Disclaimer: I do not own, harry potter, nor make any profit from it.

*note* Ginny isn't in this chapter, but she will be in this story, and she will come in soon. Please be patient ^-^ thank you.


Twisted Luck

Chapter one: Twisted Luck

Harry Potter, known as The-Boy-Who-Lived, the wizarding savior, the Chosen One, and probably a hundred other capitalized and/or hyphened names was sliding down the banisters of Hogwarts screaming at the top of his lungs. Through some strange twist of luck or magic, the staircases were switching in such an order that Harry was slipping from one to the other seamlessly. "Hi Ho Hogwarts!"

Or maybe the School – that many thought had some measure of sentient though – was just having fun as well.

Far behind the zipping boy Hermione and Ron were bolting down the stairs as fast as they could, but failing to keep up with the speed of their friend. Ron was redfaced and panting by the time they hit the bottom stair to find Harry waiting for them. It seemed like he had gotten bored though, as he was currently balanced on his hands, having taught himself to walk on his hands sometime in the last two minutes.

"Hey guys, took you long enough," he said turning around and looking up at them from between his own shoulders.

"Harry you have to come up to the Hospital Wing, something has gone wrong with the potion," Hermione said, walking towards him slowly like one would do approaching a skittish animal who might run at any second.

"The what?" Harry asked, experimenting with clapping his feet, succeeding in only making a rubbery sound as his shoes banged together. "I don't think anything is wrong. In fact I feel better then I ever have. It's such a nice day, don't you think? I feel like everything will work out. Don't you?"

"No mate," Ron said though gasps. "You're acting crazy."

"Harry, do you remember the potion you just took?"

"Yes," Harry replied, getting the hang of walking on his hands and circling them. Hermione was turning slowly to keep him in sight and Ron was just grateful he didn't have to run again. "It's was the golden one. The Felix one … Hey, I remember a cartoon about a Felix! Do you think that cat made the potion? He seemed strange enough."

"It was the Felix Felicis, a luck potion." Harry lead them down the hall, his two friends keeping him in sight. Susan Bones came out of a adjacent hall and just watched them pass in confusion. "Something seems to have gone wrong. You started to say something about your relatives, and then Voldemort. Do you remember that?"

"Yup," Harry said gleefully as he negotiated his way slowly down a flight of stairs. Susan, ever curious followed along, not sure of what to say. "They're going to kill me. Well, maybe not at the same time. The Dursleys don't like magic much and Tom doesn't like not-magic either, so I think it'll be one or the other. Tom is very good at killing curses and torture curses and the like, and the Dursleys are very good at breaking my bones, throwing me into my cupboard and starving me."

Harry stopped at the bottom of the stairs, the open doors to the Great Hall just in front of him. Hannah had come to find Susan, and now both of them were watching the scene with morbid interest as Ron noticed them. "Hey do you think they'll have a contest to see who kills me first? I wonder what first prize would be. Second prize should be my Firebolt. It's a very good broom, and I won't be needing it when I'm dead. Oh! We should also have a third prize! Maybe the ministry would like to get in on it!"

"Harry you're not acting like yourself, do you notice?" Hermione said slowly, in a calming sort of voice, still approaching him slowly. She had her wand in her hand, but didn't want to stun him if she could help it. They needed to get him to Madam Pomfrey quickly, but who knew what the additional magic of a spell might do to whatever was already affecting Harry.

"Hello Susan!" Harry suddenly shouted happily, managing a sloppy wave with his right foot. "I didn't see you there. My you're looking very pretty today. Have I ever told you that I love your hair. I've always had a thing for red hair; don't know why. You also have a fantastic thinking face, very cute. And Hannah! How are you two doing this fine day. Care to come for a hand walk around the lake with me? I could take you to meet the merpeople. We can't say mermaids cus there are guys as well."

Susan cocked an eyebrow at Hannah who just smiled and nudged her with a sly grin. It was clear Harry was under some kind of influence, but that was the best time to get the truth out of someone. Not dropping her smile she wrapped her arm around her best friend. "What else do you like about Susan? Huh Harry?"

"Oh lots of things!" Harry said happily, as Hermione took the distraction to sneak around behind him, hoping for the chance to pin him down until Ron could get help from a teacher. "I love her smile, especially when you two are talking. It just seems so genuine. I think she's wicked smart, although you seem to always score just as high in the finals so I know you're smart as well."

"We're both very brainy," Hannah said in a teasing sort of voice, making her friend blush a little and hiss at her to shut up. "Do you like smart girls?"

"Oh yes," Harry said, nodding vigorously. "Dean says I'm gay since I don't drool over Lavender dancing around in her low shirts, but what does he know. I like breasts too, and Susan's always seem to spell me. Hannah's too when I come to think of it, but I can't stare, it wouldn't be proper. No matter how inviting they are. I have been wondering how soft they would be to snuggle up on her chest. But that would be rude to asked and I don't want to be slapped or thought of as a horny idiot like Dean or Ernie."

Susan's mouth dropped open and Hannah blushed red and lost her train of thought. Harry wasn't done though, and just continued to wax on while having this goofy little smile on his face. Partially innocent, and partially a little perverted. It wasn't creepy like how some of the boys would leer at them, more kind and soft actually. Both girls found they wanted to hear a little more, and liked what they heard already.

"I am also a bit of a bum person, according to Anthony Goldstein. Dean says it also makes me gay, but I really don't see how. I don't like guy bums. It's just girl bums that seem to hypnotize me." Harry laughed a little. "And Susan's just moves so nicely under her robes. And the few times I've seen both of you in jeans was just heart stopping. I think I almost walked into Neville once while walking behind you two to class. I couldn't take my eyes off Susan's bum as it rolled back and forth, and Hannah's was just as enticing. I was rather hard when I got back to the common room after Herbology, and after spending the whole class trying not to stare at your amazing arse's and failing I left the class with my bit's aching and headed straight to the showers."

Ron paled and tried to think of anything else. In the boy's dorms you know what's going on, but you just don't think about it, nor advertise for the sake of your dorm-mates.

Hermione had stopped a few feet from Harry and was breathing a little deeper as the thought of her best mate in the shower, with aching balls, stroking his cock. Water streaming down his body as he moaned, and shivered. She bit her lip as the Harry in her fantasy cried out hard in climax and shook and groaned as his cum spurted out over his hands.

Susan and Hannah were both having the same thoughts, and were feeling the same tension pooling between their thighs. Susan shifted her position slightly, subtly rubbing her thighs together as the knowledge that Harry had been pleasuring himself thinking about her rolled over her mind. Hannah wasn't far behind and was letting her eyes roll over Harry's inverted body, imagining what he looked like that afternoon.

"What were you imaging?" Hannah asked, a light blush on her cheeks. Susan gave her a jab in the ribs, but the girl just smiled a little wickedly at her friend.

Ron clamped his hands over his ears and started humming. Of course he was still worried about Harry and he never took his eyes off his best mate in case he took off again, but he sure as hell didn't want to hear about his wank fantasies.

"I was thinking that you might want to join me in the shower," he said smiling widely. "I was thinking about how you might smile at me, sort of wicked. I've never had anyone want me before, and I would very much like to be wanted. Everyone wants the Boy-Who-Lived, but in my imagination people can want me, and only me. I can belong to someone, and feel like I have a place. I would help you get undressed slowly, kissing every inch of your skin that I find, then I snuggled your boobs. They were very soft, and I could hear your heartbeat. You wrapped your hands around my head and held me close. After a little while we went under the water and explored each other, and the whole time you watched me, and saw me. Not the hero, but just me."

Susan's smile faded a little, and her heart went out to the boy in front of them. Hannah was seeing a whole new side to the boy who everyone had an opinion of. He was always thought of as a hero or a roguish type. There were rumors that he had a few girlfriends, but no one had ever talked to someone who had even so much as talked to Harry like a romantic interest. Hannah was sure that f you asked every other guy in the school what their fantasies were they would be very perverted, and with little heart. Oh there would be a few exceptions, but to hear that Harry Potter, the boy who could get thousands of women into his bed by simply asking, was fantasizing about something so tender, personal and intimate was …

There didn't seem to be many words to describe what Hannah felt, and standing next to her Susan was thinking much the same thing.

Hermione was standing frozen behind him, unsure of what to say. She knew her best friend, and wasn't too surprised to hear what he said, but her mind kept coming back to what he said before. A terrible thought entered her mind and she was almost afraid of the answer.

'They're going to kill me.'

No doubt, no hesitation, just an acceptance that he wouldn't live. And she was sure that the two girls didn't know Harry well enough to hear the underlying sadness in his voice when he talked about wanting to make love to them in the shower. To connect to them so intimately … because that's what it would be to Harry. He could never just fuck and leave anyone. He would give them his whole heart. But the way he said it … it was like he had accepted that he would never have anyone who would want his heart.

"Harry," Hermione said softly, crouching down beside him.

"Hey Hermione!" He said, turning to her with a cheerful smile. "Don't be sad my Hermione. I have fantasise about you too. Although most of them are in the library. I especially like the ones where I tease and touch you very softly under the table, as I kiss your delicious lips." He chuckled happily at her. "Then you either touch yourself until we both cum hard, and I sneak a taste of your fingers because I'm curious, or you get so hot that you lead me into the back shelves and have your wicked way with me."

Hermione flamed, her face blushing so hard she could feel how hot it was. He fantasied about her to? She felt her heart constrict hopefully, in a way that she didn't quite understand. She was always the bookworm, the girl who studied to much and was never noticed because she wasn't the thin buxom idea that most guys their age went after.

This new development would need some serious thought later.

"Hey where'd he go?" Ron asked, having taken his eyes off his best friend for a few moments, only to find Hermione couching, and the other two girls discussing something and seeming to be off in their own little world.

"Who?" Hermione asked, still recovering from what she just heard.

"Who! Harry who! You know, our best friend who is currently all messed up over that luck potion he just took!"

Frantically looking around Hermione stood up, searching for her friend. Susan and Hannah had also seemed to have snapped out of it and were also coming closer to help find the boy who was still on their minds.

"Where do you think he could have gone?" Susan asked, looking a little worried. All of what just happened aside, Harry didn't seem to be himself, and the last thing she would wish on anyone was harm.

"Dynamic Entry!" Thundered Harry's voice from inside the Great Hall.

Well that's the first chapter :) Hope you liked it. I may be uploading it on other sites as well, there will be links on my profile if that comes about.

As you might guess this is going to be a harem story, I haven't quite decided who all will be in it. Votes in the reviews will be taken, as well as any random thoughts you might have.

And just a note, the girls won't be supermodels, like they are in some stories (no offense to those who have stories like that) I just wanted something more natural, and varied in my story.

See you all next chapter
