So my groove is still here. I'm surprise that it is actually, and it's only been two days since I've last updated! Hahah, well tonight my sister has some band stuff going on, and I'll be there to support her, so I figured that I'd use this time to work on this. I'll also try to begin the next chapter before tonight.

In this chapter, just to give you guys a little bit of an insight, this is more Sheila centered just so you will get to know her more.

Shelia woke up the next morning with a bit of her energy back. She had woken up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare that had left her terrified. Because of how late it was, she stayed up in her bed in the darkness by herself to fend off her fearsome visions for a long while before finally falling into a dreamless sleep.

At the thought of her nightmare, fear enveloped her as Sheila shut her eyes close and tried to think of happy thoughts, but she was just too numb to even remember what happy thoughts were.

When she heard her bedroom door being opened, Sheila threw her covers over her head and just hoped that her blanket had some form of protective charm to help her.

With a tray of food in his hands, Cam entered the room the same time Sheila had tossed her blankets into the air before landing on top of her head, no doubt out of fear. Cam sighed, swallowing his anger along with thoughts of his no good uncle as he made his way towards her bedside.

He placed the tray down on the bedside table before reaching out to her. Before he could even touch her, Sheila grabbed his wrist with one hand and grabbed his upper arm with the other, flipping him in the air over her bed and throwing him against the wall. Cam landed with a loud thud, his back hitting against the hard floor, and moaned in pain.

Sheila gasped when she realized that it was him and quickly moved to help him up, ignoring the pain that surged through her body from the sudden movement.

"Oh, my gosh! Cam!" Sheila exclaimed. She moved in front of him to help him up, but he shook his head, saying that it was fine. She wouldn't allow it though, and she moved to his right side, wrapping her left arm around his back and held his right hand in her right. Sheila then moved the two towards her bed and had him sit. The impact of him suddenly being thrown across the room did hurt him, so he didn't argue. However, he did move to allow her to sit next to him, which she did.

Still worried from the pain she may have caused him, Sheila placed a soft hand on his shoulder and asked him, "Are you okay?"

Cam chuckled at her reaction, finding the situation ironic. Here she was, feeling worried for him for one small injury, when she herself is covered with more.

"I'm fine," Cam responded. "It's okay."

Then, to prove that he was alright, he stood up, but not without wincing. This didn't go unnoticed by Sheila.

"Cam…" She reached out for him to sit back down, but he shook his head and gave her a small smile, reassuring her that he was alright.

Sheila sighed, looking down at her hands and feeling entirely guilty. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She then looked up into his eyes with guilt flowing through them. "I'm sorry," Sheila apologized again. "I had this nightmare and…"

She trailed off but Cam understood her. He reached over towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it to reassure her that it was fine, that everything is okay.

"Sheila, it's okay," Cam reassured. Then suddenly remembering why he came here, he walked around her bed and motioned towards the tray of food he had set out for her.

"Here, I made you breakfast," he said, motioning for her to sit back at the head of the bed and helping her get comfortable. He then picked up the tray and placed it carefully in front of her. He watched as Sheila leaned in and smelled the bowl of chicken soup appreciatively with a smile on her face before directing her smile towards him.

"Thank you. It's great," she commented, the smile reaching to her eyes.

Cam looked at her questioningly, before saying, "But you didn't even taste it yet."

Sheila laughed before saying, "I know, but I know it's going to taste great," as she reached for the spoon that was laid out for her.

It was Cam's turn to laugh as he watched her scoop a spoonful of the soup. Once she brought it to her lips, he saw that her eyes sparkled in delight at the taste, thinking that he'd much rather see a happy Sheila than the other.

"Cam, this is amazing!" Sheila exclaimed. "My taste buds!" And she spooned for more of her soup, savoring every bite of the soup each time she brought the liquid to her lips.

Cam laughed again, never once getting a response quite like hers before. "Well I'm glad that you enjoy it." With a smile on his face, Cam then turned around, walking towards the door and opening it. Before he left, he turned back to face Sheila, who was taking a sip of her orange juice, and said, "When you're done, my father would like to speak with you."

Sheila swallowed the portion that was in her mouth before responding, "Yeah, sure."

Cam nodded in acknowledgement and walked out, closing the door behind him. He didn't take more than three steps when he felt a panging in his chest. He brought his hand to where the panging was and pressed on it softly a couple of times.

"Hm, I'm going to need to see if that throw against the wall did some sort of impact on me," Cam said out loud as he made his way towards the kitchen to pour himself up a bowl of leftover soup for his breakfast.

: ( : ) : ( : ) : ( : ) : ( : ) :

It was almost noon when the rest of the rangers showed up at the base, talking amongst themselves as they made their way down the staircase. When they entered the room, they found Cam at his usual place in front of the computer, typing away and seeming to be in deep concentration.

"Hey, Cam," Blake called out. "What are you up to?"

The sound of pounding keys slowed down, but nevertheless, he kept typing as Cam responded, "I'm trying to pull up files of the Sky Ninja Academy, but…" He sighed, shaking his head. "It's proving to be rather difficult. It's like it's this top secret society nobody is supposed to know about." They watched as Cam pulled up scanners and go through files, seeing folders they've never seen before pop up on the screen. All looked to be complicated, but Cam seemed to understand everything perfectly.

"So that scroll that I found," spoke up Tori. "Is that really the only piece of information we have of that school?"

"It would seem so." Then with an afterthought, Cam said, "That scroll though… I'm going to have to ask my father where that scroll came from. Knowing its origin can be quite useful."

"What about Sheila?" Dustin asked. "Do you… do you think it's okay to ask her now?"

Logically speaking, Dustin has the right train of thought. They need to talk to her. They have questions that need some answering and any piece of information that she's willing to share would definitely be quite useful. On another note though, they need to consider her well-being. Wouldn't it be too soon to start asking her questions about her life?

At this, Cam stopped typing and turned in his seat to look at everybody. "To be honest, I don't know. She's been through a lot, and this has been only the third day since she's came here."

"The third day?" questioned Hunter.

Cam nodded. "She's been here since the day you guys had that sale at Storm Chargers."

"Ohh." Everybody nodded their heads in acknowledgement. Thinking back to that day, Cam had had been somewhat disturbed about something, which they now know.

"So," spoke up Shane in a light tone, attempting to lighten the mood and not allowing the silence to settle. "Where is that girl? Is she still in her room?" He began making his way towards the hallway that led to the bedrooms slowly, waiting for Cam to give him a confirmation.

"No," responded Cam, shaking his head. "She's with my father in his private room, talking."

"Huh, I wonder what they're talking about." Dustin commented, and no doubt, that's what everybody in the room was wondering.

: ( : ) : ( : ) : ( : ) : ( : ) :

It had been a good hour or so since Sheila walked into the private study of Sensei Watanabe, and for her to find a guinea pig in place of a human in her presence was amusing. That was until she learned how he came to be, and Sheila was filled with sadness and sorrow. She had even apologized for his form unconsciously, feeling as if she was the one to blame. Sensei only chuckled and laid a small paw on her hand, reassuring her that it was quite alright.

After that, introductions were made, and they soon began to make small talk. It was only this way, Sheila noted, that Sensei Watanabe was able to get her to be comfortable with speaking to him. He began by asking her about her well-being, which soon turned into him telling her how life is around Blue Bay Harbor and giving her that proper welcome she had yet to be greeted with.

There was a pause in their conversation after Sheila told him how much she enjoyed doing sports as much as the next person. During the length of their conversation, she had felt nothing but warmth and kindness coming from this stranger, and although she still doesn't know much of him, she felt herself beginning to open up to him. However, the only thing that was holding her back from being open to this seemingly trustworthy stranger were her customs, her traditions, the ways of the Sky Ninja Academy. Even if Sensei Watanabe was being honest and trustworthy towards her, she couldn't help but be precautious. That's just how she grew up.

And then there was her story of how she came to find the Wind Ninja Academy.

Noticing her long pause, Sensei Watanabe gave her a questioning look. "You seemed to be troubled, Sheila."

She only sighed in response as she turned her gaze down towards her hands, which were placed in her lap. She turned her hands palm-side up and stared at the lines that ran through her palms. Sheila thought long and hard. As much as she wanted to tell him her story, she wasn't strong enough to tell him just yet. She was still coping. It was always like this for her to keep everything on the inside ever since she was small. She always believed that it was better for her to keep the pain on the inside instead of sharing and having everybody around her worry and fret over her.

After a couple more moments of silence, Sheila turned her gaze back up into the patient eyes of the small elder, who was sitting in front of her.

"Sensei Watanabe," Sheila began. "I sincerely want to thank you for your hospitality, but I feel that I must get going," she finished quietly.

Sensei raised an eyebrow at this. Not from surprise, but from not expecting this response. "May I ask why?"

Despite what she said, Sheila was in deep turmoil. It was only logical for her to stay where she was where she was safe from harm, but the other side of her told her that she shouldn't be a burden to these nice people. They've taken her in and gave her food and shelter, but she suddenly felt that it was a mistake for coming here in search of help.

How were they going to help you anyways, Sheila? What did you want them to do? Bring them back to life?

Sheila sighed heavily. Of course it was impossible to bring them back, but a little bit of wishful thinking couldn't hurt, right?

And how about telling them the truth?

She sighed again, pushing back her thoughts. She wants to tell them. She really does, but it just hurts to even think about it, and she doesn't even know how long it would take before she could be open about it. She needed the time to heal.

"I… just don't want to be a burden," Sheila said quietly, turning her gaze back down on her hands. Sensei looked at her with thoughtful eyes, knowing full well that there must be something else in her thoughts that were troubling her. However, he didn't push her for further explanation. Instead, he gave her a warm smile and said, "Sheila, it was Fate that has brought us here together. Do not think that by being here you are a burden."

Sheila gave him a small smile at the kindness of his words. She found that in his words she was happily welcomed, and Sheila found comfort in them. She scolded herself for even being rude towards him when Sensei Watanabe had been nothing but hospitable towards her. Letting out a small laugh, Sheila apologized.

"It's nothing to worry, dear." He smiled. "Just remember that you have others around you that are willing to give you a helping hand."

Sheila nodded as her smile grew, thinking about the other rangers that she had met yesterday. "I will," and feeling more comfortable with the elder, Sheila asked him about what other things happen in the area.

I hope you guys like Sheila so far. She is a bit indecisive, but remember that she comes with a past, and that, darlings, will be revealed in time!

kitten9322: Well, when I had this planned out in the beginning, I honestly didn't intend the two to be sisters. However, they will be close to each that they'll be like sisters. As for pairings, well, the Blake/Tori pairing is clearly out in the open already, hahaha, and I've had thoughts about the others, but we'll just have to see, yeah? Good luck guessing about Sheila! Muahahah! And thank you! I really appreciate your review!

And I just want to thank everybody who has reviewed this so far. You all are just lovely people! And so if you haven't already, drop a review for me, please. I'll gladly get back with you soon with another chapter!