The First & Last Annual Justice League Halloween Bash
by TwinEnigma
Standard Disclaimer - I do not own Young Justice or any of the characters therein. I do not do this for profit, but rather for fun and skills building.
NB: done as a fill for the YJ-anon-meme, for a prompt where everyone turns into their costumes on Halloween. De-anoning because I admitted it's me.
Warnings: hilarity ensues.
"Hmm," Batman said, examining the bits of statue. He pulled tweezers from his belt, the Grey Ghost costume rustling as he moved, picked up a chunk of statue, and then added, "Janus, Roman god. Division of the self, male and female, light and dark."
Superman frowned. "Magic."
"But we were having fun before that, right, guys?" Barry asked. "Maybe we could do this again next year? Without the crazy costume stuff!"
Wonder Woman and Batman both glowered at him.
"So much for the Annual Justice League Halloween Bash," Barry grumbled. "Some of it really was fun though. You made a great Grey Ghost, Bruce."
Batman stiffened.
"It was spot on, right, Clark?" Barry added.
"It was pretty good," Superman admitted.
"You even did a Ghost-Ded-" Barry cut off with a yelp and raced out of Batarang range. "Too late, Bruce! I got footage!"
Batman glared at him, pulled out the very-accurate looking replica line-gun.
Barry laughed and ran.