A/N: Hello. Everyone who follows me on Tumblr knew this was coming. It might not get updated regularly, I'm not going to just abandon One Moment because I love it, but I wanted to give you guys a taster of what's to come. There is not enough Eric/Ron on this sight. There's also going Eric/Alan and Will/Ron, so you know. So... very preseries with a grumpy, grumpy Ronnie. Reviews are greatly appreciated and let's see how quickly I can update.

"Do you feel like having anything in particular for dinner?" Eric said, glancing up from his death list. There was silence. "Oi."

He turned to glare at his junior. He was a cute blonde delinquent student who'd been assigned to him to mentor because of his strange and sudden turn to trouble making and drinking.

Ronald Knox.

He'd just finished his years learning full time at the academy. Due to their chronic staff shortages young, talented reapers were given to Dispatch part time to be looked after by their mentor. Eric always got the difficult cases. He was a former trouble maker. He was known for helping difficult cases. Like his now best friend, Alan Humphries. The little reaper had been frail, quiet and kind of cold. Eric had pulled him out of his shell and toughened him up and now he was a one of the best reapers they had. At least that was what the bosses said. Probably because he did all his paperwork.

He'd had Ronald for a week. Being a mentor, Eric had a spare bedroom and larger living quarters, but that did mean he had to share with his students. He was responsible for Ronald in every way, shape and form for the next two years. They didn't really get on though. Ronald's files said he was an upbeat, fun loving but hard working and genuine kid. Until last year. Apparently Ronald had stormed through his final exam like it was nothing, even bumped into a demon and hadn't batted an eye but that was it. The reports said his teachers were dubious about even letting him take the exam and letting him move onto being mentored his behaviour in the past year had been so terrible.

So Eric had been landed with him, forced to put up with a childish, stubborn, arrogant and temperamental junior who seem to want to just be abandoned and left to suffer with whatever darkness had broken the genius he'd been seen as.

"It stinks of fish in here," Ronald complained.

Eric was nothing if not stubborn. He wasn't about to let some brat beat him. Ronald was going to be helped and turned into a working, well rounded reaper whether he liked it or not. He'd never let a student down before, he'd be damned if this arrogant child was going to be the first.

"It's a fish market," Eric replied. He turned and looked over some of the fish. "Did you want fish tonight? Might as well get something while we're here."

"I don't care, I'm going out," Ronald said. "Miss Darlington from General Affairs has invited me out tonight."

There were days Eric wanted to throttle the brat but forced himself not to. It wasn't going to help anyone. Eric just sighed and grabbed his arm, pulling him along. Two years. He had two years of this kid. If he didn't make some progress soon it was going to kill him.

"He's really cute," Alan said once they were alone at his desk. Eric frowned and glanced up at him. Of course, Alan was already done with all his paperwork and there sitting on his desk bothering him. "Do you like him?"

"Huh?" Eric stared up at him and Alan smiled. "I- no. Stop stirring. I don't need to be set up with someone."

"The only person you hang out with on a regular basis is me, Eric," he said. "So, stop being so grumpy and we'll get you together with this cute little junior."

"Stop it, really, Alan, I'm fine." Alan gazed down at him sceptically and Eric smiled. He wanted Alan. And he knew Ronald had a huge crush on William. Of course, Alan had made it clear he didn't want Eric anymore. He wasn't interested in anyone. "I don't need to be set up with anyone."

"If you say so."

That didn't sound like Alan was going to let the idea go but he'd at least drop it for now. For some reason, while Alan didn't want anyone, he didn't like the idea of Eric being alone. He sighed and shook his head. Ronald had stormed off half an hour ago anyway, his work was done and their boss had said something to annoy him. Kids these days were ridiculous.

"Oooh, Eric," Grell cooed, sticking his head in the door. "What's got your little rookie all upset?"

"Is he that upset?" Eric said. "What's wrong with him now? I suppose I'd better go deal with this. Where was he going?"

"Looked like he was heading home," he replied. "I don't mean to be rude and leave you on your own, Alan sweetie, but my Will needs me."

"Of course," Alan said quietly, waving him off. "I'll be over later, Eric."

Eric nodded and waved as he packed up his things and ran towards home. He wanted to catch Ronald before he inevitably ran off to drink away whatever had upset him. Ronald was wandering along towards their building when Eric caught up with him. He was glaring at the floor, scuffing his feet along the pavement. He didn't even look up at Eric's presence. It wasn't that he really cared about what William had said to upset him, but Ronald was his responsibility and maybe being there to comfort him would help get him into Ronald's good books and make his job a little easier.

When they got home, Ronald stormed off to the bedroom for the students he mentored to stay in. He'd never seen a student fill it with so much stuff so quickly. He frowned and made Ronald a mug of tea and a coffee for himself before heading in to see the blonde. He paused in the doorway and frowned, quickly glanced down at the bed rather than at Ronald's lean, toned body. He cleared his throat and there was an almost amused sound from the youngster.

"What's wrong?" Ronald purred. Eric glanced back to find Ronald right in front of him, leant forwards slightly with his hands around his mug to tea. "Don't you like what you see?"

Eric clenched his jaw. The boy was stunning and he knew it. It was infuriating. He took his mug and stalked off, not even bothering to thank him. He was such a brat, skating by on his looks and this charm he seemed able to put on in a second. No one else seemed to see it but Eric. Grell thought he was adorable and that he'd obviously just had a bad year at school. Apparently Alan thought he was cute and a perfect match for him too. All the women and quite a few men seemed to just swoon over this little Casanova like he was the sweetest, prettiest thing they'd ever seen. Actually, now Eric thought about it, they were treating him like he was a younger version Eric.

Not that he blamed them. Ronald was incredibly good looking. He was sitting on the bed, sipping his tea with one leg crossed over the other. He was topless, showing off his slightly tanned torso, lean and deceptively slim. He swallowed heavily and Ronald smirked, as if he knew what was going through Eric's mind as his gaze drifted lower, down his stomach to his slightly exposed hips.

"So, what happened with William then?" Eric said, tearing his gaze away from his body to focus on his face instead. "Grell said you were looking upset and I'm inclined to agree."

"It was nothing," Ronald hissed, glaring down at his tea. "It's fine. Just, you know, Mr Spears being Mr Spears. It's nothing to worry about."

He set down his mug and pulled on a blue t-shirt and a waistcoat, leaving it unbuttoned. He slid on his shoes and wandered past him without a word but Eric caught his wrist. "If you want to talk, Ronald-"

"I don't. I want to go out."

"We need to get some work done. I'm supposed to be teaching you, you know?"

Ronald shrugged. "Whatever."

And with that he was gone. Eric was left staring at the front door as it closed and Ronald called for him not to wait up. Of course he would wait up. He always stayed up until Ronald got home. He was responsible for him, what was he supposed to do? Let him wander around with no clue where he was? He sighed and collapsed back on the couch, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back against the arm.

Why was Ronald so hard to deal with? He was starting to think his reputation for fixing troublesome kids was too much for his own good. He was starting to think Ronald wasn't good for his health. It was ridiculous how that kid acted. Ever since the moment he met him he was cold, distant and standoffish. He seemed to want nothing to do with Eric and Eric was pretty sure he only went to work because Eric took him in the morning. When he was supposed to go to school two days a week, Eric was at work before he left. He was certain the blonde didn't go.

There was a knock on the door and Eric opened one eye as the door opened. Alan smiled and popped his head in. He shut the door and moved over to sit on the other end of the couch.

"Well? How is your dear, sweet, little junior?" Alan said with a smile. Eric growled and tossed one of the cushions at him half-heartedly. Ducking easily, Alan chuckled and patted his leg. "That good, huh?"

"Urgh, that kid is a nightmare," Eric groaned. "He doesn't seem to want help. I mean, it's like he acknowledges there's something wrong but he refuses to even help himself."

"What makes you think there's something wrong?" he asked quietly.

"Come on, Alan," he said, sitting up and crossing his legs, leaning on his knees. "This kid gets top grades in everything for the first few years. And I mean everything. He was almost perfect in every class and every report says he's a bright, happy kid who's hard working, polite, friendly and bound for big things. Then suddenly everything goes down the drain and he's barely scrapping a pass, not showing up for classes, being rude, showing up drunk when he does go to classes and… look, something broke him and he's not going to be at all easy to put back together, especially if he refuses help."

"So, tell Personnel you can't do it, you won't do it."

"No," Eric said, shaking his head. "There has got to be something I can do. I'm not going to leave some kid to ruin his career because I can't help him. He's going to get better whether he likes it or not." Alan smiled and Eric knew he'd just said exactly what Alan wanted him to say and knew he would. "He's a good kid, I know he is, I'll figure something out."

"Good," Alan said with a smile. "So, what did happen with Mr Spears?"

"Ah, who knows? Probably lectured him or something," Eric replied. Alan frowned and gave him that look. That 'I don't believe you, Eric Slingby' look that melted his defences instantly. "Look, he kind of has a thing for William, it's not a big deal, I doubt that's going to be the worst problem he has."

"Really, Eric?" he snapped, glaring at him. "You think a young boy's heart isn't a big deal?"

"Well, I mean…"

He frowned and glanced away as Alan glared up at him. Alan was ridiculously good at that. He just stared him into submission. And he loved that. Beautiful, fiery little Alan. He wanted Alan so badly. He wanted him more than anything and Alan pushed him away all the time. Eric smiled and ran his hand through Alan's silky smooth hair lovingly. Alan frowned and batted his hand away quickly.

"Eric," he said quietly but firmly. "Stop it. We've talked about this."

"Yes, but-"

"No, Eric. No. I'm not interested."

Eric nodded and turned away. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

He didn't get it. He and Alan had been a couple when they were student and mentor. Then, suddenly, after he became a full reaper, he just finished things. He was going through things and need a friend, not a lover. He didn't understand. What had Alan been going through that needed him to be a friend rather than a lover, but he accepted his request. A part of him hoped that sooner or later they were going to get back together, but that was years ago. He was alright with the way things were, but he wished they'd got back to how things had been.

"You know what you're feeling right now," Alan said gently. "That's what Ronald feels every time Mr Spears looks straight through him. That's what Ronald's going through too."

"Yeah, and if he wants William, why are you trying to get us together?" Eric snapped.

He wasn't angry, not really, just hurt. Alan stayed with him for hours, until it was nearly midnight, before leaving him. Eric stayed up, waiting for Ronald to return. He opened up a bottle of whiskey and drank slowly. He'd finished almost the entire bottle when Ronald wandered in and collapsed on the couch where Alan had been hours before.

Eric gazed at him for a few long moments before Ronald crawled forwards and laid his head on his chest. There was just silence and Eric closed his eyes. Wasn't this a victory? Ronald was sitting here with him, relaxed and comfortable. It was the most contact they'd ever had and the longest they'd been in a room together without breaking down into an awkward silence or bitter arguments. For once they were content together. He smiled and ran a hand gently thought his hair and Ronald shifted slightly, snuggling up against his chest and giving a soft, contented hum then a shiver. That just about registered with Eric mind. Reluctant as he was to break this comfortable truce with Ronald, he wanted to make sure the youngster wasn't going to catch a chill.

"Come on," he groaned. "It's warm in bed." Ronald shifted and buried his face in his chest, mumbling something incoherent. "Come on. Bed."

Ronald groaned and staggered up to his feet, almost stumbling back but Eric managed to catch him, laughing softly. Something Ronald didn't seem to appreciate. He shoved Eric away weakly and opened his mouth to say something, then frowned, as if nothing was coming to him. He tried to step back and turn away but stumbled over his feet and went flying, grabbing Eric's tie for balance and pulling him with him. The pair fell to the floor in a heap, giggling drunkenly.

Eric couldn't deny the warm feeling being on top of Ronald like this gave him. Their legs tangled, their bodies pressed together, their breaths mingling as they tried to stop laughing… it was all so surreal. This cold, confrontational boy was lying there beneath him, gazing up at him, a hungry, burning desire in those big, childish eyes that seemed so out of place. Getting a hold of himself, Eric stood slowly and staggered back to his room, shut the door quickly. That was going to be awkward in the morning. There was no movement in the other room and Eric opened the door a crack, feeling considerable more sober, and found Ronald hadn't moved from the floor.

Deciding, since Ronald was his responsibility, he shouldn't just leave him like that, Eric wandered into Ronald's room, grabbed his bedding and took it out to Ronald. He rolled him onto his side, laid his head on the pillow and tucked the blanket around him. There. That should do him the few hours until morning. The brat was already asleep. As one final thought, Eric plucked his glasses from his nose and set them on the side before locking the door and returning to bed.

Ronald looked so beautiful, sound asleep and curled up like that. Eric frowned and shut the door to his room once more. He was stunning. There was that heat running through him still. This was just going to make things more awkward. Ronald would probably be just as grumpy in the morning, if not more so with his hangover, and they'd be back to square one. This just wasn't fair. Why did he get stuck with him? Why did the hot ones always he up being so distant and cold? He got the feeling this one wasn't going to be a case of offering him a bit of friendship to soften him up. Ronald was going to be tougher to crack than Alan and their awkward little fall wasn't going to make things any easier. He was dreading the morning.

He flopped into bed, struggling out of his clothes and curling up under the blankets. He didn't like when his large apartment wasn't filled. Eric liked having those he mentored here. He liked having them here. It felt too empty without them but having Ronald here was weird. He just didn't fill it with the kind of positive, fun energy Eric liked with the students he mentored. Ronald was so different. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, pushing away thoughts of that stunning little brat.

When he open his eyes a crack a few hours later, there was a little body pressed against his back. He glanced back over his shoulder and could just about make out Ronald's messy hair style sticking out above the duvet. His soft breath ticked his back and he smiled. He didn't want to push him too far, so simply closed his eyes once more. He was tempted to roll over and hold him back, wrap his arms around him and keep him close but if morning came and Ronald freaked out, that would just make things worse. Instead, he just tried to sleep once more. Whatever Ronald wanted, it was a break through, maybe this would help him sooner or later. He'd help Ronald somehow.