I do not own Talespin, the characters or anything affiliated with it, this is just for the love. It is also my very first fan fic, so please read and review xxx

Scars of his Past

Chapter 1

Kit Cloudkicker woke up after a fitful night, and it took him a full minute to remember he was no longer a Sky Pirate on the Iron Vulture; he was no longer under the boot of Captain Don Karnage.

The events which had occurred to get him from that Hell, into a tiny shack he now called home, were so unbelievable, Kit was scared he would be dismissed as a liar, if he ever told anyone the truth.

The room was empty as Baloo, had risen early to deal with the latest drama, from Mrs Rebecca Cunningham. The new owner of the Sea Duck, Baloo's beloved plane and the owner of Higher for Higher, the company, she now owned after taking over Baloo's failing company.

Baloo complained almost every day; he was only working for her until he had the money to buy back his plane, but Kit suspected something differently. Somewhere in the middle of this, Baloo had offered Kit the job as his navigator, out of the kindness of his heart. Kit had envisioned being there for a few days, before heading for pastures new. But as the week wore on, his feet seemed to have stuck in this little dock in Cape Suzette, and for the first time in his life was beginning to feel like he had a home.

Kit was hit, by the smell of hot bacon, as he heard Baloo banging pans in the small kitchen. "Kit, I need you up in five, her ladyship wants me to take a cargo over to Cape Nigella in an hour".

Rising from the bed, Kit made his way to the bathroom and washed quickly. He caught a glimpse of his back from the reflection in the mirror and grimaced. When he had fled the Pirates he hoped something would disappear, that he could reinvent himself fully, but he was coming to realise something's would never go away.

Joining Baloo in the kitchen, Kit chewed down his bacon and studied the maps; he had lived in the skies so long he could navigate to Nigella in his sleep, only a few months early Don Karnage had mounted a raid and failed badly, as he could never forget.

Baloo glanced at the young cub as he finished his coffee; the kid had that look in his eyes again, which Baloo recognised, "Something on your mind Kid?" He finally asked, Kit shrugged "Just slept badly I guess", he offered eventually.

Baloo just nodded and drained his mug; he knew he wasn't a smart man, by any means. Since the kid had literally crashed onto his life that day in Louie's. He had felt himself growing closer to the boy, but there were so many unanswered questions. He knew if he ever probed deeper, Kit would run. He could see the look in his eyes most days, a week earlier, when he was attempting to clean the small shack they shared; he had come across a knapsack Kit had acquired from somewhere, full of tins of food, a few changes of clothes and a tiny amount of money, which he had saved.

Kit was planning to run; it was a matter of when and Baloo wanted to know why, so he could stop him.

He already knew about Don Karnage, the serpent of the skies and knew Kit had been part of the crew for a year, as he left Kit with his maps, he made his way over to the Higher for Hire office. This new change of responsibilities in his life had made Baloo grateful at times for Rebecca, sure he openly had a love, hate relationship with her, but in truth he was beginning to enjoy their morning arguments, and at least the one thing they had in common was Kit's welfare.

"I'll tell you Becky, there's something not right with the boy, he's not sleeping, he sulks when I try to ask him questions. And I know you said "give him time", but I'm not sure I can take any more of this. The other day, I tried to bring up the Pirates, and he spent the rest of the night glaring at me".

Baloo wrung his pilot's hat in his hand, a trait he always had when he was thoughtful. "Maybe he should move in with you and Molly, after all". Rebecca placed her papers down, moved away from her desk and faced the taller bear. "Baloo", she began gently. "I know a few weeks ago, I would have said the same, but we both know he wouldn't be happy with me". She took Baloo's paw in hers in a gesture of comfort, over the weeks she had been surprised and delighted to see Baloo's subtle transformation into a more responsible adult. "He belongs with you Baloo, and I think if he wanted to leave you, he would have done so already. But I'll be honest with you". She confessed, "What's going on in Kit's head, I have no area of advice for you".

Baloo was momentary surprised and grateful for Rebecca's honesty; she was a fantastic mother to her own daughter Molly, and she usually held the belief that her way was always the best. For her to admit she was as clueless as him, with regards to Kit was remarkable. "But", the annoying tone in her voice appeared breaking the tension between the two. "I will be there if you need me, always…now" Rebecca snapped back to her manager role, in an instant. "Here is the paperwork for the Cape and the forms that need a signature". Grateful for this return to their normal day, Baloo placed his hat back on his head, gave off an offhand salute, which would insult the entire Royal Navy and headed to his baby…the Sea Duck. Kit was already in the navigator seat, studying the maps, one final time.

"You ready Papa Bear", Kit called out of the window. Baloo couldn't resist a grin, Kit's love of the skies was the same as his, and the one thing that always made their day brighter.

As the place climbed the skies and sped out of Cape Suzette, Rebecca watched them leave, with a sense of unease in her stomach, as she thought about Kit and wondered what this small boy was really hiding.