Chapter 8

"Don't!" Edward cried out at Carlisle and Emmett when he realised they were ready to attack the new red eyed vampire amongst their midst. Emmett turned to give him an incredulous look.

Edward could see inside his mind that he didn't understand why Edward would prevent this and he also saw confusion inside his mind at Edward's own sudden change of heart when he had growled at the newcomer as well. But Edward saw something which the others haven't realised yet. He wrapped one of his arms around Bella protectively to pull her closer to his chest and then put the other out as a sign to calm down his family.

That seemed to calm his family down but then the nomad vampire jumped, caught Alice and pulled her away until they were standing apart from them. Immediately Emmett and everyone apart from Edward let out a big growl. The vampire took his eyes off Alice and glared at them while letting out a dangerous growl, blatantly threatening them. This riled up all of them but before there could be a war Edward spoke out loudly again.

"They imprinted on each other" Edward said it which caused everyone to look at him with wide eyes. He could see that even Bella's eyes were wide in surprise.

"Are you sure Son?" Carlisle asked, still very wary, not wanting to risk his daughter.

"I am, just look at them" he stated while pointing at them.

The sight in front of them was obvious enough. Alice was enraptured by him, her hand was on his cheek in an act to try and calm him down. And that touch was enough to make the nomad stop growling and simply stare at her. They simply stared at each other. Seeming to recognise the signs of the imprint, they relaxed.

"Man what a day, both royals finding their imprint after being alone for a century," Rosalie muttered under her breath. At her words, the nomad, Alice's mate turned to look at them and saw the distrust in his eyes. Edward could tell that while the nomad recognised and trusted Alice, he certainly didn't trust them. He could hear his thoughts, which were making plans on how to escape with Alice and Bella. At that he froze up and started growling before pulling Bella even closer towards himself. No one was taking his mate away from him!

"Edward? Dude now why are you growling at him after you stopped us!" Emmett asked while staring at his brother appearing confused. Alice tilted her head to stare at her brother with puzzled eyes as she knew that he was directing that towards her newfound imprint.

"He wants to take Bella away from me" Edward growled out-loud. He could see it now. The nomad had tracked Bella's scent to the palace. He had known her and tracked her down with the intention of taking her away. He even had contingency plan on how to achieve it but he had been distracted by the sight of Alice and that threw his plan into a surprise. Now his mind was working fast on how to runaway with both of them. And that didn't help Edward's temper. No one was taking away his mate and baby sister.

The said nomad turned to look at him in surprise and confusion; he didn't understand how Edward knew and considered him a big threat. His eyes went towards Bella once again which caused Edward's own growl to become even louder. Instinctively he put Bella behind him. If this nomad wanted Bella he would have to get through him. He didn't want to hurt Alice's mate, after all she had sought for her imprint for so long. But if he had too then he would. He would defend his mate to death. Seeing his defensive stance, the nomad started growling as well.

"Edward stop!" Alice cried out, he could see from her mind that she was distressed at this turn out but he couldn't stop.

The nomad stopped growling to purr at Alice, seeming to sense her distress and wanting to dispute it but his own stance were still defensive. Neither Carlisle, Esme, Emmett or Rosalie knew what to do, this could be chaotic and any step could destroy either or both of their family members. Just when things were getting into a destructive stand off, Bella stepped out.

When Edward felt Bella leave where he put her, he became startled and saw that she was directly in front of him now. His eyes went wide at that and panic gripped him.

"Bella no!" he caught her arms, not wanting to lose her. But Bella was calm, she held no fear nor even any feelings of intimidation at the sight of the nomad who was planning to steal her away from him. She calmly turned her head and looked at Edward with a smile.

"It's okay Edward, I am safe" she then looked ahead and pierced her glance at the nomad who was still fifty feet away from them, "You can calm down Jasper, they won't harm me. He is my imprint just like his sister is yours"

That caused everyone to stare at Bella. It hadn't occurred to Edward until now that Bella knew Alice's mate. He had been so hell bent on protecting her that he hadn't realised they were acquaintance. That caused a small feeling of jealousy but that dissipated quickly. Even if they knew there is no way they must have had that kind of relationship. Not when they both imprinted on different mates. But the nomad, presumably called Jasper, did not calm down. He was still tense and stared at them, not trusting anyone apart from Alice. Even Bella's attempt did not dispute the discord.

Bella sighed exasperatedly and tried to walk towards Jasper and Alice intently but fearing for her life, Edward pulled her back and cradled her against his chest. His protectively instincts were reigning high, in control. He wouldn't lose her. He wouldn't let anything harm her. That motto kept running through his mind. In tune with him, Bella seemed to know exactly what he feared.

"Edward, he is not going to hurt me. I am serious. He can't, he is my brother."

Those words were enough to cause a ring of gasps which startled all occupants in the room.

Hey guys! I am back! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. I thought I'd come back into this and carry on. The reason I haven't had a chance to update on this was because I was busy updating the other fics in my second FF account (its 'badwolfrise' if you want to check that account out, its still on this site but I became more active in that account because I had forgotten the email I had for this account).

I wanted to carry on with this fic so hope you enjoyed this! I will update soon again and I hope that my writing has improved. I kind of cringed at my grammar problems in the previous chapters. I might have to rewrite the old ones but for now I will carry on. Enjoy this, the fic is back!