A/N: This is loosely based on the tale of the bamboo cutter. Inu/Kag. The elements are from the tale, and from the second InuYasha movie. There will be vulgar language, lemons thrown about and everything else that will make the M rating probably cringe as I post this. With that said, I own nothing involving any of this besides the ideas and the plot.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you...

Cutting Through the Bamboo

She sighed, ripping the piece of duct tape off the roll and slapping it on the cardboard box sitting on her twin mattress. Grabbing the box and placing it with the ten or so others, she mindlessly dusted her hands off, looking around the room with a sense of satisfaction and depression at the same time.

"The boxes are ready!" she yelled to no one in particular, picking up one of them as she headed out of her dorm room and down the long hall towards the elevator. Surely her family had heard her from the dorm's living room, and scrambled in after her to grab more of her belongings. She shifted the box onto her right hip, using her left hand to brush back her long ebony locks out of her face.

She had been waiting for this moment for quite a long time. A junior in college, she felt like she was going to do something big with her life. However, that school just wasn't right for her. She wasn't getting what she needed; a challenge. She had wanted to transfer since she was a freshmen here at Tokyo University. Sure, she'd made some great friends and had an amazing time, but if she was going to be a history professor, this was not the place to receive that education.

So, finally, after realizing how unhappy her daughter had been with her choice in schools, Rei Higurashi took out a second mortgage on the shrine(even though it had been paid off for quite a long time), and transferred her daughter to St. Midoriko University. The look on Kagome's face when her mother told her could make all her worries about more money problems go away in an instant.

So there they were, moving Kagome's things out of her dorm room at Tokyo U, in the beginning of the new semester. The brisk cold outside proved it's wrath that day, as it had been a snowy January day. Kagome's car had been almost all packed by the time the family took their second trip down to the car. Students scuffled around, trying to settle into the new semester, and Kagome looked around, silently saying goodbye to the environment she had known for the past two and a half years.

"Mama, I can't even begin to explain how grateful-"

"Hush, dear. To see you smile like you have been since you found out about transferring makes everything worth while. Just promise me to keep up your grades, yes?" her mother embraced her affectionately, her breath coming out in puffs of visible air. Kagome hugged back, trying to show her appreciation by suffocating her mother in love right at that moment.

The pair let go, and Kagome turned to her little brother and grandfather. She ruffled Souta's hair and squeezed him slightly. She didn't need him thinking she wouldn't miss him, now that her new school would put her a grand distance of seven hours away from home. He squeezed back, face red either from the cold temperature outside or the embarrassment of being hugged by his big sister in front of all these older girls. Glancing at her grandpa, she waited for him to stop rambling about another legend about the new school she was attending.

Getting impatient, she huffed and walked over to the short wrinkled man, hugging him affectionately as well. She had always loved her grandfather, but sometimes he drove her insane with all his silly stories. Thank goodness she'd be seven hours away from all his ranting and raving. She walked over to the driver side of her humble old suzuki, and looked over the top of the car to her three dear family members.

She smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Sure, she was happy to be transferring to the school of her dreams, but she'd had to leave her family far, far behind, with more and more bills to pay. The guilt would definitely eat her alive if she didn't keep her grades up at this new school. Waving slightly, she climbed down into the seat, slamming the door behind her. She started the engine, clicked on her seatbelt, and flicked on the windshield wipers to clean the snow that had accumulated on her car since she'd last cleaned it.

'God I hate the winter. Who needs snow anyway?' she thought to herself as she began driving away, leaving her sad, yet happy family in her wake. Looking in the rear view mirror, she watched their forms stare after her car before turning and heading towards their own.

Of course she'd felt bad about leaving them. Tokyo U was only twenty minutes from her house, so she was able to see her family all the time. 'Maybe too much...' she thought, cranking on the heater in her car to warm the digits that had begun freezing to the steering wheel.

You would think that at the age of twenty one, it would be easier to move so far away from her family. She had always been family oriented, especially with her estranged family not alike any other she'd ever come across. Her father had died when she was little, only leaving her a necklace with a jewel as the pendant. She'd taken it everywhere with her, the only real thing of her dad she owned.

She glanced down at her speedometer, her gas tank, and then up at the GPS that was in the left lower side of her front windshield. Following it would be difficult for Kagome, even if the woman was telling her exactly where to go. She was never very good with directions...

She pulled her silver car, or practically white car by the looks of it, from all the snow piling on, into the large parking lot. It had taken her nine hours to get there, with all the slush and snow on the ground. She had never really been a very coordinated person either, so driving under the speed limit was probably best for her. She turned the key in her ignition so her car shut off, pulled the key out and shoved it in her pocket.

"Well now what?" she more asked herself than anyone else, looking around through the snow covered windows. The school was absolutely breathtaking. The large, glass buildings seemed to look warm enough, considering there were students walking around in tank tops. Those looked more like the buildings where classes were held. She couldn't see much else, the campus was so huge. It would take her mind and her feet a long time to get used to the new layout.

She slipped her gloves on and opened the car door, walking to the back to pick up and balance three boxes on top of one another. She slammed the door closed with her back side and managed to beep her alarm button. Even if this was a private school, she wasn't trusting anyone with her baby. She started slowly trudging towards where she thought the dorm buildings were, and found nothing.

Grumbling, Kagome looked around for some sign of a student to help her with directions. How was it possible that at the exact second Kagome needed someone, there was not a solitary student outside? The weather was bad, but not THAT bad. She sighed and looked around for a map, peering around the three stacked boxes in her weakening arms. She saw a wooden board about twenty feet away with what looked like long sqiggly lines, so she figured that would be her best chance.

These boxes were quite inconvenient, as she couldn't quite see where she was going. Bumping into what she thought was the wooden board, she backed up a few spaces and turned to her right to be able to look at the map. However, she didn't expect to see a man sitting on the ground, rubbing his nose. Nor did she expect the man to quietly curse at her.

"Excuse me?" she repeated hotly, clenching her hands harder around the box on the bottom of the stack.

"Sorry, sorry. I hate the snow, and if you had been carrying less boxes, you would have seen me, therefore...me not sitting my ass in the wet snow." he said, glancing up at her.

"Nice deductive reasoning." she stated with dry sarcasm, glowering down at him. He promptly stood up, towering over her, making her glower lessen a bit as she took in his full height. He was maybe about 5'11, 6'0? Who knew. He was rather handsome though, she'd admit that. Hopefully there were more like him around here.

She took the initiative, seeing as how he didn't seem to want to talk much further.

"I'm sorry. I hate the snow too and the least amount of trips I can make the better. I was trying to head for the map." she nudged her head towards the board, forcing his eyes to follow.

"Oh, my dear. Are you new? Are you lost? Can I help at all?" he said, a gleeful smile spreading across his handsome features. Kagome looked suspicious. He was just cursing at her and now he's being a gentlemen? On second thought, maybe she hoped there weren't many more like him here at this school.

Without asking, he took two of the boxes off of Kagome's stack, placing them in his own arms to carry.

"Oh no, you really don't-"

"Which dorm did they throw you in? I'll help you out." he said politely, the smile still across his face. Well he was still rather handsome...

"The paper told me it was Shikon Hall? But I can't see any dorm buildings around here.." she trailed off, waiting for him to take the lead and show her to her new home. He did, nodding for her to follow him. She stared lightly as his backside, noticing how wet it now was from the snow soaking in. She giggled quietly to herself, and then realized he hadn't heard. She'd look like a mad man, laughing to herself.

"So, what's your name beautiful?" he asked her as she matched his pace, stepping into stride with his own. She blushed prettily, surprised at the outright compliment. Okay, now she wasn't so sure if she wanted more guys like him here or not.

"Kagome Higurashi." What's yours, uh...cute...boy?" she ended it with a question, the blush spreading further. She never really was good at complimenting good looking men. Everything sounded so cheesy when it came out of her mouth, no matter what the word was.

He laughed slightly, casting his head back and eyes aimed towards the sky. She took this quick moment to revel in his real beauty. His eyes, a deep purple, seemed to look intent at everything, yet stare through it at the same time. His short black hair was tied into a rat's tail at the nape of his neck, his hood bunched up under that, having slipped off his head during their walk. She couldn't tell much else, the bulk in his clothing covering his physique from her eyes.

"Miroku. Cute girl. My name is Miroku." he said, smirking slightly as the blush re-appeared on her pretty face.

"Can I ask you something, Miss Kagome?" he turned his head towards her, looking as serious as he did when she'd knocked him over accidentally. She shrugged and nodded, keeping her eyes trained on her new target, the buildings coming up in the view. So THAT'S where they were!

"Will you do the honor of bearing my children?" he asked simply, as if he had just asked for a cup of sugar. She sucked in a breath, and then proceeded to choke on the spit she attempted to swallow. She damn nearly dropped the box, hunching over to cough up a lung. She looked bewildered. Did he really just ask her that...?

"Uhm...no?" she declined as politely as she thought she could, still confused as to why someone she'd just met would approach her with a question as serious as that one. He smiled at her and turned his head back towards the dorms, beginning to hum to himself.

"Fair enough, miss Kagome." he stated, and the rest of the walk was silent. Finally they made it to the building, large block letters alerting her to the fact that this was Shikon Hall. She slid inside with him out of the cold, received her keys, and made her way up to the room.

Opening the door, she glanced around and gasped. This place was absolutely gorgeous. She couldn't find a way to explain it. It was HUGE! At least twice as large as her old dorm at Tokyo U. They stood in the living room, dripping wet.

"Ah! Shoes off shoes off!" someone came bellowing into the room, holding out a towel. She threw it on the ground and pointed at it, looking at them expectantly. They both shrugged at one another, placed the boxes down, and took their shoes off, placing them on the new towel placed on the ground. Kagome looked up into the face of the girl who ran into the room screaming.

"Oh, hello Miss Sango. What a pleasant surprise. I had no idea you accommodated this room!" Miroku seemed rather pleasant. The girl he spoke to rolled his eyes and mumbled something that Kagome couldn't quite catch. The girl he called Sango turned to Kagome, smiling.

"I'm Sango. Kagome, I'll assume? We've been waiting all day for you." she smiled again, walking over and grabbing her into a hug. Kagome stood there, floundering. She'd never met such open people before. Was everyone at this school so friendly?

Sango pulled back, seemingly not affected by the hug not returned. She turned to Miroku and pointed towards the door, a somewhat...knowing? Look on her face. He pouted and began to reach for what looked like her hands, but she snapped them back, pointing to the door again. He sighed, defeated, looking at Kagome again. He smiled.

"Well, Kagome. It seems my trip ends here. If you need anything, a tour, a male shoulder to cry on, or ANYTHING else, let me know. You'll find me." he winked, kissed the back of her hand, and slithered out of the door, looking back and Sango with another wink, then closed the door behind him.

"Well now that you've met Miroku, you can understand why I look so harsh towards him." Sango said, putting on her coat and hat. "Put your shoes back on, I help you with the rest of your stuff. Unless...this is it?" she looked sorry, as if she had offended Kagome.

"Oh, I have about eight more boxes to go." Kagome said sheepishly, rubbing a still numb hand on the back of her head. "Sorry." she added in for good measure. Didn't need to be pissing off the suite mates the first ten minutes she was in the dorm.

Sango giggled and disappeared for a minute, returning with what looked like an old granny laundry cart. "This should help. It's what I use to bring groceries back from the car. However with the snow I'm not sure how well it will work..." she trailed off, looking outside the window that pointed towards the parking lot.

"It wouldn't hurt to try." Kagome smiled at the long brown haired girl. Her soft brown eyes seemed to smile at her, and Kagome inwardly sighed in relief. Finally, people who looked genuinely happy. Although, if she was Sango, she'd imagine to be pretty happy too. Her hair was a beautiful chestnut brown, tied up into a high pony tail. He eyes were gentle, and her slightly taller frame than Kagome's seemed filled in all the places it needed to be.

Kagome checked her pocked to make sure her car key was still there, and headed out the door towards the elevator with Sango.

It took another hour and a half to get everything into the room. The snow turned into quite a bigger obstacle then they had originally thought. Pushing the cart was nearly impossible, nevermind the fact that the wet snow soaked through the bottom box in the cart, heaving the contents of the box all over the walkway.

By the time they lugged the remaining boxes into the living room, it had already been seven o'clock at night. Kagome pushed the door open to her room, eyes catching Sango's side. Decorated just like a girl's dorm should be decorated, with bright colors and pictures of friends and family, she'd assumed, taped to the wall. Kagome threw her shoes and coat off, slumping them on a chest at the end of her bed.

It took a few minutes to get all the boxes into the room, but when she finally did, she sighed. 'I wonder where my other roommates are?' she thought, ripping the first box open. This was going to be a long night.

Kagome woke up to the sound of the buzzing alarm clock beside her bed, that seemed a bit more comfortable that morning then it had when she'd went to sleep. She pressed the snooze button and rolled back over, intending to get a few more minutes of sleep. However, Sango didn't like that idea.

"Kagome, get up! You don't want to be late for your first class." the taller girl said, shaking Kagome's shoulder. In return, Kagome rolled over more, now laying on her stomach, her face buried in her pillow.

"Five more minutes mom."

"No, dear. Time to get up." Sango joked back, walking over to her dresser to brush her hair into her signature pony tail. Kagome rolled over and sat up, rubbing the crusty goo that was in her eyes. She slumped over towards her closet, picked some clothing out and headed towards the shower. In a half hour she was ready, as she glanced at the clock. The blaring red lights read 8:45 am. Perfect.

Sango had already promised she would show Kagome where her class was, since she had a class in the same building. Although it was so early, Kagome was excited. History was her favorite subject, and her major after all.

"Room 406B. Here ya go, Kagome. Meet me back in the room after class and we'll go get lunch?" Sango asked, already heading down the hallway to where ever her class was. Kagome nodded, until she realized Sango couldn't see her with her back turned. "Sure!" she yelled after her, before stepping into the classroom. She gasped lightly as she saw the teacher. Or was he a student? He looked too young to be a teacher, at least.

"Ah, Kagome. Please, have a seat. Lecture is about to begin." he smiled, looking as charming as ever. Kagome scrambled to find a seat, looking back up at the man. 'Miroku is the teacher! Yesterday he asks me to SLEEP with him, and here he is, a professor at this school! What a creep!' she thought, opening her notebook, preparing herself for the many notes the class was sure to produce.

He just winked at her, turning his attention to his whole class. He began with the lecture, his tone taking many pitches and making many facial, as well as hand expressions, to keep the class entertained. The three hours practically flew by, but not without a little hand cramping from all of her writing. She glanced around the room, curious to see how many notes other students were taking.

However, no one else was. She blushed slightly, realizing she had probably looked like a major nerd. This was a first year history class, as that credit from her old school had never transferred over. Shouldn't the freshmen be concentrated on passing?

Miroku dismissed the class, but not before waving Kagome over. She walked over to him, placing her notebook in her backpack. He smiled as he leaned against his desk, arms folded over his chest.

Kagome utilized this moment to look at his physique, now that it wasn't buried beneath a coat. He was rather well built, she had to admit to herself. He looked toned, but not overly buff. She blushed again, realizing she was checking out her TEACHER.

"How did you enjoy your first lecture, Kagome?" he asked, staring intently into her brown orbs.

"It was great, Mr. Houshi." she said, addressing him by his instructor name. He chuckled and waved a finger at her.

"Call me Miroku, Kagome." he said, clearly unfazed by the inappropriateness of a student calling a professor by their first name.

"You're my professor and I'll address you as such." she sounded stern. He had to give the girl props.

"I'm only a student teacher, Kagome. I taught the class because the professor couldn't make it in all this snow. I'm a student here as well, but since I'm an education major, I partake in student teaching as well. It is in no way unprofessional for you to call me Miroku." he smiled, pleased with his explanation.

"Oh." was all she said, as she started backing up, heading towards the door.

"Are you hungry?" he shot after her, grabbing his coat off the back of the chair behind the desk.

"Yes. I'm meeting Sango at our room and we're going to get lunch. You can join if you'd like?" she asked out of politeness, not necessarily because she had wanted him there. Sango told her all about Miroku. He was a pervert, that was for sure. Apparently, the question he'd asked her wasn't all that uncommon for him.

Sango was the main target of his "affection", if she so dared call it that. Although it did seem that Sango managed to talk about him quite a lot...maybe she had been interested in him?

Well, in that case, he was off limits. No going against girl code. Even if she'd only just met the girl last night.

"What is he doing here?" Sango asked with a deadpanned face, glaring at Miroku as him and Kagome walked into the living room of their suite. Kagome gave her an apologetic look before fast walking to her room to relieve her back of her heavy backpack and freshen up. When she walked out, two other girls were sitting on the couch next to Sango.

"Oh, hello!" Kagome said cheerfully, looking at them both. The one girl had red piercing eyes, and black hair tied into a short pony tail at the top of her head. She looked almost mean, if she hadn't been smiling. Her ears were...pointed? 'Is she a demon?' the thought rattled her brain, trying to come to terms with this. Sure, she'd heard of demons, but she'd never actually seen one this close in real life.

They fascinated her, really.

The other girl, Kagome noticed, seemed to be in a very good mood. She fidgeted and smiled, green eyes beaming. Her long red hair tied up into pig tails, also showing pointed ears. So she was a demon too?

"Hi, Kagome. I'm Kagura, and this is Ayame. We share the suite with you." the black haired girl said, standing up to hug Kagome. 'Everyone sure does love to hug around here..'

"It's so nice to meet you Kagome! Sango has been moaning about not having a roommate for these past few weeks and it's been driving us INSANE!" the red haired girl stood, also embracing Kagome.

"Sango was moaning?" Miroku asked, stepping into the conversation.

"Shut it, Houshi." Sango's eyebrow twitched, glaring at him.

"Let's all go grab food! We need to get to know our new suite mate!" Ayame all but yelled, heading towards the door. The group followed, heading towards the cafeteria in the main building between all the dorm halls.

The food, actually wasn't that bad. Kagome had gotten a cheeseburger with cheese fries and a coke. The building seemed clean enough, bright lights and extremely high ceilings. The dining hall was littered with students, a few demons among them, Kagome noticed.

Kagome glanced at the people she sat with, eyes focusing on Sango's pretty blush when Miroku had said something that obviously complimented her. The blush, however, was followed quickly by a loud slap echoing in the hall, followed by a defeated Miroku nursing his now red cheek. Somehow this didn't seem so unnatural, because no one even paid them any mind.

"So, Kagome. How do you like the new school so far?" Ayame asked, biting into what was left of her taco. She had always had a thing for mexican food, despite her clear Japanese heritage.

"It's too soon yet to really tell. I've wanted to go here all my life, and I'm still in quite a shock." Kagome replied, chomping into her burger.

Kagura placed her slice of pizza down, not really being fond of the crust end. "What made you want to transfer here?"

Kagome looked thoughtful before answering. "We never had the money to pay for me to attend a private school. Tokyo U was close and cheap, so I went there, pushing my dreams aside. This school was beautiful, and catered more closely to my major." she finished, drinking more soda out of her can.

Time passed slowly as they all sat and chatted happily, until Kagome worked up the nerve to ask the question that had been bugging her.

"So, Ayame, Kagura...you're both demons?" she asked, looking down sheepishly, waiting to see if she'd accidentally offended them. The two aforementioned girls stared at Kagome in disbelief.

"Yes, we are. You sound like you've never met a demon before, Kagome." Kagura said, taking a sip of her beverage. At Kagome's blush and averted gaze, they all stopped and stared.

"You haven't...have you?" Ayame asked, shocked.

"It's not like I'm afraid of them or anything!" she started in her defense, looking around for something to distract her face from turning into the color of Ayame's hair.

"I grew up in a really small town, and from what I was aware of, there were no demons. Then when I attended Tokyo University, I had heard they had a rule that demons were not allowed to attend. It was too public of a school, and people from all over the country went there. Some people apparently aren't fond of demons, so the administration stopped allowing them to attend there. It's disgusting really. But because I've been so closed off from them, I've never actually seen them in real life, until you two." Kagome gestured her head towards the both of them, looking apologetic.

The two girls stared at one another before turning back to Kagome.

"Well, there is a first for everything, Kagome! What a load we have to teach you now that you get to understand what we are and all that lovely stuff!" Ayame beamed again, chewing her food thoughtfully.

"But where to start? Well we could start with the first demons-"

"No, I know ABOUT them, I just don't know any personally. Besides you two."

The girls looked confused, including Miroku, who sat munching on his apple.

"You see. I live in a shrine. It has been passed through my family for centuries. My grandfather is very in to telling legends and old folk tales about the shrine and my family. I come from a long line of priestesses, apparently. He has told me all about demons, showed me pictures, and educated me to the best of his ability. He didn't want me to be in trouble if I ever ran into one who meant me harm." she finished, chugging the rest of her coke.

She received a collective "ohhhhh", and the subject changed. She was half of the people she'd met at school so far were demons, there were sure to be many more around her.

Lunch passed by much too fast, and the time for her next class arrived. It dragged on, as she had imagined calculus would. She hated math with such a passion. Her teacher seemed to pick on her for only the answers she didn't know. Which seemed to be all of them.

The rest of the day flew by uneventful, minus getting lost here and there, and she found herself back in her room by 7:00 pm. No sooner had she flopped onto her bed, that her cell phone rang. She sighed as she plucked it off the end table she had just placed it on, read the screen, and pressed the answer button.

"Hello, mama." she said sweetly, rolling onto her back. There was a long pause. Kagome sat up, worry starting to edge the features of her normally delicate face.

"Mama? Hellloooo?" she said into the receiver, waiting impatiently for an answer. Just as she was about to hang up, she her a muffled cry.

"Mama! What's wrong?" Kagome yelled, getting a weird feeling in her belly. She didn't like this.

"Ka...Kagome. Jii-chan...your grandfather passed away, Kagome." was all her mother managed to croak out, and Kagome's world seemed to stop. She felt her heart thudding in her chest, her blood rushing past her ears and most likely turning her face an unhealthy shade of red. Her hand shook as she clasped it around the phone tighter, either in the immediate stress she was put under, or in fear she'd drop it and it'd break.

"Mama...How?" she whispered, close to tears.

"He's been sick for a while, Kagome. You know that. He held on. He wanted to see you genuinely happy, Kagome. I keep telling myself he's in a better place...but it's just so hard. Grandpa is gone." her mother whispered back, starting to cry again.

Kagome couldn't hold it back. She cried as she listened to her mother cry in return. Her grandpa was really gone? Kagome wished more than anything that she could hear him tell one of his folk tales again. Anything to bring that man happiness again. To hear his voice again. To see him alive, happy.

But she couldn't. All she could hear was faint talking in the living room, her mother crying, and the sniffles she was now producing, trying to keep the liquid from running out of her nose.

It seemed like forever before she got off of the phone with her mother. She wanted to go home so desperately, but it would have to wait until the weekend. She still needed to attend her classes for the rest of the week. Her jii-chan wouldn't appreciate her skipping, even if it was to be home with her family.

Plus, she needed to go home this weekend anyway. Her mother mentioned something on the phone that would need Kagome's attention. Her grandfather had left a will. 'I never knew he was waiting to die.' she thought as she pondered what would possibly be in the will. People only made wills if they knew they were going to die. At least that's what Kagome thought.

She sighed as she ran her hand through her hair. She really should attempt to sleep. It was late, and she had another early class in the morning. But how could she sleep with all of this sadness? It just didn't seem possible. She laid in bed, now in her pajamas, and pulled the covers up over her head. Sango hadn't been in the room, probably still in the living room.

She had come in to change when she saw Kagome crying on the phone. Kagome had asked to be left alone, so Sango complied. She hadn't seen her in hours.

Kagome's eyes drifted close, the new information taking a toll on her body. Her mind, more than a few times, had drifted back to the will. What had been so important that her mother couldn't tell her over the phone? 'I guess I'll have to wait until Saturday...' Maybe she would be able to fall asleep after all. And so, she drifted off into a dreamless sleep—which is what she wanted. Any dreams during the night would have quickly turned into nightmares in her state of mind.

Hokay! First chapter done! It's hard to start a new story, so please excuse the almost boring chapter. Feedback is love.
