A/N: I forgot to mention that I was going to start switching the episode order again just like I did earlier in the season. No one fret, every episode will make an appearance. This one has a lot going on due to trying to close a plot line and then opening up a few more but I tried to make it flow. Thanks to everyone who reviewed last episode and to those who pm me encouragement. They really do help some although it might not seem like it considering how long it takes me. :) I appreciate it! Enjoy!

Ex Libris

Magic School

Paige Matthews had never considered herself a person with trust issues. In fact, if you had asked her two years ago she would have insisted on giving a person the benefit of the doubt. But it was not two years ago and, frankly, after finding out she was a witchlighter, dating a warlock, having to vanquish her sister's boss, having her best friend not be who she said she was, and then reading a history that didn't exist… she figured it was understandable.

Her said-best friend could have made the history up which would explain why there was no information on it or her said-best friend could actually have been the one to trust. Of course, that would then mean that the bonds between the magical community were built on lies. Either way, truth was the problem. Somebody was lying. She stared around her chosen table at the books that towered on either side of her seat and eventually closed the ever-frustrating journal just as Gideon joined her at the table.

The elder was also looking thoughtfully over the books Paige had pulled from the shelves. "Having trouble?" he guessed upon noting her expression.

"A little," Paige admitted.

Gideon waited to see if she was going to elaborate but reached out to take the closest book to him when she showed no sign of elaborating. "You're interested in magical history," Gideon stated, his hand moving to his chin in thought. "What time period?" he questioned.

Paige hesitated before answering. "Medieval."

"Well, this is one of our best records of that time period," Gideon pointed out with a hint of suspicion in his voice.

"I was just more interested in potential conflicts during the time is all. That book makes it sound as if the time was one of peace," Paige returned carefully.

Gideon shrugged and opened the book to a certain page. "I'd hardly say the oppression by the mortals was peaceful," he argued.

Paige remained silent but eventually nodded in agreement. "Maybe I'm just looking for something where it's not," she suggested, mostly to herself. She played with her hands a moment before meeting Gideon's eyes again. "Have you ever heard of the Daughters of Destiny?" Paige asked.

Gideon looked surprised at the question. "The Daughters of Destiny?" he repeated followed by a quick shake of his head. "I'm afraid not. You could try Professor Ward, the Magical History, teacher. He would be pleased to meet you if nothing else," Gideon offered.

"Thanks, I probably will," Paige agreed with a bright smile at Gideon. The headmaster left and Paige watched him go before sighing loudly, the smile disappearing completely. "Jana, what were you doing?" she groaned. She dropped her head onto her arms and stayed there for several long moments. Eventually she stood up from her chair and shoved the journal in her bag. Paige walked out of the library in search of Professor Ward's room. Before taking more than a few steps, she became aware of a buzzing sound nearby. She paused and glanced around but didn't see anything. Hesitantly, Paige started walking again until the source of the buzzing flew in front of her. Paige jumped backwards in surprise but nearly laughed at herself upon recognizing it as a hummingbird. "What are you doing in here?" she asked it. It, of course, didn't respond but neither did it fly away. Paige tilted her head to the side and held a hand out to it. The hummingbird dropped onto her finger and proceeded to fluff out its feathers before it took off again, flying around Paige's head. She swatted lightly at it but it persisted so that Paige began to wonder if she should orb out and come back later.

"It is bad manners to ignore your messenger," a child's voice broke through Paige's thoughts.

Paige turned to find a young boy, probably six years old, staring at her. "What?" she asked in her confusion.

"The hummingbird. Its speed makes it a popular messenger. They say they can even stop time," the boy replied. "I learned it last year," he continued proudly.

"The hummingbird is a messenger for me?" Paige inquired, still thoroughly confused.

"I'd follow it," the boy offered as an answer before he ran back to his class which was congregated a hundred yards down the hall.

Paige watched him leave and held her hand back out so that the hummingbird landed once again. "If I follow you, you better not get me lost or tell my sisters. Phoebe will never let me live it down," she told it seriously.

The hummingbird flew off down the hallway, pausing only to let Paige catch up.

The Halliwell Manor

Piper hurried around the conservatory in order to check that everything was ready. The music was playing, the wine was resting in an ice bucket, the flowers were where they were supposed to be, and the candles were lit. "Piper?" Prue's voice sounded from another room. Piper turned in surprise as Prue joined her in the room. The eldest Halliwell frowned as she noticed the romantic setting. "Oh, expecting company?" she asked.

Piper rolled her eyes. "You think?" she returned sarcastically but shook her head with a faint smile on her face. "Prue, what are you doing here? I'm supposed to have the house to myself tonight," Piper reminded her.

Prue was obviously caught off guard as she blushed at the mix-up. "Oh, god, I-I-I thought that was tomorrow night," she admitted apologetically.

"No, no, no, I put it on the kitchen calendar way in advance," Piper pointed out.

Prue just ran a hand through her hair with a sheepish expression on her face. "I forgot," she stated.

"Obviously. Brianna must be taking all your memory. You can't seem to remember anything anymore," Piper joked, earning a glare from Prue. "Look, you gotta get out. Paige is at the magic school library, Phoebe is at the university library studying, or you can go stay with Andy at the stationhouse," she suggested while waving her hands emphatically for Prue to move. She noticed Prue didn't hurry to leave. "What is it?" Piper prompted hurriedly.

"Okay, so I was downstairs developing these shots that I took and actually was hoping to get your opinion on them. I guess now wouldn't really be a good time, would it?" Prue guessed. Piper just shook her head to which Prue glanced around the room before continuing. "…Although, Leo's not really here yet…"

Piper rolled her eyes again. "Alright, make it fast," she agreed.

Prue grinned and skipped up to her with the photographs. "Alright, so-so the magazine asked me to capture faces in the city. So I went to the Haight and took these shots but look at this man," she explained, pointing to the said man.

"Yeah, so?" Piper pressed upon not seeing anything notable.

Prue took the pictures and started flipping through them. "So he is in every single one of my pictures. I-I-I mean, I didn't really focus on him, I didn't even notice him until I got home but there he is in every one of them just hanging out," Prue insisted.

"Well, maybe he's homeless," Piper suggested.

"But handing out fliers?" Prue argued lightly. "I don't think so. And look at his face. He looks so sad and determined…" she trailed off as Leo orbed in next to them. "Oh…" she mumbled.

Piper shoved the photographs back into Prue's hands. "Okay, bye, bye," Piper offered with a wave of farewell.

"Oh, oh, alright so, uh, I'm gonna go now and grab my camera and go help Andy with his cases all night, alright," Prue stated, already backing away from Leo and Piper.

Piper smirked and watched her back up. "Okay," she agreed only to jump slightly at a thought invasion.

So no sex without safe sex. We can't afford another… Prue pointed inconspicuously at her stomach.

Yes, Mom. With that, Prue hurried out toward the kitchen where she left her camera and her car keys. "Oh, that reminds me, on the kitchen counter there's a birthday card for dad if you want to sign it and, you know, let him know about you and Andy and…"

"Um, I don't," Prue interrupted. "'Night Leo," she offered before managing to leave.

"Goodnight," Leo called after her.

Piper frowned as Prue disappeared from sight. "That's weird. I wonder why she doesn't want to tell dad…" she trailed off as Leo approached her.

"Hi," Leo greeted, giving her a soft kiss. He pulled back, letting his hands run through her hair. "You wanna sit down?" he asked.

Piper made a face and stopped Leo from pulling a chair toward them. "Oh, why don't we go upstairs until she leaves," she suggested pointedly. She was already pulling Leo toward the staircase but Leo pulled back.

"I know a faster way," Leo whispered in her ear.

"You do?" Piper returned, a grin spreading across her face just before they orbed out.

Berkeley Library

Similarly to Paige, Phoebe had overtaken one of the tables in the university's library. Her bag was up on the table with her textbook and papers spread around her. She highlighted an important line in her textbook before reaching into her book bag where she'd hidden her stash of potato chips. She pulled a couple of the fried potatoes out and shoved them in her mouth. Phoebe flinched at the loud crunch they made and glanced around to see if anyone noticed. Her eyes met another student at the table beside her. "Oh, I'm sorry," Phoebe apologized.

The student flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder as she tilted her book bag down for Phoebe to see. "I won't tell if you won't," she proposed while pointing at her own bag of chips.

Phoebe laughed in relief before waving at the other girl. "Hi, I'm Phoebe," she greeted cheerfully.

"I'm Charlene," she replied with a smile. "Actually, we've met. We even carpooled. Metaphysics 301, remember," Charlene reminded her.

"Oh, that's right, and your dad is the professor of that class, right?" Phoebe asked, the information suddenly popping back into her head.

Charlene nodded and let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, dirty rat, he gave me a 'C,'" she explained, shaking her head a little. "We don't get along with anything, even metaphysics. But I'm hoping that'll change when I finish my thesis and get published. He'll finally have to take me seriously," she continued before realizing that she was rambling about her family. "I'll quit before I start telling you about my mother," Charlene joked.

"No, it's okay. I've been studying here for so long it's nice to have someone to talk to," Phoebe admitted and then amended her statement. "Well, other than my sister." Charlene nodded in understanding. "So what's your thesis about?" Phoebe inquired eagerly.

"It's about the existence of demons in our world," Charlene answered.

Phoebe had to force her smile to remain on her face. "Demons?" she repeated nervously.

"Yeah, I've been researching for five years to prove that they're not just myths like my dad thinks, that they actually really do exist. I've got proof right here," Charlene elaborated while pointing down at the book that was open in front of her.

Phoebe just nodded and turned back to her papers. "It's very interesting," she offered.

Charlene didn't seem to notice Phoebe's hesitance with the subject. "But you believe in them too, don't you? I mean, you seem to in class. Certainly know a lot about them," Charlene stated.

Phoebe began waving her hand at the watch around her wrist. "Uh, it's really late, um, and I really gotta go. Okay," she mumbled as she hastily packed her stuff up in order to get out of answering a question. "It was really nice talking to you, Charlene. Take care okay."

Charlene waved in farewell. "Okay, good bye," she called.

"Bye," Phoebe returned and rushed off with her stuff.

Magic School

Paige followed the small bird into an empty room where the bird tweeted and landed on the back of a mirror. Paige glanced around the room warily as if she expected something to jump out at her. Nothing moved so she took her time scanning over everything. The room appeared as if it hadn't been used in years. There were bottles with unknown contents sitting along shelves, items of various shapes littered the room, furniture was stacked on top of each other, and the mirror… it was embroidered in black with symbols written along it. It was easily the most interesting item. Paige caught a flash of red next to her and she instinctively orbed. She reappeared in a defensive stance, a bolt of lightning shooting out of her hand.

Astral Prue sidestepped the magical attack at the last moment and glared at her youngest sister. "What was that for?" she demanded, hands on hips.

"Damn it, Prue, you scared me," Paige hissed in return. She flinched as the lightning struck a table that crashed to the ground near Astral Prue.

"We really need to work on your control of that power," Astral Prue stated with a concerned look at the furniture.

Paige just rolled her eyes. "What are you doing here?" she inquired curiously.

"Checking on you. Andy has nothing interesting going on at the station and I guessed that you probably were doing something exciting," Astral Prue explained. Astral Prue finally took a moment to survey her surroundings and a frown formed on her face. "What are you doing?" she returned Paige's former question.

Paige appeared a bit sheepish before allowing a slight shrug. "Following a hummingbird," Paige answered.

"A hummingbird?" Astral Prue repeated. She narrowed her eyes in concern at her youngest sister.

"Some kid told me it was a messenger and it led me here. See there it is," Paige insisted defensively while pointing at the little bird.

"Regardless, I think we should leave. This place is… dreary," Astral Prue replied.

Paige ignored her sister's warning and approached the mirror. "Can you read this by chance?" she called as she kneeled down in order to inspect the characters written around the mirror.

"Why would I be able to read that?" Astral Prue asked. She didn't receive a response so instead dropped to a knee next to Paige. She reached a hand out and wiped away the dust. As she did, the characters lit up and she suddenly felt like she was being sucked toward it. "Oh, oh, Paige!" she yelped.

"Oh!" Paige lunged forward to grab Prue before they both disappeared inside the mirror. Inside the mirror was definitely a strange sensation. The landscape seemed to stretch endlessly on all sides although the mirror remained right behind them. "Ooh… where are we?" Paige questioned nervously as she helped pull Prue to her feet.

Prue struggled a little with her beginning-to-grow stomach but was already scouring the immediate area. "Another plane, maybe," Prue guessed. She turned to face Paige to find her staring open-mouthed at a figure about 200 yards away. It didn't take long to realize why. "Jana?"

Paige started toward her friend in question with Prue keeping close and looking for any danger. "Jana?" Paige repeated. She narrowed her eyes at the translucent form of her best friend. "You are a…" she trailed off, not particularly fond of the next word.

"Ghost? Spirit?" Jana suggested. "Yeah, it's a shame really, but I was expecting it," she admitted with a sad smile at Paige. She lowered her gaze and the sisters looked down to see Jana's unmoving body on what appeared to be the floor of a cavern. Her smile faded while Paige hastily looked away and Prue seemed beyond words. Eventually Jana looked back up at the Halliwells. "I see you got my message," she offered.

"The hummingbird? Yeah, an interesting choice," Paige answered.

"I needed someone fast. They say Hermes the messenger god had hummingbird wings on his shoes and hat. That's how he got around so fast," Jana stated with a shrug.

Prue took a slow step forward. "And what exactly did you need Paige to come here for?" she pressed suspiciously.

Jana didn't answer but instead held her hands out for the two sisters. "Take my hand," Jana offered. Paige hesitated but a moment before clasping Jana's hand while Prue looked more wary. "You do not want to be left behind, believe me," Jana insisted so that Prue eventually took her hand as well. There was a gust of wind around them and the mirror once again lit up and all three were sucked back out. Paige collapsed back in the room that housed the mirror, seemingly unconscious. Astral Prue disappeared with a flash of red while Jana checked to make sure Paige was okay before she wisped out.

Berkeley Library

Charlene watched Phoebe leave and stood up from her chair before going to one of the bookshelves. She searched the aisle until she found the Encyclopedia of Demons. She took it off the shelf and jumped back with a yelp when she saw a face on the other side of the aisle. "Sorry, you scared me," Charlene apologized in relief.

She started to walk away when the demon called after. "Wait." The demon reached through the bookshelf and grabbed Charlene. She screamed as he pulled her inside. A scythe appeared in the demon's hand that he swung at Charlene.

A blast of fire at Charlene's feet sent her falling backwards so that the scythe scraped painfully across her stomach before she hit the ground.

The demon turned around to see the source of the fire to find Jana standing casually behind him. She waved her hand and the candles that lit the room flared up. A flick of her wrist had them rushing toward the demon to which he dashed off down the hall. Jana looked sadly at the dying student before stepping into Charlene's body.

The Halliwell Manor

Early the next morning found Andy standing next to the bed in his and Prue's bedroom. Prue was asleep in the bed while Andy leaned over her and lightly shook her. "Prue?" he called softly. All he received was a groan as Prue buried her face in her pillow. "Prue, wake up," Andy insisted, giving her a light poke in the side.

"What?" came Prue's slurred response.

"Are you alive?" Andy asked.

Prue let out another groan and lifted herself up on her elbows so she could face Andy without actually getting up. "What kind of question is that?" Prue returned.

"A valid one," Andy assured her. He stared at her in concern before placing a hand against her forehead as if checking for a fever.

Prue pushed his hand away and resigned herself to getting up. She flipped over and threw her legs over the side of the bed. "Why are you acting weird?" she inquired.

"You astral projected out last night to check on Paige and when you came back, you were unconscious," Andy explained, looking over her for any signs of her being hurt. "You seem fine," he admitted reluctantly.

"Hey, I astral projected to see Paige in my dream," Prue offered but then frowned as Andy stared at her. "You're right, probably wasn't a dream then," she conceded.

"Well, what happened? I haven't seen Paige…" Andy trailed off.

Prue narrowed her eyes in concentration. "It's a bit fuzzy," she remarked before continuing, "um, there was a mirror and a hummingbird…"

"A hummingbird?" Andy repeated in surprise.

Prue rolled her eyes at his tone of voice. "Yes, a hummingbird and… oh!" Prue exclaimed.

Andy frowned and waved for her to continue her thought. "And..." he prompted.

"Jana was there. She was a ghost," Prue finished.

Andy nodded and walked over to the closets. "You're right. I think it was a dream," he stated.

"Andy, it wasn't a dream. I need to find Paige," Prue insisted, jumping off the bed and starting for the door. At least until her vision blurred and forced her to grab onto the edge of the doorframe for support.

"Prue," Andy called. He ran to her side and quickly steadied her. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.

Prue rested her head against the side of the door. "Ugh, stood up too fast," she admitted. "I'm, uh, going to the bathroom," she added before rushing in the corresponding direction. She ignored the shower that was on as she ran in. "Piper, can you turn that off. I'm burning up enough, thank you," Prue pleaded while trying to ignore the stuffy and humid bathroom.

Andy waited outside the bathroom to give Piper her privacy. "I thought you were over morning sickness," he pointed out through the crack in the doorway.

"It's not morning sickness. Something just didn't agree with me," Prue argued without looking back at him. A flash of blue over by him caught her attention and she turned back. She looked behind Andy and smiled a little in relief. "Oh, Paige, I was just coming to look for you," she offered to the youngest Halliwell that had just appeared amidst the familiar lights.

Andy turned around and nodded to Paige while Paige just tilted her head to the side as she watched Prue. "You look like it," Paige joked.

"I was," Prue insisted. "Ask Andy."

"She wasn't," Andy answered to Paige's look. He smirked as Prue glared at him. "She's feeling a little off this morning," he added.

"Yeah, well, me too," Paige groaned. She slipped by Andy to get into the bathroom where she grabbed a bottle of aspirin. "Passing out on the floor wasn't a good idea."

Andy shook his head in disbelief. "You too?" he pressed.

"What happened with Jana?" Prue inquired, ignoring Andy.

Paige shrugged. "No idea. I'm going to go look for her… somewhere," Paige explained. She raised her hand when Andy opened his mouth to speak. "Don't ask how cause I have no idea." Her next question was for the room. "You wanna come?" she asked.

"Can't. Work," Andy explained.

"Yeah, I need to go down to the Haight," Prue declined as well. "Piper, will you feed the cat and go with Paige?" Prue called over the sound of the shower.

Piper came out of her room at that moment and her jaw dropped as she saw the small group congregating in/outside of the bathroom. "P-Prue, what are you doing in here?" Piper demanded which had everyone turning to look.

Andy's gaze flickered to Piper and then where the shower would be on the other side of the wall. "Phoebe?" he asked.

Prue and Paige spun around as the shower turned off and Leo's voice sounded from inside it. "Piper, can you hand me a towel?" Leo inquired just before shoving the shower curtain to the side. He paused when he saw Prue and Paige. "Prue? Paige?"

Prue's eyes widened and Paige turned a deep red. "Eww…" Paige exclaimed. She spun on her heel and walked out. "You've really got to warn me about this," she groaned as she left with the bottle of aspirin in hand.

Piper tossed a towel to Leo that he hastily pulled around him as Prue didn't appear to be leaving. "Prue, will you get out?" Piper prompted.

"Hey, sick pregnant woman here. You can't order me around," Prue returned. She seemed unfazed by the situation until Andy came in and dragged her out. "What? You don't have to be jealous," she insisted. Piper just exchanged a glance with Leo and shook her head, the two laughing softly.


Piper and Leo walked into the kitchen to find Phoebe asleep with her head on the kitchen table. Her books were scattered around her as if she had fallen asleep while studying. Piper walked up to her and leaned down. "Phoebe," Piper whispered. She didn't get a response so blew into the younger sister's ear.

Phoebe jumped in surprise and spun in her seat, searching for a clock. "It's eight o'clock. It's eight o'clock. I'm late for my finals," she exclaimed. She hastily began grabbing some papers and writing utensils.

Piper placed her hands on Phoebe's shoulders. "Phoebe, whoa, relax, it's Thursday. Your finals are tomorrow," she soothed.

"It's Thursday," Phoebe pressed.

"Yes," Piper answered, a faint smirk growing on her face.

Phoebe nodded slightly. "Today is Thursday? You're sure?" she questioned, earning a nod from Piper. She dropped back into her chair. "Okay, that's really good news," she admitted with a sigh of relief.

"Please tell me you didn't do another all-nighter," Piper pleaded.

"I can't," Phoebe answered.

"Phoebe…" Piper groaned.

Phoebe rolled her eyes at the prelude to a lecture. "What? Piper, what am I supposed to do?" she snapped before glancing over at Leo. "Hi, Leo," she greeted in a much more cheerful tone.

"Hey," Leo returned.

Piper was just shaking her head so Phoebe jumped to defend herself. "If I don't ace this final, I'm gonna flunk outta school because of all the demon hunting interruptions," Phoebe insisted.

"Still, Phoebe, you have to take care of yourself. You have to get some rest," Piper stated seriously.

"After," Phoebe promised. "Piper, I did not go back to college to fail at it, okay…" she trailed off until Piper gave a nod of acknowledgement. Her gaze flickered over all of her work. "So what do I have to do? Okay, I'm gonna go change and then Paige and I are gonna go to the library," Phoebe decided. Piper opened her mouth to say something but Phoebe continued before she could. "Now if any demons or warlocks attack, please just fend them off until Saturday," she pleaded.

Piper waited to see if Phoebe was done speaking or not. "You might want to talk to Paige about your plans. Hers might have changed," Piper suggested.

"Oh, no, she's not getting out of this one," Phoebe argued before turning to Leo. "You know, I have a question for you. Is it possible for someone to find proof that demons really do exist?" she asked.

Leo looked surprised by the question and just shrugged. "Mmm… I don't know, maybe. But even if anyone did, nobody would ever know about it anyway," Leo answered.

"What do you mean?" Phoebe inquired.

"Well, evil doesn't want anybody to know. It has a system for covering its tracks, protecting its identity. That's why demons disappear when you guys vanquish them," he explained.

"Why do you ask?" Piper questioned curiously.

Phoebe shrugged. "Just curious. Okay, adios," she offered before heading for the stairs. "Paige!" she called as she left.

Piper hurried a few steps after her. "Wait, wait, Phoebe. Um, don't you wanna sign dad's birthday card?"

Phoebe paused to look over her shoulder. "Why? He never sends me one," she pointed out.

Piper sighed as Phoebe walked out to find Paige. "She's right, he doesn't to any of us. So why do I keep trying? Am I just a sucker for punishment?" she asked, turning to face Leo.

"No. You keep trying because you never give up hope," Leo soothed while wrapping his arms around her. "That's one of the things I love about you. You never give up."

Piper tilted her head to the side. "Were you close to your dad?" she wondered aloud.

Leo hesitated at the topic. "Uhh, well, that was a long time ago. A different lifetime. I prefer to focus on the present," he dodged.

Piper glanced down at her watch. "So do I. Which means I have to go. I have a dentist appointment. How long can you stay?" she inquired.

"Uh, until they call," Leo offered.

"Well, if they don't call before lunch, why don't you meet me at the club? I'll buy," Piper suggested hopefully.

"Well, you'll have to. Whitelighter pay sucks," Leo joked before giving her a quick kiss. Piper smiled, patted his chest, and walked out the front door for her appointment.

The Haight

Prue paused at the edge of the street as she searched the crowd for the man in her photographs. She saw him sitting on a bench where the buses came by and slowly approached him. He didn't notice the extra attention until she stopped right in front of him. "Hi, uh, my name's Prue Halliwell," she introduced herself. "Err, Trudeau," Prue added with a slight shrug.

The man offered a faint smile and shook her hand professionally. "Cleavant Wilson," he returned.

Prue reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a business card which she gave him. "I'm a photographer with 415 Magazine and I'd like to know if it's okay if I take your picture," Prue explained.

"Why?" Cleavant asked.

"We're doing a feature called 'Faces in the City' and I'd love to include yours," Prue answered hopefully.

Cleavant studied her for a moment before he shook his head. "Not interested," he declined, passing the business card back to her. Prue appeared disappointed but Cleavant continued once he had pulled a flier out for her. "Although, I would appreciate it if you would include this one," he admitted.

Prue quickly scanned over the flier tilted 'Murdered' followed by a name and picture of a young girl. "Tyra L. Wilson?" Prue read.

"My daughter," Cleavant replied to her questioning voice. "She was murdered six and a half months ago right here waiting for a bus. I'm looking for a witness."

Prue was silent as she looked at the photo of the girl. "That's why you were here all day yesterday," she realized.

"That's why I'm here every day. I have been since the police quit on us. I'm not leaving until I find somebody who saw what happened," Cleavant explained.

"How can you be sure that you will?" Prue asked as she sat down on the bench next to him.

"I will," Cleavant insisted. "I have to be sure." He nodded to the flier in her hand. "So you gonna print that or not?" he pressed hopefully.

Prue played with the edge of the paper. "Actually, it's not really up to me," she admitted apologetically.

Cleavant didn't answer as a bus pulled up to the stop. He stood by the door and began passing out fliers when people departed the bus. "I'm looking for a witness, just looking for a witness," Cleavant called. The now-empty bus drove off and he rejoined Prue on the bench. "What?" he questioned upon noticing Prue's gaze following him.

"You two must have been very close," Prue realized, her voice soft.

"She was my daughter. It doesn't get any closer," Cleavant stated.

Prue placed the flier in her bag while also searching for her cell. "You know, my husband is, um, an inspector and I have another really good friend, you know, maybe I can call them, see if they have any ideas who did it," she offered.

"I know who did it," Cleavant interrupted so that Prue stopped searching to look back at him. "The punk who owns that pawn shop across the street, Gibbs. He killed my little girl," he accused with a nod to the said shop.

"Why?" Prue questioned. She could just see the accused man smoking a cigar outside the door of the pawn shop.

Cleavant just shrugged. "Wrong place, wrong time. Everybody knows he did it. The problem is, he's got everyone too afraid to talk."

The Halliwell Manor

"Are you ready yet, Paige?" Phoebe called as she left her room with her bag thrown over her shoulder. "Paige?" she repeated upon receiving no answer. Phoebe frowned and let herself into Paige's room to find her sister sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Sorry, I'm ready," Paige answered, shaking herself out of her reverie. She flipped her own book bag over her shoulder and passed Phoebe through the door.

Phoebe frowned and placed her hands on her hips. "What did Piper mean when she said you might have changed your plans?" Phoebe asked, correctly guessing that it was related to Paige's strange attitude.

"I'm trying to figure out how to track down a ghost," Paige replied casually.

Phoebe followed after Paige with a thoughtful expression. "Why would that be exactly?" she wondered.

Paige didn't immediately say anything as she walked down the stairs. "I saw Jana yesterday. Prue and I," she explained hesitantly. The topic of Jana had been a sore spot between the two youngest Halliwells for awhile now.

"Oh," Phoebe allowed. "Look, Paige, I didn't mean what I said about Jana. If you believe she's a friend then she probably is. I shouldn't have said what I did without any proof," she apologized after a long silence.

Paige just shrugged as she thought back on the journal. "It's fine. You could be right anyways," Paige admitted. "I just need to talk to her and find out," she insisted.

Phoebe suddenly stopped so that Paige paused to look over her shoulder curiously. "Jana's the ghost?" Phoebe realized. Paige gave the faintest of nods. "If you'd rather try and find her…"

Paige held her hand up for Phoebe to stop speaking. "I don't know where to start. It wouldn't do to fail my classes," she interrupted. "I'll just keep thinking up ways and maybe I'll get lucky," she added optimistically.

"And I'll help," Phoebe offered before sheepishly running a hand through her hair. "You know, if you want," Phoebe amended.

Paige just smiled and waved for Phoebe to follow her. "Come on, we have finals to be studying for," she called.

Andy walked in from the kitchen to meet them in the foyer. "I thought you two had left," he stated.

"Working on it," Phoebe admitted. "You going somewhere?" she asked, noting Andy's work attire.

"I'll drive you to the library," Andy decided as an answer.

"You want to go to the library?" Paige inquired curiously.

Andy smirked and shook his head. "Darryl just called me in. There was an assault near the library," he explained.

"So you have to go to work," Phoebe finished and then exchanged a glance and a smile with Paige. "And Prue would be upset if you didn't escort us safely into the building," she added.

"Something like that," Andy allowed before leading the way to the car.


Leo rushed at Dan and the two crashed into one of the tables that shattered beneath their combined weight. Dan shoved himself to his feet with Leo mirroring his actions. Leo was a bit too slow and received a punch in the face but he retaliated with a punch of his own in Dan's stomach. Dan doubled over, narrowly dodging another punch aimed at his head and threw Leo into the floor. Leo rolled with the force and landed on his feet while Dan ran him up against the wall.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Piper yelled as she walked in. She flicked her wrists and froze the two men just before Dan slammed Leo with his fist again. She stared at the scene for several moments before throwing her hands in the air. "Okay, you first," Piper decided. With a wave of her finger, Leo unfroze. He seemed confused for a moment but moved away from Dan's fist which would have hit him squarely in the jaw. "What the hell is going on here?" Piper demanded before he could get too comfortable.

"Don't ask me. He just came in here punching," Leo insisted.

Piper placed her hands on her hips. "Dan did? Well, what did you do to him?" she questioned.

"What did I do?" Leo repeated in disbelief. "Nothing."

"Oh, come on, Leo, he had to have a reason," Piper retorted.

"Like losing you isn't enough of a reason," Leo countered.

Piper shook her head and scanned over the damage done to her club. "We haven't been together for months, Leo. Something had to bring it on," she snapped in reply. "Get back to your position. Go on," Piper ordered when it became apparent that Leo had nothing more to say.

Leo stared at her. "Are you kidding me? He's about to clock me," he exclaimed.

Piper didn't appear sympathetic to his problem. "I'm sorry. I can't help you with that. Let's go. Let's go," she prompted while waving her hands.

Leo sighed and carefully maneuvered himself into position. As soon as Piper moved her hand, he moved his head to the side so that Dan's hand connected with the wall behind him.

"Ow!" Dan yelled, shaking out his hand while just noticing Piper. "Piper? Where did you come from?" he questioned.

"I'll be the one asking the questions," Piper stated. "What the hell is going on?" she repeated the question she had asked Leo.

Dan glared over at Leo. "I don't know, why don't you ask him," Dan suggested harshly.

"I did. I mean, I will. I'm asking you first," Piper replied.

"You know what? I just gotta go," Dan growled before shoving by Leo and Piper for the door.

Piper stared after him in disbelief. "Dan, wait!" she called but was only answered by the door shutting. She spun back to face Leo but noticed he was looking up at the ceiling. "Oh no you don't. They can wait…"

"I'm sorry. I have to go," Leo offered before orbing out.

"Leo!" Piper screamed after him. She stamped her foot in frustration as he obviously ignored her.

Berkeley Library

Andy pulled his car up to the edge of the police tape and got out with the two youngest sisters following him. "Excuse me," Andy apologized as he made a path through the crowd with his police mark leading the way.

"Yes, excuse us," Phoebe repeated. She had Paige's hand and walked through the wake Andy had made. When they made it to the edge, they could just see Darryl taking pictures of the evidence.

"Hey, Darryl," Paige called over the crowd while Andy ducked under the police tape to join his partner.

Darryl glanced up at his name and approached the sisters and Andy. "About time, Trudeau," he stated before narrowing his eyes calculatingly at the two sisters with him. "Don't tell me. Demons, right? Or is it warlocks this time?" Darryl inquired.

"What are you talking about Darryl?" Phoebe asked in confusion.

Darryl turned to Andy while pointing at Paige and Phoebe. "That's why you brought them right?" he guessed.

Andy just looked as confused as the two sisters. "What makes you think demons did this?" he questioned after a moment.

"They're not here about this?" Darryl pressed, earning a shake of the head from the other three.

"No, Darryl. Contrary to popular belief, not every crime in this city is demonically related or Halliwell related for that matter," Phoebe insisted.

Paige pointed toward the library. "We were coming to study when Andy hitched a ride with us. So what happened?"

"A college student. She was assaulted and taken to the hospital already. It was critical from what I saw," Darryl explained as much for Andy as the sisters. "Some kind of blade was the weapon of choice. We're searching the perimeter for it," he added.

"Weapon wasn't left behind?" Andy asked to which Darryl shook his head.

"Not that it's not very exciting listening to you two work…" Paige interrupted their conversation.

"… Do you know who the student was?" Phoebe wondered, following Paige's train of thought.

Darryl pulled his notepad out. "Charlene Hughes," he answered after a moment.

Phoebe groaned and dropped her head into her hands. "Charlene," she sighed.

"You know her?" Darryl asked as much as stated. Andy and Paige glanced worriedly over at her.

"I saw her last night in the library," Phoebe admitted. "Do you know where she was taken?" she demanded hopefully.

Darryl shook his head. "Not yet," he replied apologetically.

Paige frowned and shifted so that she could see the library. "That's kind of scary. The attacker wasn't caught, was he?" she guessed.

"You two just stay together," Andy suggested as an answer. "Stay out of dark, scary places and I'll try and find some information on Charlene for you," he added for Phoebe.

Phoebe nodded gratefully before she and Paige walked to the library and Darryl and Andy went to work solving the crime.


Phoebe and Paige found an empty table where they dropped their bags. "Hey, Paige," another voice had Paige turning around to see who was speaking to her.

"Charlene?" Phoebe exclaimed in her surprise. She threw a hand over her mouth as several people glanced over at her for being loud.

Charlene glanced down at herself. "Is that the girl's name?" she asked with a thoughtful expression.

Paige's mouth formed an 'O' and she took a step forward. "Jana?" she questioned.

Charlene's face formed a large smile. "I haven't thanked you for letting me out last night…"

"What did you do to Charlene?" Phoebe demanded.

Charlene's hand moved to play with a lock of her hair. "Saved her from a demon or at least tried. It took longer than I expected to…"

"Did you possess her?" Phoebe interrupted in disbelief.

"That's one way to put it, I guess," Jana admitted but hastily continued as Phoebe looked horrified. "If I hadn't, she'd already be dead," she defended with a pleading look to Paige.

Paige just stared at her for a minute. "I'm really confused," Paige stated.

"I'll let you talk to Charlene," Jana offered.

A second later had Charlene glancing nervously from Paige to Phoebe. "Phoebe, do you have any aspirin?" she asked.

"Charlene?" Phoebe questioned while exchanging a glance with Paige.

"Yeah?" Charlene returned before leaning against a table. "I feel kind of strange," she mumbled.

Paige just shook her head. "Uh oh."


Piper continued to sweep up the broken glass and wood into piles which she then disposed of in one of the large trashcans. The telephone hooked to the bar was between her ear and her shoulder while she called Dan's work in the hopes that he would be there.

"Okay, just tell Dan that I called again, okay…" Piper wished with a hint of irritation still in her voice. "No, believe me, he knows what it's about… Thank you," she appreciated before hanging up just as Phoebe, Paige, and Charlene came down the stairs. "They're both ducking me," Piper exclaimed upon noticing them.

"Who both?" Phoebe asked and then paused at the bottom of the stairs as she took in the damage to the club. "What happened in here?" she demanded.

"Wasn't another demon was it?" Paige followed.

Piper shook her head. "No demons. Just Dan and Leo. I found them in here beating the crap out of each other and neither of them will tell me why," Piper relayed the events of her day.

"Dan and Leo?" Paige repeated in disbelief.

Charlene nudged Phoebe in the back with her elbow so that Phoebe glanced back at her. "Well, I hate to top that but we have a ghost friend that's possessed the body of another student after that aforementioned student was attacked by a demon and left to die," Phoebe announced.

Piper didn't appear to follow the explanation. "Huh?"

Paige pulled Charlene forward for Piper to see. "This is Jana," she replied.

"Our Jana?" Piper questioned, her eyes narrowing over Charlene.

"Nice to see you again, Piper. I heard you finally got back with Leo," Jana greeted, obviously hoping for the current status of Piper and Leo's relationship.

Paige interrupted before Piper could reply. "We can talk about that later," she stated so that Charlene frowned but let it drop.

"Anyways, Jana is a ghost that possessed Charlene's body," Phoebe continued her explanation.

"Possessed? Isn't that bad?" Piper inquired.

Charlene sighed dramatically. "Look, as I was trying to say before, if I hadn't Charlene would already be dead. If I leave, she dies," Jana attempted to explain for the second time.

"That's problematic. And, uh, does she know that?" Paige wondered curiously.

"No…" Jana admitted while running a hand through Charlene's hair.

"No as in she doesn't know that she was dying or no as in she doesn't know you possessed her?" Phoebe pressed suspiciously.

"Both, I imagine," Jana answered.

Piper rolled her eyes and slipped onto one of the bar stools. "You're right. Yours does top mine," she sighed. "So what demon is it this time?" she prompted.

Everyone looked over at Charlene who blanched at the question. "Uh, one with a scythe…" Jana offered. "… in that building I was in…"

"You don't know?" Phoebe realized.

"Well, we can look in the Book of Shadows later," Paige decided before Jana could respond. "I think we should be working out how to tell Charlene what's going on," she pointed out.

"She also may have more information on the demon that killed her," Piper stated thoughtfully.

Phoebe didn't appear to like the idea. "Does that involve having to tell her that she could be dying and that she's been possessed? I would probably freak out if that happened," Phoebe admitted. She turned to face Jana. "How can she not know anyways?" she asked.

Charlene shrugged. "Only one of us can be in control at once…"

"Sometimes it takes a while for them to accept it, get over the shock," Piper added.

Charlene pointed enthusiastically at Piper. "That too," she agreed.

"So, Pheebs, how you going to explain it to her?" Paige prompted.

"Me? Why do I have to?" Phoebe exclaimed.

"Because she actually knows you," Paige pointed out.

Phoebe dropped her head into her arms. "Why today of all days?" she groaned. She peeked over her arm at Piper. "You know, Piper…"

Piper held her hand up for Phoebe to quit talking. "No, you know how this works. You were meant to help her just as Paige was meant to help Jana and probably you two were meant to work together to fix all of this. There is a reason," Piper interrupted.

"Is it the same as how you're meant to deal with Dan and Leo?" Paige teased, earning a glare from Piper as the elder Halliwell went back to sweeping the floors.

San Francisco Police Department

Prue walked up to the main squad room just as Darryl was coming out with a file in hand. "Darryl," Prue called to get his attention.

Darryl looked up and pointed at her emphatically. "Oh, see, I knew I was right the first time. You guys don't give me nearly enough credit," he exclaimed while pulling Prue along with him.

"Credit?" Prue repeated in confusion.

Darryl leaned closer to Prue so others couldn't overhear their conversation. "First, Andy and I got put on this case. Then Phoebe and Paige. Now you. I've learned by now if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck…"

Prue smiled, completely at a loss as to what he was going on about. "Alright, Darryl. What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Demons. You're here to tell Andy and me what got Charlene, right?" Darryl guessed.

"Okay, number one- I have no idea who Charlene is, number two- I'm here to talk about Cleavant Wilson's daughter, Tyra," Prue explained before glancing around the room. "My husband around here somewhere?" she inquired.

Darryl wrapped an arm around her shoulder and steered her in another direction. "Down this way," he answered as to the whereabouts of Andy. "Now Tyra? She wasn't killed by demons," he stated, his voice radiating his own confusion.

"No, but you guys have an idea of who killed her, right?" Prue pressed hopefully.

"Yeah, we've got a pretty good idea," Darryl admitted with a hint of hesitation.

"Just a pretty good idea?" Prue pushed.

Darryl rolled his eyes and nodded. "Alright, a very good idea. Why are you so interested?" he demanded.

Prue shrugged in reply. "Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. I just, I'm drawn to him for some reason and usually that means to help."

"Unless you can magically turn up a witness, I doubt there's anything you can do," Darryl insisted before realizing exactly what he had said. "You can't, right? Magically?" he asked.

Prue shook her head and crossed her arms across her chest in disappointment. "No, if I could do that, Darryl, Cleavant wouldn't be out there giving up his life trying to find one," she pointed out.

Darryl sighed upon seeing the frustration in her. "You really wanna help? Convince him to give up trying, help him to move on. No one is ever going to testify against Gibbs. We've been down that road," Darryl suggested.

"He is never going to give up trying, Darryl. Alright, his daughter was his entire life and why are you guys so okay with giving up?" Prue snapped back.

"Look, Gibbs owns that street, okay. Tyra was probably gunned down because she saw something he didn't want her to see and short of us finding a witness or him walking up on the street and confessing, there's nothing we can do," Darryl insisted.

Prue stared at him for a moment as a thought occurred to her. "Maybe there is something I can do," she whispered. She didn't offer Darryl another word before hurrying for the door although Darryl quickly overtook her and caught her by the arm.

"No, okay, Gibbs killed a child already. I do not want to add you and your daughter to his list," Darryl argued seriously.

"It doesn't involve confronting him," Prue assured while trying to slip her arm from his grip.

Darryl didn't reply but kept leading Prue down the hall. "Andy is this way," he offered.


"…Are you sure…" Andy questioned, surprise radiating in his voice. He had his phone to his ear as he conversed with the hospital that Charlene had been taken to. "…when?... I will get on that immediately," Andy assured whoever was on the phone before hanging up. "Henry?" he called.

"Yeah, man," Henry replied from his seat at a desk on the other side of the room.

Andy didn't look up from pulling out his and Darryl's file on Charlene's case. "Can you put a BOLO out on Charlene Hughes? Twenty-one year old female. Blonde hair, blue eyes, about 5'4''" he asked.

Henry frowned and quickly pulled up his computer. "Where was she last seen?" he inquired while typing out the information Andy had already said.

"Bay Area Hospital. She could be hurt," Andy answered. He was already dialing another number into his phone. "Hey, Pheebs, it's Andy. Listen Charlene disappeared from the hospital earlier this morning…" he began only to trail off as Phoebe interrupted him. "…Really? With Paige?" he frowned as Henry glanced up curiously upon hearing Paige's name. "…Thanks. I'll talk to you later," Andy offered and then hung up.

"You know the victim?" Henry observed with guarded curiosity.

"Phoebe knows her," Andy corrected. Henry looked as if he was going to ask something else so Andy quickly changed the subject. "Can you do me a favor and call Paige? Tell her to get over here?" he suggested, fairly certain Henry would jump at the offer.

Henry's answer didn't disappoint. "On it," he agreed, rather cheerfully picking up the phone Andy had abandoned.

"Hey, Trudeau, guess who I found," Darryl called while half-dragging Prue into the room with him.

Andy raised an eyebrow. "Better not be rough handling her," he stated in a joking tone. "Everything okay?" he asked Prue.

Prue gave Darryl a mock glare before approaching Andy. "Yeah, I was just on my way back home to put a bad guy in jail," she explained off-handedly.

"Who?" Andy wondered aloud.

"Gibbs," Darryl replied. "Killed Tyra Wilson six months ago," he elaborated when Andy didn't immediately catch on.

Andy's smile fell as he remembered the case. "Of all the cases, Prue, you had to pick that one?" Andy inquired in disbelief.

"Homeland Security," Henry guessed with a point at Prue. Everyone turned to look curiously at his outburst. "You work with Homeland Security on cold cases," he repeated, eyeing Prue thoughtfully.

"I wish. I bet they get paid more than me," Prue stated with a soft laugh at the guess which couldn't have been much farther from the truth. "Get back to talking to my sister," she ordered.

Henry just shrugged, apparently unconcerned with being wrong. "I'm not even going to ask how you know I'm calling Paige but I will find out eventually," Henry warned her.

Prue smirked over at him. "Good luck," Prue offered teasingly.

Andy chuckled and wrapped an arm around Prue's waist. "Tell Paige to leave her friend at home before you get started trying to find a night that she's free," he added. Henry made a face and picked up the telephone and its cradle before walking out of the room.

"Why do you need Paige?" Prue questioned curiously.

"Charlene, the victim of our current case, has apparently met up with Phoebe and Paige," Andy explained with a glance at Darryl. "Don't ask how or why because I don't have an answer," he added.

"I knew it," Darryl announced. "It's demons again." Prue and Andy exchanged a smile while Darryl silently dared them to argue with his observation.


Piper proceeded to hang up posters advertising the appearance of the Goo Goo Dolls after her sisters left and she managed to clean up the damage done to her club. She paused as a truck pulled up to the curb and Dan got out.

"I got your messages. All eight of them," Dan explained as he walked hesitantly up to stand in front of her.

Piper crossed her arms, suddenly feeling very much like a teacher in the middle of fight between kids. "So you wanna tell me what the fight was about?" she asked.

"Actually, I was hoping Leo would but I gather that he hasn't," Dan guessed to which Piper couldn't deny.

"He's, uh, unreachable apparently," Piper admitted.

Dan ran a hand through his hair. "You know, this is very awkward for me. I don't want to come across as the jealous ex because that isn't what this is about. That's why I went to Leo first…" he began, pausing to judge Piper's reaction. He continued when she didn't say anything. "… See, I started it. I came at him very hard with this…" Dan held up a file for Piper to see that she hadn't noticed before.

"What is…?" Piper started.

Dan didn't immediately hand the file over to her. "Remember my brother-in-law who works for the state department when I asked him about Leo? Well, he found something that wasn't right with Leo's army records," Dan stated.

"Dan…" Piper interrupted with a shake of her head as she knew what was coming.

"I know, I asked him not to go any deeper but Leo's records were suddenly put under protection and he just had to. He sent me this. Something very unusual," Dan explained while holding the folder out to her. Piper took it but made no move to look at what was inside. "Leo isn't who he says he is. What you do with that is all up to you. You know, I'm still here for you. I'm still your friend…" Dan whispered before going back to his car.

Prue's Car

"What? Leo's married?" Prue exclaimed in her surprise.

"Yeah, there's a picture of her in his army file being presented his purple heart after he died," Piper replied while looking at the picture. "She's pretty. Her name's Lillian," she added before trailing off. She sounded a little sad when she continued. "Prue, why didn't he tell me about her? Why would he hide that from me?" she asked.

Prue made a face at Piper's change in tone. She was not fond of hearing Piper upset. "I don't know, sweetie, you have to ask him," Prue stated in as soothing a voice as she could.

"Well, I'd love to but he's conveniently out of the calling area at the moment. Leave it to me to fall in love with an angel that happens to be married," Piper grumbled with a hint of bitterness in her voice. "Prue, maybe he didn't tell me about her because he's still in love with her," she fretted as the thought popped into her head.

Prue was already shaking her head. "No, come on. How do you know she's even still alive?" she questioned.

Piper fidgeted nervously. "Well, I sorta did a little internet search. I was thinking maybe I should go have a chat with her," she admitted.

"No, Piper, I don't think that's a very good idea but, um, speaking of chats, I need to go talk to this pawn shop guy before he closes, okay? So we'll talk later?" Prue pressed.

"Yeah, okay," Piper agreed.

"Oh, and if it just so happens to slip your mind when talking to Andy or Darryl, that would be great," Prue added hopefully which earned a soft laugh from Piper.


Piper rolled her eyes good-naturedly at Prue's wish and silently agreed to it. Her smile faded into a thoughtful expression as she returned to looking through Leo's army file and invariably to the woman he had married. Lillian. She caught a flash of pink from the corner of her eye and she instinctively flicked her wrists. Piper let out a sigh of relief when she recognized the man that had magically appeared beside her. Another casual wave and Coop was unfrozen.

"Coop," she greeted pleasantly. "Do you make a habit of appearing to your charges in person?" Piper inquired with a half-smile at the family cupid.

The cupid shrugged and took a seat next to Piper at the bar. "Do you make a habit of second-guessing your instincts?" Coop returned, a hint of a tease in his voice.

Piper found her gaze drawn back to the picture in front of her. "Wouldn't you know?" she asked.

Coop chuckled softly and fell silent a moment before replying, "Normally I would just slow time and nudge you in the appropriate direction. However, I prefer to help your family in person. It seems that's close to the only time you listen," he answered her first question. "So what do you say, Piper?" Coop offered his hand to her.

"What do you have in mind?" Piper questioned curiously.

"The old cliché, drive your fears away," he replied. Coop glanced pointedly at his hand. "Don't leave me hanging," he joked. Piper rolled her eyes again but gratefully took his hand before Coop beamed them out.

The Pawn Shop

Prue's levity was short-lived as she stepped inside the pawn shop. The first thing she thought was the place needed more lighting. It was dreary at best. The second thing- it was crowded and difficult to maneuver around. Her thoughts were interrupted by Gibbs coming around behind her.

"We're closed," he announced with barely a glance at her.

Prue glanced down at her watch. "Well, it's only a quarter…"

"I said we're closed," Gibbs interrupted harshly. "Get the hell outta here," he ordered, pointing at the door.

Prue barely batted an eye at his outburst. "You know, you don't scare me," she returned.

Gibbs took a step toward her. "Well, then, you're stupid lady. And stupid people don't last long in this neighborhood. Ask around," Gibbs snapped. He turned away from her and started to walk away when the rug he was walking across rose up. He tripped, barely maintaining his balance. Prue glanced down at her hands in confusion but looked back up to find Gibbs glaring at her. "If you know what's good for you and that kid, get out."

"Are you threatening me?" Prue inquired, a hint of anger lacing her words while she took several steps toward him.

"What are you? A reporter? Do you work for the D.A.'s office? What?" Gibbs questioned but Prue didn't move to answer. "I've seen you over there talking to that dead kid's old man. I know what you want," he stated.

"Is that right?" Prue countered, feigning thoughtfulness.

A cocky grin crossed Gibbs' face as he leaned down toward her. "Yeah, and you ain't getting it. Nobody's gonna mouth on me. Nobody. You're just wasting your time and you're trespassing," he warned.

Prue stared at him calculatingly for a split moment before she slipped around him. "You know, it must be something living off other people's pain. I hope it doesn't come back to haunt you," Prue offered. She ran a hand through her hair and subtly flicked a finger so that her telekinesis brought an accordion from its spot to hit Gibbs in the side. With that she slammed the door behind her. She stopped a few feet from the pawn shop upon seeing Cleavant continuing to pass out flyers. His eyes met hers until he broke the gaze and returned to his seat on the bench.

The Halliwell Manor

Phoebe led Charlene into the solarium where she debated whether they should be sitting down or not to break the news. Charlene glanced around the room before offering a shrug. "So you know what you're going to say?" Jana asked.

"Not yet," Phoebe admitted while biting her lip slightly.

"Are we just going to wing it?" Jana guessed.

"Probably," Phoebe answered. She took a deep breath to steady herself and then nodded to Charlene. "Let Charlene back in control," she ordered. A second hadn't passed before Phoebe chickened out, luckily before Jana had relinquished control. "If I call for you, will you be able to hear and take back over?" Phoebe inquired curiously.

Charlene tilted her head to the side before slowly shaking her head. "If that was the case then Charlene should know what is going on by now by hearing our conversations. I'll just pop in every ten minutes or so," Jana offered.

Phoebe frowned, unsure of how it actually worked. "And you can just do that?" In response, Charlene just shrugged so that Phoebe sighed dramatically. "Okay, just go," she allowed.

There was a moment before Charlene began looking around her in confusion. She narrowed her eyes at Phoebe. "Phoebe, where are we?" she asked, her tone of voice changing completely than when Jana was talking.

"Maybe we should have stayed in the library," Phoebe realized under her breath.

Charlene just looked more confused at Phoebe's words. "When did we leave?" she pressed. "Is something wrong, Phoebe?" Charlene demanded.

Phoebe jumped at the question. "Um, yes, actually, there is, Charlene," she admitted but then trailed off. Charlene raised her eyebrows in a silent prompt for her to continue. "Okay, so the reason you've been feeling weird and suddenly appearing places is because…" she stopped again.

"Because…" Charlene repeated pointedly.

"Okay, um, you were attacked last night while in the library and you were really hurt. This friend of mine, err, tried to save you but actually ended up… controlling you, kinda. We've sorta been talking to try and find a way to fix it," Phoebe managed to get out. "And that's why you feel weird. There's like two of you battling for control," she added but then regretted it as she realized how it sounded.

"Excuse me?" was the only thing Charlene could say.

Phoebe took another deep breath. "Okay, Charlene just stay calm for a minute. That weird feeling, just think about it. It probably feels like you're being watched or something. I know that she's aware of you so there must be a way for you to be aware of her too," Phoebe continued.

Charlene stared at Phoebe as if she had gone crazy. "What are you saying?" she inquired.

Phoebe threw her hands in the air in frustration at the situation. "I am saying that a demon attacked you last night and you were dying and a friend of my possessed you to try and save you. That is what I am saying," she explained.

"That is ridiculous," Charlene stated in a condescending tone.

Phoebe looked slightly horrified that Charlene didn't believe her despite the fact that she probably wouldn't have believed herself either. "Charlene, just trust me. I'm trying to help you," she insisted.

"I think you're the one that needs help. Not me," Charlene countered. She was already turning her back on Phoebe and walking toward the foyer where she could see what she assumed was the front door.

"No, Charlene, wait. Surely you've read this kind of stuff in your books while writing your thesis. The ability for a mortal to be saved from near death by a ghost's energy? Just look it up in your books," Phoebe pleaded while pointing at Charlene's bags which lay next to one of the solarium chairs. Charlene didn't reply but just walked out. Phoebe stomped her foot before sighing loudly. She walked over to the books and picked one out to find the proof for herself. Phoebe jerked and felt as if she was being pulled into two different directions while simultaneously feeling the whirling power of her premonitions.

She opened her eyes and spun around upon hearing the bone-chilling sound of a knife against stone. Her eyes widened as a demon held the scythe, the source of the noise, above his head where it scraped along the ceiling. A scream escaped her as the scythe came down upon her.

Phoebe collapsed to the ground, her hands at her throat. She pulled one hand away to find her blood dripping down her arm. "Leo…" she gasped.

A swirl of orbs next to her materialized into Leo. "Phoebe!" he yelled and dropped down beside her. His hands immediately began to glow as she was healed and Phoebe relaxed back into the floor, her breaths coming in deep gasps.

San Francisco Police Department

Andy was at his desk, reading the file in front of him while Darryl sat across from him with his own file. "So really, there is no way we can solve this case?" Darryl asked with a hint of frustration in his tone. He looked up when Andy didn't answer. "Trudeau," he called before tossing a pen at his partner to gain his attention.

Andy reflexively flinched as the pen hit him in the shoulder. "What?" he questioned.

"You weren't listening," Darryl stated, rolling his eyes.

"No, I wasn't," Andy agreed and then looked back down at the case file in front of him. He swiveled his chair around and typed something into the database search on his computer.

Darryl narrowed his eyes. "What are you working on, man?" he called.

"Tyra Wilson's murder," Andy replied.

Darryl raised his eyebrows and waited for some elaboration. When he didn't get any, he continued. "How are you planning on solving the cold case?" he prompted.

Andy shrugged slightly. "Talked to the previous lead detective and found he was transferred to the east coast. He said the lack of public cooperation and some contamination of the crime scene kept the investigation from moving forward, but he also said that there was a group of men, potential drug dealers, caught on camera near the crime scene at the time of the murder. His next step before he was transferred was to see if any of them could be identified. Whenever he was transferred, the case was taken in a different direction," Andy explained while continuing to type something into the database. "I had Franklin blow up the scene and run their faces through the database."

"And?" Darryl pressed, appearing impressed.

Andy held up a piece of paper for Darryl to see. "I have a list of names. I'm running the names through to see if we already have someone in custody," he added. "If we do…"

"We can debrief with the prisoner," Darryl finished for him. "Not bad, Trudeau," he admitted. "You called Prue yet?"

"No, actually wanted to have something useful before I did," Andy answered.

"You should. She's probably doing her own thing already," Darryl pointed out.

Andy frowned at the thought. "Probably," he sighed. "I'm all for her fighting crime and all but I would prefer if she would pick cases where the suspect would think twice before shooting a pregnant woman."

"You and me both, man. I guess we better hurry up and find something before she gets too far," Darryl decided.

Paige suddenly dropped down into a seat next to Andy. "Hey, officers, you wanted to see me?" she asked cheerfully.

"Paige, how's our victim?" Darryl returned about the same time Andy's computer made a soft ding.

Andy quickly read over the words and practically jumped out of his chair. Paige shoved her chair back in order to avoid getting hit by him. "I have to go talk to the captain," Andy offered as he grabbed up his jacket.

"What about me?" Paige exclaimed feigning disbelief.

"I trust you can handle it, Squirt," Andy answered. He smiled, ruffled her hair just because he knew she would get mad, and rushed off before she could say anything.

Paige irritably flattened her hair and watched him leave with a curious expression. "Does that mean he doesn't need me?" she wondered aloud.

"Safe bet," Darryl replied with a soft chuckle.

"Aren't you going to find out what he's doing?" Paige questioned.

Darryl shook his head. "Not even gonna try. He'll come tell me when he finds something," he stated.

Paige caught sight of Henry at a copy machine just down the hall where he was talking to a couple of other officers. "Well, in that case, I guess you don't need me either," she decided. She waited until Darryl gave her a faint nod before she approached Henry.

The two officers spotted her first and apparently alerted Henry to her presence as the parole officer turned to face her. "They finished interrogating you already?" Henry asked after waving the other officers away.

Paige watched them leave with narrowed eyes. "They gave up trying to crack me," she joked.

"Is that it?" Henry returned, chuckling softly.

"More or less," Paige insisted before her smile faded slightly. "About lunch… I know I agreed but…"

"You're friend," Henry guessed so that Paige looked confused. "You had plans already with your friend that Andy told you not to bring," he elaborated with a knowing smile.

Paige blinked and eventually nodded. "Yeah, I kinda didn't think before I answered. You're not upset?" she asked hesitantly.

"You answered 'yes' without thinking which means you really would like to go to lunch," Henry pointed out. "I can wait for a more convenient time," Henry assured her.

"Oh," Paige mumbled, appearing a little embarrassed. "Well, that was easier than I thought," she admitted.

Henry smirked and pulled out his car keys. "I was going to have to cancel anyways. Meeting got rescheduled," he explained.

Paige placed her hands on her hips in disbelief. "You could have said that before I said what I did," Paige accused.

"Would you like a ride?" Henry offered, conveniently changing the subject.

Paige looked as if she wanted to argue more but instead decided she could give him grief in the car. "Sure, I would like a ride," she agreed. Henry frowned at the look she gave him and ran a nervous hand through his hair before leading her down the hallway.

The Halliwell Manor

"Phoebe? Are you here?" Prue's voice called from the front door the moment she had opened it.

"In here," Phoebe returned. She looked up from the Book of Shadows as she heard Prue's hurried footsteps closing in.

"What's the emergency?" Prue demanded while her eyes scanned the solarium for some kind of evidence of a problem. "What are you doing with the book?" she followed suspiciously.

Phoebe turned her gaze back to the book in front of her. "Oh, I'm just looking for the demon that's going to kill me. I just love getting those premonitions," she sighed.

Prue's eyes widened and she took another few steps forward. "Oh, okay, what premonition? When?" Prue pressed.

"About an hour ago. Right after I was trying to tell Charlene that Jana possessed her last night," Phoebe explained with a shrug. "I touched that book over there and wham!" she added with a point in the corresponding direction of the culprit.

Prue remained silent for a moment and slowly dropped into a chair. "I'm lost," she admitted.

Phoebe stared at her in confusion before she realized Prue hadn't been filled in as of yet. "Oh, sorry, wrong sister," she laughed but quickly sobered at the information she had to share. "Cliff notes version, Charlene is a student who found proof that demons really do exist and this demon right here…" Phoebe pointed at a picture in the Book of Shadows, "… Libris, tried to kill her last night and would have succeeded except Jana, who I believe you and Paige released from somewhere last night, possessed her in order to save her as well as keep her own spirit grounded for some reason I have yet to learn," she finished in one long breath. "Oh, and when I had my premonition, this same demon sliced my throat, and, w ell, Leo had to heal me," she added as an afterthought.

"Wait, what? You were actually hurt by your premonition?" Prue exclaimed.

Phoebe nodded slowly. "Something really weird is going on with our powers. I mean, first Paige gets and advancement and now me? It's too coincidental," she stated.

"What makes you think it's an advancement?" Prue inquired. "Maybe a demon did something to…"

"It felt like my premonitions. Until I woke up, dying, obviously. Leo went to check with the elders to see if they know anything," Phoebe interrupted.

Prue frowned, not quite ready to drop the argument despite Phoebe obviously wanting to. She finally sighed and looked at the page on the Libris demon. "There are a whole bunch of Libris demons out there. Wherever mortals have the potential to find unequivocal proof of the existence of demons," Prue read aloud.

"Yeah, talk about your conspiracy theories," Phoebe remarked.

"Well, in order to keep that premonition from coming true, you're just going to have to stop whatever it is you're doing, Pheebs," Prue decided.

Phoebe shook her head immediately. "I can't. I have to help Charlene," she insisted.

"Then just have Jana leave so that Leo can heal Charlene. She'll be fine," Prue pointed out.

"Yeah, until this Libris tries to kill her again. At least with Jana possessing her, Jana can protect them. If Charlene would be safe we'd have already had Jana unpossess her and Paige could just talk to spirit-Jana," Phoebe argued.

Prue did not appear reassured in the slightest. "It won't do Charlene any good for you to get yourself killed," she retorted.

"Well, hopefully I won't," Phoebe replied with a faint smile. "On the bright side, I won't have to suffer through flunking out of college," she joked to which Prue frowned disapprovingly. Phoebe quickly changed the subject. "So how was your day?" she inquired.

Prue let out another dramatic sigh but allowed the subject change. "Not as bad as yours but it's gonna get a hell of a lot better as soon as I find the truth spell," she admitted while flipping through the pages of the Book of Shadows.

Phoebe tilted her head to the side in curiosity. "What do you need that for?" she questioned.

"Well, to catch a murderer that thinks he can get away with it," Prue explained.

Phoebe bit her lip slightly. "So you're gonna use the truth spell to make him confess?" she guessed.

"Exactly," Prue agreed.

"Not exactly. Prue, you cannot do that," Phoebe argued, albeit sympathetically. "We can't use our powers to punish the guilty. We learned that lesson the hard way, remember?" she reminded her.

"Yeah, but it's not the same thing, Pheebs. I mean, I'm helping a father with his grieving. I'm helping him to move on. It's more like protecting the innocent," Prue insisted stubbornly.

Phoebe reached out to stop Prue from flipping the pages for the spell. "No, it's not, honey."

Prue stopped abruptly and looked up at Phoebe. "Phoebe, I see this man on the bus bench every single day and he's just waiting there hoping. Why was I drawn to him if I can't help him nail his daughter's killer?" she demanded.

Phoebe moved to sit next to Prue. "Why were you drawn to him?" she asked.

"The look on his face. The pain," Prue answered almost immediately.

"The pain of a father's loss?" Phoebe suggested.

Prue looked away as she realized where the conversation would invariably head. "Maybe. I mean, I can't help thinking about dad and wondering if it hurts him as much not having his daughters in his life," Prue admitted reluctantly.

"I think it does," Phoebe whispered.

Prue suddenly shut the book with a loud thump. "Yeah, I wish I thought so too but, you know, I keep bumping up against this whole theory that if it hurt him so much, where is he?" she challenged. Phoebe started to say something but Prue was already getting up from her seat, effectively ending the conversation. "Did you say this was the book you touched that triggered the premonition?" she asked, earning a nod from Phoebe. Prue reached out to where it still lay where Phoebe had dropped it. No sooner had she touched it than she was thrown into a premonition of her own.

Prue found herself standing in the middle of a recently ravaged village. Buildings were broken, some with small fires still burning the wood. There were only two lone figures in the distance and Prue, against her better judgment, approached cautiously when she couldn't figure out anything better to do. She quickly realized that they could not see or hear her. That or they were unconcerned with her eavesdropping on their conversation.

The first figure she recognized as Jana and she found her jaw dropping in surprise. Jana's blonde hair was noticeably longer and pulled back with some kind of tie. A black cloak covered her shoulders and a sword was hung loosely on her left hip. In contrast, her companion was a little older, slightly taller, her hair was a dark brown and untamed as it fell down her back. She had a forest green cloak that touched the ground.

Prue narrowed her eyes in disbelief. The Evil Enchantress. She'd seen her picture in the Book of Shadows after the whole past life scare.

The Enchantress had her gaze on the stars above her. Eventually, she pointed up and Jana followed her hand. "The stars have aligned. If we are to strike this plan it must be now," she stated.

"Is this the only way?" Jana asked

"The castle will offer us protection. Its location is defensible from both mortal and magical attacks. Enchantments and the like. It is large enough for many people," the Enchantress reminded her.

Jana nodded, seemingly understanding. "And the prince and his maiden?"

"The Lady Julia will be thrown into the dungeon if she does not join with us. I'll cast a spell on the prince. His love will be given to me and then I will receive control of the castle," the Enchantress explained.

Jana let out a sigh and looked to her right where the castle, which Prue couldn't understand how she had possibly missed it, stood against the dark sky. "Only dark magic can make that happen. If we fail, your life will be forfeit," Jana warned.

The Enchantress looked a bit sad for a moment and when she spoke, her voice was noticeably softer. "My life has been forfeit." She turned her gaze to the ravaged village. Prue shifted nervously as they both appeared to look straight through her. "It is either the castle or we will suffer this time and again," the Enchantress yelled while waving her hand at the ruins. A bolt of lightning flew from the witch's hand and straight towards Prue.

Prue instinctively jumped at the power and shut her eyes. Her stomach twisted uncomfortably, causing her to fall to her knees. When everything seemed to steady she opened her eyes again to find herself in a new location. If Prue had to guess, it was inside the aforementioned castle.

Jana stood in front of a pool of light with varying shades illuminating the space. She looked down at her hands and a small flame swirled back and forth. A small smile crossed her face.

"Janiah?" the Enchantress called.

Prue spun around as did Jana. Jana's smile sobered and the flame died as quickly as it had come. "Milady," Jana greeted with a faint bow. "I was just preparing," she explained.

"You do not have to give it," the Enchantress stated.

"Do you need it?" Jana asked.

The Enchantress did not answer but her face was enough. Regardless, she stuck to her initial reply. "My second may need her power when the battle comes," she insisted.

Jana smiled, perhaps a little sadly. "Without help, we will die whether my power is with me or not," Jana argued. "I will give it, just as everyone else," she decided. She turned back to the pool and held her hand out. She closed her eyes and slowly a small ball of bright white light joined the others. Jana collapsed at the loss and the Enchantress rushed to catch the young woman before she hit the ground.

Prue started to move forward to check on Jana as well but the scenery blurred around her until the castle was no longer visible. Instead, there was a cavern, quite possibly the underworld. As she watched demons shimmered into the empty cavern. She jerked in surprise upon seeing herself among them. The premonition Prue looked furious and wasted no time in sending the demons flying away from her. Flames erupted in front of her and a current version of Jana and another demon appeared. Prue narrowed her eyes as the scene began to break apart in front of her. She strained to hear the words being said but only caught bits and pieces as the premonition Prue refrained from attacking Jana.

Your baby. Prophecy. Erased.

Premonition Prue's voice was heard clearly through the tumult. "The Elders are on our side."

"But they will not be on hers…"

Prue shook her head against Jana's warning and forced her eyes to focus on what the premonition was showing. A dark-haired girl of about fifteen stood next to her but her eyes were focused on something behind them. Prue turned around and gasped. The Halliwell Manor was in flames, the roads were near to destroyed. The place was almost unrecognizable.

"Bree, look out!" someone yelled.

The young girl next to Prue allowed her hand to shoot out at the last moment so that a beam of electricity was deflected away from her. Instead, it was shot back at its owner. It connected to him squarely in the chest and he disappeared in a swirl of orbs that quickly regenerated his body. Bree was already backing away, grabbing hold of a younger girl's arm before, with a last look at the Manor, they took off at a run. A group of people came up behind them but were clearly too late.

Prue jumped in front of them anyway as if to stop them. They remained oblivious to her presence. "Prue!" Prue spun trying to find the source of the voice and when she looked back the scenery was once again breaking apart. She struggled to find the two girls and make sure they were safe. She saw them a couple hundred feet away and her eyes met Brianna's for the faintest of moments. With the way Brianna seemed to be looking at her, she began to wonder if she was truly unseen. "Prue!" The word seemingly shattered what was left and Prue was jerked away.

The first thing she became aware of was Phoebe leaning over her and she seemed to be on one of the solarium couches. "Prue?" Phoebe repeated her name again. Prue groaned softly and shoved Phoebe away, her eyes scanning the room. "Are you okay?" Phoebe demanded.

"I'm going to be sick," Prue whispered. Phoebe's eyes widened as she realized what Prue was looking for. She took off for the nearest trashcan.

Lillian's Apartment

Coop beamed himself and Piper outside Lillian's apartment. He waved for her to do exactly what she had wanted. "Are you sure I can just show up like this?" Piper asked, obviously a little hesitant.

"Piper, yours and Leo's relationship is complicated enough. Don't add strain to it if it is unnecessary," Coop advised before waving her forward again.

"Well, what am I supposed to say?" Piper inquired.

"What your heart says," Coop answered with a faint smirk on his features. He smiled wider when Piper gave him a look of disbelief at the stupid saying. "Really, though, ask her about Leo. I think you'll be surprised by what you find," he insisted in a more serious tone. Piper slowly nodded and knocked on the door to Lillian's apartment.


Lillian had graciously invited Piper inside upon finding the younger woman on the other side of the doorstep. Piper shook her hand politely and cast one more look over at Coop before accepting Lillian's invitation. Upon hearing about Leo, Lillian moved to get a small box off one of the display cases which she brought back to Piper.

"Leo's purple heart. He was a special man. He always went out of his way to try and help somebody, even before he shipped out. He was studying to be a doctor, you know," Lillian explained.

Piper let the medal rest in her hand for several moments. "Yes, I know," she admitted with a soft smile.

"He would have been a great one too," Lillian sighed at some memories. "You know, he had the most marvelous touch. It was gentle, sensitive…"

"Healing," Piper suggested, knowing all too well what she was speaking of.

Lillian nodded in agreement. "Yes, exactly. A healing touch. That was Leo and they said that he was doctoring a wounded soldier when it happened," she agreed. Her next words came out much softer. "I'll never forget when they came to give me the news," Lillian continued.

Piper frowned just slightly. "It sounds like you still love him," she stated apologetically.

"I'll always love Leo, in a certain way, for so many things," Lillian whispered while leaning forward a little. "… including helping me move on."

Piper looked very interested and surprised by that. "Move on? How'd he do that?" she asked curiously.

"Well, one night not long after he died, Leo came to me in a dream and he was bathed in the most brilliant white light you could ever imagine. He said I was not to worry about him. That he was in a good place. He also said that I was to let him go, that there was another love out there for me to find," Lillian explained.

"Another love?" Piper pressed.

"Yes, another doctor as it turned out. A wonderful man. He gave me two wonderful children, grandchildren, even a great grandchild," Lillian continued cheerfully. "Leo was right," she insisted.

Piper wiped a tear away from her eyes as Lillian picked up a bunch of letters she and Leo had exchanged during the wartime. "Well, I think I've taken up enough of your time," Piper admitted.

"But you haven't found what you came for yet," Lillian pointed out.

"Actually, I think I have. It's very nice to meet you, Lillian," Piper offered with a polite shake of the hand.

Lillian just smiled and returned the warmth. "You too, Piper."

Piper left a few minutes later and found Coop waiting for her outside the door. "So what did you find out?" Coop inquired.

Piper wiped at her eyes again. "That he moved on and so did she," Piper replied with a glance at the door behind her. Her thoughts turned toward Lillian's dream. "It was a different life-time. One that he remembers and cherishes but not that he lives in," she added. Coop nodded and offered her his hand which she took hold of without hesitation.

The Halliwell Manor

Paige gave Henry a cheerful wave in goodbye before the parole officer drove off for a meeting that he was probably going to be late for, not that he minded. Paige waited until his car had turned the corner and then spun toward the front door. She jumped backwards and orbed out simultaneously upon finding Charlene standing right behind her. When she orbed back in, Charlene was on the ground as if she had been pushed over.

"Ow! You electrocuted me," Charlene exclaimed in an accusatory voice.

"I did not," Paige argued followed by a narrowing of her eyes. "Are you Charlene or Jana?" she inquired suspiciously while assuming that Phoebe had managed to tell Charlene the truth by now.

"Charlene," the young woman answered. She narrowed her own eyes in return. "Those little balls of light just shocked me," she insisted.

Paige just looked confused. "What?" she prompted.

Charlene threw her hands in the air. "Never mind," Charlene grumbled before she marched off toward the Manor's front door with Paige slowly coming up behind her.

"Oh! You came back," Phoebe yelled as soon as Charlene walked through the door. "And Paige. Perfect timing. So Jana…"

"Charlene," Charlene corrected Phoebe's assumption.

Prue glanced over from her seat in the conservatory. "I thought you said Charlene didn't believe you…" Prue pointed out to Phoebe.

"She didn't," Phoebe defended herself before waving her hand between Charlene and Prue. "Charlene, Prue, Prue, Charlene," she introduced them.

"What about Charlene believing?" Paige pressed in confusion.

"Look, I didn't believe you at first but I heard this voice telling me to go to the hospital. So I did… and I saw the folks crying, then I knew it was true. I've never seen my dad cry before. Not over me anyway," Charlene interrupted with a hint of bitterness in her voice as she spoke of her parents.

Paige raised her hand for everyone's attention. "Andy said we need to get Charlene back to the hospital fast," she explained.

Charlene shook her head. "Not until we get this demon. It wants me dead and I do not want to be the cause of anymore pain to my parents," she insisted.

Prue, Phoebe, and Paige exchanged glances before Prue nodded slightly in agreement. "Well, first, we need to make sure the demon that attacked you is the same that Phoebe's premonition showed," Prue decided, mostly to herself.

"Premonition?" Paige wondered.

"Later, Paige," Phoebe returned. She then turned her gaze to Charlene. "Can you remember anything about how you were attacked?" she asked.

Charlene narrowed her eyes in deep concentration. "I've been trying. Um, I remember walking down the aisle and I heard strange voices, whispers," Charlene began. "And not like Jana… but they sounded like Latin. And then I went to pull out a book…" she continued while raising her hand as if she was going to do just that. She suddenly slapped her thigh in frustration. "I don't know. It all went dark until I was back in the library again talking to you," Charlene admitted.

"And you didn't get a chance to see the demon?" Phoebe questioned.

"Don't remember," Charlene stated.

"But Jana did," Paige pointed out. "She couldn't describe him very well but if you have a lead than she should be able to confirm it," she suggested.

"Right, I'll get her," Charlene offered before taking a moment to supposedly switch places with Jana. Charlene suddenly smiled at the group around her. "Wow, it got crowded over here," she remarked.

Prue got up from the couch and carried the Book of Shadows over to Jana. "Jana, right?" she asked, earning a nod from Charlene. "Do you recognize him?"

Charlene stared at the page for awhile before nodding again. "That's definitely him," Jana agreed. "Who is he?" she wondered curiously.

Paige looked over Charlene's shoulder to read the Book of Shadows. "Libris, kills people that find out demons exist… that's real nice. You must have interrupted him last night," Paige guessed.

"Speaking of last night, did you find Charlene in the aisle or someplace else? Outside maybe?" Phoebe inquired.

"Someplace else, not outside," Jana answered but didn't appear too certain where it actually had occurred.

Paige suddenly remembered something. "How about a basement?"

Charlene pointed over at Paige. "That could have been it," she agreed.

"How did you know that?" Prue demanded suspiciously.

"That amazing husband of yours," Paige explained, earning a nod from Prue. "The library has a basement and he strongly feels that the attack could have happened there."

"The more important question is, how did he get her there when she was in the aisle?" Phoebe pointed out. "And this vanquishing spell isn't gonna do us much good if we can't catch him first," she added.

Prue glanced over at Phoebe's tone of voice. "What do you have in mind?"

"If I can retrace Charlene's steps maybe that'll bring him back into the open," Phoebe replied with a hesitant look at Prue.

"Phoebe…" Prue started just as Phoebe had expected.

Phoebe continued before Prue could say anything more. "And just before he grabs me then you and Piper can use your powers to stop him and then we can vanquish him. If he does catch me, Paige can be in the basement to stop him. Either way we can vanquish him. Easy as that," she insisted.

"No, that is way too risky," Prue argued.

"How come I get the feeling that Phoebe's premonition wasn't a happy one," Paige asked sarcastically.

Phoebe shut her eyes and took a deep breath to steady herself. "How is it risky with three witches and a ghost/mortal person to back me up?" she returned. Prue opened her mouth to retort but Phoebe interrupted her. "Prue, help me get my demon and I'll do everything in my power to help you get yours," Phoebe promised.

"Piper's about to come in," Prue whispered, reluctantly agreeing to follow Phoebe's plan after a short moment of inward debate.

Sure enough, Piper walked through the back door a second later. "I'm home," she announced.

Paige and Charlene went to meet Piper while Phoebe hesitated with Prue. "Are you feeling okay?" she asked.

Prue's eyes rested on Charlene for the faintest of moments. "I'm fine," Prue assured her before following.

The group slowly intercepted Piper's path where Prue grabbed her arm and pulled her along with her. "Come on," Prue called.

"Where're we going?" Piper questioned.

"I imagine they will fill us in on everything on the way," Paige offered to which Phoebe nodded.

Piper looked thoughtful and glanced over at Charlene. "Charlene or Jana?" she wondered.

"Jana," Jana answered.

"How many times have we asked that question today?" Phoebe inquired as she brought up the rear.

San Francisco Police Department

Andy shut the door to the conference room and took a seat across from a man, probably in his early thirties. He shoved a file labeled "Steinman, Marco" across the table and Marco reluctantly opened it up to find multiple pictures. One of which was taken the night of Tyra Wilson's murder by a security camera. Andy pointed to that one. "You were at the Haight September 25, correct?" Andy asked.

Marco rolled his eyes, apparently wondering whether he should even answer or not but eventually nodded. "Yeah," he offered.

"A girl died two hundred feet away from you that night," Andy stated while pulling out a photo of Tyra. "Tyra Wilson. At the bus stop. Remember her?"

Marco ran a hand through his hair and shrugged. "Stupid girl should have kept her mouth shut and he wouldn't have done her in," he sighed.

"He?" Andy repeated.

"Gibbs," Marco answered shortly. "But you already know that," he pointed out.

Andy nodded in agreement and pulled out another piece of paper. "You're looking at eight years in prison for possession and distribution…"

"What do you want, cop?" Marco interrupted.

"A witness against Gibbs and you have nothing to lose," Andy replied after a moment of silence.

Marco seemed to think it over for awhile. "But what do I gain?" Marco pressed, a glint in his eye.

Andy leaned forward slightly. "Court consideration. Parole vs. prison. Think about it," he suggested before leaving Marco in the room to do just that.

The Berkeley Library

Charlene had her books laid out across the table as they had been the night before. She flipped to a page in her journal and pointed to it. "The last thing I wrote was under demonic acts. There," she explained.

Phoebe tore her eyes away from where Prue and Piper were waiting at a different table and scanned over Charlene's findings. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You know, this is pretty accurate. You were really onto something," Phoebe complimented, appearing impressed.

Charlene just frowned. "Obviously."

"Sorry," Phoebe apologized while inwardly kicking herself for her insensitivity. "Okay, what was next?" she prompted.

"I went to find the encyclopedia," Charlene answered before leading the way to the corresponding aisle with Phoebe following her. Prue and Piper were several feet behind. "There's the book," Charlene announced upon finding it among the myriad of other books.

Phoebe glanced around the aisle. "I don't hear any voices," she remarked uncertainly. She reached out for the book anyways. "Okay, here it goes…" she whispered to herself. Phoebe hesitated a second but reached out and hastily pulled the book from the shelf. She shut her eyes, expecting… anything only for nothing to happen.

Charlene looked confused and opened her mouth to say something when a portal appeared farther down the aisle. Libris grabbed Charlene around the waist and dragged her into the portal before the young woman could respond with anything other than a yelp. Phoebe screamed in surprise and rushed after Charlene.

"Phoebe, no," Prue yelled so that Piper instinctively flicked her wrists despite knowing Phoebe wouldn't freeze. To her surprise the bookshelf exploded, blasting Phoebe into the shelf behind her. Phoebe hit the ground unceremoniously and covered her head with her hands as books fell on top of her. "Oh god," Prue exclaimed while Piper was too stunned to move.


Charlene rolled across the concrete floor of the basement after being tossed by Libris. A scythe appeared in the demon's hand and Charlene crawled backwards in her haste to get away.

"Scythe!" Paige called. Orbs surrounded the weapon and it reappeared in Paige's hands, only to shock her. She cried out and the scythe clattered to the ground in front of her. She stared at her hands in confusion where there were now blisters.

Libris advanced on Paige, shoving her to the side before grabbing up his scythe. Charlene was back on her feet and a stream of fire escaped her hand where it blocked Libris' path to the Halliwell sister. "The spell," the newly in control Jana reminded her.

Paige shook her thoughts away and pulled out the slip of paper. "Um, demon hide your evil face, Libris die and leave no trace," she chanted.

Libris was surrounded by dark purple lights and then exploded, his scythe dropped lifelessly to the ground where he had been.

"I thought you were a witch practitioner, Jana," Paige stated with a hint of bitterness in her voice.

Charlene looked guilty. "I was a witch first. I lost my power. Got it back when I died," Jana offered.

"Don't you mean, you gave it away?" Paige corrected so that Charlene gave the faintest of nods. Paige sighed and shook her head. "I need answers," she admitted.

"Agreed," Jana replied. "But I think Charlene has had enough."

Paige made a face but orbed out to the main floor where her sisters were. Jana wisped out after her.

The Halliwell Manor

Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Paige, and Charlene were sitting in various seats along the solarium as they waited for Leo to orb in.

"What is taking him so long?" Paige questioned, apparently losing her patience with the whitelighter.

"He's probably afraid that Piper is going to jump him as soon as he sets foot in here," Prue explained with a glance over at Piper.

Piper shrugged in reply. "I'm fine," she assured them. "And if he would show up, I would be even better," she grumbled.

"Well, considering what you did to me, I would be worried too," Phoebe groaned as she held an ice pack to her head. "I think I'm going to have bruises everywhere," Phoebe continued dramatically.

"That doesn't make any sense. All of your powers are advancing?" Jana asked.

"A lot doesn't make sense," Paige pointed out. "Leo! Will you hurry up?" she called suddenly so that Piper jumped in her seat. Phoebe reflexively rolled off the couch to take cover when she saw Piper move.

Prue could not contain a laugh as Phoebe made a face at Piper and shoved herself irritably to her feet when Piper didn't blow anything up. She was spared having to say anything though since Leo finally orbed in. "Leo, welcome back," Prue greeted.

Leo glanced over at Piper and looked relieved to see that she was not near as angry as she had been when he left earlier in the day. "Hey, Prue. The elders were trying to explain Phoebe's advancement," Leo explained with an apologetic smile to Paige.

"So it was an advancement?" Paige questioned.

Leo nodded slightly. "They think you had an Astral Premonition."

"They think?" Phoebe repeated, apparently not reassured.

"They are still deliberating," Leo admitted.

"Well, you might should go add Piper's advancement to them so they can deliberate about that one too," Jana suggested sarcastically.

Everyone's gaze shifted over to Piper except Prue who narrowed her eyes calculatingly at Charlene. Charlene met her gaze and slowly shifted them to the ground. "But first, maybe we should get the real Charlene back to the hospital before Andy gets in trouble for not searching hard enough," Prue interrupted. "Are you ready, Jana?" Prue asked.

Charlene nodded slightly in agreement. "Yeah, I'm ready. As soon as I leave, Leo has to heal Charlene," she reminded them.

"How are we going to explain Charlene's miracle recovery?" Leo inquired.

"We don't have to. No one knows we're involved," Paige pointed out.

"I don't know, Charlene can't just waltz into the hospital. She has to have some kind of a story," Phoebe argued lightly.

Prue waved her hand for her sisters' attention. "What about that memory dust Sam used on us before?" Prue suggested. "We could make everyone forget that Charlene was in the hospital in the first place," she continued thoughtfully.

"Memory dust is only allowed for emergencies," Leo shot the idea down.

Piper leaned back in her chair. "I've got an idea. Let's get going," Piper prompted.

The sisters exchanged a glance with Leo before Paige turned to Charlene. "Alright, Jana."

Charlene made sure she was safely on the couch before her eyes closed. A second passed and Jana's translucent form separated from Charlene's body. Leo was next to Charlene and held his hands over her body until the golden light slowly faded and Charlene's eyes flickered back open. "Strange," Charlene managed to get out, feeling surprisingly exhausted after everything. "Can I go home now?" she asked hopefully.

"Yep, Phoebe's going to take you to the hospital," Piper explained.

"I am?" Phoebe wondered aloud.

Piper nodded enthusiastically. "Just wait at the front for us," she stated while pointing between her and Leo. "Paige and Jana can work out whatever is going on between them. Prue, just, do something," she ordered, eventually earning a surprised nod from each person in turn.


Paige tossed the journal on the table in front of Jana. "Is any of it true?" she asked seriously.

Jana smiled fondly down at the journal and slowly reached out for it. To Paige's surprise, Jana broke through the physical plane so that she could flip through the pages. "How did you get it?"

"It was in my room. I figure you must have left it sometime," Paige answered.

Jana shook her head. "I had it with me," she whispered. She looked up to find Paige watching her with guarded curiosity. "I did not lie. Any of it," Jana insisted.

"Then how come there are no records of any of this?" Paige challenged but she seemed less than certain.

"There are records if you know where to look," Jana argued carefully.


"The rules set by the Elders," Jana explained earning raised eyebrows from Paige. "Just think about it. Do you know why they are so secretive? Why are whitelighters' interactions with mortals limited?" she questioned.

Paige tilted her head to the side. "Limited?" she repeated.

Jana waved her hand over Paige. "You are the only witchlighter to be born since the time I came from. Do you know how many demon-witch children have been born since then? Many and they are on the other side. Does that not surprise you?" Jana pressed.

"I've never actually thought about it… except when I read it in the book," Paige admitted with a slight frown.

Jana just shrugged. "What do you want me to say, Paige? I have no proof other than what I have written. The only thing I can say is that I'm telling the truth," she stated.

Paige sighed dramatically and dropped into a chair across from where Jana was standing. "I believe you actually. Phoebe saw the Enchantress time travel, saw you, a demon, and all of it makes sense in your journal. Nothing I have read at the library can explain the details."

"It wouldn't even matter…" Jana began.

"…Except for the Daughters of Destiny," Paige finished.

"You've read that far?" Jana asked with a glance over at Paige. She smiled approvingly. "I knew giving it to you would be best. I'll admit that I have no idea how you got it but I'm glad it made it to you nevertheless," Jana commented.

Paige found her gaze shifting down to the beaten journal. "Why couldn't you? What happened?" she inquired.

"Tempus decided that I had outlived my usefulness. It was ironic really and stupid of me," Jana answered. "Guess I couldn't let you die anymore than Enchantress."

Paige clenched her fist and a vase that decorated the table shattered. Jana looked worriedly in that direction but didn't say anything as Paige took a deep breath to calm herself. "And Prue's baby? You really think it's her?" she asked softly.

Jana nodded with a faint smile. "Definitely," she stated.

"But the prophecy says there are two…" Paige began and then trailed off thoughtfully. "… should they be planning for two?" she questioned. Jana just smiled a little bit more so that Paige shook her head. "You're not going to tell me," Paige realized.

"It'll be a surprise," Jana laughed.

Prue knocked on the door to the solarium in order to announce her presence to the two younger women. "Sorry to interrupt. Andy called and said he found something that I should see so I'm about to leave," she explained, apparently oblivious to the conversation she had just interrupted.

"What did he find?" Paige inquired curiously.

Prue shrugged slightly. "Don't know. Just said that he found something," she answered and then glanced toward Jana. "Anyways, I'm going to go and find out. Bye, Paige, Jana," she offered as a farewell.

Paige narrowed her eyes calculatingly. "Bye," she returned.

Jana leaned forwards as soon as Prue had left. "Can you send me home?" Jana asked hopefully.

Paige turned back to face Jana with a torn expression. "I can try."

Bay Area Hospital

Phoebe sat in the driver's seat of Piper's car with Charlene next to her in the passenger side. "Okay, Piper and Leo, anytime now," Phoebe called in a joking voice.

"I thought they said to wait at the front of the hospital. Wouldn't that mean the lobby? Maybe they're waiting in there," Charlene pointed out.

Phoebe slowly shook her head. "No, for one, the cops would probably get called if someone saw you. Two, it wouldn't matter where we are. Leo would be able to know," she explained as simply as she could.

Charlene didn't reply and they didn't have to wait much longer before a beam of pink deposited Coop in front of a surprised Phoebe. "Someone told me you needed help," he offered as a way of greeting. He seemed to particularly enjoy Phoebe's dropped jaw.

"Yeah, just… no offense, how are you supposed to help?" Phoebe returned when she finally spoke. Coop grinned and tossed his ring into Phoebe's hand. She seemed to get the message since she nodded thoughtfully. "Not a bad idea," she admitted before glancing to Charlene. "Charlene, Coop, Coop, Charlene," Phoebe introduced them.

Charlene waved politely while watching Coop suspiciously. "Okay, so what's the plan?" she questioned expectantly.

"I believe we're going to use his ring to modify the memories of everyone," Phoebe guessed with a look at Coop.

"That was what I was told. We're going to make everyone believe you were brought to the hospital for something minor. Andy has taken down the BOLO so even if someone remembered seeing one for her they will assume she had been found already and Piper and Leo are supposed to get everyone in the hospital room," Coop elaborated. "Shall we?" Coop offered his hand to the two women.


Piper led the way through the hospital, searching for the doctor that had been assigned to Charlene before she had disappeared. Leo had already gotten the name from the receptionist so it was just a matter of finding him. He nervously ran a hand through his hair and glanced over at Piper. "Uh, look, Piper, about earlier I didn't tell you what the fight was about because I didn't want to upset you," he began.

"I know, he got a hold of your file," Piper interrupted sympathetically.

"I just, I hate him assuming he knows everything about me when he obviously doesn't," Leo admitted.

"Speaking of not knowing everything… you were married?" Piper asked while tilting her head to the side.

Leo shrugged, a bit guiltily. "It was literally a different life for me, one has nothing to do with this one, with us," he insisted.

Piper nodded in understanding. "I know that and I'm not mad. But you can't not tell me stuff because you think it doesn't pertain to us or you think it might hurt. If we're gonna have a normal relationship, at least as normal as possible, then you need to be honest with me."

"You're right," Leo conceded. "Sorry, forgive me?" he inquired with his best smile.

Piper smiled teasingly. "I'll think about it," she offered.

"So, uh, how much do you think Dan really knows?" Leo questioned nervously.

"I don't know. We'll worry about it later. We have enough to deal with right now," Piper pointed out. "Is that the doctor?"

"Yeah," Leo agreed before walking casually up to the doctor. "Dr. Evans, the young woman in room 316, Charlene Hughes, was found. I was sent to inform you of her return. She may need medical attention," Leo explained.

The doctor said a few words and hurried off to check on Charlene while Piper joined Leo again. "Well, that actually worked better than I thought."


Charlene waited outside the hospital room while Phoebe and Coop walked inside where Charlene's family was as well as a doctor who Phoebe assumed must have been sent by Piper and Leo. Coop held his fist out and his ring glowed a faint red as the room seemed to slow almost to a stop around them.

"Now what?" Phoebe asked curiously.

Coop noted her curiosity and therefore held back a little. "Would you like to try?"

Phoebe smiled but looked uncertain. "Can I? Probably shouldn't. I might screw it up," she pointed out.

"You won't screw it up," Coop argued. He was already sliding his ring off his finger and letting Phoebe take it. He moved around her and held her hand in position. "Just let your emotions flow freely through you," Coop whispered in her ear.

Phoebe took a deep breath and nodded slightly. "Okay."

"Now can you sense theirs? Can you hear them?" he asked.

"Yeah, they're worried, they love her… he's confused," Phoebe replied. Coop opened his mouth to continue instructions but Phoebe held her hand up in a sign that she knew what to do. Coop smiled and backed away. Phoebe walked toward the doctor first. "She'll be back. Just a sprained wrist. You should probably get her release papers ready," she suggested and then glanced at Coop hopefully. He gave her a nod of encouragement and pointed to Charlene's parents. Phoebe turned to them but hesitated. The red light of the ring faded and the magic on the room waned.

Coop quickly took her hand and redirected his feelings to the ring so that the room slowed again. "You were doing great. What's the matter?" he inquired.

"I don't want to make them forget," Phoebe explained sadly.

Charlene stuck her head inside the room to see what was going on. She looked surprised by what was going on but eventually turned her gaze away from the magic. "its okay, Phoebe," Charlene assured her.

"… But your father," Phoebe started to argue.

"…Loves me and I know that now. I'll get it out of him but I'd like it to be under better circumstances," Charlene interrupted. "So it's okay to make them forget this. I don't want them to remember that worry," she insisted.

Phoebe nodded and Coop let go of her again. She pointed the ring at Charlene's parents. "She's going to be okay. Just a sprained wrist. A scare is all," Phoebe stated before pointing the ring specifically at Charlene's father. "If you lost her today, how would you feel? Do not be afraid to tell her. It's all she wants to hear… that her father loves her," she continued. She backed away and Coop led her out into the hallway before letting Phoebe drop her hold on the room.

"You should have been made a cupid," Coop complimented.

Phoebe didn't answer but just watched as Charlene embraced her parents and assured them she was fine. The doctor walked over to Charlene as if to check on her wrist one more time, which of course was fine. "I just said what I want to hear from my dad. I know she wanted the same," Phoebe countered lightly.

"It came from the heart. Learning to listen and follow it… that is the trick to finding love. Whether it's from your father, your sisters, or someone else," Coop advised.

"Still lecturing me about that?" Phoebe joked.

"Whenever I can," Coop agreed.

Phoebe blinked at his tone and actually looked over at him, wondering if he really meant it. Did he mean with her? "I'm glad," she admitted so softly she wasn't sure if he heard her or not.

San Francisco Police Department

Andy shut the door of his police car and waited as Cleavant Wilson exited the passenger side. Both men's eyes were focused on the car in front of them where Darryl was letting a handcuffed Gibbs out of the back seat and pushing him toward the stationhouse.

"I've been waiting a long time for this," Cleavant admitted. He hesitated only a moment before him and Andy followed Darryl.

"Too long," Andy agreed softly.

"How can I thank you for your time?" Cleavant questioned. "Everyone else quit…"

Andy held his hand up to stop him. "You shouldn't thank me. I wouldn't have known to even look into it if my wife had not gotten involved," he explained. "I am sorry that it took so long to bring about an arrest, but your efforts were not wasted," Andy continued apologetically.

Cleavant did not say anything but stared over at Gibbs. "I hope he rots in hell," he whispered.

"Excuse me," Andy offered as he saw Prue hurry through the main entrance.

Prue narrowed her eyes curiously as she saw Cleavant next to Andy. She followed his gaze to find Gibbs at the other end of the room. "You found a witness?" she demanded when Andy stopped in front of her.

"We did and since Gibbs has been arrested two more have come forward. There's no way he's getting out of this one," Andy assured her.

"Thanks. You're the best," Prue managed to get out while falling into his arms.

Andy tightened his arms around her. "It's all you, Prue," he argued.

Cleavant turned around and his eyes met Prue's. Prue slowly untangled herself from Andy and approached the other man. She noticed his eyes flickered back down to one of his flyers. "Are you okay?" Prue asked gently.

Cleavant just shrugged and wiped at his eyes. "Yeah, I guess. It's an empty feeling though, you know. This doesn't bring her back. It doesn't take away the hurt."

"No, but at least you can move on with your life. Tyra would have wanted that," Prue encouraged.

A faint smile crossed his features. "I wish I could tell her how much I love her just one more time," Cleavant admitted.

Prue could not fight the sad smile that pulled at her lips. "You know, something tells me she will get the message," Prue assured him.

"You're his wife?" Cleavant asked with a nod to Andy. Prue nodded and he reached out and hugged her. "Thank you for making this happen," he appreciated. "Boy or girl?" he wondered curiously after he pulled back from her.

Prue looked confused for a moment but eventually smiled as she understood what he was asking. "Girl," she answered, perhaps a little proudly.

"She'll be beautiful," Cleavant complimented before, with one last look toward Gibbs, he walked away.

Andy came up behind her and pushed a strand of her hair away from her face. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Prue insisted. She turned around so that she could look up at him. "Do you think he will be?" she inquired hopefully.

Andy looked out after Cleavant with a thoughtful expression. "Yeah, I think he will be," Andy agreed. He narrowed his eyes and nudged Prue for her attention. "There's someone else that wants to talk to you as well," he realized, nodding toward a less crowded section of the station.

Prue appeared more than a little surprised to find Jana's ghostly form waving her over. "Well, I guess I had better go then. You have a jerk over there to help Darryl with anyways," she decided. Andy grunted in agreement but reluctantly let her go to find Darryl. Prue waited until he had gone before nodding toward the entrance. Jana got the message and followed her outside where they could talk without Prue looking like a crazy person that talked to herself. "I thought you were with Paige," Prue pointed out in confusion.

"I was. She's about to send me home," Jana explained. Prue raised her eyebrows so Jana continued. "I have something I wanted to give you. For protection. I do not need it anymore," she admitted.

Prue hesitated as Jana held her hands out for Prue to take. "Are you sure?" she asked.

"Positive," Jana insisted. She smiled as Prue held her hands out over hers and a white light appeared between them. Eventually it faded and Jana dropped her arms. "My power is now yours," Jana whispered.

"Thanks," Prue appreciated but frowned at the inadequacy of the statement. "For everything. I wish I was not the reason this happened to you."

"My job was done. I did what I came to do. There is no reason for you to beat yourself up over anything," Jana insisted. "I have warned you and that is the greatest protection I could give you," she stated.

Prue smiled and reached out for Jana only to stop when she remembered Jana was ghost. "The Enchantress will be proud," Prue encouraged.

Jana smiled brightly at the thought. "I hope so," she admitted softly.

"What's it like? Fighting for two different time periods?" Prue inquired in curiosity.

"Not that different actually," Jana answered with a thoughtful expression. "The funny thing about fighting in the present, whenever that may be, is that there is always a future worth fighting for."

"We'll keep fighting," Prue promised. Jana nodded and fell silent, effectively ending their conversation. Prue waved in farewell just before Jana wisped out.

12th Century-Europe

Jana stepped through the portal which deposited her inside the castle, very close to where she had originally disappeared from. Jana narrowed her eyes at the seemingly abandoned building when the last time she had seen it, it was full of people. She ran through the passageways, after all, who was going to hear a ghost? She paused when she saw a window and levitated up so she could see out. Jana allowed her levitation to drop her almost as soon as she looked out. The plains surrounding the castle were littered with bodies and scorch marks. Jana spun around as she heard footsteps pound against the concrete floors and light from a torch lit up passage.

"The witch is to be executed."

"As she should be."
Jana flinched at the words exchanged by the two guards on duty. She turned straight for the dungeons and walked in without a second thought. The prince stood to one side with his Lady Julia behind him and several guards surrounding them. Enchantress was cornered. The prince drew his sword and pointed it at the Enchantress. "Your dark magic has failed. Your evil reign is over," he warned.

The Enchantress held her hand out and the prince's sword flew to the side. "I'm crushed," the Enchantress deadpanned.

"Tell me where your followers fled and I may just spare your life," the prince offered.

The Enchantress raised her hand again and everyone reached for a weapon. She paused as she noticed Jana by the door. "Janiah," she whispered, a frown forming on her face when she realized the young woman was a ghost.

The lead guard lowered his sword at the Enchantress's chest. "Move and your life ends," the guard threatened.

"So be it," the Enchantress countered. She glanced at Jana once more before she allowed lightning to revolve around her hand. The guards tensed and the Enchantress released the bolt. She stumbled back as the sword pierced her stomach.

Lady Julia let out a scream as the lightning hit the wall beside them. The prince looked toward the Enchantress in confusion. "It missed… it missed, my beloved," he soothed while running his hands up and down Julia's arms in a comforting manner. "Our kingdom is once again ours."

Jana squeezed through the group of guards that were surrounding the Enchantress. "Janiah," the Enchantress called and Jana turned around to find the translucent form of the Enchantress by the door.

Jana glanced over to where the guards were and then back at the ghost. "You didn't have to do that," Jana sighed.

"Our time here is done. Did you succeed?" the Enchantress asked.

"Yes, milady," Jana answered, instinctively dropping into a bow.

The Enchantress nodded and waved for Jana to stop the bowing. "You were supposed to come back alive, Janiah," she sighed.

"I guess I didn't listen," Jana mumbled with a sheepish smile.

The Enchantress smiled a little at Jana's humor but shook her head. "I failed," the Enchantress whispered.

"You didn't fail. You gave the resistance time to run and the Daughters of Destiny will come," Jana insisted, earning a shake of the head from the Enchantress.

"Not the people. I failed you," she argued.

Jana reached out and took her friend's hand. "You only fail if you give up. There's still a future and, believe me, it's worth fighting for. That's more than I could ask for. Besides, I chose this," she countered gently.

"You are right, Janiah," the Enchantress agreed before waving for Jana to follow her.

"Enchantress?" Jana called after her so that the older witch stopped and looked over her shoulder. "I prefer Jana," she explained.

"Jana," the Enchantress repeated and then gave her a faint nod. "We have business to attend to, Jana," she pointed out. She wisped out and Jana, with a rather bright smile on her features, followed right behind her.

The Halliwell Manor- Present

Leo leaned back in his chair as he listened to the sisters' explanation. Piper was sitting next to him, Phoebe across, and Paige toward the end of the table. Prue and Andy were still at the stationhouse.

"Have you ever seen anything like it before?" Phoebe questioned.

Leo hesitated answering and just decided to repeat what the sisters had seen. "You had an astral premonition, then Prue had a premonition of some kind, Paige shocks things with her photokinesis…"

"Photokinesis?" Piper interrupted in confusion.

"Fancy way of saying orbs. The lights," Leo elaborated before continuing. "And Piper blows things up? Is that all?" he pressed.

"You make it sound unimportant," Phoebe grumbled. "But yeah, that sounds right," she admitted.

Piper narrowed her eyes at Leo's silence. "What do you know?" she demanded.

"It sounds similar to what happened years ago when Prue first met Paige except specifically between you four this time," Leo started.

"What does that mean?" Piper inquired.

Leo shrugged to himself. "That there's a problem. See magic got out of hand when 'the power of three' was introduced to Paige. Powers backfired, they became unpredictable. To protect everyone, Paige was included although, as a whole it supposedly made you four weaker."

"Okay, what does that have to do with now?" Phoebe asked.

"I don't know but that's what it sounds like. A repeat of that. I will go ask the elders but I doubt they know what is going on yet," Leo explained.

Piper and Phoebe exchanged a glance with each other before Phoebe sighed dramatically. Her gaze shifted to find Paige staring at the wall. "You okay, Paige? You're being very quiet."

"Fine," Paige answered shortly.

"Is it Jana?" Piper questioned gently.

Paige suddenly stood up from her seat. "I'm going to bed," she announced.

Phoebe watched her leave with a frown but eventually turned away and pulled out a text book that she was studying. Piper looked worried and started to follow Paige until the doorbell rang through the house. "Uh, I'll get that," Piper offered, reluctantly walking to the front door. She expected to find Prue on the other side, perhaps having forgotten her keys, but she froze when she recognized who it actually was. "Dad?"