"Angela, love please...look at me...I did nothing to betray you." Elijah gently held each side of Angela's face, his cool fingers brushing against her burning hot flesh. The white in her eyes began to swirl like a vortex, retreating back into the cage of her mind.

"See now, I knew your gift would be useful!" Klaus remarked, gently kicking the limp body on the floor. His foot pushed the head of long curled hair away from him, revealing the well known Doppelganger face. She made Katerina's death a lot more entertaining...and a lot more...arousing.

"Niklaus...you have gone too far..I-" Elijah stood from a shocked Angela, her now blue eyes staring into the void.

"You'll what, brother?" Klaus stood his own ground, matching Elijah's angry stare. "I thought you would appreciate this, brother. Now all temptation is gone.."

"Mind your tongue, my brother. There was never an inkling of temptation in my being." His jaw locked into place as he reached into his overcoat pocket, gently taking out a small liquid filled crystal.

Klaus' eyes widened as an even wider smirk appeared on his face. "Well done, Elijah. I assume your acquisition methods were..honorable?" He tilted his head down slightly and wiggled his eyebrows.

Elijah had no time for this. He looked back to Angela, his eyes widening in shock. Her arms had now been colored with tribal tattoos, ones of extremely ancient origin.

Her mind seared with rage and hate. Her chest heaved as she attempted to restrain herself and her own anger. "They are just talking," she thought to herself. Klaus smiled as his atom bomb began to explode.

Angela watched Elijah, hands in pocket, talking to Katherine outside a hotel room. "It seems Elijah was a great distraction for her, don't you think?" Klaus whispered to her.

The resolve inside her mind began to break. It was as if her other side had begun to force its way out. The control was fading. She couldn't hold it anymore. The ancient lust buried inside of her would be satisfied tonight. "Please...Elijah..forgive me." A single tear escaped from her blue eyes.

They had no time to react. Her blood curdling scream was deafening. Fear arose in both of them. Angela's eyes glowed white with searing hot rage. She was no longer Angela. She had been next to them in a second.

"You're mine," the voice said. Katherine had no time to react before Angela's hand was around her throat.

"Angela, stop!" Elijah tried to intervene but she simply pushed him away with a small flick of her wrist. It had been too late for Katherine.

"What...are...you...?" Katherine attempted to pry Angela's hands from her throat, not believing the strength she was fighting against.

"Your end. This is only the beginning." She lowered Katherine to her face. "Are you afraid?" Katherine only looked her in the face. "You should be." Angela punched into Katherine's chest, gripping her heart. Angela's sweet smile turned into an evil one before she pulled out the heart with one swift motion, the muscle still beating and bleeding on her hand.

She dropped Katherine's limp body to the ground and turned to Elijah. "Your only saving grace is her love." She peered back to an approaching Klaus. "And you," she dropped Katherine's heart and continued, "will meet the same fate as that one." She pointed to the body.

Klaus' familiar smirk faded.

Angela closed her eyes and looked down at the ground before her body went limp, falling downward, only to be caught by Elijah's loving arms.

A/N: Man you guys really got out the pitchforks. Here is a small update until I get established in my new home.