I don't own Harry Potter.

I'm probably going to be adding oneshots onto this story if I think of any ideas. But they might not come quickly, as I'm working on other things.

Anyway, enjoy this tidbit!


"I am Professor Snape." the man said as he entered the dungeon classroom. The professor brought with him such a dark aura when he came into the room that everyone became quiet right away.

"As this is the first class for you first year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, we will starting off rather simple, although I hope you do better then the usual dunderheads that I have to teach." Professor Snape glared at them with his black eyes.

Dudley shivered as those cold eyes passed over him. He was looking forward to Potions class the most, but he wished they had a teacher that didn't make him feel so uncomfortable.

Draco, who was sitting next to Dudley, nudged his arm.

"He's creepy, isn't he?" Draco whispered.

"Don't be mean, he's probably just misunderstood, is all!" Luna said.

"Today we will be brewing a very easy pimple curing potion." Snape continued.

He waved his wave, and a piece of chalk began writing the directions to the potion on the board.

"Read the directions carefully. Even the smallest mistake could cause the most detrimental results." Snape sat behind his desk.

"The ingredients are in the cupboard," he pointed to a large wooden cupboard in the corner of the dungeon room.

"You have one hour. You may begin now."

Draco was struggling with the instructions, and kept forgetting which step he was on, but Dudley was having no problem at all.

As Snape walked around the dungeon, surveying everybody's work, he stopped in front of Dudley's cauldron and said, "For a first year, you are doing quite well, Mr. Dursley. See to it that it stays that way."

"Oh, you see, Draco?" Luna said, adding a pinch of powdered calendula to her potion. "He's not so bad, he just complimented Dudley on his work."

"That was a compliment?" Draco said, wiping his sweaty face.

At the end of the hour, Snape drawled, "Everybody stop your work, and stand back from your cauldrons, so I can check your potions."

Snape looked into each cauldron as he passed, and through out nasty comments every so often.

"Mr. Malfoy, very poor job. This potion would cause pimples, not cure them."

Draco had a sour look on his face as he glared at the Professor's back as he checked Terry Boot's potion.

"Mr. Dursley, you did well. The potion is perfect. Five points to Ravenclaw."

Luna smiled as Snape looked into her cauldron and said, "Acceptable." and moved on.

"I absolutely hate Potions," Draco said later as they left the classroom.

"Just because you didn't do well in the first class, Draco, doesn't mean that you should give up!" Luna said encouragingly. "And it seems that Dudley is very good, so maybe he could help you."

"It was only the first class, Luna." Dudley said modestly. "It wasn't even a very complicated Potion, either."

"Oh, I believe you have a knack for Potions, Dudley, I can feel it." Luna smiled.

"You really think so?" Dudley asked seriously.

"Yes, I do." Luna said. "Now let's hurry up and get to dinner, because I'm hungry. I wonder if they have plimpie soup?"

Luna grabbed Dudley hand and pulled him along.

"Hello? Did you guys forget about me?" Draco said indignantly, walking quickly to catch up to them.

While they were eating dinner in the Great Hall, Harry came over and sat next to Dudley.

"Are you allowed to be over here?" Draco asked, glancing up at the High Table.

"What are they going to do to me? Give me detention for sitting at the wrong table?" Harry was in quite a bad mood.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Luna said with a worried look on her face. "The Werrywerts didn't pay you a visit, did they?"

"No," Harry sighed. "It was the Potions teacher, Snape. He seriously has to be sacked. He's horrible!"

"He's not that bad," Dudley said.

"Yes, he even awarded Dudley five points for his potion." Luna said proudly.

"Well, he has something against me, then, I suppose." Harry said. "Snape kept going on about how I'm the new 'celebrity'. Then he made me out to be a stupid git when I couldn't answer the questions he asked me. He took away five points for every question I couldn't answer. And Snape was very nasty to Neville, too, when Neville exploded his cauldron."

"Maybe he just has something against Gryffindors," Draco smirked.

"Oh, but Draco, he didn't like your potion, either," Luna pointed out.

"Maybe he just hates everybody," Harry offered.

"We should start a petition to get him sacked," Draco said to Harry.

"That's a good idea, do you have any parchment with you?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, right here," Draco pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket.

"Don't do that, guys, you'll get in trouble." Dudley warned. "Do you want to get expelled? I guarantee if you get on the bad side of Snape, he will find a way to get you expelled."

"Harry, I think you should go back to your table," Luna whispered, looking down the aisle between the tables.

Snape was coming towards them. Harry jumped up and hurried back to the Gryffindor table. Snape passed them, but glared in Harry's direction before continuing on to the Slytherin table.

"I think he does hate Harry," Draco said to Dudley. "Did you see how he was looking at him? I would really hate to be Harry."

The bell rang for the end of lunch and everybody filed out to head out to their next classes.
