Update March 2nd, 2015.

Yes this is real life people. I am alive.

Yeah hey. So I just re-read this story and ughhhhhh re-reading your own work from a few years ago is serious torture. I still like the idea for the story, I just didn't really plan it out as detailed as I should have and lost my motivation quite quickly. I've been aching to get back to it so much, which has never happened. I have at least two other names on fanfiction from when I was a wee little pre-teen and my stories are still up. It's MORTIFYING to read them but every so often I go back to re-read them. However none of those mediocre ideas had any real merit, so I wouldn't feel the need to go back and continue. But the stories on this account are.

I'm sorry for my absence, I can only say the truth. I lose my motivation for writing and my self-doubt is always there to make me question all the work I've done. I'm going to write a real novel eventually, but I can't seem to be finished with Inuyasha yet. So be on the look out for a partially re-written CTTB as well as new chapters, and hopefully Scarlet Seduction I'll turn into a shorter story and then finish up Unlucky Thirteen since there's only one chapter left, lol.

Thanks for enjoying what I've written, even if I haven't.
