This is it: the last chapter. How sad is this?

I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. It was really fun.

Thanks to everyone who added this to their favorites or alerts or reviewed. I posted the last chapter, turned around and I had like 10 emails relating to it. It was awesome.

I'm toying with the idea of doing a sort-of sequel in which Rob invites the team to the manor. It would include Jason and Timmy. And Bruce freaking the team out by acting like a human instead of Batman, which should be hilarious. And Alfred being awesome. What do you think? It wouldn't be until the end of the summer though.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing.

"Dude, that was amazing!" Wally gushed. "I mean, I've seen you perform before, but not like that! Just, wow, boy wonder."

Robin grinned brightly. "Thanks Walls. But I'm not 'boy wonder' here; here, I'm just me, Dick Grayson. The circus' little robin."

The team continued to congratulate him and gush over his performance, telling him that they would install a trapeze in the cave because they had to see him perform again.

"Congrats on the quintuple flip, by the way." Artemis said. "The only person in the world who has ever done it. You probably broke a world record."

Robin nodded. "But you're all going to keep it a secret, right? No telling anyone." "Why?" Conner was obviously confused. Robin chuckled softly. "Well, as far as the public knows, my acrobatic days are over. I shouldn't be able to do three flips anymore, let alone five. And saying that Robin did it wouldn't be much better, secret identity wise." Comprehension dawned. "Oh."

Robin continued chatting. "Maybe we'll have a training session one day where I teach you how to use the trapeze. Nothing too fancy, a flip or two maybe. Oh, and you guys have got to come over to the Manor sometime, if only for some of Alfie's cookies. They're the best. Even B eats them. Artie, you can sit with us during lunch sometime if you want, you can help me drop hints for Babs. I've been trying to help her figure it out for ages…" The bird was obviously excited about finally having the team know his ID. The others couldn't help but get swept up in his enthusiasm as well. They talked and made plans until their mentors called them away to go home.

"Bye Mr. Haley!"

"Thank you!"

"Congrats again Dick!"

"See you at the mountain tomorrow!"


A hand landed on Dick's shoulder, and he looked up and met Bruce's eyes. "Ready to go home?" Dick nodded. Slowly,they began walking towards Bruce's car, waving to all of the circus people that they knew.

Finally, they reached the car, and Bruce pulled Dick into a hug.

"Good job."

Then they climbed into the car and drove away, leaving one home and going towards another.

The end! :'(