So tomorrow is the day. The guys will be leaving on tour at noon. I know that'll be back in six months, but it's going to be really hard. I'm not good at good byes. I know that I probably will start crying. I was glad to be able to spend the day with Kendall.

"I know your not looking forward to tomorrow." Kendall said, putting an arm around my neck. We had decided to go on a walk around palm woods.

"I think no one is. You'll be leaving on tour, I'll be heading back to hollywood arts. I think it's going to be weird, you know being back there." I said. I've gotten used to palm woods. I do miss my friends a lot, but I think I'll miss Kendall a lot more.

"You'll adjust, just like you did when you first came to palm woods." Kendall said, smiling.

"I'll re-adjust when I come back to palm woods in six months." I said, smiling. I looked up at Kendall, and kissed him. I sighed.

Kendall smiled. "I'll have to make time to call you. But I think you'd be worth it." He said. I honestly couldn't stop smiling, I had a feeling that there won't be much smiling tomorrow. I wondered what my friends would do once I return to hollywood arts, I know that they all know. Cat had accidentally told Jade. Yesterday when Cat and Beck got here, I didn't even bother to hide my excitement. I hugged both my friends. But the excitement quickly died down, after remembering why they were here.


I looked at Carlos. "You excited for tomorrow?" I asked.

Carlos glanced at me, but he seemed to be thinking about what I asked. "Yes and No. I'm excited that I'll get to see my fans and perform live for them, but I know that I'll miss you a lot." He said. I smiled at him.

"I'll miss you too. I know I gave Tori a bit of a hard time the other day. I thought she might change her mind and leave with you guys. But now I know why she was having second thoughts." I said, playing with my hair.

"These six months will fly by really fast." He said, reaching up and pushing some of my hair out of my face.

I nodded. "I hope that your right." I said. I leaned in and kissed him. I felt him kiss me back. Though it didn't last long.

"I'm just glad that your here. I thought that I'd be leaving on tour without getting the chance to see you again." He said, looking in my eyes. I felt myself blush a little.

"I'm going to miss you." I said.

"I'll miss you too." Carlos said. He kissed me. I rested my head on his shoulder. I wasn't looking forward to tomorrow.


"Hey so what exactly do you have planned for our last official night at Palm woods, for six months at least." James said. He knew that they were going to be basically hanging every day for the next six months, but he wanted to do something fun with everyone.

"I don't know. Why don't we just watch a movie?" Kendall asked.

"Seriously? We usually do something crazy." Logan said. He looked at Kendall and could see that he was thinking of something.

"Is he going to come up with something?" James asked. He was sitting on the back of the couch, and looked at Kendall.

Carlos put his helmet on his head. "I say bring it on!" He said.

"You won't be needing the helmet. Where are the sticky notes?" Kendall asked, standing up.

James looked at Kendall. "You have an idea?" He asked.

Kendall nodded. "It's probably not going to be memorable, but it's going to be funny. Basically we'll wriete something down on the sticky note, like 'meet me in the hotel lobby.' We do that to maybe ten, fifteen people and then sit back and watch as they try meeting up with each other. I think Bitters will get annoyed." He said, crossing his arms over him chest.

"I like it." Carlos said. Kendall nodded.

"You do know that if Bitters finds out that we're behind this, he's going to be mad. So that's good enough for me, because he'll remember it." James said, smiling.

They all liked at Logan, since he was the only one who hasn't said anything yet. He seemed to be thinking. "You know, I think that will work. And we just sit back and watch?" He asked.

Kendall nodded. "Okay let's get started." He said. He finally found the sticky notes. With help from his friends, they came up with who was suppose to meet who, where and when. Tomorrow morning was going to be interesting.


"What is going on in here?" Tori asked, walking into the hotel lobby behind the guys. She was walking next to Cat.

Kendall shrugged. He looked like he was tryng to keep a straight face. "Maybe a Big time rush farewell party." he said. Carlos started laughing. There was about twenty people in the hotel lobby, some seemed to be arguing. Bitters was at the front desk, and seemed to be getting more annoyed by the second.

"Really?" Tori asked. She was looking at Carlos.

"Dogs! We're leaving in fifteen minutes, so be ready!" Gustavo said. He tried to maneuver around the people, but the lobby was pretty crowded.

"Did you guys have something to do with this?" Bitters asked, pointing at Kendall.

Kendall raised an eyebrow. "No. Why would you think that?" He asked. Logan hit Carlos in the arm, because he was struggling to keep a straight face.

"Ow. What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his arm.

Bitters glared at them. "I have a feeling that your behind this. I'm going to find out." He said, walking towards the crowd of people. He wasn't going to be able to find out in less then fifteen minutes.

"You did, didn't you?" Tori asked.

"Shhh.." James said.

Kendall rolled his eyes. "That's the least of our worries. In less then fifteen minutes we'll be heading onto our tour bus, while Tori heads back to hollywood arts." He said, looking at her.

"Actually we're leaving a little earlier." Tori said, she was on verge crying. Kendall pulled her into a hug.

"Group hug!" James said, hugging Tori also. Carlos and Logan also joined in on the hug. Tori started laughing, she really was going to miss these guys. They could always cheer her up.

"We'll be in touch." Kendall said, looking at Tori once the group hug was broken up. Tori nodded, and wipped her eyes.

"When are you leaving?" James asked. He looked at his cell phone and saw that they had ten minutes left.

"In a couple minutes." Tori answered.

Carlos walked over to Cat and pulled her into a hug. She was starting to cry, but she knew that this had to be a lot harder for Tori since she knew the guys more. "I'm going to miss you." She said, looking up at carlos.

"And I'm going to miss you too. But like I said last night, the six months are going to fly by." He said. Cat smiled and then kissed him.

"Ready to go?" Cat turned around to find Beck waiting for them, she nodded.

"Call me tonight?" She asked, looking at Carlos.

Carlos nodded. "Yeah." He said. She kissed him again before walking over towards Beck. She turned around and watched as Tori hugged each member of BTR.

Tori hugged Kendall the longest. "Promise to call every night?" She asked. Only those who were close to them would have heard her.

Kendall nodded. "Yeah. Time might vary but I will call." He said. Tori pulled out of the hug and looked up at him.

"I'm going to miss you so much." She said. Kendall nodded. She reached up and kissed him.


She looked over at Cat and nodded. "I'm ready." She said, walking away. She wiped away some tears and followed her two friends out of the hotel. But before she actually left the hotel, she glanced back once. She gave a little wave and then exited the hotel. She'd be back in six months, so she didn't think of it as a official good bye.

Kendall and his friends walked out of the hotel just as they saw Beck's car leaving the parking lot. "Well there she goes. You two going to be okay?" James asked looking at Kendall and Carlos.

"Yeah. There's the bus." Kendall said, pointing at the tour bus that had just pulled up.

"BTR fans. Here we come." Logan said, smiling. He started walking towards the bus, James rolled his eyes and followed.

"You okay Carlos?" Kendall asked. Carlos seemed to be lost in thought.

Carlos nodded. "Yeah. Just texting Cat." He said, walking over to the tour bus. Kendall smiled, he glanced back at the hotel once and then walked onto the tour bus. Bitters might eventually find out that they pulled a prank, but he couldn't do anything about it until they come back in six months. By then it'll probably be forgotten.

I never thought this day would come. *cries* Just joking.
I kind of took my time with this chapter...
The prank that the guys did is called the sticky note prank...I got the idea off a website

As you can tell, I did a POV for Tori and them...and the finally half was written in Third person POV
I am trying to think of how I want to sequel to go, so I'll probably start writing that in a few days.
I also want to take time and thank those who read my story and reviewed. I appreciated it alot.