Thanks everyone for reading this story! If you want to see the sequel of this story reasonably soon, go to my poll and vote! You can now make two votes if you see another story you want to read!

I don't own Harry Potter.

He opened the door to where Fluffy was and saw him wide awake and alert, the trapdoor was gone, leaving a gaping hole in the floor. What caused the door to the chambers below to break like that? Was it Dumbledore? Well, it didn't matter at the moment, he just had to get past Fluffy, he'd contemplate the odd decor change later.

"You going to let me in?" said Harry with a smile.

The three headed dog began to growl and snap it's jaws fiercely.

"I didn't think you would, and here I thought we could be friends." said Harry scratching the back of his head. "Oh well...guess I'll have to do it your way...though...I might be really rusty."

He closed his eyes and sang. It wasn't more than a simple nursery rhyme, but Fluffy's eyes began to droop and he began to lay down. As Harry went into different nursery rhymes Fluffy continued to sleep.

There, now I just need to get down there.

Harry jumped down the hole, remembering what was below, reached into his temporary pack. He could barely conjure sparks with his wand, Madam Pomfrey explained that he would be vulnerable for several weeks, so he had to come up with original ways to get about in the magical world. He needed Ron's help.

"You sure I can do this?" asked Ron nervously.

"Of course, it's an easy spell to do." said Harry.

"Okay...Incendia flora!" said Ron earlier that afternoon.. A rose came out of the tip of his wand, it's petals made of fire.

"That's wicked!" said Ron.

"I'm going to need that so be careful." said Harry.

"What are you going to do?" asked Ron.

"I think I dropped something." said Harry. "Down under Fluffy."

"You go and have fun." said Ron. "I've had enough doggy sitting."

Before Harry landed, he took out a large glass jar with a bright red rose, burning merrily inside. As Harry held onto the flower, the vines, sensing the heat slithered away.

"I'm glad that spell worked. This way, I'll have light to go on with, and it covers the stench of that troll way down's getting kind of ripe."

Harry had noticed as he walked past the Forbidden Corridor the day before the stench that came from the room beyond and below. It smelled of death and decay...the troll must have succumbed to it's injuries, having never regained consciousness. What must have only looked like a light wound was serious indeed.

The fire flower in his hand burnt the bacteria in the air and replaced it sweet smelling fragrance, making the air a bit more breathable. He walked slowly into the chamber with the Flying Keys, the keys were still fluttering around in the air, but he didn't need to open the door this time.

His pack was sitting right beside the broomsticks.

"There it is!" said Harry with a smile. He hurried over and grabbed the bag, making sure everything was inside, the flute was right beside the bag, just where Hermione had left it. He put the flower down and took out his black notebook. He flipped through the pages until he hit upon one that was blank. He took out a pen and began to write.

First Year Assessment:

Common Summary: What the Bloody Hell?

Thorough Summary: Prepare for War..

Harry smiled as he read what he had written for the common summary, it summed up the last few weeks. Voldemort hiding in the school, the stone being down here...and just all the trials this year held. The thorough summary was his decision. Now he would no longer hold back just to allow Hermione to shine ahead of him, now...he had to get the upper hand against the man that killed his parents. He'd prepare, he study, he'd train and practice, he'd wipe out Voldemort with everything he had.

He didn't rightly care what the school thought his skill level was, it only mattered what he himself knew and couldn't do. That's what it was going to have to be, he'd keep it all to himself, he'd tell Ron when he would ask, but no other person would know.

He listed the advanced spells that were not found in the first four years' course books, including the Fire Flower Spell, the spell that increased the number of pages in his notebook and the spell that made the trunk that he owned seem bottomless. He also included the spell that produced an actual shield that would rebound the spells that would hit it.

He even labeled the theories that he disproved, he had to make sure to keep them in the code he devised, if someone else were to see what he wrote, the cat would be out of the bag. For the most part, there was nothing all that damaging in the books, but there were a few spells that he created, and found that they had disastrous effects.

He wanted to create a spell that gave the caster energy, so they could go on long journeys without using up their supplies, or just to aid in students trying to study hard. Unfortunately, he discovered, he found himself able to stay awake for days, but once the third day came, he found that he was almost starving to death. Ron had to carry Harry down to the kitchens late in the night under the Invisibility Cloak. Harry couldn't move, his energy gone and his temperature was beginning to rise with fever.

"Just hang on Harry." said Ron.

"I-I'm trying..." said Harry gasping for air.

"Shouldn't we take you to Madam Pomfrey?" said Ron as they passed the fourth floor.

"No...I" said Harry. "Please, get me to the kitchens."

Ron took him down as fast as he could. Harry seemed to get thinner and thinner with each passing floor and his breathing became more and more ragged and labored, was his best friend going to die in his arms? When they finally reached the painting, his skin was tight to his bones, his forehead drenched in sweat and he was pale and shaking.

"Where is it?" asked Ron.

"There's a... shortcut just past that...statue." moaned Harry. "Just touch the star...mark on the back."

Ron touched the mark and the wall melted away, showing a large room with stoves, tables of bowls, pans, and food. There was no one around, and the kitchen was silent.

"Just hang on Harry...please..." said Ron as he lugged his best friend over to a table full of food, "We're almost there."

"I know...I can smell it... "said Harry, his hands were outstretched, trying vainly to reach the table of food.

He stared in shock as his friend gobbled down food faster than even Ron could manage if he were hungrier than usual. He watched as his friend downed a pot of cooled soup in one sitting, chugging it down as if it were water. He ripped bread apart with his teeth, not willing to wait for it to be sliced, it was as if a ravenous animal was taking it's fill on it's prey.

"Bloody hell, mate." said Ron, his voice soft with horror.

It took almost two tables of food to quench his hunger, and as he did eat, meat began to return to his bones. He didn't look as skeletal as he did a few moments ago. Harry gasped as he regained the weight he had just lost.

"What the hell was that?" said Ron steading his friend.

"A gave me unlimited energy, I could cast any spell, I didn't get winded after a while like normal. I didn't need to sleep, eat or took everything I had after three repay for the time...It's a double edged sword..." said Harry continuing to gasp.

"Cores?" said Ron. "What's that?"

"To put it simply..." said Harry collapsing into the chair nearby.

"Thanks." said Ron.

"It's what gives us our magic." said Harry. "We have two of them, a essence core, and our spiritual core. The magic we use comes from our spiritual core, everyone has one, every living creature possesses one. It all depends on how strong it is does it name you a wizard or witch. It's not blood or's all about the core...fate...chooses us...We can improve our odds by marrying other wizards and witches, but it all comes fate."

"You're reading some books I don't know about..." said Ron.

"Diagon Alley, Flourish and Blotts has some pretty obscure books..." said Harry with a smile. "Essence cores are a bit different, but without everyone having one, this school would choke and die."

"Die, but this is a school..." said Ron. "It's not alive."

"It is, in a fashion.." said Harry leaning back in the chair, taking a few bites out of a piece of meat. "Think of the core as a string of pipes attached to us, and the school's magic aura as water...The school has an overflow of magic, it needs to go somewhere, the essence core in each student collects it and stores it in their own bodies. The school strengthens the students, and the teachers teach the students how to use their power."

Ron stared.

"Seven is a powerful number in this world, seven years to obtain power, seven years to learn how to utilize the power." said Harry.

"That's...amazing..." said Ron.

"And just think...the teachers have been here for decades...can you imagine how strong they are?" said Harry, excitement in his eyes.

"But...Filch can't use magic..." said Ron."Remember the bet everyone placed? What's the cause and to get proof."

"If you inbreed too much, the pipes close...and not a lot of power can seep in. If everyone's pipes or cores were to become too small...the school would drown in it's own power and die." said Harry. "The magic would leave this place, it would be just a run down castle, nothing holding it's place against time's march."

"You're talking funny..." said Ron.

"I'm not holding back...It's a nice change." said Harry.

" short you were using up all the power in your core..." said Ron.

"Correct, but it's not a good thing to use it for the most part...only use it for emergencies...and it's too risky to tell you how to do it." said Harry.

"Why?" said Ron.

"The world would run out of food." said Harry with a smile.

He had a whole ten pages dedicated to the cores each wizard and witch had. And he didn't realize what havoc that particular spell would play on his body and his cores. He knew the risk, and yet, he used the spell once again, this time...he only used it for a short time, but even unlimited energy...the way he was would only attempt to kill him again.

He had cast it the moment that Voldemort revealed himself, it was wandless and non-verbal magic yet extremely simple to do it, but the was too horrible...this was a spell that he'd save for only the direst emergencies...and he'd have to keep it secret, until the side-effects were taken care of.

It also didn't help that his scar began to burn when Voldemort touched him, and that in itself drained and harmed him even faster.

Harry continued to write in his notebook, little extra things about the Potion's properties or discovery, and a big note at the bottom.


Lionus entered his office, cricking his neck slowly as he threw his bags down on the nearby sofa. "It's good to be back..."

"While you were gone, a lot has happened..." said a voice coming from his kitchen. Dr. Nicodemus came out of the kitchen with a pot of tea and a pair of cups and saucers. On the side was a bowl of brown round biscuits.

"Hey, Doc...what's happened?" asked Lionus.

"The stone was destroyed. Nicholas Flamel destroyed it personally." sad Dr. Nicodemus as he put the tray down.

Lionus stared. "Wow...that...was unexpected...who convinced him of that?"

"Would you believe, my pet project?" said Dr. Nicodemus with a smile.

"WHAT?" said Lionus. "We've been trying for how long to get rid of it...and that boy ends up convincing him? What sort of boy is he?"

"He didn't mean to. The boy's life was almost snuffed out. Nicholas, seeing that, decided to put a stop to it.. He has enough elixir to last him to the end of summer." said Dr. Nicodemus. "Once that's gone, he and his wife will pass on."

Lionus stared at Dr. Nicodemus. "Does...the boy know this...?"

"It's possible...Dumbledore would tell him if he asked I'll wager." said Dr. Nicodemus.

"That old bastard, knowing that he in some matter how remote, tied in with someone's death isn't something you tell a kid." said Lionus.

"According to Nightstrike, he seems to be handling it well, though...the lad is good about thinking about things and relaying a different emotion." said Dr. Nicodemus.

"Nightstrike is following him around?" said Lionus.

"I gave him that order...the boy was magically seems he developed a power boost spell, but the resulting side-effects include magical exhaustion." said Dr. Nicodemus. "It's not the only side-effect, but it's one of the worse."

Lionus looked down at the floor. This kid, all this poor kid wanted was a normal life, and here the entire world was throwing him down the proverbial rabbit hole into anything but a wonderland. He had been robbed of his parents, beaten nearly to death by relatives who were supposed to love and support him, lose the three people that in all but officially adopted him, nearly get killed almost a dozen different ways in a school...this kid would have an easier life as a bomb defuser.

Okay, this story will be separated by the years. Thanks for reading, yeah, sorry about the last chapter...I couldn't quite get it the way I wanted, no matter what I tried.