and half feet shorter than him. If Kagami was the tallest Japanese player he had ever seen then this kid was the shortest one. He had light blue hair and eyes with matching color, and for some reason when they boy stared at him it was so uncomfortable. Papa was used to player who was shorter than him to stare at him in fear and awe for his height but this kid's stare said he didn't share the same opinion. He was not the brightest bulb when it comes to reading people's feeling and captain had commented he was very insensitive though captain was not one to talk about that.
Those eyes as if said he saw Papa as nothing special, not one underestimating him but it was as if his height was no big deal for the short guy. Papa was determined to change that, basketball was a sport where tall player like him was in advantage and this shorty had to realize that!
"They were lost to a team with a kid like that? Maybe all of Generation of Miracles are kids too?" He said as walking away, loud enough for Seiring team to hear. Unknown to them on second floor certain green haired shooter was gripping the metal railing as his eyes flashing murderously.
Tanimura glanced at Seirin, wondering why all of them were in the fit of laughter which if anything irritated him. It as if their gloating to annoy them had no effect and he had said something hilarious instead.
Unknown to them Shinkyō had painted a large target on their back the moment Tanimura and Papa insulted Generation of Miracles right on hearing range of two of their members.
The match unfortunately was only in his favor in a short time, especially with Kagami putting pressure defense on him. Papa tried to stay calm because Kagami won't be able to reach for the ball, and it was only one person he had to concentrate on. Much to his annoyance the small player came out of nowhere and stole ball then assisting Kagami to score.
"Even kid can be scary when they are angry." Kagami said as he dunked the ball with force.
The teal haired boy grumbled, "Can you stop calling me a kid?"
How annoying!
Tanimura, the captain of Shinkyō scowled as he watched Papa was pressured more and more by Kagami to the point he started to lost his accuracy. As the Point Guard Tanimura backed away to have better view of the field, and he found himself near Seirin's bench. There were three freshmen who were chatting among themselves, it seemed Kagami's success in pressuring Papa made them too calm to the point they can chat in the middle of the match.
"Kuroko is amazing!" Furuhata said, "But doesn't he more aggressive than usual?"
Fukuda, the spiky haired guy scoffed. "He got called kid by that Dad, of course he is angry."
Koganei, one of the second years piped in. "Nah… that and because Dad dared to insult his old teammates." They meant Papa? Don't nickname your opponent as you please!
Huh? Old teammates?
Tanimura tried to concentrate on the match but when he once again passed by near Seirin's bench he could help but overheard them again. This time that teal haired boy was on the bench along with his teammates.
"By the way isn't this simply hilarious that Dad." Koganei snickered, "Didn't notice he insulted Generation of Miracles right in front of one of them."
Kawahara shook his head, "Well he get what he deserved… Kuroko, you are pretty scary when angered." He said to the teal haired boy.
Kuroko looked stoic as ever, "He is lucky it's me he told those words to, if it anyone from my old team…" He trailed off, if Aomine or Midorima heard Papa called them children, at least they would triple score Shinkyō. Kise might be more merciful but he was not going to be lenient at the insult either. Murasakibara… he might go to offense because Papa annoyed him. And Akashi…
"Let's don't go to the details." Kuroko ended the conversation.
Huh? What were they talking about?
His thought was interrupted when the game once again became more intense and Tanimura decided to not to rely on Papa alone. He ordered his teammates to score in every chance they had, especially with Seirin focusing on Papa. As expected Seirin soon quickly close gap on their defense and they managed to get to ten points difference.
Kuroko was quickly back to the court on Riko's order, as he stepped back on the court his eyes wandered to second floor of the gym and spotted a familiar green hair. It's decided that Dad would be so dead. No pun intended. Midorima was not going to let this down for sure, if he was merciful enough Midorima would just keep this between them once Seirin beat Shinkyō, if not this insult would soon traveled to their former captain.
He was soon off to the center of the court and passed the ball to Papa, they were about to give up already but luckily Papa didn't. Kagami however was much faster as blocked Papa's attempt to shot.
"They are really strong, much stronger than you." Kagami stated with a smirk, and for some reason Kagami's eyes was directed at the short player as if trying to tell him a message.
They had lost.
"I lost… do your best for my sake too." Papa said in the best sincere voice he could muster.
Kagami looked like he almost touched but the next sentence Papa said ruined it. "Like HELL I am going to say that bastard! I am not going to lose next time!" Tanimura quickly dragged the foreign student before he created a scene; on the corner of his eyes he caught sight of Kuroko staring at them. The guy was hard to notice but you could feel his stare, for some reason it looked like he pitied them.
Tanimura had a nagging feeling that Kuroko guy did not pity them because of losing but something much much worse than losing.
"Hello Akashi, today Kuroko and his team have won the first round." Midorima said tonelessly ignoring pouting Takao who was told to stay out of hearing range because Midorima was having a private conversation. "The foreign student is no big, just his body is..."
"Is that so?" Akashi chuckled, undoubtedly had already predicting the news. "Anything interesting?"
Midorima had small sadistic smile on his lips, "This Papa Mbaye Shiki did say something interesting about us and of course Kuroko is not happy…"
"Oh?" Anything that could arouse any emotion from Tetsuya was worthy to hear.
"However… I think what Kuroko did to him is not… enough." Midorima drawled with a smirk. In fact defeating Shinkyō was not even close to what they deserved.
"WHAT?" Tanimura could believe his ears, "We are going to Kyoto to have a practice match with RAKUZAN?"
Their coach smiled, that was the happiest he had been since Seirin defeated them. "Yes, Rakuzan even promised to cover our traveling expense! They were really interested to have a match with us!"
Tanimura gulped, "Why so suddenly?" He wondered out loud, "Interhigh is still ongoing! Won't they need to compete in Interhigh instead?"
At that the coach frowned, "About that… it seems we won't play with their starting team, still first string but… well with our ranking we can't be too picky. Their first string would be more than a match for us."
Papa piped in, "Does Rakuzan have one of the Generation of Miracles? They are the strongest high school right?"
Tanimura nodded, Rakuzan was an equivalent of Teikō in high school basketball circle. "Ah yes, they got the captain… but don't worry about him since it's likely we won't face him."
The tanned player grumbled, "Uh… I want to try playing with one of them…" Unknown to him he had played with one of them, the bliss of ignorance…
Rakuzan High School (Kyoto)
If Tanimura was shocked when he heard Rakuzan invited them, he was at least five times not pleasantly shocked when informed they would be facing first-string reserve players that led by Akashi Seijuro. Their coach was close to hyperventilating by this unexpected hurdle, on second though forget hurdle! When you were talking about the Generation of Miracles you were talking about Great Wall of China to jump over!
Surprisingly when he met Akashi Seijuro face to face, the famed captain was actually not so tall for a basketball player. He only saw Akashi Seijuro in the magazine but even those pictures was not a close up, apparently Akashi hated to get photographed closely. His bang was also pretty long and framed his face; it was hard to make out how he looks like closely.
He was about to spout some formality to Akashi but stopped when he saw Papa entered the gym with a yawn as complaining about door which was not big enough for him again. Tanimura was about to scold Papa but the word died on his throat when Papa came over to the two captain and picked up Akashi like he did to Kuroko.
"No good little one, kids shouldn't be on court." Papa said with scolding tone, a déjà vu of what happened in preliminaries of Interhigh.
Tanimura paled three shades as she struggled to from word, "Pa… pa put him down now, that… that… person is…"
Akashi was definitely not pleased with his position, but he refrained from stabbing the rude hands of Papa like he was itching to. "You are Papa Mbaye Shiki? It's a pleasure to meet you, I am Akashi Seijuro the captain of the Generation of Miracles." Papa stared at him as if the red haired captain had grown another head. His heart almost jumped when he saw heterochromatic eyes peered through crimson lock, which gave Akashi devil-like look. Nobody said generation of miracles was led by a demon!
"I have heard of you from Tetsuya…" He said in faked sweet voice.
Papa mumbled nervously, "Uhm… Tetsu…ya?"
Akashi nodded; his hands were twitching dangerously on the side because Papa dared to keep him off of the ground. "Kuroko Tetsuya of Seirin, the kid you met back in first round."
The tanned teen slowly lowered Akashi back to the ground, as if he was holding some sort of ticking bomb. On second though Akashi was more dangerous than ticking bomb. Tanimura in the other hand wondered how Akashi could know that invisible boy, not to mention calling him with his given name.
"What about him?" Papa dared himself to stay calm, remember that even if this was the captain of that famed ultimate team Akashi was still one foot shorter than Papa. He couldn't reach close enough for anything dangerous!
Tanimura gulped, "Uhm Akashi-san…"
Akashi sighed tiredly, "Tetsuya is too kind to just defeat you like that, but well… it's more pleasurable to teach ignorant losers a lesson myself." His heterochromatic eyes had murderous glint, which made both Papa and the rest of Shinkyō team backed away in fear.
The Shinkyō's PG gulped as he tried to pacify the obviously pissed red head, "I am sorry Akashi-san but I don't really understand? What we have done?" He asked pitifully.
Akashi smiled at that, "Tetsuya won't say it at first." He began with faked hurt look, "But I was pretty persuasive and he told me in the end… " He trailed off, "That certain tanned monkey from Africa and local loser monkey called us, the Generation of Miracles as children and you were disappointed in us."
All colors were drained from their face as they processed the information.
"Oh, and I would like to inform you that… Kuroko Tetsuya you called kid is one of us… " Akashi drawled, enjoying their horror as the truth dawned on them. "You just insulted us right in front of one of us."
Papa stuttered, "But that kid…"
Tanimura hushed, "Stopped calling him kid already!" They were doomed!
Akashi sneered, "Still dare to say such thing? Let's start the match and see if you dare to utter a word after this…"
Shinkyō if possible would like to run if they could, but all hope vanished the moment two of Rakuzan members closed the gym's door and even go as far as putting a huge lock on it. Suddenly everything clicked, Rakuzan never had interest in playing with them. It was only Akashi Seijuro who interested in playing read crushing them.
The match was too painful to describe, because by the end of fourth quarter Rakuzan already scored triple of their score. Papa was terrorized by Akashi throughout the match and barely able to shot because of the pressure.
As if giving them humiliating defeat was not enough Akashi Seijuro asked them to stay still as he played recording from his cell phone. It was a voice message from Generation of Miracles, and it was obvious they were not happy with Shinkyō Academy.
Aomine Daiki: 'You have guts calling us names to Tetsu's face, watch your back if in these three years your ever up against Tōō! I will show you how lenient Tetsu had been with you and you'd wish you could kneel and ask him for forgiveness'
Midorima Shintarō: 'The moment you face me in the future you will be fated to lose, I will show you what a true terror is, you uncivilized monkeys.
Akashi smirked, "Just for info, both Daiki and Shintarō are in Tokyo along with Tetsuya, so your chance to pass through preliminaries is close to zero."
Shinkyō team trembled as they could hear the messages over and over on their head.
Kise Ryōta: 'How dare you call Kuroko-chi a kid? And who are you calling a no big deal school, we will invite you to a practice match and so you can see what a big deal Kaijō is!
Murasakibara Atsushi: "I am not a kid, and I am taller than you. If we ever meet in court I will squeeze you."
And at last it was Kuroko Tetsuya's: "I hope you guys can stay alive, but I guess you reap what you sow. My last advice to Dad, please book a ticket back to Senegal as soon as possible if you value your life." Papa agreed that was a very wise move and planned his escape to Senegal, he missed his mommy!"I am not sure you can survive until you reach the airport… but you never know before you try. Do your best to stay alive."
Papa stared at the silent phone on Akashi's hand, the Shinkyō team also stared in hope Kuroko Tetsuya would give them an advice to survive Akashi too but the phone stayed silent. Maybe they should follow Papa to Senegal to escape Akashi. It finally dawned on them that they had made enemies out of the ultimate team known as Generation of Miracles, forget their reputation as they might not even able to survive this, unless Akashi had mercy upon them.
However all hope vanished in instant, Akashi smirked evilly at them and a pair of scissors materialized in his hand. "Now… like Tetsuya said, do your best to stay alive."
That was probably the best advice they could hope for.
By the next month it spread like wildfire that Shinkyō Academy had their basketball club banned because all of its member quit basketball at the same time; and Papa Mbaye Shiki was deported back to Senegal for unknown reasons. There were rumors his plane never reached Senegal though. Back in Seirin Kuroko Tetsuya ignored his teammates who were fussing over the mysterious event. When asked if he knew anything about it, Kuroko honestly answered he didn't know what happened to Shinkyō Academy basketball club and Dad. It was not a lie that he didn't know what his former captain did, he had a guess though. But for the sake of his teammate's mental health it would be best if they never knew.
Ha ha ha poor Papa but it's his own fault!
Review please!