A/N: Whenever I write a Jibbs story I always have in mind the Jenny that we started out with, not the one she became at the end. I didn't much care for that one. Anyway this is AU so we don't have to worry about all that. Hope you like.

A Little Boy and His Doctor

It was one of those sparkling spring days in Washington DC that meant you just had to be outside. The sky was a perfect blue with not a cloud in sight, there was no wind and the temperature was in the high 70's. Jethro Gibbs and his son, Michael had been up early this Sunday and were enjoying the impeccable weather. Gibbs spent the morning working in the yard, cleaning out flower beds in preparation for planting some new flowers while Michael alternately played and "helped" his dad. It was nearing lunch time and Michael had taken off up the sidewalk on his bike while Gibbs was tinkering with a balky lawnmower in the driveway.

Gibbs heard Michael calling him, "Watch me daddy!" He looked up to see Michael racing down the sidewalk full speed ahead. In the time it took to register how well his young son was riding already, he also noted the neighbor's car backing out of their driveway. He shouted at Michael but there was no time for his warning to be heeded. No time for Michael to stop and no time for the neighbor to realize Gibbs was yelling at her to stop as well.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion for Gibbs then. He stood up from the mower and started toward the disaster but it seemed as though his feet were in quicksand. He was moving down the sidewalk toward the neighbor's driveway as Michael rode behind the moving vehicle and was sent flying into the street by the force of the collision between a small boy and mid-sized SUV. As soon as the car hit Michael, the driver, a young lady who also happened to be Michael's babysitter, slammed on her brakes and put the car into park. Unfortunately, the damage was done.

Gibbs ran to Michael who was now sprawled in the street tangled in his bicycle. He yelled to Annie, the driver/babysitter, to call 911. Gibbs pulled the bicycle off of Michael and knelt beside his only child who was not moving.

"Michael, Michael, open your eyes buddy. Look at me." He was afraid to move the child for fear of hurting him more. He could not see any obvious broken bones; just some scrapes and bumps. Luckily, Michael had on a helmet. By now other neighbors had gathered and were offering comfort to both Gibbs and the young driver.

Annie knelt next to Gibbs crying. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see him. I'm sorry Jethro."

Gibbs put his arm around her and said, "It's not your fault, Annie. It was just an accident. Don't worry, he'll be fine."

A siren sounded in the distance and Gibbs turned his attention back to his son who was now beginning to rouse. Maggie, Michael's Golden Retriever who had been asleep in front yard, came over to see what all the commotion was about. She sniffed at Michael and licked his face then she sat down beside him to stand guard.

"Daddy, it hurts."

"Where does it hurt Michael?"

"All over."

"Well you and Annie had a crash so that's why it hurts. But someone is coming and we'll fix it. I want you to be real still until the paramedics come okay?"

Michael had big tears in his blue eyes and he reached for his daddy. Gibbs bent down to kiss his son and wipe away his tears.

"I'm scared daddy. My tummy hurts."

"I know buddy but you're going to be okay. We're going to ride in an ambulance to the hospital and get you all fixed up. I'll be right with you all the time. You don't have to be scared."

Gibbs' neighbor, John Carter, told him, "I'll get the mower and other stuff put away. You go on and call us if you need a ride home. Don't worry about anything."

"Thanks John, I appreciate it. Make sure Annie's okay will ya? I think her parents are working this weekend."

The ambulance arrived and paramedics evaluated Michael and agreed with Gibbs that he should be checked out at the hospital especially since he had been knocked out for a short time and was complaining of pain in several places. They carefully loaded the little boy on a backboard and carried him to the ambulance. Gibbs climbed in and sat beside his son holding his hand and talking to him all the way to the hospital. Michael closed his eyes and seemed to be drifting off but the paramedic gently shook him and told him to open his eyes.

Looking at Gibbs, the paramedic said, "Let's keep him awake in case he has a concussion."

Gibbs nodded and spoke to Michael asking him questions and prompting him to stay awake and alert. "Tell me where it hurts, Mike."

"My leg hurts and my tummy and my back. And my head."

"Okay. When we get to the hospital I bet they can make you feel better. I'll see if Dr. Frank is there okay?"

"Okay. Will you stay with me, daddy?"

"Of course, I won't leave you, don't worry."

In just a few minutes they arrived at the hospital emergency entrance and Michael was wheeled into an exam area. Soon a young doctor came in and approached Michael's bed. Leaning down to Michael's level she spoke to him in a soft, friendly voice.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Brewer. I understand you had a wreck on your bike. Is the bike okay?"

Gibbs smiled at her and Michael said, "I don't know." He looked from the doctor to his dad and asked, "Is it?"

His dad shook his head and replied, "I didn't pay any attention to the bike. You were due a new one pretty soon anyway."

Dr. Brewer took a stethoscope out of her pocket and began explaining to Michael what she was doing. "I'm going to check you out a little bit Michael and then I think we'll get some x-rays just to be sure nothing is broken. I understand he was knocked out for a short time."

Gibbs nodded and said, "Maybe a couple of minutes at the most. He says his stomach and leg hurt."

"I imagine it does. He has some pretty good road rash on his hip here and on his thigh." Dr. Brewer gently rolled Michael on his side and pulled up his shirt to look at his back. "He has some scrapes on his back as well. The x-rays are mainly a precaution but I assume you want to make sure."


"Daddy, will it hurt?"

"No, it won't hurt a bit and I'll be right there with you."

Gibbs asked Dr. Brewer, "Do you know if Dr. Ryan is here today?"

"I think I did see him earlier. He was called in to deal with an emergency about two hours ago. I'll see if he's still here."

"Thank you."

"I'm scared daddy."

Jethro sat on the bed and gently took Michael onto his lap holding him close. He kissed the top of his son's head and Michael wrapped his arms around his daddy. Jethro began talking softly to Michael, reassuring him and explaining the various things in the room just to have something to distract the child. After a while he felt Michael relax against his chest. The Gibbs men were still sitting like that when Dr. Frank Ryan walked in ten minutes later.

He saw that Michael was asleep so he quietly picked up the chart and read what Dr. Brewer and the nurses had already written. Jethro put out his hand and Dr. Ryan grasped it and stroked Michael's head with his other hand.

"He seems to be okay from what I see here, Jethro."

"Yeah. We're getting x-rays just in case. You agree?"

"Of course. It's a good idea to make sure there isn't some hairline fracture lurking in there somewhere. How you holding up?"

"I'm okay. You can't imagine how it felt to watch my son being hit by a car and not be able to do anything about it. Thanks for coming by."

"I'm just glad I'm not having to put little Gibbs back together like I do his father every now and then."

"Me too. I guess Dr. Brewer knows what she's doing?"

"She does."

Just then Dr. Brewer and a tech walked in the room. "They're ready for you in radiology, Agent Gibbs. Jason here will take Michael down in a wheelchair and of course you can go with him.

"I'll check back before I leave, Jethro."

"Thanks Frank." Gibbs put Michael down in the wheelchair which caused him to wake up.

"Hi, Dr. Frank."

"Hi Michael. I hear you ran into a car. Is that right?"

"No, a car ran into me."

"Oh, well, good thing you had your helmet on. You're going to get some pictures taken of your bones and I'll see you later. Okay?"


On the way to radiology Michael held tightly to his father's hand. By the time all the x-rays had been taken he was talking nonstop to the technician telling her all about his wreck, his bike and his dog. Gibbs was relieved Michael seemed to be his old self and hoped they would soon be on their way home. Instead of going back to the ER they were told they could stay in the waiting area of radiology and a doctor would be in to see them. Michael settled in his daddy's lap watching the Cars movie on television. They had only been waiting about five minutes when Ducky showed up.

"Hey Duck what are you doing here?"

"Hi Ducky. I had a wreck."

"I heard about that Michael and I came to see how you are. Is everything alright, Jethro?"

"I think so. We're waiting for the radiologist and the doctor. I think Michael's fine though. How did you know we were here?'

"Barbara called me and told me what happened."

"How is Annie doing? She was pretty upset when we left."

"Her mom said she's still upset but once she knows Michael's okay I'm sure she will be too. How are you?"

"I'm fine. It was scary for everyone but hopefully we'll be home soon. Can you stay and give us a ride?"

"Of course. That was my plan."

After twenty more minutes of waiting Gibbs was getting anxious. After thirty minutes, when he saw Dr. Ryan walk past the room he was getting nervous. Ten minutes later when Frank walked in and motioned for him to step out he was passing nervous on the way to scared.

"Michael, I have to go talk to Dr. Frank. You stay here with Ducky and watch the movie and I'll be right across there at the desk."

Michael was so engrossed in his movie, even though he'd seen it probably twenty times, that he just nodded and moved to the next chair so his dad could get up. Jethro kissed him on the top of the head and walked out to talk to Frank.

"What's wrong, Frank? He got something broken?"

"No, nothing's broken or even cracked. Jethro, this is Dr. Jenny Sheppard. She needs to talk to you about the x-rays."

Gibbs had known Frank Ryan for a long time and judging by the look on his face he knew something was wrong with Michael. Gibbs shifted his attention to the woman standing next to Frank. His mind was going to lots of dark places and part of him didn't want to hear anything this woman had to say. He turned to look back at Michael who was laughing and talking to Ducky. Somehow he knew that whatever Dr. Sheppard was going to say was bad news and he wanted no part of it. Even so, he looked at her waiting for her to begin but for some reason she wasn't speaking. Or was she?

"Agent Gibbs did you hear me?"

Jethro shook his head and blinked. He sensed Ducky standing behind him now. "What? I'm sorry did you ask me something?"

"I asked if we needed to wait for Michael's mother before I tell you what I see on the films."

"No." He was abrupt and didn't elaborate.

Dr. Sheppard was a little taken aback by Gibbs' attitude and glanced over to Dr. Ryan who simply nodded at her to continue. "Alright, first as Dr. Ryan said, Michael has no fractures or other injury from his accident. However, I do see an anomaly in the area of his kidneys that concerns me. I would like to do an ultrasound to determine more clearly what that anomaly is."

Jethro looked at Dr. Ryan and then at Ducky. "What kind of anomaly?"

"It appears to be a growth of some sort on or very near the right kidney. I won't know for sure until I get a better look at it. An ultrasound would give me a much better idea of what we're looking at. Has your son complained of any pain in that area recently?"

"No. Are you saying this is a tumor or something?"

"It's something but until I can get a better look I don't want to speculate."


"An ultrasound is non-invasive as you know, and I agree with Dr. Sheppard. She needs a better look."

"Okay. When?"

"Right now."

Jethro felt Ducky's hand on his back and was very grateful to have his most trusted friend with him. His head was swimming with all kinds of frightening scenarios and he had to force himself to concentrate. In his professional life, Jethro Gibbs was a decorated, very competent and fearless federal agent. In his personal life he was a single father whose whole life centered on his son. The idea that Michael had a serious medical condition scared him beyond words. He processed what he was being told and took a deep breath.

"Fine. Do I need to sign something?"

Dr. Sheppard handed him a clipboard with the required forms and indicated where he was to sign.

"If you'd like I can talk to Michael with you. In case he has questions about the procedure you can't answer."

Jethro quickly signed the forms, handed her the clipboard, and in his interrogator voice he asked, "What kind of doctor are you exactly?"

Dr. Sheppard was again, taken aback by Gibbs' directness but she could see on his face his worry and fear about his child. And, she knew he was a good friend of Dr. Ryan so she ignored what some would have considered rudeness and replied in a calm, even tone, "I'm a pediatric surgeon. I'm accustomed to talking with children and I am happy to help if you need it. If not, I'll go get started on the arrangements."

Owing in part to the jab he got from Ducky, Jethro realized how unkind that question had sounded. In a rare break from his rules he said, "I apologize for how that came out. I think it would be good if you came with me to talk to Michael. Thank you."

Just then Dr. Sheppard's pager went off. She looked at the number and asked, "Agent Gibbs, can you wait a few minutes while I take care of that?"

"Sure. Ducky could you stay with Michael while I talk to Frank?"

"Of course."

Jethro moved away from the nurses station and asked Dr. Ryan, "She knows what she's talking about right Frank?"

"Absolutely. She's very qualified and if you like I'll consult with her. But, she's the expert."

"But she's a surgeon. She likes to cut."

"I'm a surgeon too you know! She won't do anything that isn't absolutely necessary."

While the two men were talking, Dr. Sheppard was watching them from across the room. She studied Agent Gibbs and liked what she saw. Of course these were not the best of circumstances but that didn't alter his physical appearance which she found to be very easy on the eyes. What she saw was a man in his early forties in excellent physical shape. He was wearing a faded NCIS tee shirt and well worn jeans. He looked like he had been working outside when Michael was hurt and he had to rush away without time to clean up. It certainly wasn't a bad look she mused. She took in the short gray hair and figured he was a military man in his younger days. He was tan and well built with large hands, a slightly crooked, probably broken at one time, nose and the most amazing blue eyes. Today they were clouded with worry but she surmised that under different circumstances they would be captivating. She hadn't seen a smile or even a glimmer of one yet but she bet it was a good one when he showed it. Of course all his face was showing now was worry and impatience.

"Jethro, I need to go check on some patients. I'll stay in touch with Dr. Sheppard and you can page me if you have any questions."

"Okay, thanks."

Gibbs stood in the hallway looking into the waiting area at his son and his best friend. Ducky was really Michael's surrogate grandfather since his real grandfather lived in Pennsylvania and couldn't be around as much as he'd like. Michael adored Ducky and listened with fascination to all his stories. Jethro loved his son so much it scared him sometimes. Michael was the spitting image of his father but luckily, had his mother's calm temperament.

He loved building things with his dad in the basement and he also loved books and puzzles and his chocolate Lab, Maggie who followed him everywhere. Jethro forced himself to look away and glanced across the room at the woman who in a few short hours could devastate his world.

For the first time Jethro actually looked at Dr. Sheppard. She was tall and athletic looking with red hair and very green eyes. She wore her hair just off her shoulders and it was naturally curly. He thought she looked like a runner or maybe a swimmer. She was dressed in dark blue scrubs and a long white lab coat. Most people who knew her thought of her as quite attractive. She had a lovely smile that didn't seem to suit her reputation as a very driven and demanding surgeon. That smile was magic with children however, and most of the time with their parents as well. Not in this case; not today anyway.

Jethro didn't notice the smile or the smooth, slightly freckled skin or the thick curly red hair. The eyes did catch his attention but only for the barest of moments. Jethro Gibbs had not noticed a beautiful woman for a very long time. He saw them all the time, even worked with a few, but he just didn't NOTICE them. All he had time for was work and Michael. He had no interest in having a woman in his life even though he sometimes thought about how sad it was for Michael to miss out on having a mom. He didn't give much thought to what he, himself was missing. Not anymore.

Today Dr. Sheppard's beauty, her great smile and her wonderful bedside manner were going unnoticed. All Jethro saw was a woman who was telling him there was something wrong with his five year old. And now she was walking toward him. He told himself not to borrow trouble. Maybe this thing with Michael wasn't going to be serious and could easily be taken care of. If he wasn't going to let his dark thoughts spill over onto his little boy he needed to get a grip on his emotions. In the time it took for Dr. Sheppard to cross the room, Gibbs did just that. He put away his fear, erected his wall of privacy and prepared to help Michael through whatever came next.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. We're all set though so why don't we go explain this test to Michael and get going. I'm sure you will feel better when you know more. The wondering and imagining is often much worse than actually knowing."

She has a great smile. What did she just say? Jethro blinked and focused on Dr. Sheppard. "I'm sorry. I don't seem to be able to focus today. Are you ready?"

"I understand and yes, let's go see this son of yours."

Jethro led the way into the waiting room where Michael was sitting on Ducky's lap almost asleep. When he saw his dad, Michael raised his arms toward him silently asking to be held. Jethro easily took his son into his arms and the child immediately wrapped himself around his father.

"Can we go home now, daddy?"

"Not yet buddy. This is Dr. Sheppard. She and I need to talk to you about something."

Jethro carried Michael to the couch on the other side of the room and sat down with him. Dr. Sheppard sat down near them and smiled at Michael. She noticed he looked very much like his father right down to the clear blue eyes. She looked at Gibbs and gave a slight nod to him to begin. She wanted the first talk of further tests to come from him so Michael wouldn't be as scared.

Gibbs took a deep breath and began. "You know all those pictures they took of your bones? Well while they were doing that they saw something else they want to take some more pictures of."

"You mean more x-rays?"

"Not exactly. This will be different kind of machine that takes better pictures of your insides. Dr. Sheppard will look at the new pictures to find out what that thing was they saw on the x-rays."

Jethro didn't think he was doing a very good job of explaining the situation and Michael didn't seem to be too interested in what he was saying. He looked down at his son and found he was focused on Dr. Sheppard, not on what he was saying.

"Maybe Dr. Sheppard can explain it better." He looked at her and gave her the barest of smiles.

Michael was still sitting on his father's lap but now he sat up a little straighter and looked at Dr. Sheppard expectantly. "Are you going to take the pictures?"

"No I have someone who does that for me but I'll be there to watch if that's okay with you. Do you want to know how it works?"

Michael just nodded.

Dr. Sheppard reached over and pulled up his shirt. "First we will put some jelly stuff on your tummy and down here." She lightly ran her fingers across his stomach and lower abdomen. "Then we use a really cool camera thing that takes pictures through your skin and shows us your insides. It's pretty neat and it doesn't hurt at all".

"Can daddy come with me?"

"Oh yes, daddy will be there."

"What are you going to look at?"

Jethro grimaced but Dr. Sheppard seemed to be prepared for that question. She looked directly at Michael and reached out to hold his hand.

"Have you ever heard of kidneys, Michael?"


"Well we have two kidneys and they are very important parts of our body. They are filters for our bodies."

"Like coffee filters?"

She laughed and replied, "Yes, like coffee filters. When I looked at your x-rays I saw something next to your kidneys that isn't supposed to be there and I want to know what it is. So we need to do the ultrasound. What else would you like to know?"

"When can I go home?"

"I'm not sure. Let's go do the test and then I'll be able to tell you. Okay?"

Michael looked up at his daddy. "What do you say daddy?"

"I say we let Dr. Sheppard look and then we'll talk about going home. Come on, let's get going."

With that, Jethro stood up with Michael and walked into the hall. They followed Dr. Sheppard down the hall and into the exam room. Jethro turned to Ducky and asked, "Can you stick around?"

"I have no intention of going anywhere. Don't worry, I'll be right here when you're finished."

In reality, the ultrasound didn't take very long but it seemed like hours to Gibbs. Michael didn't seem to mind; he was quiet and almost asleep most of the time. Jethro held his hand and stroked his thumb over his son's small knuckles. He tried to read Dr. Sheppard's face as she watched the images on the screen but she gave nothing away. Jethro talked softly to Michael about what they would do when they got home and tried to keep positive thoughts in his head. It wasn't easy.

When the test was finished, Dr. Sheppard spoke to Michael, "All finished Michael. Now, if you and your dad will just wait a few more minutes I'll be able to tell you what I found."

"I wanna go home daddy."

"I know buddy. Pretty soon. Let's see what Dr. Sheppard found in your tummy first."

Jethro picked Michael up and carried him back to the waiting room. He turned to look at Dr. Sheppard and said, "Unless you have some really compelling reason why we can't, I'm taking my son home in thirty minutes." He turned back and continued on with his son.

Ducky greeted them in the waiting room and two minutes later, Abby and Kate joined them. Michael climbed down from his daddy's lap and went to hug them. Then he sat down with Abby and told her all about his tests.

"What are you two doing here, Kate?"

"Ducky called and said Michael was hurt. What's going on? Is he alright?"

"Yeah he's fine. At least from the accident this morning. The doctor saw something on the x-rays and wanted to do an ultrasound. We just came from that and we're waiting to hear what she found. Something about a growth or something near his kidneys. I don't know."

Kate touched his arm and made him look at her, "Hey, it's going to be fine. Nothing is going to happen to Michael. You have to believe that."

Gibbs looked at his agent and said, "I know. It's just…..well you know how I feel about hospitals."

"Yea, I know. Is this doctor someone you trust?"

"Just met her today. Frank Ryan says she's the best and I trust him."

"Okay then."

Ten minutes later Dr. Sheppard appeared in the doorway and signaled to Jethro to join her in the hall. He told Michael he'd be right back and went out to hear what she had to say. Ducky followed.

Jethro saw Dr. Ryan at the desk and knew he was about to hear something bad about his child. "Frank?"

Dr. Sheppard stepped up next to Jethro and said, "I have carefully studied Michael's films and Dr. Ryan and I have concluded Michael needs surgery to remove the growth we see next to his kidneys."

"Surgery?" Gibbs' mind was spinning. "What is this thing?"

"We don't know exactly. It seems to be wholly self contained but it is encroaching on the right kidney and needs to come out. It will be a simple procedure and Michael shouldn't be in the hospital more than a couple of days."

Jethro looked from her to Dr. Ryan to Ducky and back to Dr. Sheppard. She seemed very confident and calm; two things he was not feeling at the moment. He looked back at Frank and asked, "You agree?"

"Yes, Jethro, I do. I don't think we should just watch this thing and see what happens. Let's get it out of there and be done with it."

"Is that what you'd do if it was Lauren?" Lauren was Dr. Ryan's nine year old daughter.

"Absolutely. Look Jethro, Dr. Sheppard is an excellent surgeon and she wouldn't suggest this if she wasn't sure it needed to be done. I understand your hesitation. But I suggest you get this taken care of now and put it behind you."

Gibbs took a deep breath and looked at Ducky who nodded his agreement. "Okay. When?"

"I have an opening in the morning, nine o'clock. I'd like to go ahead and get this done. There's no point in taking Michael home and then coming back later. You're here, so let's just schedule it, you spend the night and Michael is home in a couple of days."

"Alright." Jethro answered without enthusiasm but with a certain degree of acceptance. "Let me go tell him."

"Would you like me to go with you? In case he has questions?"


They all trooped back down to the waiting area where Michael was standing in front of Abby and Kate entertaining them with stories about his crash. When the two women looked up they knew something was wrong. Both had known and worked for Gibbs for a long time and both had been part of Michael's life since he was born. They could tell by the look on his father's face and on Ducky's for that matter, that it wasn't good news. They also didn't fail to notice the very attractive doctor who was accompanying Gibbs. Abby in particular took in the red hair and made a mental note to investigate further when the time was right.

"Could you guys give us a minute?"

"Sure, come on Abby let's go get something to drink. We'll see you later Michael."

Kate and Abby kissed Michael goodbye and left.

"Are we going home daddy?"

"Not yet."

"But you said…."

"I know but Dr. Sheppard thinks you need to stay and have an operation. You know that thing she was looking at on the test you had? Well, she thinks it needs to come out and she wants to do that tomorrow."

Michael looked like he might cry but he didn't. He looked from his father to Dr. Sheppard with big blue eyes and blinked back his tears. Jethro didn't know what else to say and the sight of his little boy about to cry broke his heart. Dr. Sheppard stepped in and saved the moment.

She sat down in the seat Kate had vacated and held out her hands to Michael who was still standing looking back and forth from her to his daddy. He quickly climbed onto her lap and let her put her arm around his shoulders. This surprised Gibbs because Michael, although a friendly kid, didn't normally take to strangers very quickly; especially women. He seemed very comfortable with Dr. Sheppard however. Gibbs told himself that was a good thing even though it made him nervous for some reason.

"Do you know what an operation is, Michael?"


"Okay, I'm going to tell you all about it but first I want you to promise me something. I want you to promise you will ask me any questions you have and tell me if you don't understand something I say. Can you do that?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"And I will make you a promise. I promise I will tell you the truth all the time. Okay?"

"Okay. Daddy says we always have to tell the truth."

"Your daddy is right. Now before we get to the part about the operation would you go with Dr. Ryan and Ducky and get settled in your room while I have your dad sign some papers for me? I promise we'll be there in about fifteen minutes."

"Is it okay Daddy?"

"Yea, it's okay. You go with Ducky and I'll be there in a few minutes. Everything is going to be fine Michael."

Michael jumped down to go with Ducky but turned back to Dr. Sheppard and smiled at her. "I like you and I'm not scared."

"I'm glad Michael. I'll see you in a few minutes."

Dr. Sheppard led Gibbs down the hall to the nurse's station where she called her office and told her assistant what she wanted for Michael. Then she called the admitting office and gave her instructions to someone on the other end of the line.

"You need to go to admitting on the first floor and sign some paperwork. If you go down there and take care of it yourself you won't have to worry about them sending someone up and missing you. Do you have your insurance card and all that stuff with you?"


Dr. Sheppard looked at him intently and sensed something was troubling him; something besides the obvious. "What can I say to make this easier for you Agent Gibbs?"

"What do you mean?"

"It seems like you're more worried than I would expect you to be. I know this is frightening and happening very quickly but I believe Michael will be fine. Is there something else bothering you or something about Michael's condition you want to ask about?"

"No. It's just as you said, happening pretty fast. I'm not a fan of hospitals."

"Hardly anyone is, Agent Gibbs. I understand. Michael will be in room 515 when you get back. I'll be back in to see him in just a few minutes. They should have all your paperwork ready when you get downstairs. Ask for Angela and she'll get you fixed up. I'll see you in Michael's room. Okay?"

"Yes. Thank you Dr. Sheppard. For helping me talk to Michael, I mean."

"You're welcome. It's all part of the job."

"I don't think so," he said to himself as he walked away.

She heard him and smiled. He was right; Michael had a special little spark to him that had her smitten with the little boy. And his father seemed to have a certain quality about him, sadness or at least melancholy, that made her want to know more. She gave herself a reprimand and reminded herself to stick to business; fix the child not the father.

While Jethro was signing all the papers required to have Michael admitted to the hospital, Tony called.

"Hey, Boss, how's Mike?"

"He's okay as far as the car hitting him but he's got some kind of growth on his kidneys so he's having surgery in the morning. You'll have to be in charge for a few days. Where are you anyway?"

"On my way back from Virginia Beach. Kate called and I just got the message. Anything I can do for you?"

"Just be at work on time Monday morning DiNozzo."

"Sure thing Boss."

"Tony…..thanks. I'll let you know, or Ducky will tomorrow."

Jethro closed his phone and headed up to the fifth floor. He met Abby and Kate in the elevator. Ducky had filled them in on the situation with Michael and the scheduled surgery.

"I thought you two had plans for the weekend."

"We did but we wanted to check on you and Michael. I called Tony but he didn't answer so I left a message."

"Yea, he called just now. He's in charge for a few days. Listen, you two go on with your plans and I'll let you know what happens tomorrow."

"Do you need anything before we go?"

"No, Abby I'm fine. You guys go on and have fun."

Jethro got off on the fifth floor and the girls headed back down. When he arrived at the room he heard Michael laughing and figured Ducky was telling him a story. He stopped in the doorway and saw it was Dr. Sheppard who was making Michael laugh. She was sitting on the bed with him listening while he told her all about how he was run over by a car. He used lots of hand motions and the crashing sounds that came so naturally to little boys. Jethro watched as his son smiled and laughed with what he suddenly realized was a very pretty woman. He felt a little tug at his heart when he thought about all the things, large and small, that Michael was missing out on because he didn't have his mom. The longer he watched the more angry he got and greater his fear became.

Ducky looked up and saw Jethro in the doorway, quickly excused himself and stepped out. By the time he did so, Jethro had turned away and walked down the hall to the stairway exit. Ducky watched the door close behind his friend and followed. He found Gibbs sitting on the steps with his head in his hands. Ducky sat down next to him.

"Talk to me Jethro."

"I watched Michael with her and it made me so angry that he has to grow up without his mom. Most of the time now I don't think about it but it's just too much today."

They sat in silence for a time and finally Jethro scrubbed his hands over his face and stood up. He offered his hand to Ducky and helped him stand.

"I wish I had an answer for you my friend. Maybe someday there will be someone who can serve as Michael's mother. I know, you don't think so but don't close yourself off from that possibility."

"We've had this conversation a hundred times Duck. I'm not looking for anyone to fill that role; or any other for that matter."

"That's when someone appears; when you're not looking. Now, go throw some cold water on your face so Michael doesn't see you've been upset. I'll see you in there."