Yay, a new story..

Just randomly felt like writing a story like this one, thought it would be funny xD

I hope you like it !

-I edited this chapter, as I will be with the other chapters. I'm kinda re-writing this story so it'll be a better read. Changing some things but it'll still be the same, don't worry. Also.. I'm changing her to be in highschool instead of college. She lives by herself since her father is always out to business. i mean wtf, Sasuke's 17, he cant go to college then, and you don't want to be like 18-20 . Sorry i didnt think this through.

"Move it, bitch." You heard a vicious voice say from right beside you and looked up to see three girls facing you with their arms crossed.

"I said move." The one in front repeated, she looked at you impatiently and raised her eyebrows. You glanced to your right where the hall was empty and it left enough space for her to walk around, you didn't particularly feel like abandoning your locker just to let this bitchy girl pass so you raised an eyebrow and said,

"But there's -" You were cut off from your sentence,

"Does it looked like I care? I asked you nicely to move twice but it looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way." She abruptly shoved you to the floor and slammed shut your locker, without a second glance she walked past you with her two friends. People started staring at your direction and laughed, pointing their fingers. You rubbed your ass where it hurt from the fall. You always hated those three girls, they were such losers yet everyone liked them. You shrugged it off not caring, it's not like you could do anything anyway and you were kind of used to this, they'd do anything and seek every opportunity to be annoying brats to you. You reopened the locker to resume what you were doing until the bell went and headed to your final class.

You were sitting at a desk by yourself while everyone else sat together. You haven't particularly made any friends in this school even though you've been here for about half a year.. You were bored and tapped your fingers as your teacher was talking about... Wait, what class were you in again? Oh right, maths. Your favourite subject. Just kidding, you hated maths, you thought it was pointless to know all those complicated equations yet you knew they had their purposes.

"Naomi." The teacher called your name but you were just staring outside, lost in your thoughts. People started turning your way to see why you weren't answering. The teacher furrowed her eyebrows.


You snapped out of you daydream and glared at the teacher as she glared straight back and continued,

"why aren't you listening? Don't go daydreaming in my class or you're in for some detention." She said matter-of-factly.

"I wasn't daydreaming." You automatically lied. It was the best response to give after all, it gives you a chance to get a second warning. Well.. Until the teacher isn't convinced and asks you a question on the people who were listening would know,

"Then what is the answer to this problem?" She pointed to the board, proving her point.

You started to sweat a little in your seat, not wanting to make a fool of yourself you tried to quickly calculate the problem.

'Ok, we can do this, quickly, uuum... 4b x 5a +3 = ... Times go first so.. damn it, I'm too slow, hurry up! This is like the easiest question ever, why am I sweating? ...Um 20ab.. + 3?'

"20ab + 3?" You asked, still kind of doubtfully. The teacher squinted her eyes and looked a little impressed.

"Correct.. Well done. Next time just face the front so I don't think you're daydreaming again, alright?" She said and turned around continuing the lesson.

You looked at the cute guy in your class you secretly had a childish crush on. Of course he had a girlfriend and it happened to be the so called leader of the three bitches. Her name's Abby as you recall it. Ok, stop trying to sound cool, of course you knew her name. Anyway, almost every girl liked that guy and naturally so did you. It was obvious that it's pointless but it wasn't like you got your hopes up or anything, he was just cute.

As class ended you hurried back to your appartment. Yes, you lived alone, your father frequently left for business trips, as in for 3-4 months and be home for a week so you never saw him. He taught you how to look after yourself and had someone check up on you once in a while from when you were 13-15. But that wasn't needed anymore, it's been 3 years.

Excitedly you jumped on your bed and opened up your laptop. Almost instantly you opened the internet and typed in the Naruto website and clicked on the new manga that just came out. You silently fangirled and squealed to yourself as you read the whole chapter under 5 minutes then re-reading it to see if you missed anything.

You'd wait a whole week every week for a couple of pages from a manga to come out. Nevertheless they were all awesome, now you just couldn't wait for tomorrow to see the anime come out. And that's the end of the story of your life. Pretty sad huh? That's what other people would say but you were a different type of person. It didn't really interest you to go out or go drinking with a bunch of friends, go to night clubs then act like a total idiot then embarrass yourself.. Nope, didn't appealing to you at all. Not to mention you were still underaged.. But kids didn't seem to care and did whatever.

That's why lots of the girls would give you a hard time about being a loser or a nerd although they were basically walking behind Abbys ass all day. On the other hand the guys weren't really much of a problem, they wouldn't tease you or anything but occasionally one of the 'cool guys' would go up to you and say some random shit thinking they were cool talking to the so called shy girl. You had to admit, it made you feel kind of cool even though you knew you were just being played the idiot.

Suddenly your touch screen phone started to vibrate. You got a text from your best friend Jasmin who of course didn't even go to this school. She lived a little too far away.

"Heyyy Naomi, hru? (how are you?) I was wondering if you'd want to come over this weekend? (:"

You smiled at the text and took the phone in both hands and started typing with your thumb.

"Suree, (always using an extra letter on the end of your words for no reason.) sounds cool :P"

Your phone vibrated again and revealed the newest text from your friend.

"Ok, cool see you then"

You smiled and threw your phone a couple of inches away from you and lay down on your bed. You thought about Jasmin and what she might be doing. She's probably out somewhere because she's really popular unlike you. It made you kind of jealous how she's so good with people.

You put your laptop on the ground and lay under your covers to go to sleep. It wasn't exactly late yet but you were feeling tired and besides you didn't want to wait for tomorrow.


Your alarm spasmed first thing in the morning. You growled and glared at it as if it would turn off on its own but gave up on that thought and sat up to stop the painful ringing.

You lazily got up and got ready for school.

The day was long and went so slow.. It was like a whole year had passed before you were able to go back to you room and chill.

It was about three PM on Thursday so the new Naruto anime would be out right about now. You sat on the bed with your back againts the wall and laptop on your lap. You quickly clicked on the anime video and pressed play.

"Sasuke.." Naruto whispered under his breath. He stared at Sasuke before him.

"Naruto.. It's you.." Sasuke glared at the blonde but gave no further emotion.

"Sasuke, if you destroy konoha I'll have no choice but to kill you. So turn back Sasuke, just come back with us."

Naruto? Seriously? It's the middle of the war! You can't ask Sasuke to come back now.

"No.. It's too late, I've made my choice." Sasuke looked down at his feet. He and Naruto were the only ones there in the plain field of grass.

"No! It's never too late! Just return before it's too la- I mean.. Before your not yourself anymore!" Narutos eyes darted from one place to another in embarrassment avoiding Sasukes gaze as he noticed his idiotic mistake.

"You're such an idiot! Konoha is already destroyed and I'm leaving. I won't return anymore."

"Sasuke no!"

Sasuke made some hand signs and created a seal.

"S-Sasuke? No! What are you doing? Stop sealing youself! Who knows where you'll go if you do that?"

"Good-bye Naruto Uzumaki." Was Sasukes last words as he completely disappeared.

Holy fuck, where has Sasuke gone off too?

Suddenly you heard a puffy sound come from the ceiling. You looked up studying it to see what's wrong. Out of no where a black hole appeared with words circulating around it. Then randomly some person jumps out and lands on his feet.

"What the fuck?" You looked at the person shocked. He turned and faced you which made your mouth drop even more. He drew his sword and pointed it to your neck.

"Who are you? Answer." He said coldly.

He looks exactly like.. In every way.. But it's impossible..

"N-Naomi, Naomi Winters.."

The guy glared at you but lowered his sword. He looked around the place while you still had the 'What the hell' expression on your face.

"What's with this place, it's so detailed.." He suddenly questions. He walked around and touched some things.

"What-... Detailed.. What-.." You couldn't find the right words as you were still shocked to find a random guy here that looked exactly like Sasuke that just jumped from the ceiling which looked like a seal!

"And what the hell is up with everything not having black lines around them? And why does you hair look so weird?"

Does your hair really look that weird?

"So.. Since you're asking me these stupid questions mean you must be.. No way, who are you?" You stood up from your bed and examined him. He got a little uncomfortable from your gaze but you didn't notice since this was all much too amazing.

"Sasuke. Sasuke Uchiha." He said expressionlessly.

"No, seriously, who are you?" There was no way this guy could be Sasuke right? But then what was with that black thing on your ceiling.. The seal..

"Are you saying I don't know who I am?" He furrowed his eyebrows and stared darkly out you, which made you feel a shiver down your spine. You couldn't actually believe this guy, is he really Uchiha? You took a step closer to him and touched his face.

"What are you doing?" He smacked off your hand and glared at you.

"Holy shit, you're seriously Sasuke."

"So what? do you know me?"

"Do I know you? Yes I know you.. But oh my fucking god, you actually teleported yourself here? What the hell!" This was the weirdest thing that ever happened. 'Omg, omg, omg ! Is this for real? This is so weird!' You weren't sure if this was actually for real though, maybe your eyes are deceiving you or something?

"Yes, now where am I?"

"You are.. On planet Earth. To be honest I don't think you would of wanted to come here.. Earth is like the last planet you'd want to go on.." Unless you were extremely rich and had enough money to travel and see all those rare beautiful places of the world.

"What ever. I can go back any time." Sasuke replied in a mono-tone voice. He looked outside to see a bunch of kids hanging out. He was pretty relaxed, probably knew he'd end up at a total different area, but he didn't realise he was actually on a different planet yet.

"What are they doing? And why aren't they training? What kind of stupid school is this, lazy kids."

You narrowed your eyes at him, but then realising he's on planet Earth now, in other words, your world, it was logical he would think that way.

"Here we don't train to become ninja like in your world."

He instantly turned his head toward you, looking rather confused.

"What? Then what the hell do you do here?"

"What you did at the academy when you were younger."

"What..? How do you know so much about me? Who the hell are you?"

Oh god, you're going to have to explain everything to this guy.

"You're an anime person... Look.." You sat back on your bed and put your laptop on your lap. You opened up google and typed in 'Sasuke shippuuden'. You turned your laptop towards him.

"The fuck? Why do you have like a hundred pictures of me? And what's up with your weird computer? Why is it so flat?"

"It's called a laptop, and those pictures aren't mine.. I simply get them off the internet as you see."

"Hn. What ever. I'm going training." He said and almost walked out the door before you quickly stopped him.

"Uh, wait. You wouldn't want to be doing your training here. There's no use and it's probably illegal to be throwing knives around everywhere."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at you as if he didn't believe you.

"I'm serious, you're in a college, you'll be better off studying for five hours."

"Then what do you study?" Sasuke asked as he walked to the middle of the room and sat down on your chair behind your desk. For now he'll listen to you and see how you lived.

"What ever we get tested on. Tomorrow we're having a test on history." You got out your history book from the shelf next to your desk and opened it to the correct page. You took a set on your bed (basically your favourite place to sit) and patted the spot next to you to tell Sasuke to sit down. He hesitated for a moment but obeyed.

"Look, we need to learn everything from this paragraph, -page flip- this whole page, and the dates, -page flip- and a couple of paragraphs from here."

"Who said I was going to go to this school anyway." Sasuke turned to you as if you just explained all that for nothing.

"What else are you going to do? It's not like you can go out somewhere like you can in your world." You said knowing Sasuke could do whatever he wanted, but seriously, you wanted Sasuke to stay here with you, he can't leave now!


"Look you're the one who wanted to teleport here so you gotta play by our rules now.." You smiled evily. He narrowed his eyes at you and walked to the window opening it, he put on foot on the frame..

"Noooo! No, no, no, you can't jump out from the window! You'll die you idiot!" You quickly pulled Sasuke back and closed the window, almost having a heart attack. There's no way you're going to lose him this quickly.

"Your an idiot! I do this all the time, you don't know anything!"

You rolled your eyes at his ignorance then tried to explain things slowly. "Look, this is different world (You tried to talk baby-ish to him on purpose and drew pictures with your hands to make it more clear), you not know this world. World different from your world. So listen to me and you might no die that way."

He snickered at you and sat back down on your bed.

"Fine, but don't ever talk to me that way again."

You laughed to yourself and sat on the chair. It really was weird how he suddenly appeared here out of no where, but he didn't seem like a stranger to you. Probably because you spend hours watching him although he didn't really treat you like a stranger either.

"So are you going to school tomorrow? I don't think they'll mind if some random kid were to turn up in class all of a sudden."

"If I have to. Who cares.. "

"Well then, since you're probably going to stay here for tonight I might as well tell you some things about my room." You stood up enthusiastically, secretly cheering to yourself that you convinced him to stay and continued, pointing at your bed, "the bed your sitting on now is my bed. -now pointing to the desk- That's my desk and behind that door is the living room/kitchen. Also my T.V." Purposely exaggerating the word 'my' to tease him. You were able to get a pretty decent furniture and everything, as you father was practically rich. "Also, the door over there leads to the bathroom."

Sasuke nodded as he understood everything you said.

It was getting late and the sun has already gone down. The streets were dark but the lamps helped it stay light. You yawned and stretched your arms.

"Damn, it's already so late and I need to study!"

You grabbed some clothes from your cupboard and went in the bathroom to change into a loose fitting shirt and pants.

As you walked back out Sasuke examined your new outfit. You grabbed you book and started reading it on the bed. Sasuke automatically started reading with you.

"What the hell is up with your history? What with all these kings and slaves and shit, what the hell."

"Uuuh.." For some reason you were embarrassed by the question. "I don't know? I didn't do that stuff.." You said not really answering the question and more like avoided it.

You read the paragraphs over and over creating questions in your head then mentally answering them so you could remember all the details as well as possible. Once you though you had it well enough you closed the book and threw it away, not bothering to put it on the shelve because you were too tired or too lazy.

"I'm going to sleep.." You said and stretched your back.

"Is there anywhere I can sleep..?" Sasuke glared but it had no effect on you since you were practically used to it.

"I don't know where do you want to sleep?" You said as you crawled onto your bed and hopped under the covers as Sasuke was still sitting on it. Being the little fan girl you are and holding in all the crazy emotions going through you you kept it cool, but still crossed your fingers.

"Not on the floor." He said then pushed you all the way up againts the wall.

"Hey, ow!"

He took off his loose fitting shirt and skirt thing including the rope and lied down on the most outer edge of the bed as you were all the way againts the wall, leaving a two feet space between you.

You rolled your eyes and concentrated on going to sleep. You stayed up for at least an hour thinking about Sasuke and how weird this whole situation is but drifted off eventually.

If you're wondering why Sasuke isn't a moody bitch in this chapter, well it's because he kind of left the anime series in a good mood.

Please revieewww!