BAM! The loud clank of metal rang out from the interrogation room in the Prison of the Boiling Rock. Suki had roughly been thrown against the wall. She didn't fall and was able to support herself by leaning against the warm metal. Her blue eyes flashed in anger to meet the dark brown ones of Princess Azula.

Azula smiled wickedly and motioned for two Fire Nation guards to grab Suki. The two guards roughly and quickly did as instructed. She struggled without much luck.

"Oh please," Azula smiled,"You aren't going to escape. Give up and answer my questions."

"No!," Suki yelled as she continued to struggle with both arms restrained apart from one another.

"Even if you did escape," Azula began loosing her patience quickly,"You have to remember there are enough Firebenders here to burn you to a crisp. Including me." Azula smiled at the last sentance as she made a blue flame appear in her hand.

Suki had decided it would be better to save her energy. Live to fight another day. She stopped struggling and looked at Azula, her eyes filled with hatred,"What do you want?"

"You have ventured with the Avatar...correct?," Azula began in a bussiness-like tone. Her patience had been restored as she watched Suki's hope slowly diminish.

Suki nodded,"But I don't know where they are so you're wasting your time!"

"For some reason," Azula said getting close to Suki's face,"I really don't believe you. Now...tell me. Where are they?"

"First tell me where the other Kyoshi Warriors are," Suki seemed to demand.

Azula pretended to think this over for a moment,"Mmmm...," she smiled,"No. I don't see you in a position to ask me any questions or for me to answer you. You are beginning to annoy me. Tell me where the Avatar is," Azula said loosing the business-like tone and adopting a more hostile one.

Suki looked down away from Azula,"Sokka will rescue me. I want him to still trust me when he does."

Azula laughed,"You really think he cares about you? That thick-headed Water Tribe boy? He's travelling the world. Meeting new people...meeting new girls. He's probably forgotten all about you and moved on by now." Azula circled Suki whispering these words in her ear like a dark vulture. The words struck Suki like daggers, but she tried to hide the pain.

Suki shook her head in disbelief,"You don't know him..."

"I don't? But I do. As one girl to another, I know much about men and thier ways. Their cruel ways, kind ways, ways they deal with love..."

"What would someone with a black heart like yours know about love?"

Azula looked at her and put a hand over her heart," that hurt." She chuckled and turned away,"Guards [they stood at full attention] take our little warrior friend to her cell."

"Yes Princess," they both echoed each other. As they were leaving, Suki turned to Azula her eyes still burning with hatred,"Sokka WILL rescue me...

...I know he will."