Hey guys, here is a new story from me. This story is not related to the Naruto main story line but it take places in the same worlds with the same characters. They all belong to their creator and Yael is the only one that belong to me. Oh, and this story is a FemNaruto fic.
Hope you enjoy it, and review.
Enter Yael, the Nine Tails
In the land of the Elemental Nations, Foxes are thought to be a myth…a myth that only a few believe in. It was said that a Fox Clan existed in this land a long time ago, but none of them was seen in the past years…
The power of that mighty Clan was powerful, so strong that the myth was born, a myth that will, one day, take flight into reality.
"Nagato, are you sure we're going the right way?" the orange haired man asked.
Nagato, the redhead young man who was walking in front of the small group glanced back at him. He was wearing some long cloak over him. Some of his hair was falling in front of one of his eye, only showing one of them. It was a strange eye for it was a purple and filled with rings into him.
"Yahiko, what's the matter with you?" he asked, "I told you that the road will be long."
Yahiko, the orange haired man sighed.
"I know," he said, "But I didn't think it will take that long."
"You have to learn to be patient Yahiko," the blue haired woman told him.
Yahiko glanced toward her.
"Not you too Konan," he said.
The woman chuckled.
"Even so," he continued, "I'm not sure I will trust that old map. I mean, it could have been a fake."
Nagato smirked.
"It's not a fake," he said, "It's one of the few things that I inherited from my parents…"
"But seriously," Yahiko said, "A map that shows the location of one of the hidden Fox Clan temple? How did your father ever come across it?"
"He told me the tale once," Nagato told him, "When I was younger, he told me that a Fox had given it to him."
"But no one had seen them in years," Konan said, "Foxes are thought to be extinct."
"Just because no one had seen them doesn't mean that they are extinct," Nagato told her.
"I just hope you are right about this," she said.
Nagato opened the pathway in front of them and then there in front of them, half engulfed with vines and overgrown grass was the Temple. They were statues of Foxes all around them.
"No way," Yahiko said.
Nagato let out a smile.
"See, I told you," he said, "C'mon."
The trio approached the Temple and stepped inside. Everything around them looked old and worn but they were still standing. Nagato was looking around them with a look akin to amazement in his eyes.
"This is awesome," Yahiko said.
Then Nagato looked at the wall in front of them and he can see something upon the wall.
"There is a seal upon the wall," he said.
Konan approached, standing right beside him.
"A seal? What do you see?"
Nagato narrowed his ringed eyes.
"Something unlike anything I have seen before," he said, "The chakra I see in the seal is also massive…measuring to the strength of five people."
"Wonder what is hidden behind it," Yahiko said.
Nagato approached the wall, before putting his hand into a seal gathering his chakra before putting his hand into the wall.
"I'll try to activate it…," he said.
Then the seal started to shine brightly enough to light up the semi darkened room. Then everything was starting to move around the trio.
"What did you do Nagato?" Yahiko asked.
"I unlocked the seal," the redhead answered, "at least, I think I did."
Then the walls stopped moving until the wall in front of them started to fade away as if it was nothing but sand. The trio watched, as a shadow appeared, a Shadow with Nine Tails swishing behind it.
"No…No way," Yahiko said.
"T…This is…" Konan started.
"Fox," Nagato said, "A Nine tailed Fox."
Then as the light disappeared, the Nine Tailed Fox approached them. Then they noticed that it was a girl, a redhead girl with two pointed tops in her hair. She was completely naked, her hair as red as blood with long nails in both her hands and feet. Her eyes were also red with slit in them. Other features were the whisker mark on her cheeks and her canine well also extended, visible through her open mouth.
The Nine Tailed girl looked straight at them before falling forward on her face, unmoving.
The trio stood there staring at the girl on the ground. Then Konan, walked forward and kneeled beside her. The other two approached, looking down at the girl on the ground.
"Is...Is she alive?" Yahiko asked.
Konan glanced at him.
"Yes she is," she said.
"She must have been sealed in there for a while," Nagato said.
"And we just unsealed her," Yahiko said.
"Yahiko give me your cloak, she is cold," Konan said.
The boy did so and Konan put her cloak around the young Fox's body.
"What shall we do with her?" Yahiko said, "I mean, we can't just take her back to Ame now can we?"
"That's exactly what we will do," Nagato said, "We will take her back with us."
"But…," Yahiko said.
"She is only a child Yahiko," Konan said, as she stood up, with the small body of the young Fox in her hand.
The girl's face was peaceful in her sleep. Her face was fox like in appearance and the two lumps of hair on her head were moving slightly similar to an animal. The blue haired woman was looking at the child's face with a soft smile upon her lips.
Nagato noticed this and knew that Konan was falling in love with the young child. She was always a motherhen to them when they were younger and knew she wouldn't leave the young girl.
"Konan," he said.
The blue haired woman looked toward him.
"We'll take her with us," she said.
"Outvoted Yahiko," Nagato told his friend.
The young man sighed.
"Then if word get out there is a Fox out there, it's on your heads," he said.
The trio walked out of the Temple carrying the young girl in their hands.
"So, what do you think we should call her?" Nagato asked.
Konan looked at the girl in her arms.
"Yael," she said, "We'll call her Yael."
"That's a nice name," Nagato said, "Yael of the Nine Tails."
Five Years later…
On top of the highest tower in Ame, a young figure was seating atop of it. The figure had long flowing red hair and the red eyes were looking at the extension of the land in front of her. Nine Tails were swinging and swishing behind her.
This person was Yael, A Fox with Nine Tails, adoptive daughter of Konan, Nagato and Yahiko. The three people that had found her and free her from the seal that she was bounded to. Yael doesn't remember much of her life before that. From what she had learned from Nagato, she was probably the last of her kind.
The last of the Fox Clan.
But they had taught her many things also, such as how to control her massive chakra and also taught her ninjutsu. She had a massive chakra, more than most Kage leveled Ninja, and can master powerful techniques in a mere whim.
But even when learning all of that, it didn't thirst her need to know about the Fox Clan which the knowledge had been scarce and even the location of the other Temples, apart from the one she had been found in, were unknown.
"I knew I'd found you here," a voice said.
She glanced behind her and found the half floating figure of Konan, paper flying all around her body. She liked the Origami technique that Konan seems to be the sole person to be able to do it.
It was almost like a bloodline to her.
"Konan," she said, smiling at the woman.
"Come down Yael," the blue haired woman told her, "We'll talk then."
Yael nodded before jumping down from where she was, and landing on all four like a cat. She jumped down even further and took hold of the window that lead to her home and climbed in there.
Konan was already there.
"You missed dinner again," she said, holding up a tray.
"Sorry," she said.
The woman looked at her worriedly.
"That was the third time this week you have done this Yael," she said, "What had been bothering you?"
Yael seated down upon the bed, not even touching her food.
"I…I want to find what had happened to the other Foxes," she said.
Konan seemed surprised.
"I just can't seat here in Ame," she said, "I know what you, Nagato and Yahiko had been telling me but, I just don't want to believe I am the only one out there. I don't want to believe that I am the last Fox alive."
"You want to leave?" Konan asked her.
"Not for forever," Yael said, looking at the woman who had cared for her for the past three years, "I will always think of you as my mother and Nagato and Yahiko as surrogate fathers…all four of us are a family. I will be strong for you guys have taught me so much."
"But there are many things that you don't know Yael," Konan told her, "Many things that I wish that you will never know."
"I know mother," she said taking the woman's hands wither her own clawed ones, "But I feel like I have to do this…I have to know."
The blue haired woman touched her whiskered cheeks and said.
"Come with me," she said.
Yael followed her through the corridors and right into the main room of their house. Nagato was with Yahiko talking over something with a map in front of them and the two men looked up at their entrance.
"Konan," Yahiko said, giving a smile, "I see you have found the little rascal."
Yael smiled a little. Yahiko was always calling her that thought it was more of a pet name than anything.
"Is something the matter?" Nagato asked.
"Yael wants to leave Ame to find out what happened to the Fox Clan," Konan told the room.
A small silence fell.
"Really? You want to leave?" Yahiko asked, looking at her with surprise.
Yael nodded.
"But why? This is your home isn't it?" he asked.
"I know Ame is my home," Yael said, "But I want to know what happened to them all. All around the Elemental Nations it is only known as a legend, a myth. But you three know better when you had found me, you know the Fox Clan existed as the tales have foretold…I just want to know why they had vanished and left me behind."
"This is why you have missed so many meals lately," Nagato said, his purple rippled eyes looking straight at her, "You could have just talked to us about it."
Yael looked down.
"I didn't want to seem to be a burden to you guys," she said.
"You're our daughter Yael," Nagato said to her, "Even so, I had a feeling that this will happen sooner or later, so I prepared something especially for you."
Yahiko glanced toward him.
"Is this why you have been so busy lately?" he asked.
Nagato nodded a small smirk growing on his lips.
"Your sword is ready."
Yael quickly approached him and saw that he was holding up a Buster sized sword which had the symbol of Ame engraved upon it.
"It's quite big," she said.
"Give it a few swing," Nagato told her.
Yael picked it up and to her surprise, it was really light.
"Whoa, it's so light," she said.
"I specially made it for you so it will respond to your chakra," Nagato told her, "If anyone tried to pick it up, their chakra will cause the blade to become heavier and heavier until they couldn't lift it at all. That way, only you can wield it."
Yael gives the man a hug.
"Thank you father," she said.
"It's all I can do for you in the journey you're about to take on," he said.
The next day, Yael was now dressed in a black cloak with red clouds upon it, a gift from her mother, Konan to remind her where she comes from and where she would return when this was over.
She threw the straw hat upon her head and Yael of the Nine Tails set out on her journey to find her lost kins…
This is the first chapter into this fic. Hope you enjoy and review.
Jacques0 out.