"Sorry, Dylan, nothing is here," I said as I walked down the warehouse. I have been searching here for 5 hours trying to find something. What I was searching, well I don't even know. I was trying to find something to pin the Dultra crime family on, but nothing was showing. One thing that these guys knew how to do is to hide a bunch of evidence. Even finding this warehouse took a week's worth of work.

"You sure dude? I had to do a lot to get that warrant," Dylan said shouting into his phone. Dylan is a friend and fellow soldier. I known him even before our lives changed. "Yes Dylan, I looked every square inch of this place and nothing is showing," I said still looking around at the mountain of boxes placed in shelves along this whole warehouse.

"Listen I have to go, it's getting late."

"Alright, see yeah."

I pressed the end call button on my cell phone and proceeded toward the exit. As I got toward the door, I noticed a SUV coming in from the distance. It didn't make any sense; the warehouse was in deserted part of the city. Nobody ever came here ever since economic downturn. I soon realized that these weren't ordinary people. I saw them roll down windows and take out guns. These were the Dultras, they will end anyone's lives if they get in there way. Apparently I got in their way.

They started firing gunshots left and right, I ran back deeper into the warehouse looking for cover. I started to see bullet holes appearing all around but none of them met my skin. I went behind a wall and took out my gun. I didn't think it mattered; they were three guys with PM-9 machine guns. I was one guy with a semi-automatic G17 Glock. The odds were against me, but the odds were always against me. I'm the person who always gets the jobs that seem to get me killed, whether they were actually trying to get rid of me or not is up for debate.

Once I was in cover I tried to control my breathing and make as little sound as possible. The three Dultras came in and they didn't decide to split up and they were going my way. It didn't look like there was a way out of this without gunfire. I looked for a way to even the odds. I saw a shelf close to me and it looked light enough to be pushed over. I quickly and stealthily moved towards it. The Dultras didn't see me and kept moving towards the area I needed them. It felt like time was moving slow, seconds felt like minutes and time always liked going from a fast pace to a slow walk. About ten seconds they finally got to the spot. Even though the shelf was lighter than the rest it still took a lot of strength to push it and especially at the right time. Once I pushed it, the ten foot tall shelf came crashing down with all the boxes and random products with it. I made a mad dash towards the entrance and I looked over my shoulder and saw that my plan had failed. One guy fell to the floor and the other two helped him up. I took out my gun and the Dultras did the same. Now came the real gun fight. I went behind some crates and two of them went behind a wall and the other was dumb enough to stay out in the open.

I aimed my gun and delivered the first two shots to the Dultra standing out in the open. One went through his chest and the other went through his shoulder. He dropped to floor and died instantly. The other two began to fire at me; my cover was getting shredded to dust. I went over to the other side of the crate and started to fire back. The two were focused on one side so I was able shoot one of them. I pierced through his head and he dropped to the ground. The other Dultra looked down at his dead friend and he screamed at the top of his lungs. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU KID!" I took out the magazine of my gun and put in a new one. "IF YOU WANT ME, COME AND GET ME!" I shouted. The Dultra picked up the PM-9 on the ground and dual wield his. He then charged towards me, firing at random.

I ran to the back of the warehouse because there was no other place to go. I saw a window above me and I thought I could climb out of it. I shot out the window and attempted to climb through it. As I reached the threshold of the window, gun shots were suddenly above. "Thought you could escape me you little punk." I dropped to the floor and turned myself to the trigger happy Dultra. "I don't know, it was worth a try." The Dultra had one gun pointed straight at me and the other just lay lazily in his other hand. "Don't play smart with me you little bastard. I'll make this quick and easy for you." My gun was holstered at my side. The Dultra never cared to check, I mean he is going to kill me anyways. I looked around me, trying to find something I can use to escape with. What I saw was two liter bottle of water. The water was uncapped and it was my only option. His eyes were trained at mine; both of us just staring at each other. His finger was beginning to pull on the trigger. I immediately grabbed the water bottle and sloshed water at him. I then dived to the ground. Water splashed his eyes and he began to fire gunshots at the wall behind me. I then took out my gun and fired bullets at him. The bullets went into his body and he fell to the floor.

I was worried that my ordeal wasn't over so I ran towards the exit. I've been through a lot. Not just today, but the last four years of my life has been doing things like this: getting shot at, doing death defying stunts, having the barrel of a gun being shoved in my face, and so much more.

I went over the entrance and heard a noise coming from above. It didn't sound like something was on the roof; it sounded like something was falling to the Earth. I don't know why, but I was just standing there, completely forgetting what I was doing. Then all of the sudden, something incased in a ball of fire burst through the roof and collided into the ground. I yelped and jumped back in surprise. I just had to deal with a gang of Dultra killing machines; this was the last thing I needed. I went over to the object that had implanted itself into the ground. It was still smoking from the crash, but yet it felt cool to the touch. I picked it up and at first I thought it was a meteorite, but it looked nothing one. It looked like some strange purple lizard artifact somebody had made in their spare time. To me that seemed like the answer, but why? Who in their right mind make a fireproof lizard with wings, light it on fire, and then shoot it through the roof of warehouse that was owned by a highly armed, criminal syndicate who kills anyone on site? I examined the figurine closely and it didn't look like a lizard, but a dragon. Now that I looked at it closer, it looked like a child's toy, but not made of plastic; more like stone.

"Argh. Hello, where am I?"

I pulled out my pistol and searched around for the source. "Hello is anybody there?" I said shouting into the warehouse. Great now I'm hearing things. "Who are you?" said the mysterious voice. "My name is Jack. It would be great if you would tell me where you are." I said still looking for the source of the noise.

"I'm down here."

"Are you down back into the warehouse?" I said shouting as if he was far away, but he sounded close.

"No. In your hand."

I looked down at my hand and saw the toy. No it couldn't be, I thought. "Are you talking to me?" I said to the toy. "Yes," said the toy. I yelped and dropped the toy to the ground. I dropped the toy to the ground and the next thing I noticed was the toy was glowing and getting bigger. I pointed my gun at it, not knowing what to expect. After about 10 seconds the toy stopped glowing. "Argh, did you really have to throw to me to the ground?" Said the angrily the now, fully grown purple dragon. I was mystified. My gapping mouth was to the ground. "Well in my defense, I didn't expect a toy to start growing. Besides what are you?" I said to the talking purple creature. I still did not exactly know what it or he was. "What do you think I am? A dolphin," he said in a very angry, sarcastic way. "Why would I think dolphin? Just tell me what you are and who you are by the way." I said forgetting I still don't even who this thing was. "Ugh, my name is Spyro and I'm a dragon. There, are you happy?" said the mad dragon.

"Yeah I am. Don't have to get mad about."

"Sorry, just kind of been through a lot."

"What happened?"

"Believe me. It can't be fit into a few words. Listen Jack, do you know if there are any portals around here?"

"Um, I don't think there is any portal around here." I said confused as wondering what he meant by a portal.

"Alright, thanks for freeing from whatever prison I was in."

"You're welcome. How did you even get like that?"

"When I was blasted towards your planet I guess the cold froze me."

"So you're not from this planet."

"No I'm not. Nice meeting you Jack, I gotta go. See you around." Spyro said leaving the warehouse. And with that I was trying to figure out a rational explanation of why I saw a talking purple dragon. I don't ever remember taking any weird drugs or going through any strange noxious gas. At first I thought that I was dreaming, but then I remembered when I shot out the glass of the window a piece of glass had cut my skin. I remember feeling some pain, but pain was something you sometimes have to get use to. Next I thought maybe my mind just made all of that up, there have more crazy claims. But then I saw all the damage to the warehouse. Lastly I tried to forget the whole thing and maybe let somebody else try to make sense of this whole thing.

At last I was finally going to the exit, after being side tracked by crazy gunmen and a falling dragon. I was going to call the local police department that I was assigned to and have them deal with the bodies. Right now, all I want to do is to head home. I pulled out my cell phone and was beginning to dial the police department, but I was hearing someone running towards me. I thought it was the dragon, Spyro, so I began to turn around. As soon as my eyes reached the direction of the warehouse, I was tackled to the ground. I heard the large thump of my body as I hit the ground. I looked at the man who was attacking me. It was the last Dultra who I thought I killed, but it turns out 5 bullets don't kill a man. The Dultra was on top of me, his knees on top of my hands so I couldn't fight back. The Dultra's hands were around my throat and he was choking me to death. "I thought you were dead," I said with whatever breath I had left. My voice having a gagging sound. "You should've put more bullets in me," said the Dultra as I was gasping for air and struggling to get out of his hold. I was beginning to fade out of consciousness, seeing white edges in my eyes. At this moment it occurred to me that he could've ended my life by shooting me instead of choking me to death. I never took the PM-9s he had. My only guess to why he hadn't shot me was he wanted me to suffer to death. Have it slow and painful instead of fast and quick. I knew that these were the last seconds of my life, and then I heard more running. At first I thought that it was more Dultras, but I couldn't see much since of the lack of oxygen going to my head. But it wasn't a Dultra, what I saw looked like a purplish, running figure. Next thing I noticed was running figure smashing its skull into the Dultra's back. The Dultra went flying into the wall behind me and the impact left blood splattered on the wall. There was no question that he was dead.

"You alright?" said a concerned looking Spyro. I was still trying to get air back into my lungs. I was breathing very hard. "Yeah, I will be. Thanks," I said still trying to get my breathing back to normal. "Don't mention it; I kind of do that stuff regularly. Do me a favor, don't try and get yourself killed," Spyro said jokingly. "Yeah I'll try," I said. Right now my mind was at a war between what is real and what is not. If everything that just happened was an illusion, I wouldn't be seeing the dragon right in front of my eyes. But the rational part of my mind was still searching for a logical answer of why a meteor crashed through the roof, how I'm seeing a purple dragon, and how I'm still alive. I watched Spyro go around the corner of the block and I was wondering if I was going to see him again.


"Alright, looks like we're about done here," said the officer. After my near death experience I finally was able to call the department. They weren't really happy about being what they called "a clean-up crew." They also gave me a twenty minute lecture on not following protocol. I protested saying that my job was to help aid in removing the Dultra crime family from Panama City, not to follow their rules. Also if I recall, the FBI told me to get rid of them by "any means necessary". "Okay, so can I head home now?" I asked. It was 6 o'clock at night and it was a two hour drive home to Pensacola. "Yeah, I guess you're done here, but I gotta ask. Why is there a hole in the roof and why did that guy have two punctures wounds it his back?" I wasn't surprised that he asked me that question; anybody would have asked it including me. Although, I rather not be the person that has to give an answer. "Um, I already saw the hole in the roof when I came in. The puncture wounds happened when shelf fell onto him" I answered nervously. There was blood from the Dultra that got trapped under the shelf. "Well, okay," said the cop. The officer seemed to wonder if I was telling the truth, but he didn't seem to care. I went under the yellow tape that the police left on the door of the warehouse, took out the keys to my car, pressed the unlock button, and I opened the door to my car and got in. I started my car and drove off towards home.


Spyro's POV

I have been walking around for hours trying find a portal or another skylander, but this is a strange planet. Everyone I've seen has been giving weird looks or screamed and runaway. So far I haven't seen many people or found any place to go. I kept walking around seeing signs with written language that I couldn't read.

I walked into an alleyway, seeing if I can get some sort of clue to where I can go, and I saw three people knocking over trash cans. To me they looked like thugs just ruining people's property, but then again it may just be this world's customs. I am not really one to judge other people's ways unless are meant to harm. "Hey Jim look at this dog," said one of the property destroyers. I could smell alcohol coming from his breath, even though I was ten feet away from him. "Dude what's wrong with his face and what the hell is on his back," said Jim, one of the thug's friends. "I'm not a dog and those are wings smart one," I said angrily. I was starting to get mad now, but there was no reason to get into a fight yet. "Did that dog just talk?" said another thug. They started to look like they were gonna get hostile, but so far nothing happened. "This dog can end your life in a few seconds, so if you want to say something to me again, you should choose your words more wisely," I said in a threatening voice; my eyes now glaring down at them. "You know, I don't think I like this doggy's tone," said a thug. "Maybe we should teach him a lesson," added another thug. The next thing these guys did was drop their bottles of their hands, the glass bottles shattering upon impact to the ground. They then all reached into their back pocket and brought out pistols. I knew what they were because of my friend Trigger Happy, but his are made of gold. Theirs looked like they were made of something else. I don't know, couldn't tell from my angle. I really didn't want to have to fight these guys; I rather save my strength for Kaos. "Do you really want to do this?" I asked them. "Shut up dog, let's make this quick," one of them responded. He cocked his gun and I got into a battle stance, being ready for a fight I didn't want to fight.


Jack's POV

I haven't been driving long, maybe for about five minutes, so I was still in Panama City. It was late at night and vacationers wouldn't be coming here for another few weeks. I drove up next to an alleyway and heard shouting. I looked down the alleyway, but it was too dark to see down the alley. It didn't sound good, I heard people calling somebody, which is one sure way that somebody gets killed. I decided to turn into the alleyway, my headlights shining the whole way down the alley. What I saw was three guys and the same purple dragon I saw earlier, Spyro. At first I was looking at Spyro, still contemplating whether he was real or not, and then I looked over at the three guys. I could definitely tell something was wrong, they looked dizzy and disoriented. These guys are clearly drunk. Then I saw them pointing guns right towards Spyro, but not me. This only proving more that he was real. Unfortunately, now is not the time to choose between what is in the flesh or imaginary. I picked up my gun and blasted through the door of my car, keeping it open for cover.

"FBI, drop the weapons now!" I demanded.

"Last time I checked, there's three of us and one of you. How about we teach you some manners," said a thug.

They were firing gunshots at left and right. I ducked down under the door. Even though they were drunk they still had a good shot. Thank goodness they didn't get the bright idea to shoot at my feet below the door. "Spyro get in!" I shouted towards him. I got up my crouching position and looked over the door and began to fire my Glock at the thugs, covering Spyro. Spyro did exactly as I asked and ran towards my car. I emptied my magazine at them, not many bullets hitting them. I got one of them in the stomach, but missed the other two. Soon Spyro jumped in and got into the passenger's seat. As soon as my gun was out of ammunition, I got back in and slammed the door shut. I saw the bullet holes on my car door. I switched the gears from park into reverse and pressed my foot down on the petal. I heard the tires screech on the way out of the alleyway. The two remaining thugs were still firing bullets at me. One of them managed to take out one of my headlights. When I got back on the road, I switched the car back into drive, turned my wheels left, and floored the petal. We were soon out of sight of the thugs.

"What just happened?" Spyro asked. He seemed pretty calm about what just happened. "You just met one of the most dangerous things on this planet: drunken men with guns. Definitely get shot by those kinds of people more than once," I said.

"Why were they attacking us?"

"They were drunk, Spyro. If it wasn't us they were gonna shoot at, it would've been someone else. They won't remember any of what just happened in the morning."

"What will happen to them?"

"They're drunken guys with guns and one of them has a bullet in the stomach. The police should be picking them up anytime now. Probably won't be seeing them anytime soon." Again I usually don't follow protocol. I was beginning to wondering what I should do with Spyro. I just can't leave him out there. I also just can't keep him as a pet. Then again he can determine what he wants to do. I decided to ask him what he's gonna do, maybe see if I can help him. "Spyro, what are you gonna do now?" I asked him with some concern. "I don't know. I have no idea where the other skylanders are, I don't know where anything is in this world, and I don't even know how to read what anything says here," said Spyro. If he had a worried look, he didn't let it show. "You don't know how to read?" I asked him because I was surprised when he said he didn't know what anything says. "I know how to read my written language, but I don't know how to read yours," said the dragon. I wasn't sure if he had a place to stay tonight, might as well ask him.

"Spyro do you have anywhere to stay the night?"

"No. Why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to stay at my place tonight. Maybe I can help you look for a portal."

"You don't have to."

"It's the least I could do. You did save my life," I said not forgetting the events earlier.

"Well I guess. I have nowhere else to stay the night. I could use the time to think things over."

At that moment I was happy to help him, even though he was purple dragon from another planet. But something told me that this was going to be the beginning of a long fight with a new ally.