A New Team

A/N- Here is chapter five to enjoy it, thanks for reading and reviewing. Thank you to my beta reader named…..for doing this chapter and the others so far.

Chapter Five: Training with Kakashi

Sakura stood off to the side with Asuma and Kakashi. "Well, done Sakura. Kakashi I 'll leave her back to you." Asuma said as he pulled out a smoke and lit it. He disappeared after that leaving the former student and sensei together.

"Sakura, let's go." He stated as he disappeared. Sakura followed Kakashi quickly, appearing seconds after he appeared in the training field. "So, I must say, you surprised Asuma and me with your elements at the end."

"Kakashi, I have to show you something. Chakra paper, please." Sakura told him. Kakashi took out one piece of chakra paper and gave it to Sakura.

Sakura took the paper and then gave it a little of her chakra. It still had three areas with different elements. One was lightning as the half of the paper was wrinkled. The second and third area had turned to dirt indicating earth and the last area was ash, so fire was her third element that she would use.

Kakashi looked at his only female student and was shock to see that she could learn and master three elements. Then again, this was from a girl that had no secret talents like Sasuke or Neji. Heck, she wasn't like Naruto at all either. However this would have set her apart from her teammates, he knew how to train her now. He could need to work on her stamina and her chakra levels, but it could work.

"Kakashi, I have been training with Asuma and team ten but I also have been training by myself also. I have a few tricks up my sleeves." Sakura stated.

Kakashi nodded his head. "So where would you like to start off first?"

"Kakashi, I have read about the five styles of Taijutsu? Could you show me them? I would like to use one or all my moves." Sakura questioned. She had read about them in a book called Taijutsu.

"Okay, I'll start with the first one called or named Breath of Stone. Usually ninja's from Stone use this kind of Taijutsu, this technique that is based on strong defense. The user uses chakra in order to dissipate the force of a blow across the entire body, rather than allowing all the force to be kept at the impact site. This form emphasizes waiting for your enemy to attack first and waiting for them to expose their weaknesses rather than striking first." Kakashi explained to Sakura.

He showed her a few combos about the Breath of Stone; Sakura could see that this style was close to Tsunade and hers with chakra. Sakura could see this style with Sasuke more than hers. She just nodded her head at Kakashi as he had finished the combos.

"Next is Shifting Sands, usually, ninja's from Wind using this type, this technique that emphasizes fluid, deadly movement. The user is required to have absolute control of their chakra because each strike is only light, but chakra is released in specified patterns which can cause the target to dissolve or explode without ever breaking the skin touched. This form is low to the ground and utilizes the legs and a more open palm technique than other styles as well as being executed at superior speeds."

Kakashi moved into position and became faster than her eyes could see, but when she did Sakura was memorized by these fluid movements. Sakura didn't notice that Kakashi was done when he chuckled at her face. She shook her head and stated, "Shifting Sands was… Alright, it was great. I could see myself learning this style."

Kakashi nodded his head at Sakura and asked," Would like to see more styles?"

"Hai," Sakura replied back to Kakashi as she waited for him to start again.

"Silent Kill usually the ninja's from Mist use this type of technique. This technique that strikes at fatal points in the body. Modified as a Taijutsu form, but each blow is meant to be fatal. This style emphasizes silent movement, often used in conjunction with jutsu that blocks certain senses. This form is only used when the user is willing to kill an opponent rather than simply defeat them."

Kakashi did a few movements of this style, Sakura thought about her style, and if she could use this style in battle. Well in battle it would be seen and to her, it looks and sounded more like a hidden style. So she would like to learn this style too.

"Closed Fist, this technique that uses chakra for super strength. Style and fluidity are abandoned for brute strength. Known for its unpredictability due to its chaotic forms, which emphasize doing as much damage as possible with regards to little else. The movements of this style are quick and jerky, and the approach is aggressive."

Now this style was Tsunade's and hers all over, so she knew the closed fist style, however since both, Tsunade and Sakura both trained this style to change from jerky and chaotic to quick and aggressive with grace. And to prove it Kakashi showed her moved that she knew already.

"Lastly is the Crane Dance, the type is usually used by the ninja's of Rain. This technique that uses a series of very formal approaches or 'dances'. The most remarkable feature of this Taijutsu is the speed with which it is executed because the style requires that the user strike at nerve centers in the opponent's body. This entails a very thorough knowledge of the human anatomy, similar to the Silent Kill technique."

Kakashi did movements to this style and this style reminders her of Neji and Hinata's style of Taijutsu. So this style would not be a good one to practice with or battle against them with. Sakura would learn this one later on.

The Closed Fist style she was using already, so the two others would be Shifting Sands and Silent Kill styles.

"Kakashi, the Shifting Sands, and the Silent Kill would be the two styles I would like to learn," Sakura told him.

The next four hours, Kakashi tested Sakura with her abilities, as he knew she was trained by Tsunade foremost of her genin career. Her eight months with him as her sensei was a black spot as he didn't focus on her training at all. This had made him see it as a failure on his part. So during this month, he was hoping that…. Who was he kidding it won't be enough to make it up to Sakura.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked after her breathing went back down to normal.

"Nothing, Sakura," Kakashi said. He instructed her on the moves of Shifting Sands style few hours.

Slowly the sun was setting and Sakura smiled at her day. She won against Hinata Hyuuga and that was the best battle she had with her girlfriend. Too bad Ino and Choji would now have to go through the testing again in six months, along with Lee and Hinata.

"Sometime today? Kakashi-sensei." Sakura teased him about his being late to everything. Seriously if he was going to get married, then he would be late to his own wedding. Sakura giggled at the picture and thought of it.

"Hai, tomorrow, we meet here at one o'clock." He said as he disappeared.

Sakura went home and made some food as she ate it and quickly cleaned. She checks all the doors and windows to see if they were locked still and then went upstairs and went to sleep.

Sakura woke up and yawned as she stretched out. Her hands went to her eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them, as she stood up and walked into her bathroom. She washed her face and quickly did her morning ritual when she just got into the shower when someone appeared into the bathroom.

"Damn!" She muttered under her breath and slowly pulled back the curtain to see an ANBU member looking at her with the shark mask.

"Hai." She asked.

"Tsunade-sama would like to see you in twenty minutes." He told her and disappeared from sight.

Sakura hand went to the unscented body wash, shampoo and conditioner came and went. She jumped out and dried herself and made her way into her room and got dress, Sakura wondered what was going on.

Once she was done, she disappeared from hand seals that she studied in her year in a half with Tsunade-Shishou. This technique jounin's knew it while newly made Chunin's or genin's didn't know this technique.

Sakura appeared in front of Tsunade and nodded her head at her and smiled at Shizune, who was standing beside her with some more papers.

"Hai, Tsunade?" She asked.

"Here is the new bingo book along with new scrolls with healing arts within them to read and memorize." She told her.

Sakura took the book and the scrolls. "Is that all?" She asked.

Tsunade looked at her papers more that at her. This was new; usually, she would not be looking at paperwork. She hated it.

"Tsunade-sama, what's going on?" She asked.

"Hiashi wants you to have dinner with them tonight." Her lips were tight.

"Really? Why?" Sakura questioned. This was not going good if he asked for her to have dinner with him. She would see Hyuga Neji, her opponent in the final round. And Hiashi might ask her to throw the match as if she would.

She knew Hyuga-san bloodline was stronger but she wanted to at less try and defeat him and not run as a coward.

"No. I'm going to be training with Kakashi-sensei and you know him. He will be late and the training would go much longer. So please tell him "No"." Sakura stated firmly.

Tsunade smiled at her and nodded her head at Sakura.

"Your parents are out of Konoha visiting family. So here is your paycheck at the hospital and the few missions, you had done. "Tsunade uttered. She handed over three paychecks.

"Oh have fun with Kakashi." She stated. Sakura smiled and disappeared again from sight and into her home again.

She took her paychecks and walked down stairs to the kitchen. She looked into the cupboards and even the refrigerator and quickly made a grocery list. Sakura took off and gathered her food and a few extra items.

Sakura got to her house when she felt someone behind her. She turned to see Hyuga Neji looking down at her. Sakura turned and stated," Hai, Hyuga-san?"

"You should throw your match at the end of the month. I understand that you got stronger but against my bloodline limit. You won't stand a chance." His words rolled over her.

"Listen, Hyuga! I understand that but I'm still going to fight with you. I need to prove to myself that I actually got stronger. So I will see you in the finals." Sakura told him as she opened the door with minor difficulty.

Sakura inside leaving Hyuga-san shocked about her words and closed the door. She shook her head at the nerve of him and walked into the kitchen.

She placed her food in the correct places and then looked at the time. She nodded her head and went to the stairs and up to her room.

Sakura appeared in team seven's old training field as she sat down and waited for Kakashi to show up until then she medicated.

She went through jutsu list, which she wanted to learn and even wrote down a few that she wanted to create. Seriously after having Naruto and even Uchiha as her teammates and then were much stronger than her or even had cool jutsu. She wanted to have something that was hers and only hers.

Since Uchiha's brothers or Kakashi copied it within and she had made a few within last four months. She had collected four new jutsu that she had created and she knew that if she fought Kakashi or Uchiha's brothers they wouldn't be able to copy it unless they had perfect chakra control like she did.

Kakashi- sensei had control over his chakra, Sasuke… he did at times but not all the time and of Itachi Uchiha. Sakura had no clue what his copying skills are. So she smiled as her mind went and played her new jutsu.

This was when Kakashi showed up. "Ready Sakura?"

Sakura was drilled on her Taijutsu again, as she practices Shifting Sands style, getting the feel, memorizing the moves until "Now switch!" Where she moved into the being moves to the second Silent kill style.

Sakura practiced and practiced these moves until Kakashi yelled, "Switch again." Sakura moved back into the Shifting Sands style and continued onwards.

Four hours later, Sakura was breathing harder and sweating up a storm when Kakashi asked her to place on ankle and wrist weights.

"This will help your balance, strength…."

"Kakashi-sensei. I know this already. I'm training clothes are made with the weighted material. So I don't need to place these one." Sakura told him.

Kakashi smirked under his mask and nodded his head at her. "You don't need to them. Shall we continue Taijutsu training or go onto something else?"

Sakura looked at the sky to see it was about five pm now and replied," Taijutsu."

Sakura dragged herself home after then training she did with Kakashi-sensei. Her legs, arms…well everywhere was sore or in pain. Sakura opened her door and walked into her house and quickly locked the door.

She quickly placed some chicken with herbs on it and sticks it in the oven. She turned the oven low and quickly made her way upstairs. Sakura walked into the bathroom and took a shower that helped with the soreness of her arms, legs and rest of her body.

Stepping out of the shower she dried herself off and dressed in some comfy pants and a shirt. She made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Sakura ate her meal quickly and did the dishes than she checks the house locks and then get back upstairs.


"Hn." A black haired teen grunted out.

"I heard that your old female teammate is doing the Chunin exams and is stronger. Sakura-san has three element affinities. Lighting, Fire and Earth, Medical Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu skills have increased since the last time you, nor I seen her." Kabuto stated. His glasses were pushed up from his nose. He looked at Sasuke and then to Orochimaru who was just standing waiting for something.

"Hn…and this helps me with training?" Sasuke grunted out. His hand on his hip while his other hand held his sword ready to attack.

"You want to rebuild your clan after you kill your brother. Haruno Sakura would be a fine choice." Orochimaru claimed. His tongue licked out and groaned with a plan in his mind.

A/N- I'm still stuck on my novel, and so I wrote ch 5 and now it is your turn to review/comment.