Grown up
A Percy Jackson story
Written by: Max/musiclover99
Read over/edited by: Lex/xXxDaughteroftheKingxXx
©-Rick Riordan

So. It's summer.

. . .


And because of my slightly long-term absence from fanfiction, I wanna get back on this site with a few fics. I think three, and they're all for different fandoms. Sorry for anyone whose fandom I didn't do. ^^;

This is basically an AU after Battle of the Labyrinth. Basically. Considering Percy and Annabeth's relationship was super strained after that book, and they're getting along totally fine here.


"Hey—am I taller than you?"

That had been completely random. The two of them had been just walking through Camp, passing the strawberry fields, just relaxing a bit, talking mindlessly. She doesn't really remember what the topic was either.

Annabeth blinked at the question.

"What?" she asked. "What does that—"

"Doesn't have to do with anything," Percy interrupted, already knowing what she was about to say. "Just . . . curious, I guess."

"Well, of course not, Seawee— . . ." She had been about to answer "no, you're not taller, I've been taller than you for months now, Seaweed Brain." But before answering, she had turned around to look at him.

That's when she realized she had to crane her neck up a bit to look at him.

Well look at that, she thought. He grew a few inches.

Percy, noticing her silence, couldn't help a small smirk on his face.

"I knew it!" he said, with a rather triumphant voice for some reason. "I did grow taller than you!"

"Brilliant," Annabeth replied sarcastically. "You finally hit puberty." She couldn't help but think, though, But I was taller . . .

The sentence made Percy stop his mini-celebration enough to blush lightly.

"I hit puberty years ago, thank you very much," he said, feeling rather awkward. "The point is that I'm taller."

"Why is this such a big deal to you?" Annabeth asked. "It's not that big of a deal. It's kind of expecting of guys to be taller than girls."

Percy paused a bit, before replying, "Well, when we were going to get Nico and . . . Bianca . . . last winter, at the dance, I saw you were taller than me."

"So it's a pride thing?" Annabeth summed up, more stating than asking. She rolled her eyes. "I thought I was the one with hubris, Seaweed Brain."

"Yeah well . . . whatever," Percy mumbled, looking down. "Just forget about it."

Annabeth rolled her eyes again at her friend, patting his shoulder.

"It just means you're finally growing up," she said. "Maybe a bit too fast."

A silence hung over the two of them.

"Way too fast for my taste," Percy sighed, suddenly losing all of his previous joy. "I'm turning fifteen. Only one more year before . . . the choice."

"You'll be fine," she assured. "You'll be totally fine, and everything will be alright. You'll make the right choice."

"And if I don't?"

"Aren't I always right?" she said, trying to change the subject. "After all, I am the daughter of Athena."

"Hey, you're only smart because you're a daughter of Athena," Percy said, joking back.

"At least my plans actually work."

"My plans work!"

"Just barely. Whose idea was it to use a stick to distract Cerberus?"

"It almost worked!"

"You threw it into the Styx."

And just like, the subject changed again.

Wow, I am really out of practice. The dialogue's sloppy. The grammar's alright still, thank god. The character . . . I think they're all a bit OOC for my taste, even if it is a bit of an AU. I feel so sloppy. :( It's annoying.

Oh well. Time for me to warm up then.

Hope you enjoyed this totally pointless drabbley thing.

. . .

Seriously, I don't even get the plot of this thing.

Thank for reading~ Drop a review?