Meet me Chloe, I mean no harm
Barely audible whistles sound as the wind pushes through the trees. Ruffling the leaves with it, as she turns her head towards the sound. Death and decay pervaded the air as the breeze touches her cheek. Her name is Chloe, and she is the sole survivor of a group of four. Tears threaten the edges of her eyes as she remembers their deaths, one by one. Her jaw tightens as she fights back the tears, eager to fall down her cheeks as she presses on. Alert and wary of every sound, every movement. She had been traveling for nearly a week alone. One would be amazed at the need to live present in this woman. A movement in the bushes would catch her eye every so often, only for it to be something as minor as a cat, or a now ownerless dog. She remembered her dog, Kiche, a wolf and German Shepherd hybrid. Kiche was a large canine, able to take down things much larger than Chloe. That was until a beast had found her and her group, the biggest she'd ever seen..
"C'mon Chloe, lets go. I have a bad feeling about this place."
"In a moment James, I want to see what's in this room"
James was a fair skinned man, almost five foot eleven with dirty blonde hair and the deepest green eyes, as if he was the incarnation of a forest. He had wanted to leave the hotel they'd stumbled upon. As was, he had a bad feeling about the place, and didn't want to linger a moment longer. Chloe, stubborn as always, was curious about the room in the far right corner. They'd managed to ransack the entire floor, finding food and clothing, a room with working water. Yet she wanted to see more, and that dear curiosity, had cost her the only human companions she'd met since the outbreak.
Elias had instructed them to stay in pairs, as he assumed the leader position in the group. He was six foot two, pale skinned, and such a thin man that no one expects the commanding presence about him, one which everyone seemed to respect. As she and James ventured upstairs, Elias and McKenzie were content to stay in the lobby. McKenzie, the only other female in the group, was fair skinned and closer to five foot three, was always jumping at the slightest sound, acting more like a cat, ready to run, than any form of warrior. Chloe, standing a whole five foot six, skin just lighter than the color of caramel, had packed a much more powerful punch and willingness to fight, than all of her companions combined. And Kiche was always by her side, ready to fight with her, to the death if she must.
A rumble in the room had stopped them short, Chloe had her pistols at the ready, as did James with his shotgun. Kiche was braced, hairs on end, and teeth bared, looking every bit as vicious as the wolf in her allowed. Boom boom boom. The sound had echoed through the narrow hallway, shaking the ground with each boom. They knew just what to expect, as they narrowly survived their last encounter. The beast roared its attack, standing well over ten foot tall. Arms bulging with an overload of muscle as it burst through the door, heading straight for them. It was a Tank, the one thing they feared aside from Witches and Hunters. James and Chloe fired immediately, running down the narrow hallway as they did, amazed the beast could even fit in it. Kiche ran ahead of them only by a few paces, teeth still bared, growling her hatred of the creature. They'd managed to get into the still operational elevator just moments before the Tank knocked a huge dent into the door, narrowly escaping. Immediately heading to the lobby, they rode in silence, it was too quiet, and James, again, got that feeling.
"Shh, quiet."
James quieted Chloe as best he could, as she was trembling all over. Whimpering from all the fear she felt, she never liked the Tanks. Never wanted to deal with one, yet this was her second. They hit the lobby floor, and the elevator doors did not open. The dent left by the Tank prevented that. Chloe thought it best to climb out of the top, and so she did after pushing Kiche out the exit first.
"How's it look, Chloe?"
"Its.. quiet. Dark, and completely empty. C'mon."
She scanned the elevator shaft carefully, many times over. She would suffer no such surprises this time. She assured herself that everything would be fine. Little did she know, fate had a completely different plan in store. The sudden roar from outside the elevator took her by surprise, she heard no gunshots from her other allies, and then the fear had completely overtaken her. Did they survive? She didn't have time to process the thoughts before the elevator door was busted in, as she frantically tried to help James up out of the elevator. As he slipped from her arms, she had only one thought in her mind, watching the Tank murder him just under her. I caused this..
She climbed, furiously, and looked down at Kiche. Hoping she would escape unscathed. The canine could not climb with her, and seemed to understand this. As Chloe got to the top floor, she found a stairwell. Vowing to comeback for Kiche, and made her escape..
As she walked aimlessly, she knew it would only be a matter of time before they came. Her encounter with one too many Commons had left with several bruises and cuts, her blood still fresh, she needed to find a safe house, and soon. Her pistols empty, fighting her way with a Machete and a pocket knife, could only last her so long. As she stumbled upon a beaten up house, She figured it would be better than being in the open, and made her way closer. She pushed softly on the slightly ajar door, hoping the place was suitable. Chloe had a grimace on her face as the door opened, as the house smelled of rotting flesh and was now wafting towards her in a soft breeze. It had almost made her vomit, but she held her stomach, one hand over nose and the other with the machete, she entered the house. She'd entered the foyer, with a dining room to her left and a kitchen to her right, a hallway stretched in front of her. As she inspected the kitchen, she found there was quite the supply of food, and her stomach began to growl. She hadn't eaten in days, but it would have to wait, she needed to inspect the place first. As she crept down the hall, seeing the dining room was empty of all but a table and some chairs, she got a chill down her spine. She'd come across a den, likely a family room, as photos adorned the walls, a man, with brown hair and light brown eyes, a woman with black hair, blue eyes, and two small children, boys, who seemed to be twins as they both had the woman's black hair and blue eyes. The photos appeared older, but she knew this was a family's home. As she made her way to the second level, that chill again, crept down her spine. She'd inspected three bedrooms, all empty, and only one to go. She loomed just outside it, peering in. It appeared empty, and she'd settled on sleeping in this room, as it suffered the least damage and was free of any human remains. Chloe made her way back to the kitchen, amazed the stove worked, and heated up a can of Ravioli she'd found, desperate for the food before her. Making her way back into her appointed room, she fell into a semi comfortable sleep in the bed, adorned with soft pillows and comforters.
She awoke suddenly to the sound of rustling in "her" room. Eyes searching every corner and crevice for any sign of movement. Just beyond the closet, something had caught her eye, she reached for her machete that wasn't there. Swore she'd put it right beside her, and instead got up slowly, pocket knife in hand, as the figure crept out from the dark recesses. It was hooded, sporting a black hoodie and loose blue jeans, converse for shoes. It slowly crept towards her, as she backed away, playing an odd cat and mouse game. Inching away, she knew exactly what it was. A Hunter.. Her heart was racing, as fear swelled within her. The Hunter kept a trained eye on her, as it inched closer, making soft growling noises at her. She knew nothing of defending herself from one in such close quarters, as she'd always shot them on sight before it got too close. She was truly terrified, but prepared to fight if she must. It inched closer still, and her back was again the wall. Without warning, it shot up and landed on her, her pocket knife sliding out of reach as she swung at the beast. Yet it did not attack, only looked at her curiously. She couldn't see its face, its hood hid its features very well. By the weight and size of it, she figured it must've been male, also being that she'd never seen a female Hunter. He traced on claw along her jaw line, gentle as ever, and her fear spiked higher still. Wasn't he going to eat me? Shouldn't I be dead already, guts spilled over the floor? Her thoughts pouring in her head all at once, she was confused and yet, still scared. He continued to trace her jaw line delicately, his teeth bared and lips curled up in a sort of snarl. He'd leaned down to her face, sniffing her cheek and ears. Chloe froze, she was now weaponless and helpless with a dangerous infected atop her, sniffing her. She'd imagined she may have smelled like a feast to him, although she hadn't showered in weeks, merely washing off the dirt and grime in sinks. With a sudden grunt, he leapt off of her, done sniffing her apparently, and into the opposite corner. Chloe curled herself up, preparing to stand, when she noticed he was as well. At his full height, he was about six foot seven, still snarling at her. She, being only five foot six and still human, would be barely any harm to him. Not only did she not have her machete, she was against a very large and powerful Hunter.
The thought had invaded her mind to just give up, to let him kill her, but her instinct told her not to. Her instinct was of the fighting kind, it wouldn't let her give up. He was still standing in the corner, although no longer snarling, she still didn't feel safe. He was watching her, she couldn't see his eyes, but she could feel them assessing her every movement. She glanced at her pocket knife across the room, knowing it would be highly dangerous to try and retrieve it, so pushed the thought aside. She'd caught sight of her machete, just inside the closet. Had he taken it from me as I slept? She wondered. Knowing again, it was too risky. They stood there for a long while, just staring at each other. Her staring at where his eyes would be under his hood, and him staring at her eyes, the fear obvious in them.
"What do you want? Huh?"
She spat the question out as if it was a sickness. He just held her gaze, responding with a growl and a show of teeth, quickly shutting her up. She clenched and unclenched her jaw in frustration. Can he even speak or understand me? As if in response to her thought, he made a soft growl at her, she'd jumped in surprise. He can hear my thoughts too? What the fuck? She watched him eagerly. He made no response. No attempt to answer her. She sat down on the floor, tired of standing, as he crouched down. Eyes still on her from beneath his hood, and briefly, she wondered what he looked like. Minutes passed as she got up the nerve, to crawl over to him, and push back his hood. She started her crawl, and watched as he tensed up, she stopped short as she had no idea what he was going to do. She watched him silently, and crawled forward again, she was a foot from him, as she reached her hand towards his hood, barely five inches from it, his clawed hand had caught her wrist, snarling at her, gripping her wrist a little too tightly. She yelped and jumped back, but his grip was firm on her. He stared at her wrist, how fragile she was compared to him, he could easily snap it. He sniffed at her fingers, licking them, getting acquainted with her smell and feel. Chloe was scared and confused all at once. When he'd stopped, she was trembling, and pushed his hood back as he released her wrist. His snarl just as vicious as the look on his face, but otherwise, he was.. gorgeous. She'd had only a second to see his features before he covered them with the hood again, but what she saw, would make any woman's heart melt. He had a refined yet muscular face, the deepest blue eyes, and the blackest hair she'd ever seen, his lips, although bloodstained, were full and plump, and he had an angled jaw. She thought.. Maybe he looked like an angel. She was brought out of her thoughts when a clawed hand was around her jaw, She immediately thought he was going to kill her then, that removing his hood has utterly pissed him off. Instead, she saw his mouth, pursed in a way that shows he was concentrating. He was studying her face, as she had done. She relaxed a bit, and let him turn her face this way and that. She had dark brown hair and normal brown eyes, and she didn't feel she was much to look at. But he studied her with a frightening intensity, never looking away from her.
"Me.. Chloe"
Her voice had startled him slightly. His grip unmoving, he knew her words, yet they meant almost nothing to him. He couldn't speak very well, if at all. It'd been months since he last spoke a human word. But the words she spoke, he understood, he knew. He simply grunted at her, not able to say much else, nonetheless, she knew he understood. She stood up when she presumed he was done examining her face, thinking of a name to call him. Tyler? Jake? Alex? She couldn't decide, and decided to look into his hoodie pockets for any form of identification. Chloe took her movements slow, as not to frighten him, he just watched her as she moved towards him, only tensing when she reached into his left pocket, but showing no aggression. Empty. She tried the right pocket, as he was being very calm about it. Once she felt something leather, she pulled it out, only to see a wallet, hoping there was some I.D. inside, she opened it.
Christian DeVercci.
Height: 6'7.
Weight: 255 lbs.
Ethnicity: Other.
Age: 21.
She read it aloud, him perking up at the sound of his name. She noticed it, and also noted he was three years older than her, and heavier too. His name was Italian. She knew that's why he looked the way he does. Probably come to America for a better opportunity, then the outbreak changed it all. She noticed his picture, and saw he was just as gorgeous, and muscular too. A gasp came from her as she realized just how gorgeous this man was in life. Probably had women all over him, yet he stayed in his crouched position to her left, watching her curiously. She yawned as she returned his gaze, returning over to her bed, she figured he probably wasn't going to be a threat to her as he hasn't killed her yet, and tried to fall into a restless sleep. His gaze following her, as he curled on the floor to rest, not trusting her completely yet, he intended to fall into a light sleep, just in case she decided to betrayed him. And so began an uneasy partnership between human and Hunter, each unwilling to harm the other..