(A/N): I don't own Harry Potter. :P

Over time, we all became quite good friends. If you hadn't seen it coming before, you must be pretty oblivious. Us... Marauders, as we like to call ourselves, we were a time bomb waiting to blow up. There was nothing that could stop it from happening.

Threw the course of years, we became a legend to the academic society within the Wizarding World. Although it was pretty certain that we wouldn't be expelled from Hogwarts for our outlandish and yet amazing pranking skills, we had headmasters and mistresses everywhere in terror that we might be expelled, and then transferred to other thus schools.

So, we tried even harder to keep up that reputation.

If you were with me, my real life self at the moment, you might just hear me laughing.

But before I go any further, I must make it clear and understood who us Maurauders are.

James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and I.

We were an irreplaceable pack, the four of us. James and I as the masters of prank-itude, Remus as our "brains", and Peter as our... henchman, if anything. The real reason he was with us was what we saw as our charity. An extremely plain, goody-two shoes boy gets sorted into Gryffindor? And he wants to be with us constantly? Fine, he can do our dirty work.

He was the one who fetched our supplies, the one that created our allibies each time that we were caught. Sure, we may not have treated him THAT kindly, but.. we treated him like a friend. His fault, not sticking up for himself, really. But I suppose that that all leads up to who he is today- a man that has trapped me in the confines of my own freedom, that is the Wizarding World. A dead man when I get my hands on him. I mean, the three of us could've sworn he was our friend.

Onward now, though. Back to the childhood relations that still need to be covered.

By our third year, as I meant to start off on today, we were already deemed inseperable. At least, James and I were. Peter would follow our suit, and Remus was always off on his own.

I remember being nearly driven crazy by it. Not by Peter, of course, but by Rem's absence. When he wasn't there, I could never get my mind off of him. When he was there, all I wanted to do was give him my full attention. Every last detail of him had me obsessed. For the longest time, I had convinced myself that this long obsession was only me wanting to be a good friend- to make sure that Remus Lupin felt included.

Now that I think about it, I wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. Even worse, I was Black. Haha. Puns.

Anyway, there was one specific time that I recall might've been the most touching moment of my life. The most... sentimental. My talk with Harry outside of Hogwart's comes in second, but could tie with it if I wasn't in love with Remus.

It was on the train, specifically. After a particularly hard summer, I had a feeling of betrayal, a feeling of hatred in me. If anything, I felt cold. Colder than a Slytherin might've.

Not expecting that, eh? Well neither was I.

You see, that summer was the summer that my brother Regulus was most honored. The former year had been his first at school, and his marks were near perfect. I can say little good of my own marks in school, but I'm afraid that's not what I'm here to discuss.

Happen you see this Harry, don't let any Marauders to come follow in my footsteps.

Back to the topic I have strayed from for far too long. However, in my own shame, I will not take note of the horrible thoughts from my mind.

The train bumped and jolted as it got going. I wasn't in too much of a hurry to find James, whom was probably too busy annoying Evans to care. Remus and Peter would find him soon enough, anyway, and I suppose I'm better off alone. Right. I know I'm right. Just find an empty compartment.

I made my way down the corridors to the very back of the train. There, an empty and lonely looking compartment waited for me. So, I busied my way into it, and hoped that no one would follow suit.

Especially not Remus. Remus couldn't know what I was, he never could. He was too good in heart, too perfect.

As luck would have it, not five minutes after I had settled into loneliness did the one and only Remus Lupin step into my compartment. He offered me a soft smile, before taking a seat on the bench across from me.

"Sirius. You aren't being you. Now tell me why it is that the very extroverted Sirius Black does not wish to show his face."

Although there was a smile to him, I could clearly see that there was a sadness in his eyes. The scars along his face shimmered in the light, and all I could think was

"What happened to your face..?"

A frown took him, and I immediatly regretted ever saying it.

"An answer for an answer, my friend. And, if I do say so myself, it will only be fair if you answer first."

I grimaced.

"Fine. If you want to know, I'll tell you. My parents hate me, and I am filled with hatred at the very thought of them as well."

Remus, with those entrancing, color transitioning eyes, stared at me like I couldn't be serious. Like everything in the world was just a load of bull. I knew he felt that way, too, for his fists were clenched, and his nostrils flared.

I hated being the one to make him feel as such.

"What do you mean, Sirius. They can't really hate you. I'm sure of it." He said.

I could quite honestly tell that he was trying to keep himself collected. It was a struggle nonetheless.

Stupid me, instead I gawked. My adolescent mind couldn't gather the fact that he doubted me.

"They ignore me." I huffed. "They talk about me to their friends and our countless, countless, family members! I'm their disrespected, unloved, and unwanted eldest son. Aside that, I'm a mistake!"

Remus jumped to his feet.


And then he was gone.

What I did next was an act of pure adrenaline. Something I don't think that I would've had the courage to do had I been completely calm.

Hell, if I weren't in love with him, I don't think I would've said another word to him.

But I did something life changing, altering the smallest details of my life. In a way, all those small details gathered together, and changed my life completely.

I ran after Remus Lupin. Embracing him in a hug from behind, I asked him to come back, to tell me what was wrong, and to fulfill his end of our deal.

Well, it was more of me begging, but the boy complied.

He followed me back, and we sat down for what would soon be the most enticing and critical conversation of my life. Not even Azkaban could top this one.

Remus Lupin looked at the floor, refusing to look me in the eye.

And you know what happened next?

He told me he's a werewolf.

In the end, it only made me love him more.