Title: Cuss Words of an Angel

Author: Jess O'Neal (in the past: impala negra)
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me.
Challenge Word: Soap
A/N: Thanks for reading and I hope you like it. A special thank to LamiaJade for helping me with my English. Big hug to you, hon!

Cuss Words of an Angel

They heard strange sounds coming out of the bathroom where Castiel had disappeared.
Sam looked at his brother who raised one eyebrow, smirking gleefully.
"Dean, what've you done?"
"Nothing." Innocently.

Dean could barely hold back the loud laughter that was threatening to escape his throat, imagining what Castiel was doing behind the closed door.

When Castiel came back, soap bubbles were running out of his mouth, his face screwed up in disgust.

„Cass! What's wrong?" Sam asked.
"Dean told me I have to wash out my mouth with soap because I used … that word", the angel explained, still frowning.