Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious or Robert Frost.

Author's Note: Last chapter, hope you all enjoy!

Beck shut the door of the RV behind him, never stopping to remove his arm from its recently reclaimed spot around Jade's slim waist or part his lips from hers. And as much as he desired for that connection to remain, he couldn't help but laugh as his girlfriend tripped, pulling him down with her as she landed on the bed. He allowed one hand to tangle into her hair as he buried himself into her neck. Oh, how he'd missed her. He stayed in that position for some time, inhaling her scent deeply as he wondered how he could have possibly forgotten the beautiful narcotic that was skin-on-skin over the months that they'd spent apart. But, alas, nothing gold can stay. His reverie soon fizzled out in cracks and bursts as he felt her pull away from him, leaving the taste of her skin lingering on his lips.

His confusion only increased as she pulled herself into a ball at the corner of the bed, her eyes darting around quickly as she avoided his gaze. He slowly pulled himself over to her, placing his hand on her spine to let his fingers draw circles around her vertebrae. When she still refused to talk, he decided to speak up.

"Is everything okay?"

"You know that we have to talk about it." Hoping that playing dumb would allow him to avoid the inevitable, Beck asked her what she meant.

"It, Beck. The break up, our relationship," finally meeting his eyes, she added in a smaller voice, "...us?"

"...we don't-"

"Yes we do, Beck!"


"Look, we've broken up twice, and...I really don't want there to be a third time, okay?"


"In case you couldn't tell already...I really did miss you. And that day I got stuck waiting outside Vega's door...it was kinda one of the worst days of my life."

"You're not-"

"Would you please just listen t-" Beck kissed her. Jade allowed him for a few moments before shoving him off. Beck ran a hand through his hair, then quickly wrapped his arms around Jade as he pulled her into his lap, ignoring her protests.

"I'm not saying that we shouldn't talk about it. I know that we need to, but...why tonight? We're going to talk, I promise. But when we do, I know that...well, I know that it's going to be painful. We'll get through it, but it's going to hurt. Or, maybe I'm just over-reacting. Maybe it'll actually just give us both the answers we need."


"Look, it's just that tonight, I'm still thinking of how lucky I am that I managed to get you back...and no offense, but right now, you don't look so ready to talk."

"Meaning?!" Smirking, Beck leaned over to press a kiss to her jawline.

"As much as I'd love to continue what we were doing earlier...babe, you're exhausted."

"Am not."

"I saw you yawn during the drive here. ...you're usually tired after a performance." Jade pouted.

"I'm not tired!" Beck adjusted so that he could speak into Jade's ear.

"I've been dating you for years and, with luck, will be dating you for many years to come. I think I know how you work." Jade thwacked his chest.

"You're a sap." She leaned into his chest, attempting to stifle a yawn. "But... I love you anyway."

"Good to know." They both kicked off their shoes as Beck set her down to lay beside him. He spent a few minutes running his fingers through her hair. He was about to kiss Jade's neck when she rebuffed him.

"You know, it's considered sexual assault in Canada if you kiss your significant other while they're sleeping." Beck groaned.

"So? I have American citizenship." Jade slapped him.

"Ow! Alright, alright...just let me turn off the light." As Beck sat up to reach for the light switch, he let out a scream that caused Jade to tumble out of his miniscule bed and land face first on the floor. She quickly pulled herself up and grabbed a pair of scissors from its hiding spot under Beck's bed.

"What is it, what's wrong?!" Jade looked around to see that there was nothing unusual in the RV.

"Beck, why'd you scream?"

"Oh, you know...just practicing for this play that I'm auditioning for..."

"So I landed on my face for nothing?" Realizing that her boyfriend wasn't going to tell her his real reason for screaming, Jade placed her scissors back in their spot and climbed back into the bed.

"I swear, sometimes you just drive me nuts..." Noticing that her boyfriend was not responding, she turned to see that he was staring ahead at some spot on the wall.

"What are you looking at?!" As he continued to stare, Beck patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, just try and get some sleep." Jade rolled her eyes but obliged her lunatic boyfriend. Beck was, for once, glad that no one could see his hallucinations but him, for he was sure that any sane person would faint at the sight of the creatures hoarding his RV. All of his varying hallucinations of Jade were staring at him, some with limbs severed, some with varying cuts and bruises, and one that was simply a skeleton (he could distinctly remember that the skeleton had once been a siren at sea). Beck was confused; he had Jade back, shouldn't the hallucinations have ceased?

Beck noticed a particularly menacing Jade make her way over to the real Jade with her fingers outstretched as they reached for his love's neck. He quickly held a hand up to the bloody girl, signaling for her to stop as he placed his other hand on Jade's shoulder in a gesture that would have let anyone realize that he would destroy anyone who tried to hurt his girl. Bloody-Jade raised an eyebrow in surprise, but then backed off to return to the mob of creatures. As he gripped Jade's fingers in his hand, he saw that all of the monster Jades were watching him carefully. Beck felt his blood pump just a little faster; what could they possibly want from him?

But soon, one of the Jades gave him something resembling a smile. Then, Beck watched in fascination; the blood and bones and gore of the creatures began to vanish as they regained their vitality. All of the now-healthy and normal-looking Jades soon began to exit the RV in a single-file line, each one waving goodbye to him as they left. Soon, there was only one Jade left in the RV, with the exception of the real one. Beck immediately recognized her as the one that had started it all, the one who had cried out her own blood in his first nightmare since the break-up. Rather than the crushing depression that was present during the nightmare, her eyes were very warm as she walked over to Beck, stopping to stare at him for a few seconds before leaning to kiss his cheek. She bent down to give him a hug, which Beck was too shocked to return.

After releasing him, she made her way to the RV door, pausing to give Beck a wink before shutting it behind her. Beck released the breath that he had been holding and threw himself back down onto his pillow beside his living, breathing girlfriend. But just as he shut his eyes, she spoke up.

"So, you've finished staring at the wall?"

"Yeah, I'm good now." As Beck curled around his girlfriend, he recalled something she had said earlier.

"So...I drive you nuts, huh?"

"Oh, absolutely." Jade turned to face him, placing one hand on his chest.

"...Do I drive you crazy?" Beck chuckled. He pulled Jade close to him and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head before leaning back onto his pillow.

"You have absolutely no idea."

Author's Note: Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing! Getting over 100 reviews on your first fanfic is just crazy. I honestly hope you all like my next fanfic just as much, the first chapter should be on the site at some point today. Once again, thanks everyone! Oh, and get psyched for the real Bade reunion on December 1st! Keep calm and ship Bade, guys. Keep calm and ship Bade. :)