So this chapter shouldn't have taken as long as it did to get finished, and I'm sorry. School and social responsibilities have been keeping me busy. Either way, I hope your able to enjoy it.

Domino's POV

The jet ski bounced hard up and down as I continued to chase after the speedboat that is just out of my sight.

"Spyro, Cynder, have either of you caught up with the boat?" I asked.

"We see it, but it's going too fast for us to attack it head on," said Spyro with heavy static from his headset. I guess we're at the edge of the signal jammer's range.

"Do you know if the Dultras can see you or if they've spotted you?"

"No, I don't think so, but I can't tell from this distance."

"Stay back and follow them. Maybe we can get the element of surprise," I said. Spyro and Cynder will be able to handle themselves, but I'm low on ammunition. All I have is the one clip in my assault rifle that's down four rounds and two magazines for my handgun. I can't afford to find myself in a shootout with any Dultras, and I'm also not going to do well in any head to head fight with any of Alhberg's minions. If I do happen to find him, then I'll need to be ready for it. Last I checked bullets don't do a whole lot on him.

The skimmer continued to bob up and down as I zoomed past the water and continued to go in the direction that Spyro and Cynder are going. "Alright, I'm thinking I see where the Dultras are going," said Cynder over the frequency.

"Can you tell what it is there going to?"

"Looks like a port of some kind."

"How many Dultras are you seeing?"

"About fifteen, maybe more."

"Have you seen Alhberg himself?"

"No, I also can't tell if the Dultras down there are his minions or just normal foot soldiers."

"Alright, let's keep this one quiet. Don't go charging in."

"I'll take that under advisement," said Spyro with an air of contempt in his tone. He wants to rip through the Dultras it sounds like.

I let go of the throttle and let the jet ski slow down to a crawl. I pulled out my cell phone. There's barely any signal out here in the open water. I opened up my messaging app and sent Jack my current location. He should've left the house the Dultras ambushed us at by now.

"We're hovering near the port. There are a lot of Dultras over there. Too many of them for us to take head on with just the three of us," warned Cynder.

"Alright, let me know when you see me. If you can, the Dultras can," I said. I slowly pulled back on the throttle and let the jet ski slowly accelerate down the water. My eyes kept scanning out on the horizon until they came upon the port that the Dultras found themselves stationed at. I kept inching closer and closer to it.

"Domino, you're definitely within the Dultra's view."

"Thanks, Cynder," I said. I let the jet ski slow down to stop and waddle on the water. I pulled the assault rifle off of my back and aimed down the ACOG scope on the gun. The magnification wasn't much, but I used it to scan the port the Dultras were at. The speedboat the Dultras were using continued to bob up and down in the water. Next to the boat was a ladder that led into the river. Judging from the signs displayed around the property, the small port itself looked like its own by a Dultra shell company.

"I'm gonna make my way closer to the port. Keep an eye on me and watch the Dultra's positions," I said.

I sheathed my assault rifle onto my back. Thankfully, my phone is in a waterproof case.

I stepped up on the jet ski and took one last look over at the port. It's probably about a quarter of a mile from where I'm standing. I took one last deep breath before I stepped off the side of the jet ski and plunged into the water.

The water soaked in through my clothes as I found myself sinking down into the water. My arms pushed down hard against the water and I came back up for a gasp of air. I took a glance at the direction of where the Dultras are and started to swim in the direction. I kept my movement slow making sure not to slap my hands on the water. The dark, murky river is enough to thankfully camouflage my approach. Every minute or so I poked my head out of the water to make sure I was making progress. Thankfully, the water is pretty calm so I'm not having a tough time having to swim over there.

I raised my head up from the water and saw the ladder only about twenty feet from me. The Dultras stood nearby conversating with each other, but none of them were looking out toward the water. I couldn't make out what they were saying. I silently took another deep breath and sank back down into the water. The cloudy river blurred my vision as I inched my way toward the ladder. Eventually one of my hands hit the sea wall and grabbed ahold of one of the rungs. I gradually lifted myself out of the water.

"We see you, Domino," said Cynder over the frequency. I didn't say anything in return for fear of alerting the Dultras.

I pulled out my sidearm as I climbed up the ladder to the top. I peaked over the landing and saw the few Dultras. There's no way I can get out of the water without alerting any of them.

We don't need to take all of them out, we just need to get the meteorite. There are too many of them and not enough ammunition to take them all on a head on fight especially if Alhberg is here. Spyro and Cynder can't do any direct attacks without bringing attention to themselves.

I very carefully peered around and got a look of the surroundings. Rows upon rows of large shipping containers stacked on top of each other two or three high littered the area behind the Dultras. Hanging over the water on one side of the port was a large crane that's used to take shipping containers off ships. Not a whole lot of cover between here and there. I peered over to the other side of the port where the Dultras are. My eyes passed over each of their hands, but none of them held the meteorite. The Dultras must've handed it off to somebody already. I looked back over to the left and over to the support structures of the crane.

I moved one of my hands from the rung of the ladder to the ledge of the concrete pier. My foot moved from the ladder and scrunched up against the side of the seawall. I holstered my sidearm and lifted myself off to the side of the ladder. I heard small waves continue to splash against the side of the port. Thankfully, I have enough of a grip on the ledge to keep me from plunging back down into the sea below. I shimmied slowly over to the left inch by inch at a time. My eyes kept over watch from the Dultras as I made my way farther and farther from them. If they spot me now, it won't be good. Eventually I reached the corner and turned to the left.

Being out of sight of the Dultras, I increased my pace and made my way over to the closest support beam of the crane hanging high above my head. Once I reached there, I pulled myself up from the side and hid behind the beam.

Water dripped from my soaked clothes onto the concrete below. I slung my assault rifle off of my back. I shook some of the water out from the gun. It should still shoot correctly. I peered around the beam and caught a look over at the Dultras. At least now I have an angle on them.

"Spyro, Cynder, spot the meteorite yet?" I asked into the frequency. I looked over toward one of the Dultras. My eyes widen as I saw him stare back at me with a smirk.

"Don't fucking move," stated a voice from behind as I felt a cold metal barrel press against the back of my head.

"Drop the gun, now," he ordered. I slowly lifted the sling carrying the rifle off of my neck and shoulder and carefully placed it on the ground. My body tensed as I raised myself back up.

"The only reason I haven't ordered him to pull the trigger yet is because your friend isn't here," declared one of the most eerie voices I have ever heard.

"Thought you might be here," I gritted.

"Dominic, is it? Where is Ashburn?" demanded Alhberg.

"Anywhere but here. Honestly think I'd let him come anywhere close to you?"

"I'm a bit shocked that you're here instead of him. I thought I made a good impression on all of you. I know he wouldn't let you or any of your friends come face me voluntarily."

"It took some convincing, don't worry."

"He'll be here eventually."

"Not without a ton of guns and backup."

"What do you want me to do with him, sir?" asked the Dultra holding the gun to the back of my head.

"Kill him," commanded Alhberg.

Immediately I ducked my head and my hand grabbed ahold of the barrel of the gun and pushed up as a shotgun blast exploded above me. "Spyro, Cynder!" I shouted into my earpiece. The Dultra with a free hand shoved me hard against the support beam. He tried to wrestle the barrel of his gun free from my hand. My eyes glanced to the left and saw an army of Dultras start to race over toward me.

Spyro crashed his horns into the hard, concrete ground at a break-neck speed. The tremor he created caught the Dultra off guard and caused him to stumble. My hand race toward my sidearm and I quickly turned around to get a face-to-face view of the Dultra. His expression was nothing but anger. As my sidearm slid out of its holster, the Dultra swiped at it with his hand and the gun fell from my grasp and into the water.

"Shit," I exclaimed. My other hand quickly latched on back to the shotgun. The both of us struggled for control of it. I glanced back over to the right. All of the Dultras, including Alhberg, had their eyes focused on Spyro and Cynder. There are too many Dultras for them to attack, but at least they're keeping them distracted.

"Screw this," gritted the Dultra. He let go of the gun with one hand and it went directly toward his side and pulled out a combat knife.

"Fuck!" I shouted as I quickly dodged to the left. The Dultra slammed his knife into the support beam behind me.

My right hand let go of the shotgun and palmed him hard into his face. I rapidly grabbed ahold of the Dultra's wrist. The Dultra, in rage, shoved me hard to the side to try to regain control of his weapons. I tripped and started to fall bringing the Dultra along with me. My body went over the ledge and the two of us collided hard into the water.

The two of us sank for several feet. I had lost my grip on the Dultra during the impact. My vision was darkened and blinded by the murky water. The Dultra could be anywhere around me. I felt the water swish around me and something sharp nick my skin.

The air nearly rushed out of my mouth as pain soared throughout my body. My hand rushed to the source of the pain. I grabbed ahold of the knife and yanked it away from my body. My other hand latched onto the Dultra's throat. I did my best and circled around him while struggling the entire time to keep the knife away from my body. The Dultra grabbed ahold of my face. A few times bubbles came rushing from my mouth, but I closed my lips before I lost all the air in my body.

One of my arms wrapped around the Dultra's throat. This time air rushed away from his lungs. Every second or so oxygen flowed out of his mouth. Though it's not like the air in my lungs is going to last much longer either. After about thirty seconds, the Dultra started to thrash and throw his weight around. I couldn't hold onto him for much longer.

The Dultra dropped the struggle to keep his knife and let go of it. I released Dultra go just in time to catch the weapon as it sunk to the bottom of the river. The Dultra flailed his arms as he made his way back to the surface of the water. Feeling the burning start to overtake my lungs, I started to rapidly swim back up toward the top.

As I made my way back toward the surface, my hands ran into the Dultra. His feet kicked me in the head and upper body in an attempt to keep me away from him. My hand latched onto his legs as I noticed he broke the surface of the water. I rammed the knife in my other hand straight into the back of his thigh. I heard a loud yell come from the surface. As fast as I could, I yanked the knife straight out of his leg and swam as fast as I could toward the surface of the water.

Air immediately filled my body as soon as my head broke the surface of the water. After a few quick deep breaths, my eyes darted over to the Dultra and saw him in a deep pain. He struggled to stay above the water. I don't think he's in any position to follow me.

I swam my way back toward the ladder; there's no other way out of the water for a long distance. Gunfire and chaos happened above the ladder. Up high, Spyro and Cynder continued to zap and blow fireballs at the Dultras. There's still too much going on for them to get close. I climbed up the ladder carefully and peered over the top. All the Dultras had their focus toward the dragons. "Spyro, Cynder, keep their eyes on you," I said into the ear piece.

"Glad to hear your okay, Domino. Hard to see you up here," said Cynder.

"We still don't have your friend yet," I said. I could really use some backup right now. I have no idea where Jack or the rest of the team is at yet, but it's going to take them a long while before they can get here. Spyro, Cynder, and I are on our own for now.

Once I determined that all of the Dultras had their eyes on the dragons, I rapidly pulled myself up and onto the ledge. With the knife wrapped tightly in one of my hands, I made a mad dash toward the assault rifle I was forced to drop earlier. The Dultras were spread out all over this end of the port. Most of the Dultras with guns were firing at the dragons up in the air while Alhberg's minions waited in a readied stance.

As I ran back toward my assault rifle, one of the Dultras started to look his way over toward me as I neared him. Before he had a chance to aim his weapon, I slammed the knife into the back of his throat. The Dultra dropped hard onto the ground as I got near my gun. A few of the Dultras turned their attention to me. I dove to the ground just as gunshots rang out. My hands grabbed ahold of the gun, and I quickly rolled back into cover behind the support beam I had used earlier. Bullets pierced the concrete ground all around me.

I sheathed the knife by my side and got into cover behind the beam. I peered out of cover and immediately retracted myself as a shotgun blasted at me. About five of the Dultras have their attention turned toward me. Three of them kept me pinned in cover with their firepower while two of Alhberg's minions were advancing toward me.

"Spyro, I need a distraction," I shouted into my headset.

"I'll see what I can do."

Spyro from up in the air dived bomb toward the ground. Fire lit up on his horns. I lost sight of him as I heard shouts of pain come from one of the Dultras. I rapidly aimed my gun out of cover. The three of the Dultras suppressing me had stopped. Two of them looked over to the other Dultra who's bleeding profusely from two large puncture wounds. The area around his lacerations were engulfed in flames. My sights settled on the Dultra to the left of him and a round soared out of the barrel of my gun and pierced into his head. As I aimed toward the other uninjured Dultra, my peripheral vision alerted me to the two of Alhberg's minions.

I rapidly raised the side of my gun to the left as one of them swung a large spiked bludgeon toward my head. As soon as the weapon collided with my gun, I shuffled back and swung my assault rifle down and switched it to full-auto. Once the end of the gun was in view of the Dultra, bullets unloaded out of the end of it. A dozen rounds of ammunition collided and tore through his body. Quickly, I shuffled back and away from him as he collided to the ground.

As I got out of cover, the other gun-wielding Dultra had been lit aflame by Spyro. I watched him desperately try to quash the flames with his hands. Eventually he jumped into the water in an attempt to put himself out.

As I quickly moved backward closer and closer to the storage containers, I fired another five rounds into the head of Alhberg's minion on the ground. It wasn't long until I saw the thing start to light up. I spent most of my magazine on that bastard.

My attention diverted over to the other Dultra who is quickly gaining his ground on me. His two swords wrapped in both of his hands. I diverted my rifle's aim to the Dultra. There's not enough ammo to take him out with it. I'm going to have to be quick and careful.

As the both of us got closer to the shipping containers, I aimed down my sights and fired a couple of the remaining few rounds at the Dultra's legs. The bullets tore through his feet and it caused the Dultra to stumble and fall to the ground. Taking the chance, I sheathed my assault rifle onto my back and made a full-on sprint toward the containers. Once I got close, I leapt high up into the air and my hands grabbed ahold of the ledge atop one of the units. I rapidly pulled myself up and on top of it and ran deeper back into the maze of storage containers.

I pulled out the knife and hid behind a storage container stacked on top of another one. I don't know where the Dultra is. The gunfire continued to rage on throughout the area. I heard shouts and roars come from the other side of the port. I wonder if Alhberg is over there.

I kept a tightened grip on the knife as I waited for the Dultra to come. I know that he had to have seen me climb up the containers. Not too long after did I hear footsteps start to crunch across the metal surface. I continued to patiently wait for him to make his way closer and closer to me. He's certainly attempting to check the area for me. Eventually, he got near my area.

As soon as I heard the footsteps quickly tattle down the pathway to me, I reached out grabbed ahold of Alhberg's minion. I jabbed the knife deep into his neck and slammed him into one of the shipping containers. The Dultra dropped one of his swords out of his hand. "Fuck," I stated. The Dultra glared back at me with anger. He grabbed ahold of the knife and tore it out of his own neck. "Get ready to die," he declared. Raising my foot, I smashed it hard into the side of his knees and slammed him hard on the ground. I picked up the sword off the ground and dashed back farther into the maze of shipping containers. This bastard is going to be hard to kill.

I leapt off the end of one of the containers and continued to make a mad-dash away from the Dultra toward the other end of the port. Very few bullets and a short blade isn't going to be enough to take him down, but at least I'm getting away from the dozen other Dultras on the other side.

"Spyro, Cynder, how's it looking for you?" I asked right after I landed and rolled onto the ground.

"There's too many of them. I haven't spotted Zap, and I've lost sight of Alhberg," warned Cynder.

"Shit," I exclaimed. We can't leave here without finding the meteorite. Otherwise we might never see it again, or Alhberg will attempt to lure us all into another trap with him. He has to be the one that has it.

I spotted a small row of black SUVs the Dultras use. Closest thing to cover I can possibly find. I dashed to the spot and checked behind me. At the very least, the armored SUVs can give me a brief respite.

I quickly dashed to the vehicle. Coming up from the rear I noticed a Dultra exiting the driver's seat of the car. I noticed him bringing out an unloaded AK-M. I sprinted even faster toward him. Just as he turned toward me, I lunged toward him and stabbed the sword through his chest. I collided with him onto the ground. He was dead when his body hit the concrete. His assault rifle fell underneath the car.

I looked behind and saw Alhberg's minion leap off the shipping containers. I rapidly grabbed ahold of the Dultra's gun with one hand and a magazine from his tactical vest. Immediately, I slammed the clip into the gun. After I quickly pulled back the hammer, I sprayed each and every single bullet into the Dultra as he dashed toward me. The rounds tore through him and he slowed to a halt. He fell onto the ground near my feet as he started to glow and grow. I quickly crawled backward away from him as he exploded into ash.

I took a few deep breaths as I got up off of the ground. My eyes looked into the SUV sitting next to me and found a locked metal box sitting in the passenger's seat. I took a quick look around the area. Gunfire still continued to ring out from the other Dultras over toward Spyro and Cynder. At least they're keeping them busy. I quickly grabbed ahold of the sword I stabbed the Dultra with and pulled it out of his body. I climbed into the SUV, and slammed the door shut. The key was still in the ignition. I should be safe for the moment. The Dultras cars are usually armored like a tank.

I grabbed ahold of the locked box. A small combination lock was placed on it. I put the lockbox on the ground beneath my feet and stabbed the weak lock with the sword soaked with the Dultra's blood. Grabbing the lockbox off the ground, I tossed off the lock and opened up the box.

"Spyro, Cynder, I have the meteorite," I stated over the headset. A sigh of relief waved over me as I pulled Zap out of the container.

"You do?" asked Spyro.

"Yeah, I found it in one of the Dultra's vehicles. The keys are still in the ignition. I'm gonna take the vehicle and get the fuck out of here and call Jack and find a place for him to pick us up. You guys stay close to me so we don't lose communication."

"What about Alhberg?" demanded Spyro.

"Forget about him, if we couldn't kill him back out west, we can't kill him here," I said as I turned the key in the ignition and heard the SUV roar to life.

I let out a quick sigh and pointed my eyes at the shipping containers in front of me. I looked up into the sky and saw Spyro and Cynder start to fly away from the port. Pretty soon the Dultras from the other side of the shipping containers will be making their way over to here.

A loud shout of anger came from directly in front of the SUV as I saw Alhberg collide into the ground. A large shockwave resonated through the ground that almost caused the other vehicles' alarms to activate. Alhberg lifted up his body and his eyes glared at me with anger. His scimitar gripped in one outstretched hand.

"If Ashburn didn't decide to come here himself, I might as well at least take your head as a conciliation," shouted Alhberg. Damn it, I don't have a single thing to fight him off with.

"Spyro, Cynder, I need some help!" I shouted over the frequency. Only silence came over from my earpiece.

"Your friends won't be able to save you," warned Alhberg. Alhberg hurled his sword at me. I immediately shifted my head to the right as the long blade pierced through the bulletproof windshield and stabbed into the headrest. With my head lowered, I rapidly put the large SUV into gear and pressed down hard onto the pedal. Alhberg grabbed ahold of the car's hood and attempted to stop the car from moving before it accelerated forward. The vehicle sped as fast as it could against the weight of the giant before it collided hard into one of the closed shipping containers.

The front of the car was destroyed and crunched up on impact. The air bags deployed before my head would've crashed against the steering wheel. Glass from the windows rained down onto me. Aches and cramps formed all over my body.

"You… little… brat," shouted Alhberg in pure rage.

I slowly opened the car door and fell out of the SUV just as I felt Alhberg begin to slowly move the car with his bare hands. "Ugh!" I let out as I landed onto the concrete. I looked up at Alhberg as he almost made enough room to wiggle out of the wreckage. Out of nowhere, gunshots began to rang out. Bullets pierced in through Alhberg's head. "ARGH!" shouted Alhberg as he shielded his face from the bullets.

"Domino, RUN!" shouted Jack. He aimed down his fully-loaded assault rifle as another weapon dangled by his side on a sling.

Jack kept firing his gun at Alhberg as I lifted myself off the ground and made a full-on sprint. Even though the gunfire was slowing him, it only took Alhberg a few seconds to move the car enough for him to get out. The bullets weren't doing enough to stop him. I made it about thirty yards away from him before he escaped.

"Domino, get down!" shouted Jack as he dropped the assault rifle and switched to his other weapon. He aimed down the sights of his M32 grenade launcher and fired. I hit the deck just as a large explosion came from the SUV behind me. The boom resonated throughout the entire area. I looked behind and saw the vehicle engulfed in flames. Alhberg was lying on the ground wreathing in what I can only guess to be pain for him. Fire and smoke covered his entire body.

I quickly got up off the ground and after about ten seconds of nothing but pure sprinting, I finally got near. Jack kept his grenade launcher pointed down at Alhberg.

"Where's Spyro and Cynder?" asked Jack.

"I don't know, I lost sight of them."

"Domino, Jack?! We heard the explosion. What's going on?" asked Spyro over the headset. What the hell? Why can they hear us now but not earlier?

"Alhberg, need anymore explanation? You two fly back to us and escort us back to my car. We're low on ammo and need help," ordered Jack. He reached down to his side with one hand and pulled a fresh magazine out of his back pocket. "Domino, you take point and I'll keep an eye on Alhberg," he said as he tossed me the clip. I rapidly pulled my rifle off of my back and tossed out it's spent magazine and replaced it with the new one.

The fire engulfed demon started to get up off of the ground. His glare bared down at us and started to charge toward us with his icicle scimitar in his hand. Jack fired another grenade from his weapon. Another loud and powerful explosion erupted on Alhberg's chest.

He fell to the ground in a roar of anger. "Let's get going!" I shouted as we heard the squad of Dultras from earlier coming this way. We have the meteorite; there's no reason to stick around.

"We have you guys in our sights," stated Cynder. Jack and I ran down a long corridor between the river and another group of shipping containers near the front of the port.

"You guys are clear for the time being, but you got a group of about ten Dultras not too far behind you," stated Spyro.

"Let's pick up the pace," said Jack. The two of us began to go on a full-on sprint. I had to lower my aim from in front of me just to stay ahead of the Dultras.

"My car's parked outside on the street next to the road barrier," said Jack.

"I see it. It looks like two Dultras are standing by next to it. Want us to take care of them?" asked Spyro.

"No! Stay back with us in case the other group of Dultras catch up with us. We'll take care of it," I stated.

After sprinting for another twenty yards, I raised my gun up as we passed out of the corridor of shipping containers. I looked at the other two Dultras waiting for us. One stood on the passenger's side and the other on the driver's side. But they weren't waiting for us, both were staring into the car as if they were looking for something. The one on the driver's side looked as if he was trying to unlock the car.

Ignoring the oddities, I aimed down my sight as I continued to run and fired three shots into the back of the Dultra's head. The Dultra attempting to pick the lock lifted his head up from the driver's side just as a bullet from my gun sliced through his head.

Jack pulled out his keys just as Spyro and Cynder began to quickly fly down at a steep angle toward the car. He unlocked the car just as we ran passed the rising barriers that separated the port from a small deserted road. I rapidly opened the car door to let the dragons in and kept my gun aimed at the area we came from. Jack slid across the hood of his car and opened the driver's side door. For a split second he looked down at the body of the Dultra I had just killed.

"Let's fucking go!" I demanded. He glanced up toward me and quickly grabbed something off of the Dultra. He tossed the grenade launcher into the back of the car and rapidly unsheathed his rifle off of his back. "Get in!" shouted Jack as he got into the car. Just as I got into the seat, I felt Jack's rifle land in my lap. He slid the key into the ignition and rapidly started it up. I watched as the Dultras started to run past the shipping containers. "We gotta go, now!" I shouted as I slammed the passenger's side door shut. Jack quickly shifted the car into drive and slammed his foot down on the pedal.

Above the shipping containers I watched as the still blazing Alhberg leap off the containers stacked thirty feet in the air. His speed was three times faster than the Dultras'. The car's tires quickly fought for traction as Jack veered his steering wheel all the way to the left and circled the vehicle into the other direction. Gunshots started to ring off from the Dultras. Some of the rounds impaling themselves on the car's bulletproof back window. Another shattered into Jack's driver side mirror.

We finally started to gain speed. I looked behind and saw Alhberg right behind us. He grabbed ahold of Jack's trunk with one hand in an attempt to stop the car. Our acceleration took a noticeable dip and the car nearly started to slow down. With his sword in his other hand, he reached out under the car and stabbed one of the rear tires. A loud pop happened underneath our feet. Jack battled and fought the steering wheel as the vehicle started to swerve from side to side.

We need to get this asshole off of us. I gripped the assault rifle in my hands and switched it on to full-auto. I started to lower the passenger's side window. "Domino, I got this!" shouted Spyro from the back. He quickly crawled between the seats and jumped out of the window. He climbed up onto the roof of the car. His claws latched onto the hood to keep himself from falling off as the car continued to swerve left and right. Spyro aimed his head at Alhberg and dodged the slashes coming from him.

A wall of flame erupted from Spyro's mouth. The fireball quickly knocked back the sword-wielding giant and he lost his grip on the car. My head smacked back against the seat as the car started to accelerate forward. I watched behind as Alhberg tumbled and rolled on the asphalt as we were finally able to escape.