Living in care

Chapter 1

Sam Evans lived in Elmtree House with his little brother and sister, Stevie and Stacey. The three of them had lived in the care home since their mother died of Cancer three years ago and their father couldn't cope. They lived with twelve other kids, but Lily, Poppy and Rosie were their best friends. Sam was at school with his friends for rehearsal when Finn decided to confront Sam.

''Rachel and I saw you at that care home yesterday with Quinn!'' said Finn, irritation in his voice.

''And Kurt the weekend before'' said Rachel as she stood up to stand next to her ex-boyfriend.

''They were just helping me!'' said Sam as Finn pushed him back into his seat as Mercedes looked at him.

''Is that what we're calling it now?'' asked Mercedes, sarcasm in her voice.

''Hold on, how are they helping you out?'' said Will as he looked at Sam.

''Kurt was bringing me some clothes and Quinn was helping me babysit my little brother and sister'' said Sam as Finn glared at him.

''Then why were you at that care home?'' asked Finn as he glared at his best friend.

''Because that's where I live! My mom died three years ago and my dad couldn't cope, so my siblings and I were taken away to Elmtree House and we've lived there ever since!'' said Sam as his friends looked at him in shock and Finn was stunned.

''Why didn't you tell us?'' asked Finn, stunned at what Sam had just told them.

''Because I didn't want to be treated differently'' said Sam as he stood up and walked over to Finn and Rachel.

''Why would we do that?'' asked Rachel as she looked at Sam with a confused expression on her face.

''I was bullied for two years for being a care kid and the bullies used to steal my stuff and they'd read my private scrapbook then they'd tease me about it'' said Sam as Rache's eyes widened.

''Does Elmtree House have a nickname?'' asked Puck, a devious look coming onto his face.

''The Dumping Ground'' said Sam as Puck howled with laughter. The next day was Saturday and New Directions decided to visit Sam at the Dumping Ground.

''Hey Sam,we came to see you'' said Artie as Sam opened the door.

''Um... I'm trying to get my little sister to take a nap'' said Sam as he tried to shut the door but Finn placed his hand in the way.

''Please dude, just let us in'' said Finn as he put his hand on the door.

''I just have to ask one of my careworker's permission first... Tracy!'' said Sam as Tracy Beaker came running down the stairs.

''Yeah Sam?'' asked Tracy as she stood next to Sam.

''Would it be okay if my friends come in?'' asked Sam as Tracy smiled at him.

''It couldn't hurt to have visitors'' said Tracy as she headed to the kitchen to start lunch.

''Thanks Tracy'' said Sam as Finn walked into the house.

''This is a nice place'' said Finn as the rest of New Directions followed him into the house.

''Welcome to the Dumping Ground'' said Sam as Artie looked around the lobby. After ten minutes, Rachel wanted to go to Sam's room.

''Can we see your room, Sam?'' asked Rachel as Sam smiled at her.

''Sure, but I think Puck will have to lift Artie upstairs'' said Sam as Puck lifted Artie out of his wheelchair and carried him upstairs while Sam folded and carried Artie's wheelchair upstairs and into Sam's room.