Author's Note: And as you can tell, I never sleep. If I did, where would I find time to write this much fanfiction in one night? Well, if you can solve the mystery, I'd like to know. I can't figure out where any of this is coming from, only that I like it all and I hope you enjoyed it as well. If you didn't know, this is the sequel to two letters, "Faithfully Yours, Loki Laufeyson" and "Forever Yours, Thor Odinson". And they have a prequel called "Epiphany". You don't necessarily have to read it all to understand everything that's going on here, but you should. It'll help. Review and enjoy!



Waking up in a Midgardian bed was always a strange experience as far as Loki was concerned, but not waking up alone? That was beautiful no matter where he was. When he took a deep breath of the artificially chilled air in the room, he picked up the faint scent of his sleeping boyfriend's cologne and nuzzled happily into the chest before him. Every night, no matter what position he fell asleep in, he awoke to find himself with his face pressed to Selvig's chest, gentle arms around his waist, face buried against his hair, his own arms looped tightly around Selvig's neck. It was an odd thing, to be sure, but Eric and Shawn both assured him it was commonplace among couples. How could he know, seeing as he had never been in a true relationship? But he was rapidly catching up on that experience and enjoying every moment of it. Ever since he had come to live at Eric's rather lavish apartment, he had felt awkward and alone, and then Selvig came to speak to him.

What had been a conversation mostly of his voice stuttering out shy apologies bloomed into a gentle kiss, then gentle touches, then a tender romance. Admittedly, he had always been fond of the human who held him so close, but to know his feelings were returned was stunningly validating. He smiled into the soft fabric of Selvig's shirt and pressed a kiss to the space just over the mortal's heart. A soft hum into his hair answered him, and he chuckled warmly.

Gods, he was so happy.

"Good morning," Selvig mumbled against his hair, and Loki craned his head up to meet the mortal's blue gaze. Those kind eyes were not Thor's, and for that, he was glad. He had long since moved on from the love he carried for his brother. Despite Thor's insistent letter with all of his proclamations of love, the golden prince had not shown up, and Loki had simply moved on. Given up. He could not hold out for someone who did not love him, not when there was someone nearby who did.

So he ripped the letter into shreds and tossed it into Eric' fireplace while the Avengers cheered him on, and when he turned around, Selvig had been there to reward him with a kiss. A kiss far hotter than the flames destroying his brother's false words. And that had been it.

"Hello, yourself," Loki mumbled, eyes falling closed as Selvig pressed a kiss to his forehead. Such a sweet, chaste little thing. Not like what they had done last night. No, there had been nothing innocent about that. "Every morning, I am reminded just how much I love you. And how proud of myself I am for finally seeking love from someone who could readily give it."

Selvig slowly sat up, keeping an arm around Loki's waist so the god was drawn up alongside him. Instead of sitting up and snuggling properly, Loki simply remained in a relaxed heap against his lover's side, smiling lazily as bright sunlight filtered in through the thin curtains to warm his skin. The light had been nearly blinding when he had first found himself in Midgard, but as time passed, he found himself fond of the weight of it. Just a little light on a too cool today could make it perfect, and now, in the air-conditioned room, the soft heat from the sun was almost decadent. Warm sunlight on his naked skin was definitely decadent, especially when he was so close to his equally-naked lover.

Another little kiss was pressed to the tip of his nose, and he wrinkled it in reaction, which drew a chortle from Selvig. "For the powerful god that I know you are, you make yourself look cute and harmless when you crinkle your nose like a rabbit."

"Vile little vermin is what they are, though, and I would hope you would not think me as simple-minded and stupid as Eric's beloved fur ball," Loki muttered. The damned butterscotch and white rabbit had run of the house when Eric let it out of its cage, and Loki had the urge to pin it to the ground by stepping on its ears just to listen to the funny screaming noise it made when it was frightened. Who knew annoying long-eared rats howled when terrified? It was rather amusing.

But Jormungandr, Jorry, rather, loved the rabbit dearly, and so Loki let it live rather than nudging it into an unfortunate accident. Which was really too bad, because he suspected the thing would be stupid enough to follow a trail of carrots into the fireplace… Or the garbage disposal.

"As if any of us could think you had the intelligence of a rabbit when you're the only one who can somehow hit five digits in Scrabble." Selvig gave Loki's hip a caress as he straightened further, casting a glance at their discarded clothing. "We'll have to get dressed and get downstairs before the little hellions start causing trouble. Steve might be able to handle them, but he's got one of his own to deal with, and I would hate to find Bruce buried under them again. The last time they all pinned him down, I thought he was going to let them suffocate him."

Loki chuckled and finally sat up, arching his back to work the stiffness out of it and kicking the rumpled sheet off of his bare body. He saw Selvig following his movements with eyes alone and smiled, not entirely surprised to know that, even after a night of passionate lovemaking, his boyfriend was still ready to take him again. Despite being further along in his age than the rest of the residents of the house, Selvig had proved time and time again he had just as much stamina, if not more, than the younger men who brashly flashed their confidence like precious gems. But Loki was too sore to consider sex at the moment, so he simply gathered their clothing to toss in the laundry basket in the bathroom, beckoning Selvig to follow him. After all, there were things they could do that did not involve penetration but offered pleasure. And it was a hell of a way to start the morning.