San: I'm finally with a dialogue...Took you long enough to write this

Me: sorry but the lecturer at my university loves to give his student lots of work

Naruto: heh… that just excuse.

Me: err well my works just finish yesterday...Yes finish em and exam is around the corner so I need to study you know.

Naruto: Study? I bet you will be sleeping again instead of study.

Me: Gouza-Kun~ I found Naruto here

Naruto paled and start running while cursing me.

Me: San-Chan can you do the disclaimer Pleaaseeee~

San: sure Acakura do not own Naruto or Bride of Seto "Seto No Hanayome"…

3. My wife is a yakuza

Naruto, who is still thinking of what to do, did not notice a group consist of three people entering the house and walking in front of Seto San

"Excuse us for coming this late" an afro hair guy wearing a business suit and a black sunglass said while the other two is at his side

"There they are aniki we'll get them" said one of the afro subordinate

"Come with us if you know what good for ya'll"

Both Honoka and Haruto was scared for what the afro subordinate said and one thought came to their mind "The Yakuza!"

"Enough already you two, shut up" the afro said firmly

"o-okay" both of his subordinate said at the same time while bowing their head to him

"Oh Crap, he's so cool looking" said Honoka quietly as she stare at the afro guy.

Naruto seeing his mother act like that currently having a sweat drop at the back of his head while his father was in shock and falling to the ground mumbling things about coolness. Nagasumi well, currently hiding behind Naruto using him as a shield. And his grandmother had her mouth open and her left eyes open and the other one close. If Naruto look closer he would notice his grandmother soul left her body.

"We are San-Ojou servants, and due to that I'm sorry to say your parents and you're sibling are coming with us. Our bosses who are San-Ojou parents want to have a face to face conversation with you. The afro said.

The couple started to panic and Haruto was having a breakdown and fainted same goes to Nagasumi who also fainted.

"She's the daughter of a yakuza boss" Honoka shouted while sweat appeared on her face.

"So please come with us" with that said one of the afro subordinate went to take Honoka and Haruto while the other one walking toward Naruto and grab the fainted Nagasumi and tried to grab Naruto but he swat his hand away.

"I can walk" Naruto said clearly.

Hisako who watching her family dragged away by the group sigh.

"Just as I thought it has turned into something troublesome."

After a worthwhile of walking they arrive at a cliff where Nagasumi and Haruto who awoke during their walk is shaking thinking the worse reason why they was brought here.

"Well then everyone please go ahead" and with a loud eh from the family the afro subordinate push them off the cliff and into the ocean.

Naruto tried swimming to the nearest which is Nagasumi and saw his parents dragged further deep to what it look like an estate or something at the bottom of the ocean.

"They are going to kill us!" Nagasumi thought while sinking then he took a glance at his right and saw the afro guy grab him and dragged him deeper "I'm going to die a virgin!" .Then he take a short glance to his left and saw Naruto grabbed by San. He felt something odd and saw San fish tail "Memememe-M-ermmmmaid, then she is the one from this afternoon." And Nagasumi passed away…R.I.P.

*Don't kill me just yet!*

*tch just die already*

Seto Estate

First thing Naruto see when he opens his eyes is that his parents were shaking and then he notice him and Nagasumi at its center and there are people sitting in a straight line his left and right. At the end of it he see San and two adult, one is a male with spiky black hair and scars on his face. The other adult is a woman with short blue Cleopatra hair and her face resemble San. Naruto assume they are San parent since she is sitting beside the male adult...

"Son in law" the scar face adult called to Naruto.

"Excuse me but can we please wake my little brother first before we talk." Naruto said with a calm voice trying not to anger the yakuza boss and his parent quickly nodding to his suggestion.

"Very well" and with that he rose up and walk toward Nagasumi with the afro guy right behind him. Naruto quickly getting nervous because he didn't ask his subordinate or his family to wake Nagasumi instead he's coming toward Nagasumi personally.

The boss crouches down and began nudging Nagasumi at the shoulder and in a second Nagasumi opens his eyes.

"Brat wake up"

The first thing Nagasumi do when he wake up is stare at the scar man face

And he feign to still be unconscious

"Urgh Nagasumi why did you do that" Naruto thought while face palming thinking why Nagasumi do that since they saw him awake.

"..." a moment of silence

"MASA! CPR!" the scar face man shouted to the afro who now known as Masa.

"Yes boss" Masa began doing a CPR to Nagasumi to which Naruto saw the CPR process and began paling. To him he saw as if Masa was kissing Nagasumi silly and felt sorry for Nagasumi.

"I'm glad I didn't go with that plan when I wake up just now"

"I'm Awake, I'm Awake, stop it" Nagasumi struggle for air.

Their parent watches as Nagasumi getting rape….i mean CPR...yes CPR and Honoka was getting jealous of Nagasumi and Haruto was crying a river.

"Ah~ I know it's improper but…" Honoka said with star in her eyes.

"Please snap out of it Honoka-chan" Haruto said crying that her wife starting to like other man.

"Toryaaa" Nagasumi finally break free of Masa

"Come on worry about me and where is this, is Masa-San the one I gave my first kiss to?"

"I'm feeling a bit jealous~" Honoka said

"We'll talk about this later" Haruto Pleaded

The boss went back to his seat at the back middle and sit between San and the blue hair women.

"Brat! It seem that you are okay" the scar man said to Nagasumi

"Err like I said where this place is?" Nagasumi said in a blank expression

"Well Nagasumi this is San-Chan home. One that's at the bottom of the sea.

"It's the home of a mermaid" Haruto and Honoka. Naruto clearly saw that they are afraid seeing all the men's stare at them.

"Thanks for coming this far, I am San's father, the boss of Seto clan of the Seto Inland Fishkind Alliance, Seto Gouzaburou."

"And I am his wife, Seto Ren." The women beside Gouzaburou introduce herself.

Naruto rose up after san's parent introduces themselves and giving a slight bow.

"I have a feeling that your daughter already tell you my name" which Gouzaburou and his wife nod "But let me introduce myself formally, my name is Michishio Naruto, son to Michishio Haruto and Michishio Honoka who is right there with my little brother Michishio Nagasumi"

"Wha... Naruto under this situation still manage to stay calm" Nagasumi though while Naruto was having a breakdown in his mind "this is not good that face…urgh that serious face look the same as Hiashi when I went to as for Hinata to get married. Think, think of how you can escape this situation….


Inside Naruto brain, lots of Naruto's was having a meeting

One Naruto stand up "I got it how about we pretend we're gay"




How can you even suggest that…evil be gone!" *beep* and with that the Naruto that give the idea fell into a pit below him. "Next idea please".

"How about we play emo like Sasuke did"

"Objection! We all know what happened when we play that role on Hiashi turns out! Need I remind you how close we are to death when he order all Hyuuga to search and kill"

"Agreed we also think that this idea sucks." Another Naruto stated.

A moment later...

"We have come to conclusion that we...we just leave it to original Naruto to think" three Naruto's agreed.

"But we are his subconscious…"

"Just put it blank he'll manage it somehow, let' go already, the ramen stand won't be open forever you know, oh wait it open forever haha silly me."

"Sorry Boss but you're on your own, it's ramen time"



"….I got nothing, damn it how come I can't find any idea...Umm ramen...Nonono now not the time" Naruto thought while staying calm

"Look at how Naruto handle this situation I'm so proud of my son" Haruto and Honoka thought

After introducing himself and his family Naruto went to sit beside his parents

At this San's Father just nod while his wife had a calculating eyes on him.

"Now, the reason why I made you all come all the way here is because my daughter here save your son's life today" San's father said while looking at the family.

Haruto elbow Nagasumi lightly

"Is that so" Haruto ask quietly.

"How come you didn't tell me about it?" Honoka follow Haruto quietly also

"Like I said, I saw a mermaid when I drown didn't I? Nagasumi snarl at both his parents

San's Father make a light grumble to direct their attention to him

"Guest, listen up. We mermaid have such a rule that mermaid whose identity is exposed to human...Will be punish by execution!"


"oi oi oi isn't that is too harsh" Naruto said quietly

"He or she will be reduce to bubbles in the sea and then vanish!*insert manly tears* this is something that can't be changed!*insert annoying manly tears again* tragic isn't it?

"Eh...y-yes" Nagasumi managed to say it clearly shocked about the situation.

Suddenly San's father just went quietly


"Ehh! We don't know even if you ask us" the Michishio family said clearly shocked at San's Father Outburst.

"Anata!" His wife called to him making him turn his head to see his wife glaring at him and he developed a bit sweat at his face.

"Umm then I think about it. If an execution is required w-when you're identity is exposed." He said with a strained voice clearly holding his emotion in check

"THEN EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE IF I JUST KILL YOU ALL!" he was holding his Chokuto while flames can be seen from his mouth

"Please don't kill us" Nagasumi yelled"

"Boss calm down! Boss" Masa holding his boss back and then he turn his face toward the Michishio Family

"Don't worry it will be fine just leave it to me" Masa said to the family in a cool way.

"Okay~" said Nagasumi and Honoka plus Naruto who with his family stared awed at Masa.

"This is not the time to be in a delusion!" Haruto Yelled


"Otousan stop it, if you do that, you won't understand why I save him. Saving them just because you feel like it and then killing them...this goes against our moral code" San said to her father while glaring at him. "And it was my decision to help him so I won't give up halfway and see it through to the end" with that said San lay on her back with her hand and leg spread.

"Come feel free to steam or roast me!"

"… That sounds so wrong on so many levels. What are you, a fish? *thinking* never mind" Naruto thought while having a sweat drop.

"Damn! San, don't say that! I beg you! Please let me kill them! San's father start wailing violently from Masa and his subordinate grip to calm him down

"Umm Naruto it look like this conversation went downhill" Nagasumi said to Naruto who clearly still keeping a calm face and get no answer from him just a blank stare as if he found an answer on Nagasumi face and that creep Nagasumi out

"Tousan! Please do something about this situation" Nagasumi tried talking to his father

"Sorry Nagasumi but I'm too sick to move" Haruto said to Nagasumi while pretending to cough

"You we're just fine just now" Nagasumi said clearly irritated

"I'm sorry" San's mother said to the family and went to sit in front of Naruto

"My Husband tends to get hothead easily and it's hard to reason with him when he is like this" She said while a cry "LET ME GO" and "IM GONNA KILL THEM" can be heard behind her "and my daughter usually obedient but she can get quite stubborn"

"It's okay" Naruto said snapping out of his trance.

"Anyway Naruto-Kun we have found a solution in this problem that will work out for both you and San.

Immediately both his parent and Nagasumi come behind him with a loud "ooh"

"DON'T SAY IT REN!" a voice can be heard in the background *you can guess who said it*

"Hey Naruto-Kun, why don't you and San…Get married?" For some reason she said it in a happy tone.

"Ehwhat's up with me and marrying clan heiress business?" Naruto shocked clearly didn't expect this option since he's more concentrated on how to get his family to safety.

"So how about it? It won't be a problem if the one who know our identity is one of us? So Naruto-Kun, are you willing to become the son-in-law of a mermaid?

San's father who stop his outburst stare them with his serious face

"Naruto-Kun parents…" in which he said in a strain yet full of pain to accept what his wives suggest, talk to the Michishio family.

"I'm not willing, but that is how things are and for my cute, cute, cute San, it will spare both your life and her life or else I will have to kill all the people who know the existence of mermaids. You understand right? The three of you know our identity too" he said to the family who is looking pale while San father showing his sheathed Chokuto and began pulling it out just to show how serious he is. "I kill you as well…family of the young fool…

Without further notice the family went to Naruto saying what on their mind

"Isn't that nice, Naruto" Haruto said while holding Naruto shoulder while his eyes went to other places

"Its' that great, right? She such a nice girl" Honoka fake crying said to Naruto with her eyes close

"Naruto going to get married I'm so envious" Nagasumi said while his eyes find something interesting on the ceiling of the room

"Oi look at me when you're talking" Naruto sweat drop when he notice that his family say that out of fear.

"What are you saying? Tousan always has been protecting you, right? His hand shaken while his eyes still wandering around the room

"What happened to your legendary left hook? Naruto tried to reason with him

"Your dad can use that technique once a day."

"Nanii" Naruto said slowly

San's fathers slowly stand up while holding his chokuto

"What are you saying? I'm giving you my daughter and you're feeling dissatisfied?"

Naruto taking a deep breath face San's Father

"Excuse me but it's not that I'm dissatisfied or something it's just I prefer if she choose this out of her own will not because of other's choices and the faqs that we just barely know each other to get married is kind of awkward to me.

At this San who is sitting lying down on the tatami mat begin to rise to see Naruto give his opinion to her father


"You rascal! San's life in danger and you still yanking on and on HOW CAN I LEAVE MY PRECIOUS SAN TO A USELESS CREEP LIKE YOU!" and with that San's father start running toward Naruto with the intent to slice him in two.

Naruto who still sitting on the tatami mat begin taking a stance while watching San's father every movement. Just when he close on Naruto and start swinging his chokuto Naruto intercept it by catching it with both of his hand.

Both staring at each other while sending electric signal to each other

"Heh this is child play you won't get me this way old man."

"Cheeky brat how dare you catch my blade I will skin you alive"

"Let see if you can catch me first old man" giving San's father a smug look

"Why you! Rascal"

The two continue for almost two minutes of staring contest when a vase suddenly flies toward San's father head courtesy of his wife.

"Anata! You intend to ruin the decision of a woman makes once in a life?!" San's mother said while moving in front of Naruto family.

"MASA DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY" San father shout when he notice that Naruto was gonna run toward the door

Naruto who currently working his way to the door knowing that he will be the main focus of attention decided to distract them by making him bait so that his family can escape. As he is nearing the door suddenly he felt something coming toward his head and stop before the object that was flying toward his head embed on the door.

"Naruto-san since you already died once so just be obedient and die again"

"Sorry but I got lots of things to do, people to meet, but have we met before I can't shake this feeling that we've meet before?

"I believe this is the first occasion we've met so can you die now?"

"Let me think about it…..NO sorry try again later"

When he was nearing the front door he tried to open it and with a good chakra enhance pull he succeeds only to have sea water pour into the house.

Naruto who is currently wash away by sea water saw most of mermaid or rather merman transform half of their body into fishlike tail.

San's father who is on a table avoiding the sea water scanning the room searching...

"Where did he go?"

"He was wash away by the water into the interior" one of his subordinate manage to say to him while wash away~

"Shark Fujishiro, dinner!" he shouted to someone

A shark then appear behind Naruto with its jaws open trying to take a bite at him.

"Bon appetite!" the shark said clearly closing on him

He tried to avoid it but the current of the water suddenly change and he swept into a room. When he is inside the room the door close and revealed that San had save him again.

"Sorry Fujishiro-San" San said and the sound of Fujishiro finding him is heard from outside of the room.

"Arigato San-Chan I thought I was a goner just now." Naruto said while trying to catch his breath

"Hurry! We will escape from the window!" and with that she held out her hand toward Naruto and he grab them before opening the window of the room and water start rushing in again. Her legs start to change into fin again and off they go toward the surface.

Once they reach the surface Naruto notice that they are inside a cave beside the sea. Both of them was taking a breath.

"Follow the path and you will reach outside"

"How about you San-Chan" and he notice that San still inside the water in her mermaid form.

"Oh~"then he reach out to her and pull her out of the water. When she is out of the water he began picking her up.

"Leave it to me, I would never leave anyone behind to die if I can help it."

"You should leave me since I will be ok" San said while her cheek blush at their close contact.

They reach the end of the cave where he put San on a big stone beside the sea.

"Do you think Otousan will find us here?"

"Otousan!" San face currently having a red blank stare with lots steam coming from her ears.

"I mean your Otousan, sorry I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh" San look a bit disappointed

"Well if touchan searching for me he will find me till the end of the earth*insert a scary image of San's father with glowing eyes at the background*

"…I can picture that, so San-Chan why did you save me if you know that you will break the law?


Then suddenly a spotlight opened and shower its light toward San with sakura petals raining down around her.

"I could have sworn I was just beside the sea just now and in a cave with no sakura tree and no freaking spotlight out of nowhere, oh look it even have an enka " Naruto continue to stare with sweat drop

"Naruto-san if I abandoned people in trouble when I can help it, it will be a disgrace to mermaids of Seto Inland! THE ALTERNATE WAY OF READING NINKYO…IS NINGYO but I have brought trouble for Naruto-san due to my selfishness

*Blank stare~*

"That is why it's fine for Naruto-san to escape alone"

"No…." Naruto said in a quiet voice.

"Eh?" San now stare at Naruto, confuse why he said no.

"No I won't run away just so that I can survive. Beside you are too cute for me to leave you alone in this dark and gloomy cave."

"Cute" the word echoes in her mind.

"You rascal. So this is where you are?" Naruto and San heard a familiar voice calling to them, well mainly Naruto.

Naruto tilted his head a bit to his right toward the other edge of the cave to see San's father watching him with murderous look

"I've been looking for you"

When he grab San and holster her up to run he notice that he is currently surrounded

"You won't escape this time, GO! OCTOPUS NAKAJIMA!"

Something big burst out from the sea and tried to take a swing of its tentacle toward him. Naruto who train his body for fighting avoid it rather easy as he jump high enough to avoid getting hit.

"LET ME HIT YOU!" the octopus said it in a rather cute way

And then Naruto land on a slimy part of a rock and began losing his balance. The octopus saw this and swing his tentacles toward him again. The tentacles hit him and he was sent toward San's father while San is grabbed by the octopus other tentacles.

"The time we spend together sure are short Son-in-law. San's father said it smugly at the downed body and begin unsheathing his blade.

"Are you prepare to die?" and began holding up the blade to strike Naruto.

"How? Even if is escape. The problem will not be solve, how?"

"Anata!" San's mother arrive with Naruto family

"Otousan stop!" San pleaded toward her father

"That's right die and all will be resolve. YOU RASCAL!

Taking a deep breath Naruto put both of his hands on the floor and look up from his position to San's Father

"OTOUSAN, Please give your daughter to me!" Naruto shout out

The reaction from the surrounding is quite funny since San's father looked petrified. San's mother and the rest of Naruto family have a happy face. The Seto group was shocked with their mouth opened and finally San who have a red face with blush while her eyes shot toward Naruto.

"This is it, its Sink or swim. I will uphold San-Chan chivalrous spirit. For now we look how things go. In the end it's up for San-Chan if she want to end up marrying me or someone of her choice." Naruto thought while facing toward San

"Don't keep Staring at me. I'll feel embarrassed….Otouchan…that's how it is"

"Rascal…San is my cute, cute Daughter." His body began to shake slightly then he look to Naruto with teary eyes with a look that promised pain.

"She will never marry anyone!" and he began proceed toward Naruto with unbelievable speed and began tying Naruto up to a huge stone.

"Anata, enough! Let go of our daughter already!"

"No way! No way! The insect who tried to cling to San will sink to the bottom of Seto Inland with this rock"

"Eeh my life is gonna end no matter what I choose?!"

"Boss calm down!"

"Otousan let him go"

"Summer. Seto Inland Sea I, Michishio Naruto went to my baa-Chan house and had gotten a mermaid as a bride."

"Stop it Otousan" Naruto tried pleading for his life!


"OTOUCHAN!" San raise her voice toward her father

"GO TO HELL ALREADY!" and he throw Naruto who is currently tied to a rock into the sea.


End Chapter

Enka – traditional Japanese song

Well sorry guys it takes a while to find myself a good time to write this. Especially when you have part-time working and "homework'. I settle down in a nice condominium that is too high to see below. Man that is so scary. As usual some spelling and grammar error might be inside it so just ignore it. And don't worry I won't abandon my work until its finish just maybe some delay in its updating. That's all folks till we meet again.