Just another boredom-inspired Alvin/Brittany one-shot!

~Give Me Back My Hat~
~by ChipetteGirl10~

He could see it.

High on top of the shelf.

There it was.

His cap.

The one he had forgotten for so long was finally found at last.

He was beginning to wonder what had happened to it.

"Come to papa!"

He was almost there.


One more reach and he would have the red object in his hand.

"Come on…come on…"

His fingers grazed against it, ready to curl into a fist and grab it.


Alvin fell from the bookcase, landing on the floor as high-pitched laughter filled the room.

"You are so dead when I get my paws on you."

"Try me, Seville."

"Gladly, Wilson!"

Two blurs, pink and red, were off in a flash.

Expensive china, books, statues, and figurines among others toppled to the floor, shattering on connection.

"Give me back the stupid hat!"

"If it's so stupid then why do you even want it back?"

"I-I…I need…I-I wanna…OH JUST GIVE IT BACK!"

"You don't have a response there."

"Shut up."

And he pounced, pinning the pink-clad chipette down.

"Give me the hat," he hissed, "and I won't hurt you."

"Hurt me? Oh puh-leez, Seville."

"Try me."

A grin on her face. She flung the cap across the room, sending it skidding across the floor under a dusty cabinet.

"You asked for it."


Immense, painful tickling.

The air was impossible to get back to her lungs as she continuously laughed.

"S-S-S-Sto-op i-it A-A-Alvin!"

"Do you think you've learned your lesson?"


"Too bad."

More tickling.



Her most ticklish spot.

"Alvin, knock it off!"

And she was released. Sitting upright, she flashed her counterpart a smile.

"Go get my hat," Alvin commanded.

"Nope," Brittany said, grinning at him.

There was a glare in reply.

"Do I have to tickle-attack you again?"


And she was off in a blur.

"She can't be serious."

Alvin got up and scanned the room for any sign of Brittany.

There it was.

A crash.

A squeal.

Alvin looked.

Brittany was tangled up in the microphone wire, so vulnerable to tickling.

And there was his hat.

So easy to grab, yet so dusty.

He slid onto the dusty floor and grabbed the red object.

Looking up to Brittany, he smirked.

"Get me down!" the chipette called desperately.

"You know Britt, I could leave you up there," Alvin called, placing the hat on his head.

"Come on Alvin, just help a girl out."

"But I don't really feel like it. I fell off of a bookcase because you took my hat. I could have died!"

A dramatic faint.

He got up a few seconds later.

"I really, really don't feel like getting you down."

"Please Alvin…"

Alvin thought for a minute.


"Pretty please?"



"Maybe…after this."

Alvin walked over to Brittany and began to mercilessly tickle her again.

"Alvin stop!"

The air was rapidly leaving her lungs as disgruntled laughs came.


She squirmed in the wires as Alvin's fingers flew all over her body.

Tears, by now, were dripping from her eyes as she relentlessly laughed, desperately trying to stop to allow air back to her lungs.


No mercy.

He smirked and finally stopped.

"Th-Thank y-y-you…"

Breathing heavily, Brittany finally fell down from her confines.

"This is what you get when you don't give me back my hat."

I was bored. Love it? Hate it? Let me know.