Natsumi has been getting ready for her first date with Giroro. She couldn't help but to feel nervous yet excited. She decided to wear her yellow skirt with a pink shirt. She put on some perfume as her mom had suggested. She looked at her self in the big mirror she had in her room to make sure everything was in place and that she looked perfect for her date.

"Wonder what Giroro will dress as? He knows were going to the movies and then to the amusement park, where I've won tickets to from Mutsumi's radio. Will he wear his Pekopian suit?" Natsumi wonders. All of a sudden the house tumbles hearing that familiar scream coming from Keroro.

"stupid frog! He better not ruin my date with Giroro! Better yet Giroro better not be late! Were suppose to meet in like 3 minutes! Urg!" she starts to head down stairs to Keroro's room. As she was about to go down the latter the house rumbles as she hears an explosion inside Keroro's room.

She notices that Tamama with burn skin and his afro on, was unconscious by the ladder that lead them up stairs, the door has been blasted off and the smoke from the explosion coming out. Mois was leaning against the wall with her face all red and some of her hair out of place. What happen?

"Natsumi!" Mois smiled as her face was still red.

"what? Natsumi is here? Don't come in!" Keroro shouted from his cloudy room.

"Ku...ku...ku" kululu chuckled softly.

"Natsumi? Yeah don't come in!" Giroro shouted in panic. Now this made Natsumi wonder.

"you frogs better not be trying to invade earth now!" she shouted as she walked into the room. There was still smoke all around but she saw Kululu with a burn skin and also with an afro twitching on the ground with his broken glasses still able to laugh... 'creepy...' she thought to her self. She kept on walking and steps onto something squishy. She looks down and notices she was stepping on Keroro Who was also burnet and wearing that stupid afro on his head.

"Gero! She found me," Keroro tried to squirm away but Natsumi grabbed him, pulling him by the arm and brings him up to her eye level.

"Now Giroro, I hope you'll be showing up soon and not hide like your coward leader," Natsumi called out.

"I-I rather n-not show u-up" Giroro stumbled on his words.

"miss Natsumi! Let me clear this smoke for you," Dororo shouted from the looks of from above. "ninja style Fan!" all of a sudden the smoke started to be sucked up and soon it was all gone.

Natsumi looked around wondering what Keroro and Giroro were trying to hide. The room was a mess, everything was out of place, the computer screen was broken, his gundams were everywhere, there was a naked male with blond hair, his chair was broken, the fan had crashed onto the ground and the fridge looked unharmed. wait a minute... A naked person... With blond hair...

"AAAAHHHHHH!" Natsumi screamed as she fell backwards dropping Keroro. The blond hair male got on his feet and grabbed her before she hit the ground. They were in the dip position, their faces were one inch apart.

He had spiky short yet long blond hair slightly covering his very dark blue eyes. He had muscular arms and she could see his six pack abs But were slightly being covers by his belt that was hanging weirdly on his chest. She all of a sudden noticed that scar on his left eye.

"Gi-Giroro?" she stumbled.

"y-yeah," human Giroro replied with his face all red.

"... Get some clothes on!" she shouted as tried to struggle out of his grasp but ended up making Giroro lose his balance and fall on top of Natsumi.

"ouch... I'm not used to this body yet..." Giroro mumbled as he got up and saw Natsumi's face redder as his skin when he was a frog. "Natsumi?" he looked confused.

"PUT SOME FU*KING CLOTHES ON!" Natsumi screamed covering her face with her hands to cover her blush.

"you never cared before," Giroro said as he got off her and sat in front of her.

"because you were a frog! And it looked natural!" Natsumi yelled as she covers her eyes, still her face extremely red.

"Ku..ku...ku... You get.. A nose bleed... Whenever you... See her naked old man," Kululu chuckled. He was still on the ground twitching.

"uhh... Well.. Uhh" Giroro began to blush.

"you saw me naked?" Natsumi yelled.

"well I just happened to walk by and then... Uhhh! You know what I'll go put some clothes on! How about I meet you over there at the movie theater since I need to look for some clothes that will fit me, don't worry, I'll be there like in 5 minutes alright," Giroro said as he began to stand up and Natsumi heard the door to the fridge close.

"what happened? What made Giroro into a human?" Natsumi asked as she removed her hands from her eyes.

"You could say flash back?" Mois came in the room.

{well since you asked so nicely I shell go back in time to Giroro's point of view...}

Giroro in his frog form had been walking down to Keroro's room since he has been summoned. Everyone knew he was suppose to get ready for a date, and he planed to go over there so he could pick up a Pekopian suite. He entered Keroro's room and noticed that everyone in the platoon was here except Dororo.

"Gero gero gero," Keroro laughed. "this is indeed a perfect chance to get close to Natsumi and embarrass her! Giroro you will do your best!" Keroro smirked.

"... You really think I'll follow your orders?" Giroro glares at him.

"you could say, rebellion?" Mois said as she pours some tea into Keroro's cup.

"if you do then I can help you out," Keroro said as he took a sip from his cup of tea.

"I don't need any help from you,"

"Let me guess, your going to borrow a Pekopian suit?" Keroro asked.

"yeah? What of it?" Giroro eyed Keroro speciously.

"that seems kind of gross if you think about it... An older man going out with a young girl?" Tamama remarked. "and putting those suits will make it look much worst, it'll look like your her farther,"

Giroro flinched at his words. He never really thought about it, all he could think of is going on a date with Natsumi, but that's about it. 'I don't want to ruin the date for Natsumi, but to achieve that, I need to pay a price...' He thought to himself.

"having second thoughts eh?" Keroro laughed. "you see, I asked Kululu to make this gun for me to make us humans, and you know how our ageing system works compare to the human years right? Well... With this gun you'll I don't know, just be 2 years older then Natsumi and that will look normal... Sure we had that other gun that turns us to humans and the one that you stole to use to go to that grand ball with Natsumi… But as you noticed it doesn't last very long. But with this new one it'll last for a while" Keroro explained.

"you want me to turn into a full Pekopian?" Giroro asked.

"yes, the very first one to try it and find out the bugs" Keroro smiled.

"kukukuku genie pig," Kululu chuckled.

"screw that! I don't care, there's no way I'm going to go through with this kind of crap again! I'll get a Pekopian suit and I don't care what others think, its only what Natsumi thinks counts more," Giroro shouted. He started to walk towards the fridge until he heard a click.

"I was trying to help you out pal," Keroro said as he crossed his arms across his chest as Kululu and Tamama stood behind him.

"You shouldn't get Gunso so mad Giroro," Tamama smirked.

"kukukuku" Kululu laughed, as he cocked the gun and held it into his two hands.

"you could say, bullies?" Mois looked nervous.

"fire!" Keroro commanded.

"try if you dare," Giroro growls as he gets his grenades.

"kukuku" Kululu laughed as he aimed the gun at him, but Giroro was too fast that he charges at him, kicking him in the face as Kululu drops the gun next to Keroro.

"it was worth it kukukuku" he chuckled as his glasses broke.

"Gero!" Keroro panics as he picked the gun up and tries to aim it at Giroro, who he ends up using Kululu's face as an extra boost knocking Kululu onto the ground and Giroro does an ax kick on Keroro.

"Tama!" Tamama yelp as Giroro grabs his tail.

"your not going anywhere privet," Giroro growls

"Uncle!" Mois gets angry as she transforms into her original form. "no one hurts uncle!" she yelled. She grabs her Lucifer spear "Hellmageddon 1:1" she yells as she hits Giroro and having everyone else in the way. Shaking the house completely. For some odd reason the gun was triggered and the grey silver beam shoots at Giroro.

"GAH!" Giroro yells. As the commotion dies down, Mois noticed that there was a naked male on top of the other three. Just like any girl her face had gotten bright red and left the room

"urg.." Giroro groans as he gets up, not used to his new legs and arms he falls to the ground making the others yelp in pain.

"Get off," Tamama struggles underneath him.

"kukukuku" Kululu chuckles

"your to heavy," Keroro complains

"and who's fault is this? I'm going to kill you all!" he gets his grenades and puts them all in there mouth. "open wide, eat your breakfast," Giroro yells. He didn't realized that he activates another grenade in his hand. "awww crap," he throws it at keroro's door ducking down.

{KABOOM... So that brings us to now... I guess... Who knows... Might as well call this an extra chapter since its long... It wasn't suppose to be like that... Am I going to get paid for over time?}

After hearing to story from Mois, Natsumi left the house and went to the meeting spot Giroro had suggested. Was he really a human? 'he did look... Cute.. And his muscles were-' she imagine naked Giroro and she started to blush which she shook her head back and forth. 'stop thinking weird stuff!' she yelled at her self. "Then again… he must have been that handsome man who danced with me now that I think about it…" She thought to her self. She looked at her surrounding and has noticed that she was already at the movies waiting outside.

"hey there girly," a group of boys came by. "are you all alone" a red head asked.

"uhh... Nope?" Natsumi said afraid where this was going.

"well it looks like you are, do you want to come and hang out with us?" a burnet dude asked.

"no thanks, I'm waiting for someone," Natsumi smiled.

"who?" asked a blue haired dude.

"that would be me," a voice said from behind. They all turned around and saw a tall well built male with blond hair and a scar going on his left eye. He was wearing a camouflage sleeveless shirt, with a short sleeve red jacket. Along with a brown baggie pants with a ripped hole on his right knee. He had a dog tag on, and if looked closely you'll spot G66 with a skull engraved into it.

"lets get out of here, she's dating some gangster, sexy, or bad ass guy" one of the guys said as the scrambled away.

"Hey," Giroro walked up to her. "you ok?" he asked as he grabbed the end of her hair and let it slip between his fingers...

"G-Giroro," she stumbled as she blushed and looked down

{whoa, that doesn't sound like Giroro at all!}

'its true, I don't know but being in this form makes me feel stronger and... More courageous...' Giroro thought and was panicking inside his head but in the outside he was smirking reviling one of his pointy tooth and was staring at Natsumi.

"uhh.. If we don't hurry our movie will start without us." Natsumi blushes while Giroro nodes and lets her lead the way, holding hands which both of them started to blush.

{So as Natsumi had to get the tickets since Giroro was so new at it, and had no money so he felt bad when Natsumi paid for it and even though she said it was cool. They bought the popcorn and soda. So they made there way through the crowd and picked some good seats in the middle row and sat down next to each other}

"Want some popcorn while we wait for the movie to start?" Giroro offered her.

"Sure" Natsumi smiled as she reached in for some popcorn. As they were entertained watching the commercials they ate some popcorn. They would reach in at the same time making there hands bump into each other, making them look at each other and make them blush.

"Ok, you've seen these in shows and movies, be a man and do it." Giroro thought to him self as he took a peek at Natsumi who was too entertained watching the commercials. He moves closer to Natsumi as he slowly raises his hand to put it over her shoulder. Natsumi noticed that he moved and looked at Giroro, who ended up backing away blushing. Natsumi giggled as she moves close to him and snuggles towards him giving him an ok to have his arm around her. Which he was glad to take the invitation.

"So what movie did you picked?" Giroro asked.

"I picked random, well I asked the lady who gave us the tickets to give us the one that was popular for couples," She blushed. "L-let me see the name," She took out her ripped ticket her expression changed. Giroro looked at her and became concern when she just froze like that.

"W-Whats the matter?" Giroro asked. Natsumi didn't say anything so he took the paper out of her hand and read it.

Good for one person: Rated R:

"When Ghost hunt them"

Giroro knew right away what kind of movie this was going to be about… one of his worst fears and maybe Natsumi's… Ghosts… He gulped and looked at Natsumi.

"I-I t-think w-we s-should l-leave," Natsumi stumbled on her words. Giroro nodded. He looked around and noticed that its been packed. They were surrounded by a lot of young couples that were blocking there way.

"I-I t-think w-we are s-stuck here," Giroro stated.

"We can still get around them. C-come on Giroro, before the movie start-" Natsumi got interrupted when they lights turned off making it impossible to see, even the screen couldn't provide enough light.

"HEY SIT DOWN!" Someone form behind them shouted. They automatically sat down.

{Because we are far to young to go into details about the movie we shell just go straight to a short summary… So of course once the movie started they were frozen in fear and couldn't do a thing. Ghost here and ghost there. Ghost up and ghost down. Ghost everywhere! We all know there biggest fear in ghost, and since this movie was rated R it made their situation even worst…... So the movie is finished and the cute couple were long gone in the real world. Giroro was unconscious with some foam coming out of is mouth twitching. Natsumi in the other hand had fainted as her face was blue…. We should give them some time to return to there normal selves….. LATER…..}

It was an awkward moment for the both of them to be such cowards to pass out on a movie that wasn't suppose to be scary to what the people were complaining and bragging about. After they got themselves back together they left the movies quickly and headed to the amusement park. Where they handed there tickets to the person and got a cute pony stamp on there hand.

"I think we should get something to eat before we hit the rides," Natsumi suggested.

"Yeah, I agree with you, after that movie," He shivers. "I could use a good meal," Giroro smiled as they walked hand in hand to the nearest fast food. As they ordered there yummy unhealthy food they took a seat and began to chow down.

"So what kind of rides do you want to get on?" Giroro asked.

"we should ride all of them!" Natsumi smiled as she took a bite of her fry.

"That's fine with me… may I make an exception though?" Giroro said as he looked down. "Maybe I shouldn't say a thing, If Natsumi wants to ride all of them then I should man it up… as much as I don't want to ride on those ghost rides…" Giroro thought to him self. "Never mind, forget what I said," Giroro said as he took a drink from his soda.

"Giroro…. Ok, why not stay away from those ghost rides, I've already had enough of these ghost," Natsumi smiled. She saw that Giroro showed relief.

{awww isn't that cute? Well as like in normal dates, it went fairly well. They went on all the rides which none of them threw up there food and were bold enough to go for the ones where no one dared set foot in. Not only did they ride the rides but they played a lot of games which Giroro kicked butt at most and so did Natsumi. They got so many prizes that they give it away to little kids who envied there awesome giant prizes. Of course Giroro being the dude in the show got her a gift which she was grateful too. They had a lot of fun that it was time to go home.}

"Thanks Giroro, I had a great time," she blushes as they were getting near the house.

"yeah, it was... We should do it again..." Giroro smiled as they reached the front door. "so.. Would.. Uhh.." he starts to blush trying to form his words.

"... Giroro?" she mumbles as he looks at her, and she tip toes to kiss him on the lips as he kisses back as they both close there eyes. What seemed to be hours it was only a couple of minutes. As the kiss started to get passionately all of a sudden Natsumi no longer felt his lips onto hers and heard a thump. She opened her eyes and looked around. "Giroro?" She called.

"ouch.. Down here," Giroro mumbled who was sitting on the ground. He was back to his normal red frog.

"What the hell?" Natsumi said as she kneeled down

"I take it the time has ran out," Giroro explained as he stood back up. "Out of all the moments this one had to get interrupted," Giroro grumbled.

"Silly Giroro," She chuckled. "I don't care what form you take… well as long as they aren't slugs… but I love you for who you are," She said as she put her hand over his heart. "I love you for being you, it's the inside that matters Giroro not the outside," She smiled.

"Your right, I don't care what form I take nor you, as long as I am with you I will be happy. I love you.. My Warrior Princess," Giroro smiled as he leaned in and gives her a kiss only to have his kiss being return by Natsumi.

{alright, that is the end of the story! Truly the end! There's no way I'm working over time. If you want you can make up the after wards story for this... Just remember to give me some credit for it since I'm such an awesome dude! Thanks for sticking with us and hope you enjoyed this more then I have… Really! Remember fans, Giroro only has eyes for his Warrior Princess... Remember that writer! You have no chance against Natsumi, its an automatic lost for you! Anyways... Don't kill me if you didn't like the story! Fin... }

The End... For realz 3

A/N: x3 Sup! Well this is the last chapter and the end of my first fan fiction and maybe my last! I'd like to thank everyone who read it to the very end and left there reviews upon it. You have no idea how happy I became when I have received reviews from you guys! Without you guys who knows if this would have ended x3 and thanks to those who followed the story, making me realized that you wanted more :D

To be honest I was going to end it earlier and blarg but with so many reviews on the last chapter I couldn't give you a horrible epilogue ^^; I had to rewrite it and add more stuff into it because I just had to make you all happy xD

I hope I didn't disappointed you guys with the end… after all the ending either makes an angry mob or makes people satisfied xD…. Who knows if I'll make another Sgt frog story but if I do… I hope it'll be as good as this one or even better! But who knows if this will be my last ^^; Then again I did hear that doing fan fictions do help you become a better artist/writer…. Well fare well and THANKS FOR STICKING WITH ME! And MOSTLY A BIG THANKS TO THOSE WHO WROTE A REVIEWS ON ALL THE CHAPTERS! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! *Claps and gives yous ice cream with cake*