Drawn together,

Painter's brush stroke, Sleight of hand, blink

We won't go up in smoke

Fate's colliding, love undying.

~ When Two Are One - Atreyu

Angela Steele would continue her Nursing in a small town named Mystic Falls, Virginia. Sure, she had inherited her parents' estate and their life insurance but most of that money went towards her schooling. Living in a small town was the best solution for a living arrangement. A lot cheaper as well. From what she saw, quite a few places were available for sale as well as places to rent. Of course, getting what Angela wanted wasn't hard. But that was her little secret. A normal life is all she wanted.

"Meow!" the bumps on Wickery Bridge had startled her black cat, Midnight.

This must be it. She thought to herself. The small town life would be something to get used to. Small children and their siblings outside playing in the grass and in the streets. Teenagers and their friends huddled in groups around the local restaurants. Her other hand flipped through the pages of her small address book and found the first one. Her hand reached up to the GPS sitting above the radio and typed it in, making sure to watch her speed and the road as she did it.

It seemed like a million turns in circles before she heard the final "Turn right here," coming from the GPS. She pulled her silver Mustang infront of a snow white house with black shudders. Hmmm. She thought. Its beautiful. She unbuckled herself and took a look at the name above the address. Elena and Jeremy Gilbert. She stepped out of the car. Her 5'4 body barely stood as tall as her own car did. Maybe a head length longer.

She walked up to the house and rang the doorbell. After a few moments, a girl with long, straight brown hair answered the door.

"Hi, are you Elena Gilbert?" Angela asked with a smile. She extended her hand to shake Elena's. Elena took it hesitantly.

"Hi. I am. You're Angela?" she asked. Angela nodded and shook her hand. She felt her cool skin and noticed a ring with a blue gem in the center.

"What kind of ring is that Elena? It's beautiful." She walked passed Elena as she was welcomed in.

"It's Lapis Lazuli," she replied with a smile.

Angela and Elena sat on the couch and discussed rent, food and necessities. They got along quickly which was a good sign. Angela hated living with people she disliked. It wasn't in her nature to be a 'frenemy'. Elena took her up to her room and immediately, she loved it. Now the exercise started. She would have to unpack her car and bring it all up. Drawback to having a big house I guess. It took Angela a few laps before Elena decided to jump in and help. Midnight was carried in first as well as set up. Even though Elena had such a thin frame, she had incredible strength. Angela grabbed the remaining bag, that was full of her textbooks and notebooks.

"Wow, what are you studying for college?" Elena asked.

"I'm planning to become a nurse. I've wanted to be a nurse since I was in second grade."

"That's wonderful. Is it online only?"

"No, my assignments are online but I have to find a local college that I can do my labs in. Hopefully soon I can start my clinicals in the local hospital." Angela sat the bag down next to her new bed and took a small rest. She was in no way unhealthy but damn, running up and down the stairs got her heart pumping. She had to admit, it gave her a bit of a high.

"Well, I'll be downstairs if you need anything. I hope you like your stay here." Elena smiled and left with the door cracked. What a nice girl.

Midnight jumped on the bed with Angela and curled up at the corner. She could use a bit of a nap. In fact, that's what she decided to do. Her pear shaped figure laid on its side and drifted to sleep almost immediately.

The doorbell rang and Elena answered it.

"Stefan..Damon," she stepped to the side and let the two men in.

Damon had the black hair and the leather jacket. He spoke first. "Who's fancy Mustang is parked in front of the house?"

"My new room mate is here." She answered.

Stefan had the brown hair but his style was less threatening. "And you are...coping well with it so far?" She nodded and he nodded back. They weren't sure if she was listening or not. Elena was on edge around humans since her transition. It was either she completed it or died. And at the time, Elena had no desire to let her life end. Stefan and Damon were helping her overcome her vampire urges as much as they could.

"Elijah and Rebekah will be here soon. Did you call Bonnie?" Damon asked Elena. She nodded. Right when she did, the doorbell rang again. It was Bonnie. She didn't even look at Elena, only walked in.

"Okay, so what is it you wanted to tell us, Bonnie?" Stefan asked her.

She shook her head. "Not until they get here." Speak of the devil. Elijah and Rebekah didn't even bother ringing the bell. They walked in.

Rebekah was a beautiful blonde haired girl. But she had a vile tongue. "What is this about?" All of them sat around the living room. All but Elijah. He was tall and well dressed. Attractive for an 1000 year old vampire.

"I..." Bonnie trailed off. "Klaus is still alive." Questioning looks came across all of their faces. "I switched Klaus and Tyler. Tyler was in Klaus' body when he was staked by Alaric. And.."

"Klaus is in Tyler's body.." Elijah finished.

"Yes. But in time, Klaus' body will return. His body is saved and it's hidden right now. I casted a spell on his body that is supposed to mimic the ressurection of the Phoenix. His body will renew and I can switch them back. Now that Alaric is dead, we don't have to worry. This spell only works once every 500 years." She hung her head a little bit. "I did what I had to."

"You saved us and Tyler, Bonnie." Stefan felt relieved that she had actually done it.

"Is that all you wanted us here for? How long does it take for his body to come back?" Rebekah asked with her normal attitude.

"I'd watch it if I were you, vampire. I saved your brother." She said with a threatening tone. "I don't know how long it will take," she admitted.

Angela heard voices coming from downstairs. She had slept for a good two hours. It was still daylight outside. She tip toed out into the hall way and listened carefully. She knew she shouldn't eavesdrop but..she heard something interesting.

"Quiet...there's someone else here," someone said. Angela's heart raced. She didn't make a sound did she?

Elijah could hear her heartbeat upstairs. "You can come downstairs," a man said. Angela gathered herself and proceeded to walk downstairs to unfamiliar faces staring at her as she walked down the steps.

"Angela! Hey, you're awake. Did we wake you?"

Angela shook her head. "No, no. Not at all. I'm sorry, I just didn't want to interrupt your conversation," she said with a crooked smile, trying to cover up the fact that she was being nosey.

"Oh! Angela. This is Stefan, Damon, Bonnie, Rebekah and Elijah. Everyone, meet Angela. My new room mate." She gave them a look that said "don't talk about the previous subject.

Angela shook the hand of Stefan and Bonnie. Damon gave her a small wave. Rebekah smirked and when she held her hand out to Elijah, he gently took it and kissed her knuckles. It made Angela blush. Gentlemen were a dying breed. "Nice to meet all of you."

"Well, it's time we departed. It was nice meeting you, Angela. I hope to see you again soon." Elijah smiled at Angela and gave her a small wink when he walked passed her. Bonnie said nothing and followed behind them. Stefan and Damon stuck around.

So far? Angela liked being in Mystic Falls. She went to bed last night thinking of that handsome face winking at her.