Disclaimer: Transformer character names belong to Hasbro Studios, Steven Puri, Mandy Safavi (and so on) unless stated an OC which in case belong to the author, andshecryz. No copyright infringement is intended. Plagiarism is theft so is prohibited. Do not copy or create a reproduction of this work in any language without express written authorization of the author, andshecryz. Thank you...Please enjoy c:

Cybertronian Oc x Megatron

A/N; Hope you all enjoy this. I wrote the entire fic altogether, but I figured breaking it into numerous chapters would be easier on the eyes, and much more convenient to you guys. IM POSTING ALL CHAPTERS AT THE SAME TIME.

Terminology you might not understand;


Ch. 4; Her Voice

Megatron sat silent; hunched over while sitting stiffly at the edge of his berth. He could hear Soundwave as the smaller mech entered; his curiosity at its peak as he observed the other quizzically.

The silent mech entered the private quarters of his Liege with a form of hesitance as anyone would have. He had lately been keeping himself locked within the room, pondering over useless matters such as the past and perhaps the future. The past was what worried the Communications Officer the most. The past is what brought terrible thoughts the Leader's mind; focusing his processor on Orion Pax, the Matrix, and one femme in particular. It was wrong, in a sense, to allow the Decepticon Leader to wallow and down himself in heated regret of allowing Orion to live…but it was also wrong to ensure that he was no longer fixated on the happiest memories of his life. Still, the seeker did what was sought as best for the Decepticon cause…and that was enraging the former gladiator even more to encourage his actions of vile intention. It was what Megatron had asked him to do vorns ago, just in case his objectives were compromised.

Soundwave stood wary a he extended a tentacle and altered the extremity to replay the video present on his visor. The moving images became visible on the wall of the Nemesis, as if a human movie theater just for Megatron himself. Nevula-Six appeared on the wall; her vibrancy catching the Decepticon Leader's optic as he struggled to avoid looking her way. She was smiling as she'd always had...violet armor shining and matching optics wide with the usual excitement she was known for. She ran up to Megatronus, who was also displayed in the film, her arms wrapping around him tightly as she made another exclamation to Soundwave as he recorded her.

~He's come so far! ~ She sounded the same...each word and dainty tone being all too familiar to Megatron as he growled at his Communications Officer.

"Soundwave!" He commanded the seeker to turn the video off in a single word as he set his clawed hands to either side of his head; trying to grasp a hold of the guilty migraine that burrowed into his processors. Guilty was one word for it...or completely at fault.

~Soundwave! It's been about an orn." She ran up to the mech in the film; her bouncy steps filled with the positive energy that his Liege had loved. Although commanded Soundwave wouldn't shut it off. This type of memorable exposure was good for his Lord...no matter what he argued.

"SOUNDWAVE TURN IT OFF!" He screamed at the other with a ferocity he rarely used; his optics wide and burning with an uncontrollable rage that had begun to eat away at his spark since the day Nevula-Six had offlined.

~Megatronus, good luck! ~ Another clip continued as Megatron slammed his fist into the wall; aiming for the consistent video while having enough control to not demolish Soundwave in a single blast. The seeker simple moved his tentacle and aimed it at the other wall; wanting the picture to be clear and not altered by the obvious dent in the metal.

Megatron grew worse every second; his eyes flaring and his wiring tensed to the point of snapping if touched. His mouth-plates were in a distraught frown rather than the usual scowl, and he appeared to be caught between sorrow and heated anger. The guilt was unbearable...almost torture to watch his offlined beloved dance before him like she had all those vorns ago. He missed her eager personality...he missed her faceplate, her color, her everything. He wanted to reach out and touch his Nevula as she pranced around on screen, but he couldn't. She appeared happy...and that killed him from the inside at the thought of her demise. Her consistent smile lit up the room even in a simple recording from forever ago, and her purple optics shimmered in the unawareness she contently suffered from. She'd been innocent in every possible way...and that made him even weaker in emotions. He felt the need to break down and cry...but that was weakness...and weakness was pathetic. It was not something he was too eager to expose.

Soundwave watched his own film progress from orn to orn; her colorful armor changing shades every few scenes and her upturned lip components unwavering even in difficult situations. He watched the final clip as Nevula stood in the center of the screen; having been looking he and Megatronus straight on with that wide smile she loved to wear. Her violet arms we're extended to show off the entire room, some of her cables and wiring visible from her excited stance of presentation. Her paint was shiny and new in this particular clip; recalling that she'd wanted to look her best that day, and had upgraded for the big party that the femme had planned all on her own.

Her lip components moved with each word as she closed her optics due to the cheeky grin and tilted her helm to the side while surprising her leader.

~Happy Creation Day, Megatronus!~

The clips ended...and Soundwave quietly left the room as Megatron scornfully wallowed in his own regret.

Her voice...it tortured him.


I have literally nothing to say. Hope you enjoyed. Check out my Soundwave x Oc fic; Unspoken Codes if you're interested! Thanks to all who read this far!

Love all my followers c: