Disclaimer: I don't own it. Sadly.

Warnings: Foul language. Violence. Will become slash later on.

A/N: This is a prequel/prologue to Kabhi Kushi's The Start of a Lifetime in Love. Go check it out! That being said, I am super stoked to be writing this, and I hope you all enjoy it! FrostIron (Tony/Loki) is definitely my OTP right now, so I hope I can do it justice. I hope for this to be a long running project... Lots of chapters, lots of depth and layers to the plot and characters. Please review, I appreciate all feedback. And sorry in advance for any delay in updates.

To Trick a Trickster


"Sir, I believe we have a lock. The target has finally stopped moving," Agent Maria Collins spoke to Director Fury as he stepped onto the bridge of the airship that served as S.H.I.E.L.D's headquarters.

"Good work. Get me Agents Barton and Romanoff," the tall man replied as Agent Collins hurried to obey his orders.

Finally found, hm? I wonder if she's finally in our grasp, Fury wondered as he stared out the window. "Take us down to sea level."

"Yes, sir," one of the agents replied as they began to descend.

"Director," Agent Natasha Romanoff walked up behind the director, Clint Barton close behind, "You wanted to see us. Do you have a mission?"

Nick Fury turned around and eyed the Black Widow and Hawkeye, "Yes. We are landing now. This," he slid an eight by ten photograph across the table they all stood around, "is your target. You are to disable her, and bring her back alive. If she resists, you have orders to put her down."

"Are we sure it's actually her?" Barton asked, speaking for the first time since the briefing started.

"Yes, beyond a shadow of a doubt."

It was Natasha that spoke up this time, "But she's been on our search list for the past ten years without a trace of evidence to her name. She hardly looks to be older than twenty five. How did she manage to make the list at fifteen?"

Fury sighed, he'd been hoping to avoid this conversation. But now that the topic had been brought up, he had no choice but to offer an explanation of some sort, "You know how prolific this organization is. They control the majority of the world's organized crime, without revealing themselves as being existent. Anyone who can climb to the top, especially in that short of a time frame, will be of interest to us."

The red-head narrowed her eyes, Clint tensed slightly. They could tell that they weren't being privy to the whole truth, but would let it slide. At least until they talked to Stark about breaking through SHIELD's computer defenses to get the full dossier on this girl. "You have your orders," the Director began again, "Get your gear ready."

"Yes, sir," Romanoff turned on her heel and followed her friend and partner off of the bridge.

Tony Stark sat in his workshop with a tablet in one hand and a glass of scotch in the other as he and Bruce Banner went over the specs for a new enhancement for the prototype Mach VIII. "Sir," JARVIS broke through their discussion, "Agent Natasha Romanoff and Agent Clint Barton are requesting to see you."

The genius sighed and didn't even look up from his work, "Did they say what they want? Ah, never mind. Might as well let the lovebirds in."

"Yes, sir."

Bruce snickered slightly before speaking, "Make sure they don't hear you saying that. Barton may just put an arrow through you."

Stark waved a hand dismissively and stood up. "It would be worth it. After you, Doctor Banner," he grinned as he opened the door.

They made their way toward the sitting room where Natasha and Clint had already made themselves comfortable.

"Hey kids. What news from afar?" Tony greeted them with a winning smile, while Bruce gave a small nod and a fleeting smile in greeting.

Natasha rolled her eyes and Clint, quick as a flash, quipped, "Oh there's plenty, but you wouldn't remember it two minutes from now, gramps."

The genius just smirked before sitting down. "Alright. What is it you two wanted? Last I heard you were supposed to be on a mission for Fury."

"We are... Or we are going to be, but Fury's hiding something."

"And that's news? He's always hiding something," Banner snorted and shook his head.

Barton quickly interjected before Stark could add anything, "It has to do with our target. We need to know what Fury is hiding from us about her. Could you look? Please?"

"Oh, well..." Tony frowned, appearing to be in thought for a moment, "If you're going to ask nicely," he drawled with a winning grin, "I'll look. I guess I'll just forward you the information?"

"Thank you, Tony," Natasha muttered as the two agents prepared to take their leave.

The man nodded, already muttering commands to JARVIS.

Thor looked up at the sky. It was a sunny day, and he'd been wandering around Manhattan, learning of his surroundings now that the threat of destruction was not imminent. He greatly enjoyed Midgardian weather, it was a nice change from the auroras of Asgard. The tingling in the palm of his hand that held a Midgardian communication device had not abated for the past few minutes. Looking down, he saw Tony Stark's face glowing on the screen. Blinking for a few moments, he pressed the green button that said 'accept' and put the phone to his ear. "Stark? What is it you need?"

The voice on the other end of the line came through crisply. "There's some information you guys are going to want to see. See if you can find Cap on your way here."

Before the demi-god could reply, the billionaire had hung up.

There's the prologue! Hope you enjoyed it. I hope to get it moving a bit more in the next chapter. There's a couple kinks here and there, but hopefully I can write through them. Anyways, reviews = love = more writing. Sorry for such a short chapter :/
