Disclaimer: Transformer character names belong to Hasbro Studios, Steven Puri, Mandy Safavi (and so on) unless stated an OC which in case belong to the author, andshecryz. No copyright infringement is intended. Plagiarism is theft so is prohibited. Do not copy or create a reproduction of this work in any language without express written authorization of the author, andshecryz. Thank you...Please enjoy c:

Cybertronian Oc x Megatron

A/N; PLEASE READ. If you haven't seen TF: Prime then you might not completely understand this fic. I suggest going to YouTube and looking up 'Optimus Megatron Origin' and click and watch the very first TF: P video that appears. It's a REALLY good story (told by our awesomely amazing Ratchet) that will clear up any confusion in reference to this fic.

Terminology You Might Not Know;

Solar cycle; Measurement of time equivalent to an Earth day.

Orn; Measurement of time equivalent to 13 Earth days.

Vorn; Measurement of time equivalent to 14 Earth years.

Primus; Cybertronian deity/personification of Cybertron itself.


Ch. 1; Inseparable

Takes Place Before The War of Cybertron

"Megatronus...your mind is elsewhere." Blue optics looked to the femme beside him; her gaze focused on the former gladiator as they walked a randomly chosen path through the city. The lights and passing bots in flight mode gave off a wave of life no planet could mimic, and she found it peaceful.

"I have been considering on making Orion my permanent correspondent, and also entitling Soundwave as Chief among my followers. They have both earned their positions." Purple optics seemed to brighten at the names of her two colleagues, Nevula-Six smiling at her leader and childhood friend with an enthusiastic air.

"They have...I encourage it on both terms." Megatronus looked to his partner once again, watching as she rubbed an antsy servo against the deep violet of her armor. The wings on her back tilted down with content emotion as a fellow Cybertronian caught her eye; compelling the much smaller framed bot to wave with the usual upturn of lip components.

"In all honesty...I am glad to see you have found interest in political society rather than that of gladiatorial standards, Megatronus. I worry less about your life." She let out a resilient laugh at the memories of how concerned she would be every time he fought in the arena.

"Those were not my intentions." He placed a firm yet caring hand atop her helm without ceasing their movements.

"Of course not. Just like the time Orion was nearly forced into the scrapping battle! I almost offlined just by the sight of it!" She halfheartedly giggled with a light air to her vocal processors, sharing the memory with her companion as he released a hardy chuckle.

Nevula again spoke after their laughter dulled into a comfortable silence.

"Orion has become more of a student to you, hasn't he?" Her question was followed with curiously wide optics as they continued their daily walk.


"I figure he will support you when meeting with the High Council. He has proven himself very worthy of your praise, as much as Soundwave has. They were inspired by your orations so easily...you seem to have a way with words, my friend." She gave another light chuckle while placing a hand on his back gingerly, something he'd become used to.

"Both have been by my side since the sheer beginning of all this political controversy, I expect nothing less of Orion." Nevula smiled at the thought of her fellow Iacon clerk almost proudly. She'd known both he and Megatronus for vorns...almost since her creation.

"Will you request to be bestowed with the title of a Prime? I'm sure with your longing for a just society they will accept you without hesitance."

He halted, causing her to stop their walk as well. A heavy servo set itself upon her shoulder as if comforting her in the most moderate of ways; looking down into her purple optics attentively.

"If they do not entitle me equitably then they are fools, Nevula. If the situation comes to such terms then I will prove them wrong...and physically earn my right as a Prime." His tone was harsh yet subtle with an eagerness she hadn't heard since his gladiator days. She could tell that it meant more to him than his own life...just the way he spoke of it as if he were meeting Primus himself indicate the title's importance.

"You are too humble for your own good. I'm surprised that you haven't already broken down the doors with the demand to be heard, Megatronus."

"It is Megatron, as of now. I am politically capable of leading an entire army to do my bidding...I feel it right to shorten my name." His smile was rather cocky in a way that the femme was unable to process. Still, she smiled back and toyed with his temporary arrogance.

"Is that what you've been deliberating all this time? Your name?"

She laughed teasingly as he rolled his blue optics; humored. As annoying as she first seemed, Nevula was never one to irritate the Leader even with her consistent banter. She stood as a lover of peace, bot-kind, and mutuality. She was his inspiration for demanding equality to the leaders of Cybertron. She was the reason he'd become a gladiator to earn the eye of the people, and then the sparks and minds of those who agreed with his petitions and queries of equivalent treatment to all of their generation and those to come. Yet even then he felt a dire need to recruit more followers, and gain more power to hold beneath his wing. He found the feeling of ultimate control overwhelming yet at the same time pleasant. He had more power than he knew what to do with...enough to begin a war for justice.

"I've already told you of my judgments towards Soundwave and Orion." Nevula ignored his serious response to her playful nature, finding herself used to the stern mannerisms ever since his great political movement. She rolled her optics before becoming distracted once again.

"Speaking of the bot..." Megatron smiled slightly as Nevula stood daintily on the tips of her stabilizing servos, looking to the approaching Soundwave as she exclaimed his presence blissfully.

"Soundwave! It's been an orn or so."

Her arms enveloped the mech with the same elation that the purple femme usually exhibited. He returned the hug decisively; looking to Megatronus with the commonly blank expression he always wore.

"Nevula, why don't you visit with Orion until I call for you?" He seemed commanding in his 'request'...that being unusual and somewhat foreign to the femme's audio receptors.

"A-...Alright. I will see you the next solar cycle, then!" The excitement in her voice rose with each word as she merely blew off his odd tone and waved with her perky grin that he'd come to love. She daintily jumped up and transformed into her flight mode; leaving their presence and returning to her home happily; each movement catching Megatron's attention in hopes for her complete safety. His concern for her was extended, especially since he'd made enemies that disagreed with his newfound propositions.

Nevula was his world...ever since he'd met her. Yet he began seeing her as more than just his childhood companion as he had for countless vorns. She'd become much more attractive with her last upgrade, having a more defined curve at her waist and a well-configured form. Her wings seemed sharper and prettier at the points, and her violet colored armor was smoothed out to the definition of perfect; each edge trimmed with a delicate swirl of navy that highlighted the silver of her joints and abdomen.

Only the best for his Nevula. Everyone knew that, as well as Orion who'd known her a long stretch of time even before meeting Megatronus himself. Correspondents with a relationship of teacher and student...linked between one single femme who'd shared her unconditional love for the world and inspired them both since childhood. They were her brothers, yet she loved Megatronus with a passion indescribable to any bot in existence. Beyond that of a brother and beyond that of a friend.

It wasn't long before Nevula realized her spark belonged to Megatronus...or Megatron as he now supposedly preferred. No other mech made her smile as much as he had...and ever since they were sparklings she had looked to him as someone to adore. Someone to love and worry for was something that many Cybertronians were unable to have or maintain. She was just as important to him as he was to her, and she knew it all too well.

The thought of interfacing with the sliver mech had crossed the femme's processors once or twice...but as he moved higher and higher up in society, she found it a simple distraction to his plans and leadership. Perhaps once he'd conquer the sparks and minds of Cybertron and declare peace among their people? Yes...then she would settle beside him as more than just his arm-candy for his followers to awe at. She would become his sparkmate if he agreed to it, and then they would progress into much more.

She wanted her destiny to remain beside Megatronus for their eternity, until the day she rusted offline with her hand servo in his.

Yet even with her eager hopes...she was unable to express her feelings to the mech.

Soundwave knew of her love...he had the minute he'd met the femme. As scrutinizing and thorough as the bot was he found it impossible to not see her adoration for his leader. The way she smiled as if she didn't care, and the way her purple optics would linger over his features as he spoke of their peaceful future. Everything Megatron did was for her, and everything Nevula did was for Megatron. Although neither knew it…it was as if Soundwave was the bridge that intercepted all unrecognized emotions between the two. Yet as odd of a couple as they were (a large daring leader and a tiny jovial damsel) they would remain beside each other through the worst or better of times.

The silent mech could tell that they were inseparable.

~End Chapter One

A/N: Okay, so I know I should be working on my SoundwavexOc fic...buuuttt...I couldn't help myself. I was listening to a song...and ti just inspired me...and you all know how it goes from there. :P

Anyway, I hope you like it...chapter two should already be up. If it's not...me and FF are having a serious chat. -_-

Again if you don't understand (therefore haven't watched Transformers: Prime) loom up 'Optimus and Megatron Origin' on Youtube. Great story, and will definitely help you understand this fic!

It will help those of us who have already seen TF: P refreshen our memories. c:

Chapter Inspired by the song: Sarah Smiles ~ by Panic! At The Disco

Review for the procrastinator? c;