Jennifer Jareau couldn't believe what was happening. Sure, she knew something was going to happen in the end. She and Will couldn't go on like this forever, not with all the accusations. But she definitely didn't see it coming like this.

Things hadn't been good over the past nine months. In fact, that was a huge understatement. Things had been awful; almost unbearable some nights.

It all started at David Rossi's birthday party. He had a huge party at his 'cabin' as he called it, but let's be honest, it was a mansion. Everybody was there and it was a great night.

At the end of the night JJ, Will and their two beautiful little boys, Henry and Logan, said their goodbyes to Rossi. JJ pressed a light, friendly birthday kiss to the older profiler's cheekā€¦ and that was where the suspicion began.

Will was different in the car ride home that night. He was quieter than usual, shrugging off some of her questions and not looking in her direction once.

They arrived home and put the boys to bed. It was well past their bedtime.

Once in their own bedroom he still hadn't looked her way once. Finally, when she couldn't take it anymore, she asked him what was wrong. That's when he spoke the words that nearly had her jaw hitting the floor.

'Are you cheatin' on me, JJ?'

JJ couldn't believe what she was hearing. They argued for hours that night, until it got so bad that they woke Henry up. That's when they decided to call it quits for the night and JJ slept in the spare room.

And that was just the start of it.

From then on almost every time JJ came back from a case she was accused of sleeping with David Rossi. Will did always wonder why that man went to so much trouble to get his wife back in the BAU.

Things got worse a few months later when the team had an outing to the bar. After that the accusations weren't just about Rossi, but Hotch and Morgan and Reid too. He thought she was sleeping with them all.

Life became almost unbearable from then on, but she couldn't leave him. She had to stay strong for Henry and Logan. They needed their father and as much as his paranoia hurt her, she could never take his children away from him.

If it were only the accusations, she could have dealt with it; for her boys.

But things got even worse.

The team and friends had gathered for Jack's birthday. Again, it was a good party; Henry and Logan were having a great time. That afternoon when they were getting ready to leave, Jack was helping Logan tie his shoelaces, when Garcia pointed out that the boys looked alike. JJ had to agree, apart from their eye color, Jack and Logan could pass for brothers.

When they got home that evening, the accusations got worse than JJ could have ever imagined.

'He's not mine, is he?'

'What? Who?'

'Logan. He's Hotchner's kid. I know it.'

From then on Will not only argued with JJ, but he distanced himself from their youngest child. It broke JJ's heart completely as she watched the man she had once loved reject their little boy.

It wasn't long before Will's paranoia grew and he started to suspect that Henry wasn't his either. He'd always noticed how Spencer Reid seemed to have a special bond with the older little boy.

The blonde profiler tried for weeks to convince her husband that he needed help. He needed to see somebody. But he was having none of it.

It then became clear to JJ that she needed to leave him. He didn't love her or their children anymore. Surely, as hard as the transition would be, it would be better in the long run for her and the boys.

So as it poured down with rain, she drove back to the house she lived in, a place she could no longer call her home, she decided she would talk to Will when she arrived back. Either he needed to agree to get some help for his paranoia or she was taking the boys and they would be out of the house by the end of the weekend.

She prayed that this ultimatum would make him see that he was going to lose his family if he didn't stop this madness.

As JJ pulled up outside the house, her eyes widened at what she saw. The blonde jumped out of the car and ran through the pouring rain towards the two shivering pajama clad figures that sat on the doorstep. Her nostrils inhaled the smell of burning, like a bonfire. But this wasn't unusual as Halloween had only just passed and people were still using up leftover fireworks.

"Henry, what's going on?" The woman practically shouted as she reached her children. "Why are you to outside so late in the rain?"

"Daddy said we got to stay away from him." Henry sobbed out; releasing the tight grip he had on his little three year old brother to hug his mother.

JJ pulled both of her little boys into her arms before picking up Logan and taking Henry's hand, quickly leading them to the car. She could feel how wet and cold they were. They must have been soaked through. If that bastard had made her boys ill, she'd kill him.

They reached the car and Henry climbed inside the back and shuffled along to the other side, before JJ placed Logan in next to him. "Okay, you boys stay here for a minute and Mommy's going to get us some spare clothes."

They nodded, tears still running down both of their beautiful little faces.

Before going to the house JJ went to the front of the car and turned on the engine, whacking the heat up full blast.

After that the blonde launched herself towards the house, ripping her keys out of her purse on the way. She reached the front door and let herself in, before leaping up the stairs and into the boy's bedroom.

Her bright blue eyes nearly sprang out of her head as she looked around the room; all of their toys were gone. She ran over to the same closet and yanked the door open; their clothes were missing too. She quickly grabbed the boys' security blankets, which were still on the beds and exited the room.

The angry female stomped down the corridor to her own room which she had shared with Will for over eight years. She was surprised to find that he wasn't in the room. Throwing the door to their closet open, she was even more shocked to find all her clothes gone also. Maybe Will's already packed our things. She thought.

At that thought her attention was stolen by the orange glow that was lighting the room through the window. She moved over to the window and really couldn't believe what she was seeing.

JJ sprang into action and launched herself downstairs, before running into the big back garden. In the garden she found her husband sitting in a chair with a bottle of beer in his hand, next to a huge fire.

As the blonde gazed into the fire, she could see her belonging disintegrating. A tear ran down the female profiler's cheek as she spotted some of Henry's baby books along with the first cuddly toy she'd ever bought for Logan burning.

He'd burnt everything.

"WILL!" She screamed at him, as the tears began to fall faster. "Why are you doing this?"

"Get outta here JJ." He spoke into the fire, not looking at his wife.

"Okay I get it, you want us gone." She screeched. "BUT WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BURN ALL OF OUR STUFF?"

"Just leave." Will spoke calmly. "Go stay at Hotchner's house, or Rossi's. I'm sure either would be happy for another ride on you."

"YOU'RE INSANE!" JJ screamed as she ran back through the house with only her purse and the boys' blankets.

Reaching the car, JJ ripped the driver's side door open and jumped inside, before resting her head on the steering wheel.

"Mommy?" The voice of her three year old son rang. "Why you crying?"

"I'm okay, Logan." She assured him, turning and offering him a smile, which he halfheartedly returned.

Their Mom then passed back the blankets she had rescued.

"Where are all our clothes?" Henry asked.

"We're going to get new clothes tomorrow, Honey." JJ tried to remain smiling in front of her babies, when deep inside she wanted to bawl her eyes out.

"Where are we sleeping?" Henry asked.

At that question, JJ's smile dropped. She hadn't even thought about that. Where were they going to go?

It would be useless to start searching for a 'bed and breakfast' at this hour. JJ really didn't want to intrude on her teammates lives, but she couldn't have her little boys sleeping in the car in their soaking wet pajamas. They'd catch pneumonia.

She quickly ruled out Hotch and Garcia as they only had very small apartments anyway. The last thing they needed was three house guests at this hour. Rossi and Reid lived too far away so that was them out of the window. That left Morgan or Emily.

"We're going to see if your Aunt Emily can take us in for the night, okay?" JJ told her sons.

"Sergio!" Logan shouted excitedly, clapping his hands.

"Yeah, that's right."

With that said the blonde profiler drove to her best friend's house, praying the boys would be good and they wouldn't be intruding too much on Emily. They would just stay for one night then find a more appropriate solution in the morning.

JJ pulled up outside Emily's place and helped Henry out of the car before dragging Logan into her arms. She locked the car and took hold of Henry's hand as she walked up to her friend's front door. She let go of her eldest's hand and raised her arm to the door, knocking three times.