What an exciting party
First she was hot for Rick Castle, but then she was turned on by someone not so different. Kate is making an exciting experience all over again. Femslash. Very out of character. One-hot-shot. Complete. Set somewhere in season 2.
Author`s Note:
I know, I know, something like under-age sex (don`t like, don`t read, it`s just as simple like that), femslash,
but even 16-year-olds are sexual creatures and like to experiment with their own sexuality and with consent.
The story had not been beta-ed and the English language isn`t my mother language, so all mistakes are mine.
If you`ve trouble with such kind of fan-fiction, please stop right here, you won`t like it
Rating: M
Disclaimer: I don`t own anything, Mr. Marlowe does.
Kate Beckett was hot for Rick Castle. She knew it. She dealt with her desires for quite some time now.
Maybe she should really consider getting it out of her system, to just go and fuck him. Maybe then she might be able to think straight again.
She arrived at his party in a kind of irritated and excited state. Since then she already has had three vodka martinis to calm her nerves down.
Why should she be nervous? She wanted to get him into her bed...! Oh no, that`s not quite right. She wanted to get herself in his bed.
She wanted it tonight. She wanted it right now.
But nothing she`s done until now had an impact on him. He was still greeting his guests and it seemed that he didn`t take notice of her at all.
An accidental brush of their fingers as he handed her the first vodka martini set her on fire like a bush fire in August.
To come a little down of her excited state of mind she travelled through all the guests and stepped outside on the balcony.
There she immediately noticed that the space was actually occupied already. She saw Kevin and Jenny. And she not only saw them.
She could even hear them panting and grunting. What did she see? She had to close her eyes the moment she registered what was going on.
She stepped back before she would make herself audible with a sharp inhaled breath. But the vision had made it to her brain. She had seen Kevin doing Jenny against the wall. The vision of this, still engraved in her brain as she stepped back into the loft, made her blush because she was set more on fire than she ever imagined to be. It was really embarrassing how horny she was.
Oh no, I don`t know what`s wrong with me. I haven`t been that way since years now. Why now? I`m really horny.
And I need to get myself off right now. I should go to the bathroom.
So she walked over to the bathroom and stopped in her tracks as she heard sexually aroused grunts from even outside the bathroom.
The lights were on, but the door wasn`t closed. As if they wanted to get caught. As if they wanted others to watch them.
Beckett saw Espo sitting on the washer getting a blow-job from Lanie.
By the way he had closed his eyes, his hands fisted in Lanie`s hair and grunted quietly she could tell that he liked having oral sex in public.
At this moment Beckett asked herself if she indeed liked to watch others having sex.
Am I really that miserable? Do I really like watching others having sex?
Until now she hasn`t had that image of herself. But she really grew hornier by the minute.
She made a slight headshake to herself and started to get up the stairs.
Then I`ll take the upper bathroom to get myself off. I need it. Now! I can`t control that. My face must be flushed and my breath is unsteady. How do I explain that to anyone?
She turned around the corner and immediately she had a deja-vu.
Oh, no,..not again, she thought. This bathroom seemed to be occupied, too.
And it seemed it was occupied with more than one person. The door wasn`t closed, either. She heard sexually aroused moans.
So, why the hell, does everybody have sex except me? First Kevin and Jenny, then Lanie and Javier and who now?
She really thought by now that she was the only one who`s horny and who was not getting a chance to have some fun of any kind tonight.
And as, just like proving her theory that she was the one who liked watching others having sex, she carefully touched the door and pushed it more open to see what`s going on to let out those excited moans.
What she saw made her gasp. The vision in front of her was surprising and arousing at the same time.
She found Alexis Castle leaning almost naked against the sinks with her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted.
And she was the one from whom the arousing moans had come from.
"Hmmm,... uummm,... Hmmm... uummm..."
Beckett heard her sexually excited moans and within several seconds the next. But that wasn`t all Beckett found fascinating.
She stood rooted there to the ground and felt an animated pull to stay and watch the girl.
No, Alexis wasn`t masturbating.
She was surrounded by two naked girls. The one Beckett knew was Paige.
She was standing left of Alexis and was stroking Alexis`s right breast with her left hand and was nibbling and licking the nipple of her left breast.
And all Beckett noticed was the light skin of Alexis`s chest in contrast to this very pink shimmering nipple. She drew in a sharp breath.
Wow, that`s nice to look at! - Am I really doing that?
Am I really watching Alexis Castle getting taken care of by two of her friends? Wow, I am really somewhat freaky!
But I clearly remember having had this kind of fun, too.
Kind of experimenting with her own gender really wasn`t a strange thought to Beckett.
She had done the same at this age and remembering it now brought a lascivious smile on her lips and she licked them shortly as she watched what was going on further.
The other friend of Alexis, Beckett thought of Chrissy being her name, stood right of Alexis and made strokes with her hands all over the back and the stomach of Alexis. Paige said something Beckett couldn`t hear that made Alexis open her eyes. Her look was kind of clouded with lust and desire.
Paige started to push Alexis`s left hand at her own breast she just had stroked seconds ago and said:
"Touch yourself... I wanna watch".
Her voice was so sex-driven that Alexis did what she was told.
"Oh, Chrissy, look, isn`t that kinda hot,... the princess is actually touching herself!"
Chrissy smiled and reached for Alexis`s right hand and pushed it between the redhead`s legs.
Alexis`s eye lids just fluttered a bit but she couldn`t open her eyes because the sensation Paige added with her soft stroking hand on her breast a little more pressure.
"Hmmm...", was the only thing that could be heard from Alexis.
The doubled sensation of their touches took the better of her and the girl seemed too far gone by now.
Kate Beckett stood just there, entranced with what she witnessed right there.
She breathed a little heavier and put her hand between her legs to get some well-needed pressure on herself. She definitely liked a lot what she saw.
So, here and now, this is the last proof that I`m really kind of a pervert.
Being that miserable and horny to feel the need to watch others having sexual fun. That`s how far I have come.
Chrissy pulled Alexis`s hand out from between her legs.
"Hey, sweetie, open your eyes and watch what I do to you", she said and took all of Alexis`s fingers in her mouth to lick off her friend`s own aroused scent.
Alexis`s eyes opened wide with shocked excitement.
Beckett thought it seemed that Alexis didn`t know that kind of feeling she now certainly felt watching Chrissy licking her fingers.
Chrissy now started to suck on each finger which made Alexis panting heavier and she was closing her eyes in spite of what Chrissy had said.
Beckett knew exactly what Alexis was feeling right at this moment. She had very arousing memories of a very similar experience, as well.
She knew exactly that feeling and watching the suction on each finger at once would be too much to bear right then.
Just closing your eyes would only concentrate your perception on the keen feeling of the suction she not only felt in that moment but could also hear.
But opening her eyes would make her more aroused because she`d see what exactly created this sound.
In the meanwhile Paige`s tongue had changed to Alexis`s right breast and was nibbling and licking at this already erect nipple.
Chrissy left Alexis`s hand and sucked on her own fingers.
She then touched Alexis`s lower abdomen with the saliva-smeared fingers which caused Alexis to open her eyes.
Beckett almost couldn`t stop herself. She was growing wet between her legs now. And she still hasn`t had a chance to jerk herself off.
Her breaths became louder now. But she had to rein in herself otherwise she would be noticed by the girls.
Though she deeply wanted to join the threesome to make it a foursome she stopped herself right in time because she didn`t know how the girls would react to that if she turned her wish into any kind of action.
Alexis might get embarrassed ... or, on a second thought, maybe not.
Chrissy was aroused herself now and asked aloud:
"So, Alexis, do you finally admit it that it is indeed possible to become sexually aroused without any boy around?"
She looked at Alexis who was turning her eyes on the ground, starting to blush even more and silently nodding to what Chrissy had asked her.
"And, little Castle, do you think then that it is indeed possible, as well, that we both could get you to an orgasm you`d probably never ever forget?"
Alexis had closed her eyes, bit her lip and nodded again.
"So, I guess, Paige and I were doing it right, weren`t we? We made you wet, didn`t we? And would you even admit it that you enjoyed it very much?"
Chrissy blinked to Paige, both started to laugh, joined in a hug and french-kissed in front of Alexis who opened her eyes just to see them both tongue-battling in front of her face.
"So, do you?" Alexis was too entranced to think clearly. She just nodded.
Chrissy was turning to her and demanded: "Well, answer me! Say it out loud!" And with that she kissed Paige again.
"Yes ..., yes..., I admit it", Beckett heard the aroused voice of Alexis. "Yes, I like it. And yes, I enjoy it. So, please, would you go on?"
"So, is that right? What`d you say, Paige, do we now turn her on so that she stops thinking?"
Finished with the question Chrissy put her right hand in her mouth again, put saliva on her fingers and started to move them between Alexis`s pussy lips.
All the while Paige starting to suck Alexis`s erect breast nipples with an open mouth and increased the suction.
Alexis`s head started to bounce back and forth as if she didn`t know what to do with it. She panted really heavily by now.
But Chrissy wasn`t finished with the new sensations yet.
She pulled Alexis to turn her around and withdrew her fingers out of Alexis`s folds only to put them in between her ass cheeks.
Alexis inhaled sharply by feeling this new sensation. She never thought of putting a finger in "there" when she had masturbated.
Chrissy liked the sight in front of her. She smiled and moved her middle finger further into Alexis`s anus which caused little Castle to buckle her ass back to get a better feeling of that sensational friction.
She really didn`t know that one could feel any kind of excitement "there", too.
But nothing to enjoy any longer because Alexis was drawn to turn again, she now saw that Paige was kneeling in front of her and pulled off her black panties.
With this sight Beckett almost fainted.
Oh my god, these girls are really hot! Like hot, hot, hot!
Beckett herself hadn`t made the experience with the anal sensation but could tell by the way Alexis was panting that it must be an overwhelming turn-on.
Oh my god, what she`s doing there now? Is Paige really going down on Alexis? Wow! What a BFF, right? Giving her friend oral sex!
Beckett needed to bite her lips for not groaning out loud because she didn`t want to get detected. She wanted to watch. Just a little more.
Chrissy was enjoying to look at what Paige was now going to do to Alexis and stood behind Alexis and groped her breast with her left arm, started to twitch the nipple, and with her right arm she held Alexis`s back pressed to her front.
She started to suck on the girl`s earlobe right at the moment Paige parted Alexis`s pussy lips with both of her hands and put her tongue on her folds. Alexis opened her eyes wide in arousal again and almost started to really faint.
She was too far gone to realize that she acted on instinct only right now.
She gyrated her hips, would have sunken to the ground if Chrissy wouldn`t have held her up.
As Paige started to lick and flip her clit, she cried out:
"Ohmygod..., ohmygod..., that`s... impossible... that`s... uuhmmm,... uhmmm,... oh, yeah, right there."
And with the voice of Alexis, Beckett almost lost it. She closed her eyes but immediately opened them again.
She didn`t wanna miss a second of Alexis Castle having an orgasm. She was really dripping wet herself She didn`t know if she could bear it any longer just to watch. She now had to admit that she indeed liked watching the totally worked up and fully aroused Alexis Castle.
"Oh..., ooh..., oooooh... yes, faster..., more ..."
Kate however lost it right there. She sharply exhaled with a grunting sound.
And, of course, that stopped all the actions inside the bathroom. Beckett was busted!
She felt a blush on her cheeks but was courageous enough, not to say aroused enough, to not give in the feeling of embarrassment.
She slowly stepped into the bathroom and put a smile on her face. She smirked a little about the embarrassed facial expression of Alexis.
The other girls only laughed out loud, relieved that it was just Beckett and no one else. And they caught themselves a lot quicker than Alexis.
Chrissy pecked Paige on the lips and said just as if nothing had happened:
"Oh, come on, we`re leaving Alexis to her vibrator. You know, little Castle, what we`re going to do. If you wanna join in, you know where we are."
With these words she giggled and pulled Paige to the second door out into one of the adjoining bedrooms.
This is surreal, Alexis thought. She was still heavily aroused and panted like she had attended a marathon.
She felt incredibly embarrassed by the looks in her eyes and began to stutter: "Detective Beckett ..., it`s not..., it`s not what it looks like."
Beckett smiled sarcastically and touched the sink Alexis was leaning against and said: "Yeah, right,... it never is, isn`t it?"
With this Alexis bit her bottom lip and Beckett noticed that she liked that. Maybe because she usually did it, too.
"Oh, come on, Alexis, I`m not a prude. You don`t have to be ashamed of what you enjoyed right there. I do not dare being the one judging you because, believe me, when I was your age, I made the same experience on a free will, too. So, nothing to be embarrassed about."
"Really? You did?", Alexis was asking with a doubting voice. And then: "You won`t tell my dad, will you?"
"Of course, not! Who do you think I am? Your personal sexual encounters aren`t any of my business. But I have to admit that I liked watching."
With that Beckett tried to cheer Alexis up. But she only got a frightened face.
"How long have you been standing there watching us?"
"Hm..., quite a while. Hey, nothing will happen. I won`t tell anyone. I`ll share a secret with you. Actually I`ve come up here to get myself off."
With that admission Alexis started to look interested and seemed to forget her embarrassment. But she said nothing.
"I was horny before I got here. And I am still hot. I saw Kevin fucking Jenny on the balcony and not even a minute later I watched Lanie giving Espo a blow-job in the lower bathroom and so I decided to get up here and get myself off. And if that wasn`t enough I then stumbled on you girls. That was it for me. My bad you caught me."
Alexis brought out a little smile and looked at Beckett. "So..., we`re two horny girls in one bathroom then", she concluded kind of coyly but not hesitant.
"Did you enjoy it?" Beckett asked her, winking with a knowing smile.
"Actually, yes. I still can`t believe it." Alexis`s panting breaths were growing more even.
"Chrissy told me that I`d like it very much. Then she and Paige made a bet that I would love it so both invited me to have a threesome the first time I got laid by a girl. I grew hot only on the thought of having an orgasm while being watched. I`m not inexperienced - but not that experienced like them, either. And so I decided to give it a try. It still feels a little strange to know that I got so turned on by just some simple touches. But I really liked it."
"And you`ve really tried it yourself?" Alexis asked, the embarrassed look and behavior totally gone by now and watched Beckett smiling with a new interest.
Beckett could tell that the behavior in little Castle had changed somehow. But she couldn`t put a finger on it right away what triggered it.
She now said: "Yes, of course..., who hasn`t?"
With this she walked back to the door she sneaked in a few minutes ago and closed it from inside so no one could come in. She turned around and saw Alexis smiling lasciviously.
Could it really be that I get some sexual vibes here from you, girl? Or am I only too horny to think straight? Girl, what are you up to? It seems that she plays on time, but for what?
She decided not to ask Alexis or to say anything. Maybe she was wrong. She didn`t want to embarrass the young Castle more than she already had. So she simply stated: "I didn`t intend to intrude here. Sorry."
Alexis said being just like a real Castle with a smile: "As if you`d had a chance avoiding it!"
And then: "You know, we saw Esposito and Lanie, too. And this was it that got it started with Paige and Chrissy. We watched them fucking about a minute or so and then we were getting so horny over it. And so both of them decided that now should be the time of some sexual pleasures."
Beckett saw Alexis licking her lips and heard her little moan. It was as if she wanted to say that she missed that kind of fun right now.
Oh..., now I get it! - She`s still horny. She hasn`t come yet. I thought she already had an orgasm minutes ago.
Guess, I`ve been wrong. Guess then, she`s still somehow turned on and hasn`t got any release yet. Oh, poor thing, that`s terrible!
While Beckett was thinking that she watched the girl closely. She indeed saw something in Alexis`s blue eyes that made her certain that she wasn`t finished yet. Was it lust? Desire? She couldn`t tell. But she definitely saw something burning in those blue eyes.
She inhaled a little bit more sharply than intended so Alexis who was staring into thin air put up interest again and stared at her.
That made Beckett smile and she decided to lick her lips in full intention.
Will she get the meaning? Let`s see!
She wouldn`t act on it but she wouldn`t turn her down, either, if Alexis told her what was gnawing on her and found the courage to ask her.
Alexis drew a deep breath, looked her in the eyes and actually started to say something:
"Would you mind...?"
But with that she lost her courage or so it seemed.
Beckett smiled, licked her lips again and had an asking expression on her face to encourage Alexis to ask whatever she had in mind.
"Do you think...?"
With that she lost her trail again.
Beckett sighed and uttered: "Yes? What would you like to know? I will do my best to answer any question you have with best of my knowledge."
This made Alexis quickly assuring her: "No,... nothing like that. Oh, God, ... it really isn`t that easy for me."
Beckett moaned a bit impatiently, fully turned to her and almost yelled: "What? Come on, girl, spill it!"
With this she noticed Alexis breathing out apparently putting herself together to find the nerves to concede in something secret. The girl turned away her eyes like she didn`t want to see the reaction of Kate.
Breathing in and out, again. Like calming herself. Nothing to be ashamed of, Kate said. Right? So now, go on!
"Would ... you do me ... a favor? Would ... you, please, finish me off?"
With that she closed her eyes but only half way. She stared at Beckett from under her lashes.
Beckett just smiled. See, finally it was out in the open.
She knew instinctively that she proved herself right that Alexis was not just as prudish as she`d come across.
Beckett knew that if the girl wanted something she knew she had to go for it, to fight for it. At least, she had to speak out loud what she wanted. Done so, Alexis now watched the face of Beckett really intensely as if she was looking for some kind of disgust or sort of.
But no,... nothing like that on Kate`s face. She just smiled and watched her watching her.
Beckett grinned and asked her: "You really want this?" Alexis nodded her head for a "Yes".
"Kate,... I don`t know what to do. They just left me here with a really bad urge for having an orgasm not just built with my own fingers or my vibrator. I definitely liked having Chrissy`s fingers in me. That was so hot."
Beckett got nearer to Alexis`s face, feathered her lips on the girl`s cheekbones and asked with a sultry voice directly under Alexis`s ear:
"You would really like having my fingers in your pussy?"
That made Alexis shuddering with excited anticipation. She drew in her breath really heavily and only nodded with a plea in her eyes in admission of her desire.
And this was it for Beckett. She lost it. She finally pulled Alexis`s head to her and kissed her with all the lust she had suppressed until now.
She kind of hugged her in and let her hands stroke over the young girl`s body.
On her small back, on her waist, above her stomach, over her lower abdomen, on her thighs and to the back again.
She could tell by the way Alexis reacted on her kiss that she seemed to never have had a french kiss with a girl before.
So she drew back a little, watched her intensely and said with a real low bedroom voice:
"Oh, come on, melt a little. I don`t want to kiss an iceberg."
With those encouraging words, she saw Alexis visually relaxing somehow.
She kissed her again and ... see... there,... Alexis actually opened her mouth and let her tongue come out, as well.
So Beckett kissed her with a lot more passion and let her tongue slip into Alexis`s mouth, exploring her, licking both of her lips and sucking on Alexis`s tongue.
Simultaneously she let her hands wander again over Castle`s body.
She groped her ass cheeks to get her pressed against herself, let both of her hands come up to Alexis`s breasts.
She groped them in lust which caused Alexis to moan. Her breaths started to become heavier again and she drew in air more sharply than a minute ago. So now Beckett got the girl back where she`d been before; fully aroused by touches only.
Alexis had closed her eyes so she could enjoy all the strokes of Kate`s hands or her mouth all the more.
Beckett put her hands on Alexis`s hips and lifted her in the first water basin.
Kate broke off their passionate kiss, she groped the left breast of the girl instead and put her mouth on the nipple and started licking slowly around it.
Alexis opened her eyes with a quiet "Oooh" on her lips. "Are you okay with this?" she asked Alexis.
Alexis only huffed: "Of course, why shouldn`t I be?"
"So, you like that?" Beckett smirked.
"You bet", was the only answer she did get out of Alexis who was just closing her eyes again.
Having done that with both breasts she took Alexis`s right hand in hers and guided it down between the girl`s legs.
"Touch yourself..., I`d like to watch a little."
Without opening her eyes, Alexis slipped two of her fingers inside her folds and caressed her clit.
She could hear Beckett getting turned on by that because she suddenly heard her excited breaths right in front of her.
But suddenly she was stopped in stroking herself by Beckett`s hand. She pulled her fingers out of between her legs.
That made Alexis open her eyes again. And this had been the only intention of Beckett. She needed Alexis to see what she was about to do next.
So she whispered: "Alexis, do watch."
She raised the right hand of Alexis, covered with the girl`s wet scent, to her mouth and took both of her fingers in between her lips and sucked.
"Whoa, ... Ohmygod, that`s ... uuhhmm", she groaned and looked in Beckett`s green orbs and only saw lust in there, too.
"That`s kinda hot", she smiled. It seemed as if she couldn`t say anything more because she was aroused to no end.
Beckett smirked again and stated: "For your pleasure, mylady."
With that she first sucked on three of her own fingers to get Alexis wet though she was convinced that the young girl was wet enough but nonetheless, she wanted to see the desire in Alexis`s eyes when she saw her sucking her own fingers and then she pushed both her hands between Alexis`s legs and spread them a little wider.
With the left thumb and index finger she spread the girl`s pussy lips and with the all the four fingers of her right hand she touched the girl`s inner folds and found her clit.
By increasing the pressure of that first rub she let two of her fingers glide into Alexis`s already wet core.
The hips of the girl instinctively jerked uncontrolled in her direction and Kate watched her ecstatic face as she heard:
"Oh..., ooh..., Oooh, ... that`s good,... oh, yes,... yes, right there..."
Kate was so dripping wet between her legs by now and so heavenly turned on by the girl`s lust screams that she almost came undone.
But she reminded herself that this wasn`t about her. This was about Alexis. This was just for Alexis to enjoy.
This was about Alexis getting to an orgasm she would never ever forget.
With every stroke in the girl`s cunt Beckett felt the desire in her growing but she suppressed all the upcoming thoughts.
Her hips gyrated, too. But she chose to ignore that for the sake of Alexis. She wanted the redhead to have the same amazing sexual experience like she herself had in college.
So she concentrated on her strokes. She further increased the pressure.
Alexis almost screamed again: "Ooooh ..., faster, Beckett ..., yes, that feels so good, sooo ... oh, yes ..., please more ..., yes ... I`m almost there..."
Ok, now it was Beckett to pull back her hand from the youngster`s pussy folds. Alexis cried out loud in kind of disappointment.
Beckett laughed a bit amused at the annoyed glance the teenager shot at her.
"You can`t just stop now. I wasn`t there yet. Go on, already."
As Beckett just laughed diabolically at that painful plea of Alexis she felt a slap of the redhead`s hands on her arm.
The young girl gripped her wrist and pushed it down were it just had been seconds ago.
"Oh, my, aren`t we impatient right now?"
Alexis groaned with a really strange noise coming from deep down inside her. It was just like a feral growl.
"You wanna have another amazingly ecstatic experience?", Beckett asked with her most seductive bedroom voice.
Alexis, still heavily panting with lust and desire, had the question in her eyes.
She only got her brow up as to say: "don`t you dare leaving me there half hungry with a heart stopping desire for more."
Beckett bent her head, kissed the redhead`s mouth again and set open mouthed kisses on Alexis`s jaw and her jaw line till she reached that spot on the girl`s neck that made her almost spin around and fall out of the basin. Beckett put her arms and her hands on Alexis´s thighs to hold her in the water sink.
The brunette hesitated first and held her breath but decided then to just ask Alexis breathlessly:
"What do you think? What if I`d replace my fingers with my tongue? Would you like having my mouth down there?"
"Aaahhh, Kate,... what do you think?"
Alexis closed her eyes in memory of the short experience earlier as she had felt Paige`s lips on her clit. Instinctively she licked her lips.
And with this Kate was already kissing her again with such passion Alexis couldn`t even remember having ever felt before.
Not even the kisses of Owen had made her that aroused. She now knew that those hadn`t been kisses of passion. The kisses with Owen had been kisses of a romantic juvenile love but lacking the lust and passion lips could bring you.
"So, you still like what I am doing?" Kate smirked.
She got the straight answer from Alexis:
"Have I said otherwise? Did you hear me protest?"
"If you already enjoyed what I have been doing, that`s nothing compared to what I`ll do now!"
Kate started to grope the left breast of Alexis, stroking it with both hands, twitching the nipple, watched Alexis biting her lips with that, watched Alexis smiling and opening her lips to get out a beautiful "Ooh".
Beckett had to admit to herself that she liked hearing Alexis groan. That made her even hotter for the girl as she had imagined.
So she gave not only the left breast this special treatment, she also put the same special treatment to little Castle`s right breast.
Stopping just for a heartbeat, she then set her mouth on one of the erect nipples and licked it, rounded it with her tongue and nipped lightly.
She saw the shimmering saliva on that nipple oh, so wonderfully aroused standing up from the pink area. She couldn`t help but was blowing cool air against it.
The redhead seemed to be surprised by this. She opened her eyes wide and stared at what Kate was doing there to her. She seemed to like it though Beckett didn`t hear a thing. Maybe she was too aroused to moan.
Kate was doing that same thing with the other erect nipple to complete the experience for Alexis.
She delightfully watched the girl`s astonished reaction and was extremely pleased to be the one providing it.
And then, no time for hesitation, she bent down her head again to do the best she could do to suck on those nipples in changing sequence.
She let descend her lips open mouthed into the flesh, bit down softly and sucked fiercely at the erect nipples to provoke a sucking sound.
She knew what it would do to Alexis. She knew from experience. She always got dripping wet herself when she heard that sucking sound.
And there, she heard Alexis gasp: "Oh, geeeeze, ... aahhumm,... aahmm,... uuhmmm,... Oh, Kate, you kill me."
Beckett grinned and said with a sultry voice: "You`re welcome, girl! If you enjoyed that as well what I`ve been doing there, wait for what`s coming next. You ready? Lean in and enjoy!"
As Alexis`s hips gyrated again, Beckett pressed her hips down with both of her hands both thumbs pressing deliciously on her clit.
Beckett only heard a sharp inhale of breath and a horny grunt.
So she went on to press the redhead`s thighs down into the sink but moved her fingers so that she could nudge the young girl`s legs open wider. With both of her thumbs she spread the pussy lips, bent down her mouth and started to let her tongue slightly touch the clit.
With that she heard Alexis sob.
Immediately Kate froze in her actions. Not that Alexis would want to stop now.
Did I hurt her? Or did she still like it?
Then she heard her moaning: "Oh, please, Beckett, do not stop, please!" She then heard little Castle groaning in total ecstasy again.
But yet she still hadn`t done what she actually had in mind.
So she went on with pressing her mouth in Alexis`s folds, entering her core with her tongue and drawing a long lick towards her little nub.
She looked up to Alexis to see if she was still in pleasure.
She only saw that the girl had closed her eyes, had gripped her shoulder so hard as if she would drown in water, was smiling like crazy and panting heavily.
So she did it again.
She looked up again and saw the ecstatic face shining, with an undoubted smile of sheer bliss.
So she did go down with her tongue again.
She pressed her tongue rhythmically against her pussy lips, against her core and let it slide slowly to her clit but intensified the pressure.
She sensed a change in Alexis`s demeanor. She looked up again and saw a single tear running down her cheek.
She stopped, her heart racing as she thought she hadn`t read the girl right.
"Are you ok? Should I stop? Don`t you like it anymore?"
"Grrr..., what does it look like, Beckett?" Alexis growled out loud in frustration. She was so close.
With relief Beckett laughed. Good to hear that Alexis was ok with her actions.
That should be all about Alexis and her having a terrific sexual experience. And it seemed that she really enjoyed it.
So Beckett went back to suck her clit again.
She was intensely aware of Alexis`s sounds. The groans now became louder again.
Beckett now started to suck with intensified power and then when hearing Alexis almost sobbing again, she stopped, but only to let her tongue slide from her core to the little nub.
And she drew that out longer than she had done ever before.
The grunts suddenly stopped again. So she stopped again, as well.
And as realizing a different facial expression on Alexis she changed her way to pleasure the girl`s pussy.
She lapped up all the juices within the young girl`s folds and started to make short lap strokes with her tongue to the clit.
She slowly increased the pressure while doing this.
Now Alexis cried out in sheer pleasure. She wanted to jerk her hips like crazy but was put onto hold by the arms of Beckett.
She did it again, she lapped up the liquid arousal of Alexis and nipped on her clit and flipped it around with her tongue. She actually did eat her pussy out.
And then she pushed totally unexpected for Alexis two fingers into her core and started stroking inside the girl`s walls.
Beckett felt the inner muscles of Alexis clenching around her fingers.
So she knew how far the girl was gone by now, Alexis would go over the edge any second.
So Beckett stopped stroking again. And she also stopped sucking. She looked into the girl`s face and only saw pure pleasure.
Alexis began gyrating her hips again to increase the friction that suddenly wasn`t there anymore.
"Sssshh, do not complain. I just want to make it better for you, believe me", Beckett whispered in the redhead`s ear.
She then kissed Alexis open mouthed with all the passion she felt at that moment.
Overwhelmed with the powerful emotion of lust, Alexis really couldn`t decide where she`d need Beckett`s tongue more over here or down there. She had a clouded look by now, Beckett noticed. The girl was too far gone for stopping now. That would be really mean.
So she bent down again, pushed her tongue with pressure through Alexis`s folds and sucked with a powerful intensity on her clit again.
The whole excitement Alexis was feeling right then forced its way out of her mouth with the most ecstatic lust-screams Beckett had ever heard:
"Oh god, yes, yes, yes... uhm,... uhm,... uh, uh,... uh, uh,... yes... oh, Kate, that`s fantastic..., I`m so close,... oh, yes, geez, I`m coming."
And with that Beckett felt her clenching around her fingers.
She stopped sucking the clit and pulled Alexis in for a hot french kiss full of passion.
Beckett left her fingers in Alexis yet to prolong the girl`s orgasm as much as possible. She let Alexis ride out her orgasm on her fingers. She even moved them again and stroked her further inside so that the last shakes Alexis were feeling would add some extra long pleasures for the girl.
Panting heavily but grinning like crazy, Alexis opened her eyes and looked directly in Kate`s green orbs, breathing in to calm her racing heart that beat a mile a minute.
She smiled at Kate and not breaking the eye contact she said:
"Thank you very much! That was nice! Oh, what am I saying? That was pretty freaking amazing!"
And with that she gave Kate a sweet and innocent kiss.
End of first chapter.
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