Disclaimer: I do not own TVD or any of its characters.

"This is going to be an amazing year," Tyler said, lowering his gaze.

Caroline smiled slightly as he pulled her in for a hug, still a little weirded out. All of this was just too crazy. Tyler was a hybrid now, and as happy as he was, she couldn't find it in her to share his bliss. He didn't have to go through the pain of another transformation again—that was a plus. But he wouldn't age or be able to have children. He was eternally damned, just as she was.

She placed one more small peck on his lips before heading to the parking lot. After everything that went down tonight, she figured she could use a good night's rest.

Before she did any of that, however, she needed to check on Elena. After what she had been through tonight, the poor girl could use a friend. She wouldn't stay long—just long enough to let her get in a good cry or maybe even just a hug and some reassurance. She'd let Damon take it from there.

Caroline arrived quickly at the hospital, and just in time to see the ending of an argument between Klaus and Damon.

"You're bluffing," she heard Klaus accuse.

"Katherine and I found him," Damon choked out. "Consider it our leverage."

Klaus threw Damon across the parking lot and into another vehicle with an alarming amount of force. Against her better judgement, Caroline stepped out of her car to help him up.

No sooner had she gotten out of her car had she felt the sickening crack of her skull against her window. Everything went black.


Caroline opened her eyes one at a time, taking in the light streaming through the small window of the plane.


Caroline sat up, startled. What happened? She rubbed her head, remembering its collision with the window of her car. Whatever damage had been done to it had evidently healed, considering she felt no pain at all. Not even a headache.

Everything started to slowly come back to her in pieces. Elena's blood, hybrids, Tyler, the hospital, Damon, Klaus... Her thoughts stopped right there. Klaus!

She twisted to her left, becoming aware of his presence in the seat beside her. He seemed completely at ease. His seat was slightly leaned back and he was casually sipping from a champagne glass.

"Morning, love," he greeted her with a smirk.

Caroline scooted as far as she could to the right which—with a seatbelt on and the wall of the airplane blocking her—proved to be a very short distance.

He looked at her expectantly, and she realized that she had yet to speak. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, gathering her senses.

"What are you doing?" she croaked out. "Why am I here?"

"I needed to leave town for a bit," he answered simply.

"But why did you kidnap me?" she asked.

He raised his free hand—the one that wasn't holding his drink—to his chest in mock hurt. "'Kidnap'?" he repeated. "That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?"

"Why am I here, Klaus?" she spit through her teeth, surprised that she could keep her voice so even.

"I need to ensure that your friends don't do anything they'll regret in my absence."

She paused, letting this information sink in. Why does he need to leave Mystic Falls? He should want to stay as close to the doppelganger as possible, what with last night's revelation about her blood. Caroline decided to let this go, figuring it had something to do with the "leverage" Damon was talking about last night before Klaus had thrown him into the nearest SUV.

"Where are we going?" Caroline asked instead.

"London," he drawled, looking bored.

"London?" Caroline repeated shrilly. She glanced around to see if she had disturbed anyone before she realized that they were alone. Of course he compelled himself a private flight. Had she really expected anything less? "As in London, England?" she continued.

Klaus rolled his eyes. "That'll be the one."

"But that's so far away!" she complained. She had never been anywhere outside of Mystic Falls, so flying overseas to another country—no, another continent, made her squirm. Especially when she was going there with Klaus. This could not be happening. Another realization hit her. "I don't have any luggage!"

"That won't be a problem. There are plenty of places to shop in London." He took another sip of his champagne.

As much as she hated to admit it, the thought kind of excited Caroline. Shopping in Mystic Falls was nothing compared to shopping in London. She thought of the looks on everyone's faces when she returned to school wearing all those designer labels, a walking runway model for European fashion. That is, if she returned. That thought wiped the smile off her face.

"You know, you couldn't have picked a crappier time to abduct me," Caroline started.

"Oh, really? Why is that?" he asked, not looking at her.

"I'm going to miss my first day as a senior," she said with a twinge of sadness.

To her growing annoyance with this golden-haired Original, Klaus threw his head back and laughed. He was laughing at her! "Your life is in the hands of the most dangerous being in the world and you're worried about your senior year?" he questioned incredulously, throwing in another chuckle.

"Yes," she said defensively, her voice shooting up a few octaves. "I'll never be a senior in high school again!"

Klaus sighed. "You have eternity to be a senior, Caroline."

"Yeah, but not with the people I've grown up with and that I've known my whole life! It won't be the same!" She knew she was whining and it was probably getting on his nerves, but she didn't care. He deserved far worse than just simply being annoyed. "How much longer do we have left on this plane anyway?"

"Not long. Maybe an hour at most," he replied. "You're lucky you slept through the first nine and a half hours. It's been quite boring."

"I'm sure you found ways to entertain yourself," Caroline quipped, her eyes shooting to the flight attendant who stood in the back of the plane who was dabbing a towel to her neck.

Klaus grinned, unaffected by her obvious disapproval. "Would you like a drink?" he offered, gesturing to his champagne glass.

Caroline was about to firmly refuse, but her body was craving something stronger than water. "What time is it?"

"Eight in the morning," he answered coolly. "One in the afternoon in London time."

Caroline shrugged. "What the hell. I'll probably need it."

The flight attendant brought her the glass of champagne, and Caroline sipped at it delicately. It felt weird drinking alcohol so early in the morning (well, it felt early to her), but she ignored the protesting of her empty stomach.

Klaus took notice of her discomfort. "If you need something more satisfying..." he trailed off, waving towards the flight attendant who was still holding the bloodied towel to her neck wound.

Caroline made a face of disgust, which made Klaus chuckle. "Sorry to disappoint, but I don't like to hurt people to satisfy my needs," she told him curtly.

The rest of the plane ride was flown in silence. Caroline did her best to ignore the bastard hybrid sitting next to her, instead focusing on her drink and the amazing view from the window. She tried to enjoy the sights below her as much as she could until they landed, bringing Caroline back to reality.

Klaus startled her by looping his arm through hers and dragging her along beside him. Instinctively, Caroline recoiled at his touch, but his grasp was too firm for her to escape.

"I just need to make sure you aren't going to try to run away," he explained to her quietly.

Caroline scoffed. "I'm halfway across the globe, I don't have anywhere to run to."

Klaus smirked, still refusing to let to of her arm. She wanted to slap that smug look right off his face, but she knew that wouldn't end well for her. Instead, she complied however reluctantly as he dragged her through the crowds of people and towards wherever they were staying, which happened to be some really fancy hotel that Caroline couldn't help but feel a little underdressed for. She didn't worry, though, because Klaus was still wearing the same clothes from last night too.

He dropped her arm when he went to check them in. Caroline crossed her arms over her chest, contemplating running but deciding against it, recalling her earlier words to him. "I'm halfway across the globe, I don't have anywhere to run to."

He compelled the woman working at the desk quickly, grabbing a key from her and taking my arm again. He still didn't let go of her arm even when they were on the elevator.

"Seriously, you can let go of me now," she pleaded with him.

He didn't respond.

When she walked into their room, she discovered that it wasn't a room at all. It was a penthouse. With rooms. Plural.

She walked forward slowly, as if in a trance. She felt so high class and fancy. It was fabulous. There was a living area with black leather couches placed artistically around a large plasma screen television. There was a kitchen area with chrome appliances and granite countertops. She walked up the staircase, her hands trailing along the glass railing. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that there were two bedrooms and two bathrooms. She walked into one of the bedrooms and jumped on top of the white, king-sized bed, giggling.

Her moment of joy was cut short as soon as she heard Klaus enter the room. "Enjoying yourself?" he asked as he watched her in amusement.

She sat up, straightening her top. "I was, until I remembered whose company I was in," she replied fiercely, which only made Klaus's smirk widen. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get a shower." She stood up and shooed him out of the room, closing the door behind him and heading to her bathroom.

It was then that she realized she was missing something.

She ran out of the room, just catching him as he was about to descend the stairs. "Give me my phone," she hissed at him.

Klaus raised his eyebrows at her. "I'm not an idiot, Caroline, I know you will call your friends as soon as I hand it over."

"No need," Caroline snarled. "Bonnie will just use a locator spell and find me."

"Which is why after your shower, you and I are going to see a witch that can prevent anyone from using a locator spell on you."

Caroline frowned. "But...they'll know something is up when they don't see me today."

"Which is why I sent them a text from your phone explaining that you felt ill and needed to take the day off."

Caroline stared blankly at him, not sure how to feel about all of this. Angry, for sure. But part of her was slightly thrilled about spending who knows how long in London.

"Fine," she said finally, turning on her heels to go take her shower. She would just have to come up with a different escape plan.