Title: Ignore the Fact (1/5)
Warnings: Potential spoilers for entire series and eventual comic-verse (before the damn reboot.)
Note: Hello everyone, hope you're doing well and like the emotional roller coaster you just joined. On an unrelated note for some of you, I've just realized I can't write a new chapter of We Once Were Perfect without writing the first chapter to a new story as well. Seriously, readers, stop me. I personally blame this on tumblr, because the quote made me think of Impulse. Which made me think of Tim and the fact I've be swearing to write something for them for ages. And insomnia for letting me get this done in a day.
I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did writing it.
Title taken from a quote from the Tennessee Williams work The Glass Menagerie. "You are the only young man that I know of who ignores the fact that the future becomes the present, the present becomes the past, and the past turns into everlasting regret if you don't plan for it!" This obviously suits our Impulse to a t, but, as these five years will show, it will end up suiting our Tim as well.
Music/Chapter title comes from Goodbye Until tomorrow/ I Could Never Rescue You from The Last Five Years.
Remembers, reviews are love. Check end of story for about a billion more notes-future chapters, story updates, etc.
Disclaimer: I do not own, in any way, shape, or form. All characters and interpretations belong to Young Justice and the comics.
Tentative Summary: If Bart could go back and do anything differently, he's not entirely sure he would take it. He's done enough damage as it is. But for Tim, he might make an exception. That can basically sum up the last five years of his life. The Tim-Bart dynamic, from 2016 to 2021.
Before joining the Team, much to Dick's not so secret chagrin and cutting fury at Bruce, Tim didn't associate with heroes outside of Gotham, unless Batman specifically let them in, which meant Superman and Kid Flash when Dick got his way. Dick, trying to make the best of what is spiraling out of his control, spends more time joking over who Robin will unleash unholy terror with and be the corruptive influence of than anything else. (Tim figured out their secret identities years before he decided Batman was losing control enough to be called on it and by a complete stranger; Dick has no doubts Tim's naivety with the Team will melt a way to a flawed, fun unity and special kind of clever hell.)
And while Tim followed Dick to the Robin persona, Tim didn't see himself finding his own Kid Flash; he got along well enough with everyone and always had Babs for steady support and infamous 'surrounded by idiots, lovable idiots' look.
He felt the same way on the morning of February 28th.
That changes soon enough.
If Bart could go back and do anything differently, he's not entirely sure he would take it. He's done enough damage as it is.
But for Tim, he might make an exception.
That can basically sum up the last five years of his life.
Robin doesn't know what to think when the boy who will become Impulse waves his arms like a showman and does what will become his signature 'ta-da!' Actually, that's a lie. Tim automatically looks to Dick, understands that whatever the order, he will follow.
(Later on, once they realize just how quick the stranger is, Tim looks to Dick for an entirely different reason, remembers fractures long started between him and Wally and the way Dick now has a tendency to get tension headaches after the two argue over the comms. Speedsters and Bats never end with contented results, only frantic screams and bitter looks while each pulls in the other direction.
It can shatter Tim's heart, if he'd let it.)
He's capable of forming his own opinions, however, ones that come with his own admirable speed after Impulse, also known as Bart Allen, literally limbos under his bo-staff and cheerfully addresses him by name.
Tim is not, as a whole, impressed with either Bart or the state of matters in the future if his identity is this well known.
Dick can be the one to tell Bruce about that once he returns. (Because he will; they can't keep him off Earth forever.)
After eight months of collecting materials and buffing up the time carrier (he's named it Rose), Bart had been capable of going back to the future (not home). He doesn't say a word about his success. Ever.
Admittedly, he didn't ('...formulate a plan, what a shock' 'Hush it, Tim.') think everything through when he came over, especially about the part where he goes back. The decision is eventually no longer his.
It takes them four years to adapt technology and comprehend his hulking machine to even make it possible for him to go back. It takes another year for them to convince him to. Honestly, he holds out remarkably well until Conner starts on his case around the six month mark. The deal is done once Tim finally plays his hand. His Tim.
He leaves not even a week after that.
Tim's not entirely sure he's allowed to be at her grave; the fallout between Wally and Dick had been bombastic and spectacular in that gut-wrenching, how did this come to pass way.
And even though he has mixed reactions to orders (listen in battle, off is a separate issue-he's Robin despite literally everyone's protests), this one, mandated by eleven weeks of silence from Wally, is the one that gives him pause.
Artemis has been dead for nearly three months, the public wavers between pure and utter loathing and a contemplative, brief gratefulness, and Bruce is still gone. Even with the alien 'war' ebbing, Tim is hard pressed to even come up with a candidate for a more exhausting set of months.
But if Dick can't mourn her here, then Tim can for the both of them. Except he's not alone in the cemetery, not entirely shocking for the losses Gotham finds herself with, but for the fact Bart Allen is standing over the grave as well.
He looks more lost and confused that Tim has seen anyone (including scared children and the victims of Poison Ivy's toxic kiss).
Tim's automatically suspicious and wary of any spoilers. The time traveler being confused at someone's death is not to be taken lightly.
But all Bart does is smile at him slightly, tilt his head, and shuffle over so Tim can place the now creased picture (We'll laugh about this someday. in Dick's chicken-scratch on the back) and tulips on the grave.
"How crackled are you?" Impulse suddenly asks, moments of silence later.
He's startled, slightly, and replies, "Crackled?"
"Sorry, lost in translation. Alright. Well-adjusted. Cool." Tim's never seen someone's face be so mobile.
"Been better. We all have."
"Yuppers." Impulse keeps himself occupied by swiping away the withered flowers covering the base of the grave.
Tim doesn't know what to say, and Bart seems content enough in silence, even with his constant movement.
"How are things with your grandparents?"
"Great grandparents now; I kept feeling guilty for all the spoiling," Impulse's rueful grin reaches his eyes (Tim doubts he ever understood just what that phrase meant before Bart, who, despite the handful of interactions, has thrown himself into emotions and reactions. Like they're about to be snatched away and being 'stuck' isn't his cross to bear.
Tim understands perfectly how dangerous association with Bart can be. (Beast Boy's gleeful, on purpose despite claims otherwise, mentioning of knowing Robin's secret identity led to Blue Beetle and Wonder Girl giving him no end of grief about why only he got to know.)
He didn't get to be Robin being a coward. And Dick's spread too thin (so is he) to properly monitor this situation and oversee the cultural adjustment.
Bart, bright eyes and constant movement momentarily stilled, flashes him a smile before grabbing his arm and lifting.
"I'm in the mood for California."
Sure enough he, what feels like moments later, finds them in California.
Tim shoots Bart a look and whacks him on the back of the head for good measure.
Bart is undeterred.
It's the start of something; Tim just doesn't know what.
Bart never actually visited Tim when he lived in the Batcave; knowing secret identities made Batman trust him less, if nothing else.
The set up Tim's made for himself in his own apartment and warehouse is much more speedster friendly. (And yes, he smugly grins when he sees the Flash pillow on the spare cot.)
Except for now, when Bart has serious grievances that Tim is blissfully ignoring.
"Can you call Conner off? He keeps ambushing me about this."
"How can you possibly be shocked that 'this' is happening?" Bart can hear the finger quotes.
"Aren't you supposed to be on my side?"
Tim finally looks away from the computer monitor, turning his chair around to where Bart has been shamelessly pacing back and forth, wearing the flooring down.
"Aren't I always?" Tim says that, and Bart agrees instinctively. They've gone through hell, back to normal, hell, back to normal, hell, temporary stop in space, back to normal for years. The two of them are constants to each other. Which is why Bart knows that Tim isn't actually asking him anything.
"Fuck, you agree with them, don't you?"
"Either that or look forward to you creating a time paradox when you're present at your own birth."
"We have decades before we even have to think about that. Mellow it."
Tim turns back to his screen, voice steady and bland as he replies, "Yes, and when those decades pass, you're going to be completely willing to go back, an adult near the end of your thirties to a time when you shouldn't be able to drive?"
"I'm not allowed to drive now!" He loathes the DMV and mourns saving the future most likely means saving them as well.
"At least you've got the mind-set you came with all those years ago." Tim's voice is idle, and very few would hear the playful undercurrent.
"I've gotten-hey, no tricks and distractions. Not crash."
"Haven't heard that in a long time." And it's true, Bart, over the years, has gotten most of the lingo of the 2010s down, although he's kept a few too ingrained to stop.
"Gonna be saying it again real soon," Tim doesn't need to turn around to know Impulse has an uncharacteristic snarl staining his mouth.
Bart doesn't even bother letting Tim reply. (There's a little now Red Robin in his head saying the apologies Tim always has difficulties with, in the soothing tone he occasionally remembers to use when he realizes there's something else besides the task at hand.)
Little Red Robin does not preparing him for the real life version commenting, "You're scared. You're not sure if the future is going to be crash the mode or just crash."
That's it, and it's not it at the same time. Tim, for all the brilliance and matching clever, steady barbs he's come to depend on and love, just doesn't communicate everything, nor does understand everything himself. He can get most of the puzzle pieced together before Bart realizes there is one, but doesn't bother with the edges, leaving it incomplete once he gets the big picture.
Well, when it comes to emotions. Detective work proves he takes after his darker father.
Tim normally tries harder than this, though.
(In hindsight, Bart does blame himself for not seeing this as a warning sign.)
"I'm not leaving."
"You should have over four years ago. It was bound to happen at some point." Bart is well aware of the fact that Tim refusing to turn to look at him and the pinched tone of his voice signifies just how hard this is for him, but right now, he doesn't care. It's not enough.
"You only know that because I told you."
"..." Oh hell.
"Did anyone in the family not know?"
"Damian?" The fact he beat the Bat-Brat should not please and reassure him as much as it does, but Tim, for better or worse, has rubbed off on him in certain ways, especially when it came to his successor.
"I'm not leaving." He has a life here, knows that most of the family would help him make it work, as would the Justice League and his friends once they got over this.
It's not the possible dark wasteland that frightens him; he's confident enough that they can keep their world together.
It's coming out of the transporter and realizing that no one he has loved for the past five years is still there.
Tim doesn't bother answering him.
"I'm not."
Bart leaves soon after and will only see Tim twice before he's gone for good. Those two times, if nothing else, could be his biggest regrets.
Bruce finally comes home; Tim purposefully ignores the look Impulse not so subtlety sends his way.
Bart still talks first and tries to remember what he has to take back second, but he makes the effort to avoid spoilers for most people. Tim's found, however, that if he's concerned enough, Bart will either flat-out comment on whether or not he even knows what's going on or if Tim should even care.
Unsurprisingly, Bruce takes one look at Impulse before silently stating through look, no questions asked or allowed, that they would be talking about this.
The majority of Tim is too relaxed to care, for once, and only gives a token protest of Bart's desire for Michigan.
That's not the end of the story, far from it. Bart still had to stay, still got to speed around on missions, downtime spent on making Wally's grim facade of disapproval lighten slightly or goad Nightwing into swinging at him again, in 'training.'
(Tim would like to clarify just how furious he is with the lies, but he might have done something very similar except for Artemis, so he's nowhere near as vocal as Karen had been the first night.)
Fittingly, it all ends in the Cave. It is not a quiet affair, not like the goodbyes he said last night, to his grandparents, father, aunt, Wally and his more awesome, arrow wielding half, to the Garricks' graves, and even Logan, Jaime, and Superboy, who seemed shocked and even disappointed that this had to happen at all. (Knowing Conner, Bart suspects that he had given up on his doing anything but staying. At least he would look the same.)
Tim was no where to be found, although Alfred sent him off with his particular favorite cookies.
Bart's half unsurprised after what Tim did exactly to get him to this point and half shocked that him being there isn't an automatic.
It hurts.
The rest of the goodbyes crush, are too public, and Bart wishes he had seen more of them last night.
The panic burns his throat as he laughs and pulls on Beast Boy's tail a final time.
Someone, he suspects Speedy (who understands exactly why Bart wouldn't want a crowd), ushers the majority of the group away as he prepares to get in the transporter-time-machine thingy Beast Boy calls it. Bart notices Nightwing's god awful handwritten R-O-S-E at the bottom and stops breathing.
It's just him, Blue Beetle, Superboy and Beast Boy. Cassie lingered at the hallway exit but leaves a second later when she can't compose herself.
Bart almost goes after her for one more joke and knows, deep down, that they would help him get rid of the machine and hide out if he admitted to wanting to stay, to back out. But he doesn't.
BB and Blue hug him one last time and vow to see him on the other side. Superboy hugs him as well, but, after spending a decade with some variation of Bat, knows to mutter, "He'll miss you, no matter what he said. But we won't let him linger on this too much." And that's what Bart wants. If he's gone, someone's going to have to keep Tim from being Tim.
"Let him kill new-Robin. It'll make him feel better."
They laugh, and Bart is still fine, better than they are, from Beast Boy's subconscious shifting of ears and tails when he's upset, to the apology Superboy sends him over not just Tim, but for his involvement in reminding Bart, 'time can't collapse just for you'-good times, to Blue's slouching posture and frown.
"I guess I should go now." (I don't want to leave.)
And, if Speedy hadn't gotten everyone out, he'd be rushing with a smile to the open door of the machine. But he did, and now Bart just walks in quietly and begins to fail at not losing it completely.
The guys step out of the way as the machine starts to make its steady whiiiiring noise.
Bart looks out the circular window one last time.
And there Tim is, maybe fifteen feet and a couple of inches of metal separating them, cowl off the Red Robin suit, staring at Bart with a morose, poignant stare and a sucker-punched expression.
Bart smiles, his last gift for Tim, and manages not to shatter until a flash of light blocks his view completely.
He's going back.
No more Tim.
And as Bart bits his lip to the point of bleeding, he reminds himself, it's only fitting.
He didn't do enough to save him anyway.
My rambling feelings and justifications of why I hope to make people cry (I did, but I know what's coming up):
Wow, this was short for me. Mainly because it's the prologue, but still. Alright, the main set up of the story is based off a musical, The Last Five Years, and the fact I love messing with the timing in these Young Justice stories of mine. Anyway, the musical has the one main character (Tim, in my case, from 2016 through 2021) in chronological order and the other (Bart, obviously, starting in 2021 and regressing to 2016) in reverse.
So, I really don't like basing too much personality off the comics, because, well, look at how closely Superboy and Aqualad follows theirs (only leads to trouble). But Tim gives me some wiggle room because he seems like the Tim Drake I've loved all this time. Now, for non comic readers, all of the allusions like the Red Robin thing, communication problems, his whole Batman coming back determination, will be explained over Tim's five years, so if it doesn't make sense, it will. Hey! I'm like the show.
Tim and Bart are two vastly different creatures from Dick and Wally, so if they seem a little off, I apologize; I'm still getting used to this new pair. And Impulse will obviously be more Impulsey when younger.
Bart's path is going to be what he tries to change and what he knows he shouldn't, even if it hurts someone he cares about, a.k.a., where Bart and Tim have to go through everything from the return of Jason Todd, Barry nearly dying again, and Dick becoming Batman and Tim losing Robin and Bart is pretty much helpless to do anything except make sure Tim stays alive. Cue tears. And all questions this could possible provoke, like what two instances Bart is talking about, why Conner pushed for Bart to leave, and why he was so confused at the grave will be explained in the later chapters.
May you all have a lovely day and feel free to let me know how you felt about this.