Gah...GAh...GAH...gah. Nothing rhymes with orange...except doorhinge. What can you say about an orange doorhinge? Nothing. Bleh...blah...bloo. Jake the dog rolled around on the floor next to the desk groaning and moaning. (Be mature =3= )

"Hey, Jake, are you okay?," Finn asked as he sat up in his orange caterpillar-like sleeping bag.

"," Jake said with a pout as he continued to roll around.

"What's wrong?," Finn asked unzipping his sleeping bag and sitting next to his friend.

"I can't think of anything that rhymes with orange except doorhinge."


"No...," the dog said as he put his two front paws in front of him and stretched the rest of his body to the ceiling and then back to his normal shape,"I'm trying to write a poem for Lady Rainicorn, complimenting her colors."

"Oh...romance stuff, then?," Finn deducted.

"Yeah...wanna hear what I have so far?"

"Of course!," Finn said crossing his legs as his friend stood up.

Jake cleared his throat and placed one hand dramaticly on his chest. He left the other one outstretched to his normal level of elasticity,

"Your blonde mane

Is so beautiful it drives me insane

Your dark eyes

Shine like stars in the night skies

Your many colors are so unique

I believe we should start with pink


You were my missing link


You're as sweet as a burple


There is no one as lovely as you


You make me one lucky fellow


You knock some sense into my head


I h-you...we...GAH."

Jake sat down and put his head in his hands. Finn put an encouraging hand on his shoulder,"Don't worry, we'll find something that rhymes with orange."

Jake stood up, "Yeah! Maybe if we ask around someone can help us!"


[Insert "What time is it? Adventure time!" *sword goes through words* Here]

"How the lump am I supposed to know?"," LSP asked quizzically.

"Please, LSP, you can't think of anything?," Finn asked in desperation.

"Like, no. Oh my glob, you smoothies are so strange," LSP said crossing her arms.

"Please, Princess," Jake tried,"Give a dog a bone."

"Lump off! Like, you should ask Marceline or something...," LSP suggested floating away.

"To Red Reck Cliffs, then?," Jake asked.

[Insert "AAAdventure Time!" Here]

"Hmmmm...," Marceline pondered,"That is a hard word to rhyme. Are you writing a song or something?"

"Nah," Jake said,"I'm writing a poem for Lady Rainicorn."

"Oh. I see, sorry I can't really help you there," Marceline replied beginning to play her axe-bass,"You could always ask Bonnibel. Not that she would exactly have the best advice."

"Okay. Thanks Marcy!," Finn said as they walked out of the cave waving.

[Insert "Adventure Time! Mathmatical!" Here]

"Finn...Jake, what can I do for you?," Princess Bubblegum asked.

"Princess, do you know any words that rhyme with orange," Jake began and added,"Besides doorhinge."

"Hmmm...," Princess Bubblegum thought,"I don't believe so...why?"

"I'm writing a poem for Lady Rainicorn and I need to find something to rhyme with all her colors," Jake explained.

Princess Bubblegum raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms,"You do know that Lady Rainicorn does not have the color orange on her body, right?"

"Oh yeah..."