Elle Lester, Victor

Elle followed Paxton out of the tribute apartment. She tried not to think about it. If it hadn't been for the prep teams staying with them to celebrate, it would have felt so empty. Even though they had plotted her death, she somewhat missed the other tributes. Peter, Brinden, Kai. Helena, Luna, Galinda. Elle had actually liked Galinda. It felt strange, walking through the doors of the apartment, the mentors leading the way, that these others weren't with them.

She tried not to think about coming here next year. She was going to be forced to deal with the Coopers every year during the games. The thought of that was horrible, and she pushed it from her head.

She hugged Flair and Alejandro goodbye at the train station. She'd see them again in a few months, when it came time for the Victory Tour. Paxton stopped her before she actually boarded the train though, and spun her back around.

"Wave for them." He whispered to her from the corner of his mouth. Elle did as he said. She waved to the crowd of Capitol citizens that had come to the station to see them one last time. Elle wouldn't miss this part. She wouldn't miss pretending to love her situation. The only thing she loved was that she was able to go home to her family again.

As they boarded the train, Auila sat Elle and Paxton down on one of the sofa near the hallway. It'd been a little over a month since Elle had been on this train. The last time, she'd hated it. Now it was her favorite part of winning the games. It was bringing her home.

"Now, dinner will be served shortly, and afterward, Renaldo wants both of you to rest. When we arrive in Two tomorrow, there is going to be a celebratory dinner with the Mayor and other higher society members of the district, and then you'll be moved to your new homes in the Village. After that we just wait it out until the Victory Tour. Any questions?" Elle noticed she was smiling more than usual, but brushed it aside and shook her head.

"Great, now come on, time for dinner."

Elle couldn't wait for the meal to be over with. She was seated across the table from Anastasia, and it made her feel uneasy each time she met her gaze. Paxton was at the other end of the table, but in no better of a position than Elle. He was sitting next to Luke, with Robert at the head of the table, right next to him. Renaldo was as cheerful as ever, but Elle tuned him out. As the servers took the last of the plates, Elle stood up to go to bed. Rest was exactly what she wanted right now,

"Oh, Elle!" said Auila suddenly. "There's a surprise for you in the room. Just thought you could use the warning." Elle looked at her curiously. What could they possibly surprise her with? At this point, the word 'surprise' had taken on a horrible connotation in her mind. But Paxton took her by the hand and led her down the hall to her room at the end. She gripped tightly at the handle on the door and ripped it open.

Her knees buckled, but Paxton managed to grab her last minute.

"Royce!" she screamed, jumping on the man standing on the other side of the door.

"Good to see you again, baby sister." He said, hugging her to himself. "Time to go home."

And we come to a close! It's complete! The Fourth Quarter Quell is over, but there's always next year. How'd you guys like the ending?

Remember, you can still submit to the sequel story. There are still open spots for tributes.

Please please please review. This is the final chapter, so review! :)

This is actually kind of sad for me to write right now. This story has been my baby since June 13th, 2012. 6-13-2012 to 2-27-2013. Time to move on to the next story.

Please review. New poll on my profile. Go vote.