A/n: Please read the a/n at the end of the epilogue for all that stuff and everything. Enjoy~!


[7 moons later]

"They're adorable, Lilyheart!" Rainbreeze purred. "Three more warriors for ThunderClan."

Lilyheart purred softly, turning to nuzzle the nearest kit, a small black-and-ginger tom. "Thank you. Is Sparktail back from his hunting patrol yet?"

"He just came in." Rainbreeze glanced out of the nursery, then back at Lilyheart. There was a glimmer of amusement in her eyes. "When Eggpelt told him, he dropped his fresh-kill and bolted. He should be here in—"

"Lilyheart?" Suddenly, the light filtering in from the nursery entrance was blocked and Rainbreeze let out an indignant squeak as she was shoved aside. Sparktail bounded inside, crossing to her nest in a heartbeat, and leaned down, licking her face. "Lilyheart, are you okay? Are the kits all right?"

"We're all fine," Lilyheart murmured, smiling tiredly at him. "Two toms and a she-cat, all healthy."

Sparktail turned his gaze to the three tiny bundles by Lilyheart's belly. "They're beautiful," he purred. "What do you want to name them?"

"Well," Lilyheart mewed thoughtfully, "I was thinking Emberkit for the black-and-ginger tom."

"Perfect," Sparktail agreed. Emberkit made a tiny mewling noise and shifted in his sleep.

"What about this one?" Lilyheart gestured to the other tom, who was dark gray with a fluffy tail.

"How about Stormkit?" Sparktail suggested.

Lilyheart nodded. "And I'm not sure about the last one. She's been sleeping this whole time."

The she-kit rolled over and mewled, blindly waving a paw in the air. She had beautiful, silver fur and a black tip on her tail. On her face, a tiny dark gray marking formed the shape of a crescent moon. She looked almost… Familiar. Lilyheart stared at the kit, struggling to remember.


"It's Moonkit."

"What?" Sparktail looked over at her with confusion in his eyes.

"She's Moonkit. Look, she's exactly the same." Lilyheart stared at the newborn kit with wide eyes.

"Then I guess she has a name," Sparktail purred.

"Emberkit, Stormkit and Moonkit," Lilyheart whispered. "Perfect."


Sparktail's POV

Talonstar stood on the Highledge, with the small remnants of ThunderClan gathered at the base of the Highledge. "As I'm sure everyone knows, there is a Gathering tonight," the ginger tom announced. "And as I'm sure you all also know, Lilyheart will not be attending because she kitted earlier today. Therefore, I want Lightfur to stand in as deputy until she is able to take on the role of deputy again.

"Lightfur! Lightfur! Lightfur!" The senior warrior dipped his head in acknowledgement, and when the cheers died down, Talonstar continued.

"The cats going to the Gathering tonight will be myself, Lightfur, Rainbreeze, Palefrost, Eggpelt, Sparktail, Mossfoot and Brightpaw. All of you, get some rest, have something to eat, et cetera. Patrols are being sent out as usual. That's all." He jumped down from Highledge. Sparktail was planning on visiting the nursery again, so he walked back over. As he was preparing to enter, a small ginger-and-white she-cat squeezed out through the exit.

"Hi, Sparktail!" She mewed happily. "Your kits are really cute!"

"Thanks, Brightpaw," he purred to his apprentice.

"Hey, Sparktail!"

"Wha'?" The warrior turned to see Eggpelt trotting over. "Hey, Eggpelt. What's up?"

"Wanna come hunting?" The white tom grinned.

"Actually, I was about to go visit Lilyheart—"

"You can do that later. C'mon!" Eggpelt marched over and shoved Sparktail in the shoulder.

"Fine, fine!" Chuckling, Sparktail followed his friend out of camp.

They hunted until sunset, when Talonstar called the cats together for the Gathering. Sparktail went to say goodbye to Lilyheart before he left. When he squeezed in, he was met by a surprising sight—Moonkit was on her back, paws in the air, staring brightly at him through wide blue eyes. "She's opened her eyes already!" Sparktail gaped.

Lilyheart nodded, purring. "Snowpelt said it's not that unusual for them to open their eyes the first day. She's just an early birdie." Snowpelt was the other ThunderClan queen at the moment. She had four two-moon-old kits—Darkkit, Marshkit, Applekit and Stonekit.

"Well, I'm leaving for the Gathering. See you tomorrow," Sparktail mewed.

"Say hi to Songstar for me!"

Promising to give the WindClan leader her greeting, Sparktail left the den and bounded over to where Talonstar waited. "Good," Talonstar mewed, "I think we're all here. Let's go!" He set off at a run, leaving the others to follow as best they could. Talonstar was on his last few lives (no one knew the exact number), but he was as quick as he had always been. Sparktail contented himself with trotting behind the rest of the cats. He felt like thinking.

It was amazing how much things had changed since the war. Song and her rogues had been welcomed into WindClan, and Song had even been accepted as their leader after proving herself to the previous leader, Echostar. The Clans, despite all efforts, were still small, and it was making everyone nervous. There was even talk of recruiting rogues from surrounding areas, but it was only a half supported idea. For the moment, though, everything was all right. New-leaf had come, bringing fresh air and plentiful prey, and it had lifted spirits in all four Clans. There had been no trouble from BloodClan.

All was well.


Okay, guys. This is going to be some long, rambly speech about how much I love you all :'D First of all, let me clear one thing up- Yes, there is going to be a sequel. I have it planned out in my head, I know the main characters, and I know who's going to die (muahaha). ANYWAYS. Ffff thank you all for over 200 reviews, all the favorites, and everything else c: You guys are the best. Hugs for you all! Now, screw rambles. Just tell me what you thought! I'm sorry this was short, but I wanted to get it up :3