It was six in the morning, the moon and stars stretching out what little time they had left before the sun brought day. You hadn't fallen asleep yet, nor did you want to. The entire school year you had been watching the clock strike the last minute of school, marking off the days until summer's freedom arrived. When it had finally come, your parents had entrusted you with the house to go to Cancun and you had taken the opportunity to spend the first week celebrating with parties at friends' houses, a different house every day. But now, now you had nothing to do but flick through channels and surf the internet. In fact, you had been doing it for the past eight hours, flicking from Family Guy to YouTube with head in hand. A half-filled bowl of popcorn sat at your side, your hand milling around every once in a while for a handful to pop in your mouth. A Dr. Pepper sat at your feet patiently. Even with your boredom, you could always count on Peter Griffin to cheer you up. You shoved another mouthful of popcorn into your mouth as yet another funny moment flashed on the television, sending you into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Just as you began to chug your soda to stop choking, the doorbell rang, followed by light rapping on the door. Confused, you stayed on your couch clutching a pillow while you violently coughed. The light knocking continued for another few seconds, and you were slowly panicking. You were familiar with all those movies of the girl who was home alone while her parents were away, only to be kidnapped or killed by an axe murderer in the night. You were about to dial 911 when you heard voices.

"Canadia you SERIOUSLY need to man up, bro!" Your face broke out into a wild grin, only deterred by your continuous coughing. Was that who you thought it was?

"Let the hero take care of this." You swore the door was going to break off your hinges from the loud, incessant banging that followed. "_! OPEN THE DOOR, DUDE! IT'S DARK OUT HERE!"

"Will you shut the bloody hell up? There are people sleeping around here! Like _ perhaps?"

"Ohonhonhon~ maybe we should sneak in, no? We could surprise her in bed!"

"You vill keep your hands off her!"

"Oh lighten up Ludwig! Don't get your tomatoes all squashed up!"

"Yeah, especially since she'll be having an awesome time with me!"

Before the bickering could begin, you hurriedly pried open the door to let them in, coughing the entire time. "What are you guys doing here? It's six in the morning!" Though you hadn't gone to sleep, your voice was still groggy from the lack. Combined with your coughing fit, you did not sound that great. The boys filed in, each giving their own greeting. Arthur knuckle touched you, Matthew gave you a sweet smile, Arthur dipped his head, Ludwig nodded, Francis gave you a rather tight – and groping – hug, Antonio lightly kissed your hand to send you into a light blush, and Gilbert kissed you on the cheek. Through your hellos your coughing started to subside, but the concern on Arthur's face was obvious.

"Are you sick, love?" One last cough and you shook your head, clearing your throat.

"Everything is fine. I was, uh, choking on some –"

"POPCORN!" You turned your head to find Alfred stuffing his face with your buttered attacker and couldn't help but laugh as he choked himself. Everyone else soon followed in laughter as Alfred stormed into the kitchen and then to your fridge, pulling out one of your precious sodas. Popping the aluminum cap he guzzled the sugary liquid until he stopped up for air. Wiping his face, he set the almost empty can on your kitchen table, leaning against.

"So what's up?" He asked, acting as if his near death experience hadn't happened. Rolling your eyes, you went to lean beside him. "Watching television, getting attacked by popcorn, almost choking to death, same old same old." After the chuckling died down you turned to face all seven of your best friends. "Okay guys, you know I love you all to death but why are you here? I mean, you can't get enough of me but I haven't seen you since summer started a week ago." You crossed your arms as they merely shared smiles. You sat there for a few seconds before Ludwig spoke.

"We have a surprise for you." Each pulled out a small slip of paper that, after turning the kitchen light on, you found out to be plane tickets. From his pocket Gilbert produced another, waving it in front of you. "How would you like to go to Florida with the awesome Prussia?" You ignored Francis's Ohonhonhon~ as you failed to reach across the counter for the ticket. You ended waist up on the counter, waist down leaning normally against the counter as you wiggled your arms. Raising an eyebrow, the Prussian handed you the ticket only to move it away at the last moment.

"Gil! Give it!"

"Ah, ah, ah! First I need a kiss."

"Ha ha, very funny." You opened your outstretched hand expectantly. Gilbert just smirked, dangling the ticket in your face. The smirk transferred to you as Matthew neatly plucked it from his hand. He circled the table and rested the ticket in your hand.

"Thank you, Mattie!" you chirped, hugging him and pecking him on his already blushing cheeks. "N-no problem _-_ _." Gilbert glared from his spot, but his lips quickly back up into a smile. "You know, we came early because our flight leaves at ten."

"It takes two hours to get to the airport." Antonio cut in. Gasping, you looked down at your sweatpants and tank top, not daring to think of the messy bundle of hair on your head. Looking towards the guys, you realized not one of them, not even Ludwig, was dressed for the public. Upon closer inspection, they were all dressed comfy in sweatpants and baggy shirts. "You aren't going to the airport looking like that are you?" The sheepish smiles that crossed their faces left you rolling your eyes. "You better be glad we're going to Florida. I'll use my bathroom; you guys divide the other two amongst yourselves." With that, you scrambled your separate ways; you for your room and the guys to what you guessed were cars parked outside.

You had to hold your breath to stop yourself from screaming. Florida! With your best friends in the whole world. Checking to make sure your door was locked and a chair securely jamming the knob (Antonio has picked the lock on multiple occasions, France liked to peek, you had caught Prussia playing with you undergarments before, and Al had the tendency to pour ice over the top of the shower), you about floated to the bathroom. Before undressing, you checked to make sure all of France and Prussia's peepholes were securely blocked as well as no new ones created. Satisfied with your search, you started your shower. Your hair was washed quickly, your teeth and hair brushed, yourself dressed and luggage packed all in about an hour. Dragging your bag of luggage down the stairs, you gave up about halfway done and shoved the heavy pack down from your current step the rest of the way down. It landed with a thump on the ground before a …..half-naked France. He wore nothing but one of your fluffy, white towels loosely around his hips, ready to fall any second. His blonde hair still looked fabulous when wet, and so did his chiseled chest. No wonder he left strings of admirers wherever he went. Your light pink blush did not go unnoticed. "Bonjour, ma belle _."[1] He winked before strolling down the hallway and disappearing through a doorway you knew to be a spare bedroom. You knew your friends were, to say the least, handsome but sometimes it just smacked you in the face at just how handsome they could be. Why hadn't you fallen for one of them yet? A large argument started from where France sauntered into and you could just make out the voices of Arthur and said Frenchman. Something crashed in the room, followed by Ludwig shouting in German. Oh yeah, that was why.

Moving to the kitchen, you were not surprised to see Matthew making pancakes. He wore black shorts and a white hoodie with a red maple leaf in the middle. His hair was already brushed and his curl hung in its usual spot. Giving you a small smile, he poured the last batch of pancakes onto the already leaning tower in front of him. There had to be at least fifteen pancakes on each plate, spanning over three separate plates. Pulling the maple syrup off the shelf, along with three other bottles in the cupboard, you set them down and smiled. "You've really out down yourself Matt! Have I ever told you I love your pancakes? I mean, really love them?" The country nodded, pulling eight more plates out of the cabinets along with utensils. A small smile was plastered onto his lips.

"You tell me it whenever I come over just so I'll make you some, _." Pulling four pancakes off for himself, he carried his plate over to the couch with you and your pancakes in tow. Bringing a bottle of syrup with you, you set it down on the coffee table. You took a bite, savoring the fluffy pancakes and sweet syrup. Taking another bite, you realized something. "Where will Kumajirou be while you're gone? Last time I check polar bears basically melted in Florida." Wiping his mouth with a napkin, he blinked. "Kumajiri is being watched by a close friend of mine back in Toronto. He's in good hands." Rolling your eyes at the Canadian's name forgetfulness you turned to see Gilbert, Antonio, and Frances coming over with their own pancake plates. From the kitchen, you could tell they didn't have their shirts on. Not that you minded. That was, until they walked into the living room to join you and Matt…naked. They held their You couldn't help but squeak, burying your head in Matthew's chest as you heard your friends' footsteps and laughing getting ever closer. You didn't have to see Matt's face to picture his flushed cheeks or the BBTs' to know they were giving him thumbs up. Your own face was quickly turning scarlet.

"Gil, Tony, Francis, put your clothes on!" Your shout was muffled by Matthew's shirt, but their chuckles told you that they had heard. "This isn't funny! You do this every time you come over!" you argued. Matt was silently blocking your vision with an embrace that, under different circumstances, would have left you feeling rather awkward. But now, you just wanted your Bad Touch Trio to put on some clothes. "I'll get Ludwig!" You threatened. You'd done it before. Prussia had gotten incredibly drunk to which France had sent him off streaking through the park. Luckily Germany had come before the police…that time

"Okay, okay calm down _." Antonio said, amusement in his voice. You grunted in response as you heard zippers and rustling. Matt whispered the okay. You turned slightly; peeking with you left eye to make sure what he said was true. Satisfied, you removed yourself from Matthew, both of you blushing as you apologized. As you both finished the awkward apology session, Ludwig and Alfred entered the room from the left hallway and Arthur from the right.

"Vhat happened?" Ludwig barked, eyeing his brother with narrow eyes. Gilbert tried to appear innocent with no success whatsoever. You German friend turned to you, an eyebrow raised. Giving a weak smile you shook your head.

"Nothing, I just saw some rather scary spiders is all."

When everyone was fully clothed, had eaten breakfast, and was ready to go, you made for the cars. Alfred was carting your suitcase against your wishes so you took it upon yourself to put away the dishes while the others shoved their way through the front door. You followed at the back and groaned at the sight.

An SUV. They had one SUV to ride in. Upon closer inspection you noted the eight seats. Not only would you be surrounded by the most immature people on the planet(for at least two hours), but it would be incredibly cramped including the luggage at your feet. At least Ludwig was driving. Then again, Alfred was in the passenger seat. You had chosen the middle seat in the middle row between Matt and Arthur. That left the Bad Touch Trio to the very back, probably not the best idea.

The car roared to life as Ludwig turned the keys and you quickly left the driveway, then the neighborhood, your city of (city name) and finally onto the highway. Arthur and Francis only argued twice in that forty five minutes and Gilbert and Antonio only talked crudely once. To say the least, it was a win. That was, until Ludwig took an exit to get gas. So there you were now in a convenience store picking up soda, candy, and beef jerky for the rest of the ride. Alfred and Arthur had come with you and were loading donuts and slim jims onto the counter. The total came to thirty five dollars, which you respectfully paid. You were just happy no one had mentioned his eyebrows. That would have been disastrous.

You couldn't believe you left the store with no incidents; after all you were pretty unlucky at times(Gilbert had videos). Arthur and Alfred were already dumping their bags of snacks in the car while Ludwig sat at the pump. A fit of giggles made you turn, your heart dropping. "Oh look girls, _ has finally shown us just how much of a pig she truly is." (Bully's name) had always been picking on you for as long as you could remember. It didn't bother you much since not many people believed her trash talk, but it was annoying. You would always just ignore her, maybe roll your eyes, and walk away. The mean girl hated that and took every chance she and her group of prissy girls could to make you miserable. You chose to walk towards the SUV, sighing as the girl and her posse followed you with hushed whispers and giggling.

"You aren't seriously going over to those guys for help are you?" the queen bee laughed mockingly. You followed her finger to where the SUV was, and you turned to raise an eyebrow at her. "They'll never help you." The guys didn't go to the same school as you which you thought to be both a good and bad thing. The bad part was that you couldn't see them until the weekend (except during summers). Apparently the good part was that these girls had no clue that these incredibly cute strangers knew you. You couldn't wait to see their faces. Blinking, you walked right up to the nearest one, who happened to be Gilbert, and full out hugged him. He automatically hugged back, a bit too tight for comfort. Being a full head taller than you (not that you were short, all of them were just tall), you really just hugged into his neck. The sniggering had stopped behind you and you couldn't help but smile. Pulling out of the hug, you smiled wider. All but (bully's name) had their jaw open, but even Mrs. Queen Bee couldn't keep the shock from her eyes. You raised an eyebrow and snaked your hand around Gilbert's waist. He wrapped his around your shoulder, bringing you closer to his side.

"Girls, meet the awesome Gilbert." The girls just stood in shock as he smiled dazzlingly at them. You had been taken aback too when you had first met him, what with the silvery-white hair and those deep crimson eyes. You had had an instant crush. That was, until you started hanging out with him and found out he was not the one for you (aka, an ass). But for a best friend – all of the guys were awesome (you always made sure to tell Gil he was the most awesome). (Bully) spoke first. "So what, you know one hot guy. It's no big deal –" She stopped as Ludwig stepped into view, arms across his chest. He had taken off his camo jacket and wrapped it around his waist, revealing the sleeveless, black t-shirt and his incredibly toned arms underneath. You couldn't believe your luck! "Is evything alvight?" He asked, German accent clear. You took your hand from around Gilbert's waist and motioned for your German friend to come over. "This is Ludwig." The girls didn't say anything else, and you took the chance to call out. "Hey guys! Come out here for a second! And Al, bring the jerky!" You heard shuffling in the SUV along with snickering from behind you as the girls mumbled "Al", as if it was some disease. That bothered you. What was wrong with the name Al? Still, you did nothing about it. They'd be shocked anyway. Their snickering again stopped as they all literally squeaked, even (bully).

"YO _ I BROUGHT THE JER….ky…." Alfred stopped his cheering as he, along with the others, stared at the pack of starstruck girls before you. You smirked, winking at them. Francis's ohonhonhon~ was the only sound for a split second. Then, you smugly began the introductions as you went through your mass of friends. You knew not to give away your friends' true identities, especially since you weren't supposed to know in the first place!

"You've met Ludwig and Gilbert Beilschmidt, both German. Well, this French man whore over here is Francis Bonnefoy, this over here is British Arthur Kirkland, exotic over here is Spaniard Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, and these two," you moved over and wrapped one arm around Alfred and Matthew, "are Matthew Williams and Alfred F. Jones, also known as Matt and Al. Matt is Canadian, Al is a total American." As you said Al, you heard one of the posse gasp. 'That'll show them' you thought, smiling happily. The girls went to whispering among themselves while the boys carried various expressions ranging from Ludwig's rigid stature to Francis's nearly drooling face. Alfred saluted with his free arm, grabbing a piece of jerky to munch on. "Pass me a piece dude." You mumbled, opening your mouth expectantly. Your thanks was muffled by the food in your mouth and you moved away, pulling your snack out of your mouth while crossing your arms at your tormentors. "Anything to say?" They were speechless. You nodded in approval and walked back to the car, leaving both sides quiet outside. The girls began talking and laughing; a light, tinkling laughing that about made you gag. When you laugh, you laugh. You weren't sure how long your friends would be, what with the trio out there, so you leaned your head against the headrest and closed your eyes. Not even a minute after closing your eyes, the door opened. In came Matt, Al, Arthur, and Ludwig with no words, just very flushed faces. The trio came in soon after. That is, all but France. Arthur and Matthew had already taken their places on either side of you, giving you no way to drag the Frenchman back but to tumble over them. By the looks on their faces, that wouldn't be the brightest idea. Then a thought came to you, not one that you wanted to use, but when dealing with France you couldn't do it any other way.

"Iggy can you open your door for me?"

"Of course, love." As he opened the door you leaned over him until your head stuck out. Arthur stuck his head out on top of yours in confusion. "FRANCIS!" you shouted, catching his attention as he looked away from (bully). "Oui?"

"How are we supposed to get to Florida if we MISS our FLIGHT?"

"I do not know, but maybe I should stay, oui?" He leaned down to kiss (bully)'s hand and you panicked, throwing your plan into action.

"BEACH BABES IN BIKINIS!" You shouted, ducking back into the vehicle as the Frenchman began to sprint. Arthur followed, and you both bumped heads before settling back into place with apologies and head rubbing, light blush now on your cheeks as well. Francis practically leapt into the car, landing on you, Arthur, and Matthew. "Merci for reminding me, mon ami.[2]" He smiled dazzlingly and it took all your strength to scold him.

"France, what am I going to do with you?" You groaned, leaning your head tiredly against the backseat as Ludwig began driving.

"Mon cheri, I can think of many things you could do with me." He didn't have the chance to laugh before Arthur began heaving the Frenchman's legs up.

"Would anyone else be willing to get this bloody wanker into the back seat?" You and Matt helped, though your cheeks burned. You had to lift his abdomen and all of the…parts around it. Matt got his head, Francis now talking fast and thrashing around. "Wait, wait! You are not going to just toss me over now are –"He was cut off as you three succeeded, sending him groaning into the laps of Gilbert and Antonio.

"Muzzle the frog." Arthur said, crossing his arms. You couldn't help but giggle.

"Hey dudes let's get some rad tunes up in here!" Alfred said from the front, turning the radio knob to the latest pop radio station. "Starships" by Nicki Minaj blared through the speakers.

"What the bloody hell is this?"

"Vhat kind of torture do you visten to?

"This song is not awesome, America!"

"I-I never heard songs l-like this in Canada."

"I am too gorgeous to listen to such drab musique!"

"I cannot tango to this!"

"Starships, were meant to fly-y-y-y~" You and Alfred sang in unison over the complaints of the others. You were pretty neutral on just how much value the song held, but the lyrics were catchy and it was annoying everyone but Al. You only got to the "Let's do this one more time" when the radio was quickly shut off. "Dealing vith those girls vas less bothersome than this music." Ludwig mumbled, the pink blush still evident on his face. You leaned forward, resting your elbows on the small compartment that took the space between driver and passenger. "So, do you plan on telling me what happened with them Lud?" The car swerved on the slightly before steadying once again. The look on the driver's face was priceless. He was now as red as one of Antonio's hand-grown tomatoes. Laughing, you turned to Alfred.

"What about you Alfie? Artie, Mattie?" One by one their faces burned bright red while Gilbert laughed in the back. You couldn't help giggling along. "I could tell you." Antonio offered, winking suggestively. You shook your head and wagged your index finger.

"I'm afraid to ask you three. Okay, how about some REAL music!" Leaning back into your seat, you reached for your luggage at your feet. Digging around in the front of your suitcase, you proudly withdrew one of your most prized possessions – your iPod. Scrolling down the list, you cried out in triumph and started the song.

"Well life's like a road that you travel on

There's one day here and the next day gone

Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand

Sometimes you turn your back to the wind~"

You sang along, alone, until Alfred and soon Matt joined you.

"There's a world outside every darkened

Where Blue won't haunt you anymore

For the brave are free and lovers soar

Come ride with me to the distant shore

We won't hesitate to bring down the guarding gate

There's not much time left today, yeay"

Your new trio continued through the song, the rest of your friends picking up the chorus as it repeated. They continued having you replay it until you changed the setting to just that. And so your new choir sang the rest of the way, even Ludwig. You, Alfred, and Matthew sang the entire song while everyone else came in whenever they remembered the lyrics and always at the chorus.

"Life is a highway, I wanna ride it

All night long

If you're going my way, I wanna drive it

All night long~"

This was going to be an awesome summer.

[1]French - Hello, my beautiful (your name)
[2]French - Thank you for reminding me my friend
Oui is French for yes

Okay, my first story Hetalia story!

Well, I saw how many Hetalia stories are on here and fell /in love/ with it so I decided to try it myself XD

WARNING: If I have epically failed at a character's personality you are free to kick and scream. Also, I don't plan on having any mature content. Besides some mild cursing and the Bad Touch Trio's antics, there shouldn't be any problem...*snickers*

I don't like how Matt gets ignored in Hetalia (Matt reminds me of me and though I live in America I've visited Quebec. Might be going again this summer!). I wanted to be extra careful to give him some love. That is where the pancake fluff came in :3 But I think I failed with Ludwig, Toni, and Arthur. I mean, sure Arthur got the little bumping heads scene but that was what, two sentences? Ludwig and Toni didn't even get that much! Then again...Anthony got the 'in the nude' part. ) When I bring chapter two up, I'll be making sure they get their shares of fangirl. Promise!

I didn't want Francis to be portrayed as a pedo/rapist, just a large lover of things beautiful with a touch of perv. Please tell me if I didn't work that our right with him, but I think I accomplished what I set for him :)

I hate bullies, don't you? The Queen Bee girl is absolutely awful, so I just thought to give her a look at all this hotness. You give her a name, select anyone you think fits the description and watch them die, especially after getting ditched by French Mr. Bonnefoy. Please, don't take the pig comment to offense! The mean girl needed to be mean, but I did not try to make it personal.

Any grammatical errors, incorrect translations/names, or forgotten phrases that need to be translated I apologize ahead of time! Okay, I think I've said everything I need to so please, review and encourage me to start and finish chapter two! XD

OH! I do not own anything but this piece of literature (sadly...:c)