Mona Here guys I'm here to finally update this story, so please enjoy!

~Lovi's apartment~

Again Lovino was shaken awake but instead the kind gentle soothing touch this one was rough and shook him harshly. In fear that it was his father, Lovino lashed out hitting the other person straight in the nose. The albino man recoiled in pain as blood trickled down from his nose on to his pale skin," What the hell was that for you little Italian brat." He raised a hand to hit back but froze when he saw the smaller boys face. It was fear clear as day embedded in his eyes, and Gilbert understood that the boy had meant no harm and lowered his hand. Lovino caramel iris's dulled over extinguishing the previous emotions in them, "What the hell are you doing here potato bastard numero dos!?" Gil rolled his eye secretly glad to see the boy acting more like himself. Francis stood in that back round laughing at the small boys shock, "Relax we just came with Toni." He moved closer making the Italian boy tense up a little in fear, "Unless you want us hear for other reasons. I'd be happy to comply, I've been told I'm great in bed." Lovino opened his mouth to yell at the creepy French man, but found himself interrupted by a Spanish accent, "France what did I say about scaring mi pequeño tomate precioso." The French man jump as the glowering Spaniard spoke in an almost demonic tone, "Oh Toni you know I was just kidding I'd never lay a finger on him."

Lovi let out a raspy sigh of relief that quickly turned in a hacking cough much to his disappointment. Antonio kneeled down a expression of worried etched into his face as he rubbed the smaller boys back hoping to sooth the hash hacking, " Mi dios Lovino suenas horrible." The harsh coughing finally began to calm and the smaller boy glared up at the older boy, "Stop speaking Spanish damn it, I can't under stand a word your saying!" The Spanish boy simply laughed finding the younger boy adorable. Lovino flushed bright red annoyed with this reaction, but then suddenly realized something, "Wait where the fuck is Feli !?" His heart raced as his mind became preoccupied with all the different possibilities for his bothers sudden disappearance, " Kesesesesese He's perfectly fine he with Ludwig." Lovino relax glad for once in his life that his brother was with the damn potato bastard. Something warm was slipped into his hand, he looked down to find it to be a hot delicious looking bowl of tomato soup. He gave the Spanish bastard a quick thank you digging in devouring the soup in a matter of minutes. They all watched in awe at this sight and Lovino looked up blushing, "What are you all looking at? I was hungry okay." He wasn't just hungry anymore he was starving, he didn't he had eaten a proper meal in days. Now that his stomach was full of food he felt warm and hazy. It was a strange feeling but for some reason he enjoyed it, feeling sleepy. Lovino was out cold again within a matter of minutes, and Toni removed the dirtied bowl from the boys small hand putting it in the sink. They left him alone for the rest of the afternoon letting the sick boy sleep. Gilbert couldn't help but stare at the boy with curiosity. How he had reacted before still bothered him and he was left wonder what was this small boy so afraid of.


Mona: I hope you guys enjoy this update as much as I enjoyed writing it. Things as you can see are begging to piece together slowly who knows may in the next chapter they'll find the truth about our small Italian friend. Till next time you wonderful people. Oh and I'm completely open to any suggestions so don't be afraid to voice them.