For the next month Ichigo continued training with yoruichi and Kisuke to awaken his bankai powers. It was rather difficult for Ichigo, not only because he's impatient but also because it would take a lot of time and practice. Bankai normally takes years to perfect but Kisuke developed a special technique for Ichigo to perfect his bankai faster if he follows Kisuke's instructions perfectly. The three of them were in the training cave. Ichigo manifested zangetsu in the outer world and Zangetsu was now in charge of the training techniques.

"Now,' Zangetsu said his voice echoing with seriousness as he put his hands out towards Ichigo and summoned many swords that resembled his shikai form ' you will now attempt to pull out the real me. Only one sword is my true self. I will attack you relentlessly until you pull as many as you can and find my true self.'

'What!' Ichigo exclaimed 'there must be like a thousand swords here!' he shouted looking all around the grounds to see many sword tips planted into the ground.

Kisuke laughed at Ichigo's remark. 'Well I suggest you get started Ichigo if you don't have any time to waste and wanna get out of here quickly. Remember once you achieve bankai you just have to use it in one battle and then you can return to the world of the living.'

At Kisuke's last words Ichigo's heart almost skipped a beat. Orihime, I'm so close to seeing you again her name was like sweet music to his hears and he let himself get a little too caught in the moment that when he smiled and thought about her he did not hear Zangetsu announce that he was about to attack. Within seconds a searing pain ripped through his shoulder as he watched blood gush out of his shoulders.

"you let your guard down Ichigo!' Zangetsu said before reappearing in front of him to strike again. Ichigo quickly snapped out of it and dodged the attack, rolling onto his side. "Jesus Zangetsu! Are you trying to kill me?' he spat at him.

Zangetsu only smirked and said, "If I was serious about killing you would have been dead a long time ago, besides I need you to survive as well remember?"Ichigo grinned in response. 'Okay then time to get serious. Here I come!' Ichigo shouted and flash stepped in front of Zangetsu to strike him. Zangetsu was surprised, he did not expect for Ichigo's flash step to have such speed that for a moment he completely lost sight of him. However, Zangetsu was still able to block the attack in time but only by a hair. The training continued for two weeks before Kisuke intervened. 'Ichigo, tomorrow I want you to take a break and see if it makes a difference. I know you are stressed out about achieving bankai but losing focus and becoming frustrating is only making it harder and could also get you killed.' To Kisuke's surprised Ichigo quickly agreed and for the first time since he's been at the soul society did not question Kisuke's motives.

The next day Ichigo decided to take a walk through the seiteri. While walking he had the unnerving feeling that someone was watching him and felt this strangely strong yet menacing reiatsu with an intent to kill closeby.

"I finally found you Ichigo Kurosaki!' a deep voice from behind him said. " I hope you live up to my expectations and make this fun and entertaining for me. I haven't had a good fight with someone strong and worthy in a while."

Back in the world of the living Orihime was doing well living another day in routine like she had done for a while. She was being taught at home with a private tutor her brother hired, Uryu Ishida taught her many subjects from poetry and literature to healing techniques and medicine. She always wanted to learn more about medicine and healing people. Orihime got the inspiration to be a nurse or doctor from him and was now learning to achieve that dream.

She became quite found of Uryu as he was a noble man and good friend but off course she could never feel completely whole again without Ichigo. Whenever she was alone she let her thoughts drift back to him and only wished he could be there to see her learn and achieve her goal of possibly working in the hospital one day to treat the sick and injured.

Orihime sat by the window sill and recalled the surprising conversation she had with her uncle earlier in his study. 'my dear Orihime I love and care for your well-being. You are going to be sixteen soon and as you know you will be of marrying age. Rangiku and I have decided that it is time you start going on marraiage interviews.'

Orihime gasped as she heard the news, 'Marriage interviews?' she asked.

'Yes' Aizen said ' it's been seven months since you came to England I think I have given you enough time for your heart to heal and get over Ichigo's death.'

Orihime's heart almost stopped as she heard the sound of his name again. Everyone tried their best not to say his name or mention the incident in front of her since she came knowing how upset it made her.

'Is there a problem Orihime?' Aizen asked glancing at her through his glasses.

'No Uncle. I will agree and respect your wishes for me. It is the least I could do since you have been so kind to me and my brother. I also think you know what is best for me and if that is your decision I will go through with it.'

'Good to hear. Rangiku has just informed me that the first person she picked out for you has agreed to meet with you in two days, his name is Anthony Stark. You and Rangiku will go to the shopping district on Oxford street to find an elegant dress for the occasion. First impressions are important.'

Orihime only nodded before muttering the word yes under her breath.

'Oh and one more thing Orihime. Don't mention any of this talk to your brother. At least not now, as you know he's stressed out about the company and I can't have him spacing out and worrying about his sister right now. You need to be strong for both of you, alright?' Aizen said.

Orihime agreed to his requests and left the room. Rangiku who sat in silence the whole time could not help but wonder if Aizen had any ulterior motives.

'Isn't it too soon to be sending her on marriage interviews?' She received a cold stare from Aizen.

'Are you opposed to my decisions Rangiku? Just remember before you decide to act of your own accord that I was the one who helped you get to your position and I could very well relieve you of your duties and put you back on the street if you disobey my orders? Do we understand each other?'

'Yes Sir.' Rangiku answered bowing and excusing herself. If it wasn't for Gin meeting her starving on the street when she was a child and staying with him before meeting Aizen she would have never had a place to live, she would have been dead by now. Aizen had been so kind as to make her caretaker of the house and a maid as a form to repay him for staying at his house without payment.

Rangiku had interviewed so many possible candidates to become Orihime's future husband as instructed but as the months went on and she began to know Orihime she found herself torn. Was she to only do her duty and not consider Orihime's feelings of being married off or should she try to convince Gin and Aizen to respect Orihime's wishes, only time will tell.

Ichigo turned around to face the person who was speaking to him. 'You were looking for me? What do you want with me exactly?'

"are you deaf or just plain stupid? I said I'm here to fight you so entertain me.'

'Look pal. I've been training for a long time and today is my day off. I'm not fighting you so maybe another time. Just who are you anyway?'

Kenpachi laughed, "Does it matter lets just skip the pleasantries and get straight to the fun. Right Yachiru?'

A small girl with pink hair peaked out from behind Kenpachi's left shoulder. 'You said it! You go get him Kenny!' she shouted before jumping onto the tree behind them. Ichigo could only stare in confusion. Was she there the whole time? What is wrong with these people? Before he could do anything else Kenpachi spoke, 'Alright, since this is our first battle I'll let you have the first strike. Go ahead cut me anywhere if you can.' He grinned wildly and Ichigo could see the bloodlust in his eyes.

'Alright then, Here I come!' Ichigo said picking up his sword and ready to attack he moved in for the attack but as soon as his blade was about to touch him it stopped and he felt a sharp pain in his hands. When he looked down he realized that his hands were bleeding. Ichigo stared in confusion at his hands. I don't understand? What on earth is going on? Ichigo thought. I swung to attack him. I should have cut him. How did I not cut him?

'Whats the matter kid? You look confused. Maybe I should explain what happened to you. You see I am a lot stronger than you and therefore my reiatsu acts like a shield to people who are weaker than me. If you attack and you can't withstand my strength then you are the only one who gets hurt. I'm happy you are strong and actually able to stand in my presence. I'm glad you have potential. Alright I let you have the first attack, now it's my turn' Kenpachi said grinning like a mad man .

He unsheathed his zanpukto and started striking ichigo. With the first strike he cut Ichigo's left hand, then his shoulder and above his right temple. Ichigo could barely keep up with him swinging his sword around like a lunatic. Ichigo finally blocked his fourth attack with his sword, straining to keep his baance and push him away. How does this guy have such monstrous strength? He was struggling to keep his sword steady when suddenly, kenpachi trust his sword harder and broke Ichigo's sword. Kenpachi then stabbed Ichigo right in the chest.

Ichigo grunted in pain as blood gushed from his wound and out his mouth. He could taste the blood in his mouth as Kenpachi pulled the sword out. Ichigo collapsed on the ground and stared at Kenpachi. Is this it? Am I just gonna die after this? After all I've been through? Ichigo thought. his vision was fading and he could eel his consciousness slipping away.

"ichigo! A voice shouted inside his head. 'Ichigo!' it shouted again.

"Orihime. I'm sorry, I couldn't keep my promise to you.' Ichigo said as he drifted out of consciousness.

'Ichigo!' a deep voice in his mind shouted 'hold on. It is not your time to die yet. Do you want to fight? Do you want to live or do you want to win?' Ichigo recognized the deep voice. It was zangetsu, 'I- I want to win!' he screamed.

'I shall grant you the power once more. Put all of your strength into it and use all of mine as well. Together we will be unstoppable. Now Ichigo! Live and WIN!'

Ichigo's eyes opened and he was back at the soul society. He could see Kenpachi walking away from him.

'Hey!' Ichigo shouted planting his sword into the ground and propping himself up. "I'm not finished yet! I can still fight. Kenpachi stopped and slowly turned around. 'Oh! So you're still alive huh? You're pretty tough. But you are also stupid. You can barely hold your sword and you want to fight?' Kenpachi mocked.

Ichigo focused his reiatsu as well as Zangetsu's power into his body. His eyes glowed blue and so did his body. 'Here I come!' Ichigo shouted pointing his sword straight into the air and charging towards the captain. Kenpachi looked at him surprised as Ichigo landed a blow on his shoulder actually cutting him in his shoulder and pushing him back. Blood gushed out of his wound as he regained his composure. 'Now that's more like it Ichigo!' Kenpachi shouted charging him.

Again and again metal clashed against metal but Kenpachi was unable to land a blow on Ichigo this time. Ichigo however was luckier and landed two more blows on kenpachi stabbing him in his chest and abdomen. I can't keep this up much longer. Zangetsu lend me all your power for this final attack. I wil lnot fail. I WILL WIN!' he thought.

Ichigo pointed his sword upwards and concentrated his power and combined it with zangetsu's. This time a large blue hollow like mask appeared behind him with red eyes while a blue glow enveloped his body and eyes. he rushed towards Kenpachi pouring all his energy into this attack. A big explosion enveloped them as reiastu filled the air rippling outwards. The pressure was so intense it caused the ground below and the buildings around them to disintegrate. Once the smoke and debris cleared both shinigami were on the ground with blood seeping from their wounds. Both were unable to move, Ichigo was drifting into unconscious he could see Kenpachi smile.

"That was fun kid.' He said before he drifted into unconsciousness. 'You truly are as strong as the say. I can't believe I lost. I haven't had this much fun in years.' Ichigo smiled in response before he blacked out.

To be continued.

A/N Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. Please review I will update soon