Can we pretend for my story's sake that Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are in the same time? Thanks! And Percy just disappeared and Nico's still figuring out how the whole shadow travel thing works.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

The wizards looked pretty outraged that Travis and Connor had destroyed their living room. Well, all of them except Fred and George. They were just watching the Stolls curiously.

"Why on earth would Hecate send you two?" I stared in dibelief.

"She didn't! She just asked Chiron to pick someone from camp. At first he was gonna send Annabeth, but she's too busy looking for Percy. So we volunteered!" Travis said cheerily.

"Chiron didn't think it was a good idea, but nobody else wanted to go to London. So here we are!" Connor added.

"How did you find this place? And why did you blow up the wall?" Peg Leg asked sharply.

"Hecate told us of course, she sent us here!" Travis said as if this were the most obvious thing in the world. Peg Leg looked very confused.

"Duh." Connor added, "Hecate said number twelve Grimmauld place, but there was none so we just blew up some of the wall, and here you were!"

"We nicked some explosives from the Hephaestus kids, thought they might come in handy." Travis explained.

"So you couldn't, oh I don't know, Iris message me?" I snapped.

"Oh." Travis said.

"That might've been smarter." Connor said thoughtfully. I sighed, why me?

"Um." I turned to the wizards who were still watching in amusement, "These are my cousins, Travis and Connor Stoll. And I'd keep your personal belongings in eyesight at all times unless you want them stolen." I warned.

"Hey, we wouldn't do that!" protested Connor.

"Yes we would." Travis added. Connor just shrugged.

"So are you two half Greek also?" Pink Hair asked.

"Yup! Our Dad is Hermes." Connor said.

"God of thieves." Travis said.

"Travelers if you're nice." Connor added.

"Most people aren't." Travis added.

"So if we could just grab Zombie Boy over here, we'll be out of your hair in a second-"Connor started. Connor and Travis both threw an arm around me and turned to walk out of the gaping hole in the wall.

"Wait just a second! We have some questions for you two." Peg Leg said sternly. I gave them a "just go with it" look. They sighed and followed Peg Leg back to the kitchen.

"Nice place you got here." Connor commented, "It's got a very gloomy, death feel to it."

"Yeah, the decapitated heads are a nice touch." Travis added. Fred and George laughed.

"I know what you mean…" Sirius muttered somewhat unhappily.

"It's perfect for you Nico!" Connor grinned. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley chuckled.

I glared at him, "Shut up."

They sat the three of us down at the table in a row, Travis, Connor, and me. The wizards all stood, crowded on the other side of the table. It was like one of those interrogations in those stupid crime movies.

"Alright, who exactly is this Hecate person?" Sirius asked.

"The Goddess of magic. Don't worry about her knowing where this place is." Travis said reassured them.

"Yeah, she knows everything." Connor said breezily, waving his hands.

"How many of you are there?" asked Pink Hair.

"A lot. But we won't bother you if you don't bother us." Travis said.

"No harm, no foul." Connor said. The wizards looked confused at that saying, "Nevermind." Connor said quickly.

"And you promise not to tell anyone about us?" Mcgonagall asked.

"As long as you do the same for us." I nodded.

"May I ask why you want to keep in hiding?" Dumbledore asked curiously.

"Well if people knew we were half god, everyone would treat us differently. They might even be scared of us, or they would dissect us like guinea pigs." I explained.

"Why do you magical British people stay in hiding?" Travis asked, interested. The wizards looked disgruntled at the title, "magical British people."

"Then everybody would want magic solutions to their problems. It's easier this way." Lupin explained.

"Is that what these sticks are for?" Travis asked interestedly, pulling one of the magic wands out of his pocket.

"Hey, that's mine!" Pink hair snatched the wand out of his hand, "How'd you take this?"

"Um, just pulled it out of you pocket. It was pretty easy actually." Travis said simply.

I groaned, "I told you to keep your stuff in eyesight."

Connor took a handful of bright orange and purple candies out of his pocket, "Then what are these for?"

"Hey, where'd you get those?" Fred asked.

"Fell out of your pocket. I didn't even have to steal it." Connor laughed.

"Boys, I thought I told you to get rid of all of those!" Mrs. Weasley glowered at her sons.

"Oops." George muttered.

"They look good." Connor started to unwrap one.

"No! Don't eat it!" Hermione said suddenly.

"Yeah, it'll make you nose bleed. Or make you vomit, I'm not sure which." Ron warned.

"Awesome! Where'd you get these?" Travis grinned, examining them.

"We made them." Fred boasted proudly.

"By the way, that was a bloody wicked explosion." George added. All the wizards groaned.

"Why thank you, but it wasn't our explosions. Our cousins made them." Connor said.

"You guys are twins, I'm guessing." Fred said.

"Nope." Travis said.

"He's a year older." Connor pointed to Travis.

"Funny how that turned out…" Travis muttered.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "Well looks like our time has come to part ways Mr. DiAngelo. Good luck." He smiled wisely, which I nervously returned. While walking back Travis, Connor, Fred, and George were muttering to each other.

"We're making more pranking products , we're going to open up a joke shop." I heard Fred mutter to the Stolls. I vaguely wondered what their Mom thought about that.

"That's awesome! I wish we could visit it!" Connor said wistfully. We had reached the giant hole in the wall.

"Well, uh, bye!" I said awkwardly. Right before we turned to leave, Travis turned back to Pink hair.

"Oh, here's your stick again by the way. You should really keep track of it better." Travis cracked a grin, throwing her wand back to her.


Fred and George cracked up, and so did Travis and Connor. Before they could do anything else stupid, I grabbed them both and stomped out the hole.

We shadow traveled back to camp. For some odd reason, Travis and Connor ran immediately to the Demeter cabin. But I found out why soon enough. They came pelting out of the cabin, laughing their heads off with an angry, nose bleeding Katie Gardner on their heels, brandishing a garden shovel at them. I groaned silently, they just had to steal from wizards didn't they?

Annabeth walked up to me, "Hey Nico, you're back. Did you find out anything on Percy yet?"

I just stared at her in disbelief, "Are you serious?"

She frowned, "Yeah, why?"

I glared, "Did you not hear what happened to me? I was kidnapped by wizards, passed out twice, and then you people sent Travis and Connor Stoll to come get me!"

Annabeth nodded, "Oh yeah, I did hear something about that. But while you were there did you hear anything on Percy?"

I sighed, "You have got to be kidding me…

It's over! Hope you all enjoyed it! Review please!