So I know the people following this are gonna hate me but I'm seriously just putting this note here to get this fic back up to the top of the list. Ya know, since it's closer to Halloween and this is Halloween-themed. Hate all you want but at least I'm honest xD
lots and lots and lost of love,
yuki -sama
P.S. I will have you know that I am writing a second chapter for my Derek / Stiles fic though. So look out for that. As soon as it stops being stupid and starts obeying my need for it to be amazing.
P.P.S. Also, and I swear this is the last one, I have an idea in my head for a Fallen!AU Dean / Cas that may or may not be good enough to get out of my head for your viewing pleasure. Let me know if it's something you'd actually like to read or if I only want to write it because I'm reading the books.
Who am I kidding? No one will read this. MONKEY SLUT.